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Entrainment patterns of the circadian rhythms of body temperature and locomotor activity were compared in 6 squirrel monkeys (Saimiri sciureus) exposed to daily illumination cycles with abrupt transitions between light and darkness (LD-rectangular) or with gradual dawn and dusk transitions simulating natural twilights at the equator (LD-twilight). Daytime light intensity was 500 lux, and the total amount of light emitted per day was the same in the two conditions. Mean daytime body temperature levels were stable in LD-rectangular but increased gradually in LD-twilight, reaching peak levels during the dusk twilight. Locomotor activity showed a similar pattern, but with an additional, secondary peak near the end of dawn. Activity duration was about 0.5 h longer in LD-twilight than in LD-rectangular, but the time of activity midpoint was similar in the two conditions. Reentrainment of the body temperature rhythm was faster following an 8-h advance of the LD cycle than following an 8-h delay, but did not differ significantly between the two LD conditions. These results provide no evidence that the inclusion of twilight transitions affected the strength of the LD Zeitgeber, and suggest that the observed differences in the daily patterns reflected direct effects of light intensity on locomotor activity and body temperature rather than an effect of twilights on circadian entrainment mechanisms.Abbreviation LD light-dark  相似文献   

Animal literature suggests a connection between marijuana use and altered circadian rhythms. However, the effect has not yet been demonstrated in humans. The present study examined the effect of chronic marijuana use on human circadian function. Participants consisted of current users who reported smoking marijuana daily for at least a year and non-marijuana user controls. Participants took a neurocognitive assessment, wore actigraphs and maintained sleep diaries for three weeks. While no significant cognitive changes were found between groups, data revealed that chronic marijuana use may act as an additional zeitgeber and lead to increased entrainment in human users.  相似文献   

The Drosophila circadian clock is an ideal model system for teasing out the molecular mechanisms of circadian behavior and the means by which animals synchronize to day-night cycles. The clock that drives behavioral rhythms, located in the lateral neurons in the central brain, consists of a feedback loop of the circadian genes period (per) and timeless (tim). The molecular cycle, roughly 24 h long, is constantly reset by the environment. This review focuses on the main input pathways of the dominant circadian zeitgeber, light. Light acts directly on the clock primarily through cryptochrome (cry), a deep brain blue-light photoreceptor. CRY activation causes rapid TIM degradation, which is a predicted means of resetting the clock both on a daily basis at dawn and on an acute basis following an entraining light pulse during the night hours. In the absence of cry, the clock can still be driven by photic input through the visual system, though the mechanisms underlying this entrainment are unclear. Temperature can also entrain the clock, although the mechanisms by which this occurs are also unclear.  相似文献   

As a biological clock, circadian rhythms evolve to accomplish a stable (robust) entrainment to environmental cycles, of which light is the most obvious. The mechanism of photic entrainment is not known, but two models of entrainment have been proposed based on whether light has a continuous (parametric) or discrete (nonparametric) effect on the circadian pacemaker. A novel sensitivity analysis is developed to study the circadian entrainment in silico based on a limit cycle approach and applied to a model of Drosophila circadian rhythm. The comparative analyses of complete and skeleton photoperiods suggest a trade-off between the contribution of period modulation (parametric effect) and phase shift (nonparametric effect) in Drosophila circadian entrainment. The results also give suggestions for an experimental study to (in)validate the two models of entrainment.  相似文献   

In mammals both the regulation of circadian rhythms and photoperiodic responses depend exclusively upon photic information provided by the lateral eyes; however, nonmammalian vertebrates can also rely on multiple extraocular photoreceptors to perform the same tasks. Extraocular photoreceptors include deep brain photoreceptors located in several distinct brain sites and the pineal complex, involving intracranial (pineal and parapineal) and extracranial (frontal organ and parietal eye) components. This review updates the research field of the most recent acquisitions concerning the roles of extraocular photoreceptors on circadian physiology and behavior, particularly photic entrainment and sun compass orientation.  相似文献   

