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Summary A fetuin, fucosyl transferase has been identified in the smooth microsomal fraction from the rat exocrine pancreas. This enzyme is involved in the glycosylation of secretory proteins and is bound to membranes, predominantly of the Golgi complex. Optimal in vitro conditions for the assay of the enzyme activity were established: a pH of 5.5–6.0, a temperature of 21° C and concentrations of Mg+ + at 5.0 mM and ATP at 2.0 mM.Supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn-Bad Godesberg (Ke 113/10). Dedicated to Professor Helmut Ferner, Vienna, on the occasion of his 65th birthday.  相似文献   

Summary Using a double-label technique on isolated rat pancreatic lobules, the rate of synthesis and discharge of regular and fucosylated secretory proteins was studied under control conditions and after in vivo prestimulation with caerulein. Both labeled leucine and fucose were incorporated into pancreatic proteins at a linear rate, which was potentiated by in vivo stimulation. In pulse-chase experiments both regular and fucosylated secretory proteins were discharged into the medium in parallel. The in vivo pretreatment with caerulein caused an earlier discharge and increased the total amount released. Kinetic analysis of unstimulated (baseline) discharge of both classes of secretory proteins indicated a striking in vitro sensitivity by the previous in vivo treatment with caerulein.The biochemical data were compared to the fine structure of the Golgi complex under both control and prestimulated conditions. The Golgi stacks were composed of four to six individual cisternae which in some cases were connected by intercisternal pores. Transporting vesicles were observed fusing along the total length of the outermost cisterna on both the cis- and transside and with the lateral ends of the intermediate cisternae. Under control conditions only the last trans-cisterna contained some electron opaque material; in vivo prestimulation led to distension and filling of all cisternae in an individual Golgi-unit. Numerous stages of transformation of the last transcisterna into condensing vacuoles were observed, lending support to the hypothesis that during packaging of secretory products the membranes of the Golgi complex undergo a continuous turnover.Supported by a grant from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Bonn-Bad-Godesberg (Ke 113/10). The competent technical assistance of Miss Hiltraud Hosser and Miss Helga Hollerbach and the editorial help of Miss Annemarie Erben is gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   

Phosphatase cytochemistry was used to distinguish between the Golgi apparatus and GERL (considered as a specialized region of endoplasmic reticulum [ER] at the inner [trans] aspect of the Golgi stack) in pancreatic exocrine cells of guinea pig, rat, rabbit, and hamster. The trans element of the Golgi stack exhibits thiamine pyrophosphatase (TPPase) but no acid phosphatase (AcPase) activity. In contrast, GERL shows AcPase but no TPPase activity. The nascent secretory granules, or condensing vacuoles, are expanded cisternal portions of GERL. Continuities of condensing vacuoles with rough ER are suggested, and it is proposed that some secretory components may have direct access to the condensing vacuoles from ER. Connections of Golgi apparatus with GERL were not seen.  相似文献   

Summary Glucagon was infused into conscious rats in doses of 10 to 80 g/h for periods up to 24 h. The effect on the secretory process of the exocrine pancreas was studied in vitro using isolated pancreatic lobules. A pronounced inhibition of the rate of protein synthesis and discharge of stored and newly synthesized proteins combined with increased enzyme content in the pancreas were observed after 30 min infusion. This effect was absent after longer infusion periods of up to six hours. After 12 to 24 h infusions a marked degranulation and decrease in enzyme content was observed. While the rate of protein synthesis was not significantly enhanced, both the basal and stimulated discharge of enzymes from the pancreas were increased. The results suggest a biphasic response of the pancreas to prolonged glucagon infusion.Dedicated to Professor Helmut Ferner, Vienna, Austria, on the occasion of his 65th birthday  相似文献   