The multiple oscillatory basis of the mammalian circadian pacemaker is adduced by, among other phenomena, the occurrence of split locomotor activity rhythms in rodents after prolonged exposure to constant light. More recently, split rhythms entrained to a 24h light:dark:light:dark cycle have been documented following scheduled access of hamsters to a novel running wheel or by photoperiod manipulations alone. Because the incidence of constant light-induced splitting depends on light intensity, the role of this variable was assessed in this new splitting paradigm. Male Syrian hamsters, entrained to a 14h light:10h dark cycle, were transferred to individual running wheel cages 7h after light onset. Transfer coincided with the beginning of the scotophase of a new photocycle alternating between 5h of relative dark and 7h of light. For four weeks bright photophases (approximately 350 lux) were alternated with either dim (< 0.1 lux) or completely dark (0 lux) scotophases. An additional group received moderate intensity photophases (approximately 45 lux) paired with dim scotophase illumination. For an additional four weeks, all hamsters were exposed to the same bright:dim light:dark cycle. Dim light in the scotophase significantly increased the incidence of split activity rhythms relative to that observed with completely dark scotophases. Overall wheel-running rates and activity induced by a cage change were also increased in dim light-exposed animals. Group differences largely disappeared four weeks later when hamsters previously maintained in completely dark scotophases were exposed to dim scotophases. Photophase light intensity did not affect the overall incidence of splitting, but influenced the timing of activity in the afternoon scotophase. The effects of dim illumination may be mediated in part via enhanced locomotor responses to transfer to a new cage or by changes in coupling interactions between component oscillators.  相似文献   

Short-wavelength and short-wavelength-enhanced light have a strong impact on night-time working performance, subjective feelings of alertness and circadian physiology. In the present study, we investigated acute effects of white light sources with varied reduced portions of short wavelengths on cognitive and visual performance, mood and cardiac output.Thirty-one healthy subjects were investigated in a balanced cross-over design under three light spectra in a simulated night-shift paradigm without circadian adaptation.Exposure to the light spectrum with the largest attenuation of short wavelengths reduced heart rate and increased vagal cardiac parameters during the night compared to the other two light spectra without deleterious effects on sustained attention, working memory and subjective alertness. In addition, colour discrimination capability was significantly decreased under this light source.To our knowledge, the present study for the first time demonstrates that polychromatic white light with reduced short wavelengths, fulfilling current lighting standards for indoor illumination, may have a positive impact on cardiac physiology of night-shift workers without detrimental consequences for cognitive performance and alertness.  相似文献   

Light and temperature are 2 of the most important environmental influences on all circadian clocks, and Neurospora provides an excellent system for understanding their effects. Progress made in the past decade has led to a basic molecular understanding of how the Neurospora clock works and how environmental factors influence it. The purpose of this review is to summarize what we currently know about the molecular mechanism of light and temperature entrainment in Neurospora.  相似文献   

B Rusak 《Federation proceedings》1979,38(12):2589-2595
The identification of a direct retinohypothalamic tract (RHT) terminating in the supra-chiasmatic nuclei (SCN) has focused attention on the role of these structures in the entrainment and generation of circadian rhythms in mammals. Light effects on circadian rhythms are mediated by both the RHT and portions of the classical visual system. The complex interactions of these systems are reflected both in their direct anatomical connections and in the functional changes in entrainment produced by interruption of either set of projections. Destruction of the RHT/SCN eliminated both normal entrainment and normal free-running circadian rhythms. No circadian rhythms has survived SCN ablation in rodents, but a variety of non-circadian cycles can be generated by lesioned animals. The complex behavioral patterns produced by SCN-lesioned hamsters suggest that circadian oscillators continue to function in these animals, but that their activity is no longer integrated into a single circadian framework. The available evidence indicates that the mammalian pacemaking system comprises a set of independent oscillators normally regulated by the SCN and by light information that is transmitted via several retinofugal pathways.  相似文献   

The mammalian circadian clock lying in suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) is synchronized to about 24 h by the environmental light-dark cycle (LD). The circadian clock exhibits limits of entrainment above and below 24 h, beyond which it will not entrain. Little is known about the mechanisms regulating the limits of entrainment. In this study, we show that wild-type mice entrain to only an LD 24 h cycle, whereas Clock mutant mice can entrain to an LD 24, 28, and 32 h except for LD 20 h and LD 36 h cycle. Under an LD 28 h cycle, Clock mutant mice showed a clear rhythm in Per2 mRNA expression in the SCN and behavior. Light response was also increased. This is the first report to show that the Clock mutation makes it possible to adapt the circadian oscillator to a long period cycle and indicates that the clock gene may have an important role for the limits of entrainment of the SCN to LD cycle.  相似文献   

The circadian clocks keeping time in many living organisms rely on self-sustained biochemical oscillations entrained by external cues, such as light, to the 24-h cycle induced by Earth's rotation. However, environmental cues are unreliable due to the variability of habitats, weather conditions, or cue-sensing mechanisms among individuals. A tempting hypothesis is that circadian clocks have evolved so as to be robust to fluctuations in the signal that entrains them. To support this hypothesis, we analyze the synchronization behavior of weakly and periodically forced oscillators in terms of their phase response curve (PRC), which measures phase changes induced by a perturbation applied at different times of the cycle. We establish a general relationship between the robustness of key entrainment properties, such as stability and oscillator phase, on the one hand, and the shape of the PRC as characterized by a specific curvature or the existence of a dead zone, on the other hand. The criteria obtained are applied to computational models of circadian clocks and account for the disparate robustness properties of various forcing schemes. Finally, the analysis of PRCs measured experimentally in several organisms strongly suggests a case of convergent evolution toward an optimal strategy for maintaining a clock that is accurate and robust to environmental fluctuations.  相似文献   

Circadian clocks with characteristic period (τ) can be entrained to light/dark (LD) cycles by means of (i) phase shifts which are due to D/L “dawn” and/or L/D “dusk” transitions, (ii) period changes associated with long-term light exposure, or (iii) by combinations of the above possibilities. Based on stability analysis of a model circadian clock it was predicted that nocturnal burrowing mammals would benefit less from period responses than their diurnal counterparts. The model further predicted that maximal stability of circadian clock is reached when the clock slightly changes both its phase and period in response to light stimuli. Analyses of empirical phase response curve (PRC) and period response curve (τRC) of some diurnal and nocturnal mammals revealed that PRCs of both diurnal and nocturnal mammals have similar waveform while τRCs of nocturnal mammals are of smaller amplitude than those of diurnal mammals. The shape of the τRC also changes with age and with increasing strength of light stimuli. During erratic fluctuations in light intensity under different weather conditions, the stability of phase of entrainment of circadian clocks appears to be achieved by an interplay between phase and period responses and the strength of light stimuli.  相似文献   

Previous work in our laboratory has shown that daily injection of large doses of the pineal hormone melatonin entrains the free-running locomotor rhythms of rats held in constant darkness and synchronizes the disrupted patterns of rats maintained in constant bright light. The present experiments determined the dose-response characteristics of entrainment to daily melatonin injections and made preliminary biochemical estimates of blood melatonin levels and half-lives after two critical doses of the hormone. The data indicated that the median effective dose for melatonin as an entraining agent in free-running rats was 5.45 +/- 1.33 micrograms/kg, considerably lower than doses previously employed and lower than doses employed in reproductive and metabolic studies in rats and hamsters. The data further indicated that the response to melatonin was quantal; rats either entrained to melatonin or they did not. No "partial entrainment" was evident, nor were there differences in phase angle, activity, or period among all effective doses. Biochemical estimates of blood melatonin after either 1 mg/kg or 1 microgram/kg of melatonin indicated that all effective doses resulted in supraphysiological levels of blood melatonin, although doses of 1 microgram/kg resulted in blood levels that were within one order of magnitude of normal nighttime values. Together, the data suggest that the rat circadian system is sensitive to the pineal hormone melatonin at or below doses required to effect rodent reproduction. Whether this sensitivity reflects a role for the pineal gland in rat circadian organization, however, still remains to be determined.  相似文献   