Regulated secretion inexocrine and neuroendocrine cells occurs through exocytosis ofsecretory granules and the subsequent release of stored small moleculesand proteins. The introduction of biophysical techniques with hightemporal and spatial resolution, and the identification ofCa2+-dependent and -independent "docking" and"fusion" proteins, has greatly enhanced our understanding ofexocytosis. The cloning of families of ion channel proteins, includingintracellular ion channels, has also revived interest in the role ofsecretory granule ion channels in exocytotic secretion. Thus secretorygranules of pancreatic acinar cell express a ClC-2 Clchannel, a HCO-permeable member of the CLCACa2+-dependent anion channel family, and a KCNQ1K+ channel. Evidence suggests that these channels mayfacilitate the release of digestive enzymes and/or prevent exocytosedgranules from collapsing during "kiss and run" recycling. Inpancreatic -cells, a granular ClC-3 Cl channelprovides a shunt pathway for a vacuolar-type H+-ATPase.Acidification "primes" the granules for Ca2+-dependentexocytosis and release of insulin. In summary, secretory granules areequipped with specific sets of ion channels, which modulate regulatedexocytosis and the release of macromolecules. These channels couldrepresent excellent targets for therapeutic interventions to controlexocytotic secretion in relevant diseases, such as pancreatitis, cysticfibrosis, or diabetes mellitus.


The secretory membrane system studied in real-time   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The discovery and development of green fluorescent protein (GFP) from the jellyfish, Aequorea victoria, has revolutionized studies on protein localization and dynamics by allowing direct observation of a protein's life history and pathway in living cells, previously only deduced from genetic, biochemical, or immunolabeling studies. Applied to the secretory membrane system, which regulates delivery of newly synthesized proteins and lipids to the cell surface, GFP-based studies are providing important new insights into the maintenance and biogenesis of organelles, as well as the origin, pathway, and fate of secretory transport intermediates.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of magnesium (Mg2+) on the secretory responses and the mobilization of calcium (Ca2+) and Mg2+ evoked by cholecystokinin-octapeptide (CCK-8) in the exocrine rat pancreas. In the isolated intact perfused pancreas CCK-8 (10–10 M) produced marked increases in juice flow and total protein output in zero and normal (1.1 mM) extracellular Mg2+ [Mg2+]o compared to a much reduced secretory response in elevated (5 mM and 10 mM) [Mg2+]o Similar effects of perturbation of [Mg2+]o on amylase secretion and 45Ca2+ uptake (influx) were obtained in isolated pancreatic segments. In pancreatic acinar cells loaded with the fluorescent bioprobe fura-2 acetomethylester (AM), CCK-8 evoked marked increases in cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration [Ca2+]i in zero and normal [Mg2+]o compared to a much reduced response in elevated [Mg2+]o Pretreatment of acinar cells with either dibutyryl cyclic AMP (DB2 cAMP) or forskolin had no effect on the CCK-8 induced changes in [Ca2+]i. In magfura-2-loaded acinar cells CCK-8 (10–8 M) stimulated an initial transient rise in intracellular free Mg2+ concentration [Mg2+]i followed by a more prolonged and sustained decrease. This response was abolished when sodium Na+ was replaced with N-methyl-D-glucamine (NMDG). Incubation of acinar cells with 10 mM Mg2+ resulted in an elevation in [Mg2+]i. Upon stimulation with CCK-8, [Mg2+]i. decreased only slightly compared with the response obtained in normal [Mg2+]o. CCK-8 caused a net efflux of Mg2+ in pancreatic segments; this effect was abolished when extracellular sodium [Na+]o was replaced with either NMDG or choline. The results indicate that Mg2+ can regulate CCK-8-evoked secretory responses in the exocrine pancreas possibly via Ca2+ mobilization. Moreover, the movement of Mg2+ in pancreatic acinar cells is dependent upon extracellular Na+.  相似文献   

Summary The previous finding that intracellular transport of secretory proteins in the rat exocrine pancreas is accelerated by in vivo stimulation with a pancreatic secretagogue has been further analyzed. Using a radioassay for discharge of newly synthesized proteins, the rate of release was compared in control and prestimulated lobules. In control preparations discharge occurred with an initial lag period of 30 minutes and a maximum after two hours of incubation. After in vivo infusion of 5 × 10-8 g/hr. caerulein for 24 h in vitro discharge started after 10 minutes of in vitro incubation and attained a maximal rate after one hour. Using the same radioassay and several inhibitors of intracellular transport and granule discharge, it could be demonstrated that both processes were reduced to the same extent in controls and in lobules with accelerated transport. To obtain direct evidence for the degree of acceleration of the different transport steps between rough endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex and zymogen granules, the respective subcellular fractions of these organelles prepared and characterized ultrastructurally and biochemically. The rate of disappearance of newly formed proteins from rough microsomes and the appearance in smooth microsomes and zymogen granules were significantly increased after in vivo stimulation. The data substantiate an acceleration of the regular transport steps by the secretagogue. There was no indication that a high level of secretory activity leads to a rerouting of secretory proteins or to an omission of one of the regular steps in intracellular transport.Supported by a grant from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft Bonn-Bad Godesberg (Ke 113/10) The expert technical assistance of Miss Hiltraud Hosser and Miss Helga Hollerbach is gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   