The range of entrainment of the circadian behavioral rhythm was compared between two groups of Sprague-Dawley rats (each n = 10) exposed to daily cycles of rectangular light-dark alternation (LD) and sinusoidal fluctuations of light intensity (SINE), respectively. The maximum illuminance (20 lx), the minimum illuminance (0.01 lx), and the total amount of light exposure per cycle were the same under the two lighting conditions. The periods (Ts) of both lighting cycles were lengthened stepwise from 24 through 25, 26, 26.5, 27, 27. 5, and 28 h to 28.5 h in experiment 1 and were shortened stepwise from 24 through 23.5, 23, and 22.5 h to 22 h in experiment 2. Each T cycle lasted for 30 cycles. In experiment 1, 60% of rats under the LD condition entrained up to T = 28.5 h, whereas 50% of rats under the SINE condition entrained up to T = 28.5 h. In experiment 2, no animal under the LD condition entrained to T < 23.5 h, whereas 40% of rats under the SINE condition entrained down to T = 23 h and 20% of rats remained to entrain down to T = 22 h cycles. The phase angle of entrainment was systematically changed, depending on T under both conditions. These results suggest that the lower limit of entrainment is expanded under the SINE condition compared with the LD condition.  相似文献   

Individual hamster pups were maintained in constant dim light from just prior to birth, and their circadian wheel-running activity rhythms were recorded beginning at 18 days of age. Records of the postweaning free-running activity rhythm were used to determine the phase of a pup's rhythm on the day of weaning. Two groups of pups (LD and DL) were born to mothers that had been entrained before birth to light-dark cycles 12 hr out of phase. Both groups of pups were raised in constant dim light by foster mothers that had been entrained to only one of the prenatal cycles (LD). Thus pups born to mothers from different cycles were exposed to identical rhythmic environments postnatally. Despite the similar postnatal treatment, the two groups of pups showed activity rhythms at weaning with very different phases. The LD pups, born to and raised by LD mothers, were approximately synchronous with one another and with their foster mothers. The DL pups, born to DL mothers, but raised by LD mothers, were not synchronous with one another or with their foster mothers. Half of the DL pups showed phases predicted by their prenatal treatment, but the other half showed scattered phases. The results demonstrate that phase at weaning is affected by prenatal rhythmicity, and suggest that the circadian pacemaker underlying the activity rhythm is already functional and entrained at, or before, birth.  相似文献   

The cuticle deposition rhythm, which is observed in the apodeme of the furca in the thorax, is controlled by a peripheral circadian clock in the epidermal cells and entrained to light-dark (LD) cycles via CRYPTOCHROME (CRY) in Drosophila melanogaster. In the present study, we examined the effects of temperature (TC) cycles and the combination of LD and TC cycles on entrainment of the cuticle deposition rhythm. The rhythm was entrained to TC cycles, whose period was 28 h. In T = 21 and 24 h, the rhythm was entrained to TC cycles in some individuals. CRY is not necessary for temperature entrainment of the cuticle deposition rhythm because the rhythm in cry(b) (lacking functional CRY) was entrained to TC cycles. Temperature entrainment of the rhythm was achieved even when the thoraxes or furcae were cultured in vitro, suggesting that the mechanism for temperature entrainment is independent of the central clock in the brain and the site of the thermoreception resides in the epidermal cells. When LD and TC cycles with different periods were applied, the rhythm was entrained to LD cycles with a slight influence of TC cycles. Thus, the LD cycle is a stronger zeitgeber than the TC cycle. The variance of the number of the cuticle layers decreased in the flies kept under LD and TC cycles with the same period in which the thermophase coincided with the photophase. Therefore, we conclude that LD and TC cycles synergistically entrain the rhythm. Synergistic effects of LD and TC cycles on entrainment were also observed even when the thoraxes were cultured in vitro, suggesting that the light and temperature information is integrated within the peripheral circadian system.  相似文献   

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