Summary Prolonged secretory stimulation of the exocrine pancreas in the rat by in vivo infusion of caerulein leads to a rapid degranulation of the organ associated with a progressive reduction in the size of the zymogen granules. During the first six to twelve hours of stimulation Golgi complexes are enlarged and several structural forms of multivesicular bodies are found indicating a lysosomal degradation of membrane material in the Golgi area. Maximum secretory activity is obtained after a 24 hour infusion, Golgi complexes appear fragmented, the secretory granules measure only 1/3 to 1/4 their normal size. Thereafter, in spite of a continuous stimulation, the exocrine cells regranulate progressively up to 72 hours of infusion. This regranulation is associated with massive enlargement of the Golgi complexes.The phasic adaptation of the exocrine pancreas to prolonged stimulation, concluded from the structural studies, was confirmed by biochemical analysis of protein synthesis, intracellular transport and enzyme discharge. Pancreatic protein synthesis as measured by the incorporation of tritiated leucine remained unchanged during the first six hours of stimulation, then increased reaching a maximum of 230% of the control levels after 24 hours of infusion. After 48 and 72 hours the rate of protein synthesis decreased again to normal values. Most pronounced changes were observed in the kinetics of intracellular transport of newly synthesized proteins. Using pulse-chase incubation of prestimulated pancreatic lobules, the rate of transition of secretory proteins through the cell increased consistently with prolonged infusion periods reaching maximal acceleration after 24 hours. Newly synthesized proteins were transported and segregated up to ten times faster than in controls. After a maximum at 24 hours transport returned to normal rates after 72 hours of infusion. Enzyme secretion, measured for amylase, followed a similar pattern of stimulation.The results suggest a phasic adaptation of the exocrine pancreatic cell to prolonged stimulation. They demonstrate for the first time the possibility of an acceleration of intracellular transport by means of secretagogues.Dedicated to Professor W. Bargmann on the occasion of his 70th birthday.Supported by a grant from Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (Ke 113/8). A preliminary communication was presented at the 9th annual meeting of the European Society for Clinical Investigation, Rotterdam (April 24–26, 1975). The expert technical assistance of Miss Helga Hollerbach and Miss Hiltraud Hosser is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Low-pH- and calcium-induced aggregation of regulated secretory proteins has been proposed to play a role in their retention and storage in secretory granules. However, this has not been tested for secretory proteins that are stored in the exocrine parotid secretory granules. Parotid granule matrix proteins were analyzed for aggregation in the presence or absence of calcium and in the pH range of 5.5 to 7.5. Amylase did not aggregate under these conditions, although <10% of parotid secretory protein (PSP) aggregated below pH 6.0. To test aggregation directly in isolated granules, rat parotid secretory granules were permeabilized with 0.1% saponin in the presence or absence of calcium and in the pH range of 5.0 to 8.4. In contrast to the low-pH-dependent retention of amylase in exocrine pancreatic granules, amylase was quantitatively released and most PSP was released from parotid granules under all conditions. Both proteins were completely released upon granule membrane solubilization. Thus neither amylase nor PSP show low-pH- or calcium-induced aggregation under physiological conditions in the exocrine parotid secretory granules.  相似文献   

GP2 is the major glycoprotein component of the zymogen granule membrane of pancreas acinar cell. It was recently found that this protein is secreted and forms a network of fibrils in pancreatic juice. In the present work, with an ELISA, we have examined the fluctuations of GP2 levels in the juice collected in resting and stimulated conditions. In anaesthetized fasting rats, GP2 represented about 6-8% of total protein output. Stimulation by caerulein, carbachol, or their combination caused an immediate and significant burst in both protein and GP2 outputs. However, the GP2 increase did not parallel protein release. Its relative proportions decreased with the intensity of the stimulus. The secretory behavior of GP2 cannot be explained with the current concepts of constitutive and regulated pathways of secretion and suggests the existence of a yet undefined mode of secretion for this protein.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1986,103(6):2353-2365
We have studied the onset of secretory responsiveness to cholecystokinin (CCK) during development of the rat exocrine pancreas. Although acinar cells of the fetal pancreas (1 d before birth) are filled with zymogen granules containing the secretory protein, alpha- amylase, the rate of amylase secretion from pancreatic lobules incubated in vitro was not increased in response to CCK. In contrast, the rate of CCK-stimulated amylase discharge from the neonatal pancreas (1 d after birth) was increased four- to eightfold above that of the fetal gland. The postnatal amplification of secretory responsiveness was not associated with an increase in the number or cell surface expression of 125I-CCK binding sites. When 125I-CCK-33 binding proteins were analyzed by affinity crosslinking, two proteins of Mr 210,000 and 100,000-160,000 were labeled specifically in both fetal and neonatal pancreas. To determine if cell surface receptors for CCK in the fetal pancreas are functional and able to generate a rise in the cytosolic [Ca++], we measured 45Ca++ efflux from tracer-loaded lobules. 45Ca++ efflux from both fetal and neonatal pancreas was comparably increased by CCK, indicating CCK-induced Ca++ mobilization and elevated cytosolic [Ca++]. The Ca++ ionophore A23187 also stimulated the rate of 45Ca++ extrusion from pancreas of both ages. Increased amylase secretion occurred concurrently with A23187-stimulated 45Ca++ efflux in neonatal pancreas, but not in the fetal gland. A23187 in combination with dibutyryl cAMP potentiated amylase release from the neonatal gland, but not from fetal pancreas. Similarly, the protein kinase C activator, phorbol dibutyrate, did not increase the rate of secretion from the fetal gland when added alone or in combination with A23187 or CCK. We suggest that CCK-receptor interaction in the fetal pancreas triggers intracellular Ca++ mobilization. However, one or more signal transduction events distal to Ca++ mobilization have not yet matured. The onset of secretory response to CCK that occurs postnatally may depend on amplification of these transduction events.  相似文献   

It is established in the experiments on rats that the sensitivity of pancreas acinar cells to carbacholine and pentagastrin change under conditions of "protein" diet (40% of protein) if compared to the balanced diet (18% of protein).  相似文献   

Pancreatic lobules pulse-labeled with [3H]leucine have been incubated at temperatures between 0 and 37 degrees C in the presence or absence of ongoing oxidative phosphorylation. Subcellular fractionation methods and electron microscopic autoradiography have been used to monitor the progress of intracellular transport of newly synthesized secretory proteins. Over the period studied, exit from the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) occurs only at greater than 10 degrees C while traversal of the Golgi complex and entry into condensing vacuoles requires greater than 22 degrees C. Both steps of transport require ongoing ATP production. Incubation at 10 or 20 degrees C does not diminish ATP levels, relative to 37 degrees C controls. Remarkable and unprecedented alterations of the ultrastructure of transitional elements of the RER accompany the arrest of exit from the RER: at 10 degrees C transitional elements are much more numerous and longer than in controls; in the absence of ATP production they are essentially absent. These observations are interpreted in terms of a cyclic model of RER-to-Golgi vesicular traffic. Inhibition of ATP production also causes an increase in the rigid cisternae and coated elements in the distal Golgi area.  相似文献   

Pancreatic lobules from fasted rats secrete pulse-labeled proteins in two phases comprising 15 and 85% of basal output, respectively. The first (0-6.5 h) is initially (less than or equal to 0.5 h) unstimulated by secretagogues, probably represents vesicular traffic of Golgi and post-Golgi origin (including condensing vaculoles/immature granules), and notably contains two groups of polypeptides with distinct release rates: zymogens (t1/2 approximately 2.4 h) and minor nonzymogens plus one unique zymogen (t1/2 approximately 1 h). The second phase (peak at 9-10 h) is stimulable, probably represents basal granule exocytosis (t1/2 approximately 5 h), and contains zymogens exclusively. Newly synthesized proteins released in both phases appear asynchronously, reiterating their asynchronous transport through intracellular compartments. Zymogens in both phases are secreted apically. The sorting of first from second phase zymogen release does not appear to be carrier-mediated, although the sorting of zymogens from other secretory proteins may use this process. Finally, data are presented that suggest that both secretory phases are subject to physiologic regulation.  相似文献   

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