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‘Replaying the tape’ is an intriguing ‘would it happen again?’ exercise. With respect to broad evolutionary innovations, such as photosynthesis, the answers are central to our search for life elsewhere. Photosynthesis permits a large planetary biomass on Earth. Specifically, oxygenic photosynthesis has allowed an oxygenated atmosphere and the evolution of large metabolically demanding creatures, including ourselves. There are at least six prerequisites for the evolution of biological carbon fixation: a carbon-based life form; the presence of inorganic carbon; the availability of reductants; the presence of light; a light-harvesting mechanism to convert the light energy into chemical energy; and carboxylating enzymes. All were present on the early Earth. To provide the evolutionary pressure, organic carbon must be a scarce resource in contrast to inorganic carbon. The probability of evolving a carboxylase is approached by creating an inventory of carbon-fixation enzymes and comparing them, leading to the conclusion that carbon fixation in general is basic to life and has arisen multiple times. Certainly, the evolutionary pressure to evolve new pathways for carbon fixation would have been present early in evolution. From knowledge about planetary systems and extraterrestrial chemistry, if organic carbon-based life occurs elsewhere, photosynthesis—although perhaps not oxygenic photosynthesis—would also have evolved.  相似文献   

A fundamental challenge in science is to understand the assembly of the first macromolecules necessary for cellular life and the order in which this occurred. The assembly events that led to the first minimal cell capable of growth and division are a highly debatable subject. Possibly, the formation of a primitive membrane or microsphere in a hydrophobic medium provided a suitable structure where subsequent biochemical self-replication and eventually enzyme catalysis, integrated biochemical pathways, and assembly of nucleic acids occurred. In this article, I examine a possible sequence of assembly for the first primitive cell(s) on the Earth.  相似文献   

Predicting the variation of biodiversity across the surface of the Earth is a fundamental issue in ecology, and in this article we focus on one of the most widely studied spatial biodiversity patterns: the species–area relationship (SAR). The SAR is a central tool in conservation, being used to predict species loss following global climate change, and is striking in its universality throughout different geographical regions and across the tree of life. In this article we draw upon the methods of quantum field theory and the foundation of neutral community ecology to derive the first spatially explicit neutral prediction for the SAR. We find that the SAR has three phases, with a power law increase at intermediate scales, consistent with decades of documented empirical patterns. Our model also provides a building block for incorporating non-neutral biological variation, with the potential to bridge the gap between neutral and niche-based approaches to community assembly.
Ecology Letters (2010) 13: 87–95  相似文献   

The research on the origin of life, as such, seems to have reached an impasse as a clear and universal scientific definition of life is probably impossible. On the contrary, the research on the origin of evolution may provide a clue. But it is necessary to identify the minimum requirements that allowed evolution to emerge on early Earth. The classical approach, the ‘RNA world hypothesis’ is one way, but an alternative based on nonlinear dynamics dealing with far-from-equilibrium self-organization and dissipative structures can also be proposed. The conditions on early Earth, near deep-sea hydrothermal sites, were favorable to the emergence of dissipative structures such as vesicles with bilayer membranes composed of a mixture of amphiphilic and hydrophobic molecules. Experimentally these vesicles are able to self-reproduce but not to evolve. A plausible scenario for the emergence of a positive feedback process giving them the capability of evolving on early Earth is suggested. The possibilities offered by such a process are described in regard to specific characteristics of extant biological organisms and leads for future research in the field are suggested.  相似文献   

Concepts of origin of life on the planet are briefly considered. The problem of origin of biosphere is discussed, with a suggestion that the origin of living organisms and biosphere are two aspects of the same process. There is put forward a hypothesis of embryosphere—the primary medium, in which preorganisms could appear. The ecosystemic approach to origin of life poses question about sources of the matter and energy used by the primary life as well as about causes of the biochemical unity that exists in all Earth organisms.  相似文献   

Pluralism is popular among philosophers of biology. This essay argues that negative judgments about universal biology, while understandable, are very premature. Familiar life on Earth represents a single example of life and, most importantly, there are empirical as well as theoretical reasons for suspecting that it may be unrepresentative. Scientifically compelling generalizations about the unity of life (or lack thereof) must await the discovery of forms of life descended from an alternative origin, the most promising candidate being the discovery of extraterrestrial life. Nonetheless, in the absence of additional examples of life, we are best off exploring the microbial world for promising explanatory concepts, principles, and mechanisms rather than prematurely giving up on universal biology. Unicellular microbes (especially prokaryotes) are by far the oldest, metabolically most diverse, and environmentally tolerant form of life on our planet. Yet somewhat ironically, much of our theorizing about life still implicitly privileges complex multicellular eukaryotes, which are now understood to be highly specialized, fragile latecomers to Earth. The problem with pursuing a pluralist approach to understanding life is that it is likely to blind us to the significance of just those entities and causal processes most likely to shed light on the underlying nature of life.  相似文献   

At one spectrum extreme, Astrobiology conjectures that for exoplanets with Goldilocks conditions, terrestrial-like life is inevitable. Moreover, it is envisaged that via panspermia, terrestrial-like life and its precursors are transferred among galaxies, stars, and within solar systems via transiting comets, asteroids, and planetoids. In addition, expelled stars, which have solar systems, it is inferred, transfer life as well. However, at the other extreme, we propose a paradigm shift that on some planets, subject to non- Goldilocks conditions, metal machine life could arise, ab initio, and evolve viruses, intelligence, and civilizations, conjointly. Accordingly, intelligent mechanized civilizations could readily and efficiently commence space exploration. Furthermore, as a counter paradigm shift, such civilizations could experiment and produce non-metallic life, based on carbon and other non-metal elements, under suitable conditions, related to Goldilocks life. Even a single example of validated interstellar or intergalactic communication received on the Earth would support the existence of life elsewhere. However, the communication platform should not be restricted to electromagnetic radiation. Other platforms should be included as well - one such example, which would require sophisticated technology, is neutrino communication. This is the case for any advanced civilization, be it metal-machine based, biological-based, and carbon-based. In sum, civilizations based on machine life, would be highly productive due to the longevity and hardiness of machine life. However, significant caveats are raised in this brief report, because possibly dissimilar psychologies and intelligence may lead to conflicts between metal machine life and biological life, inter-paradigm conflict.  相似文献   

This study used the tremendous biochemical and ecological diversity of macroalgae to assess nitrogen and phosphorus availability at a broad, ecosystem-level scale in the Florida Keys and nearby waters. Spatial variation in tissue nutrients (carbon, C; nitrogen, N; phosphorus, P) of dominant macroalgae were assessed, both as ratios and absolute values, along 12 inshore-offshore transects in the Florida Keys and at 10 stations in nearby Florida Bay. The resulting detailed analysis demonstrated spatial and temporal patterns in macroalgal tissue nutrients. The transect data revealed no universal inshore-offshore patterns in tissue nutrients and no obvious "hotspots" of nutrient enrichment. Similarly, when data were compared among segments, there was no universal geographical pattern in tissue nutrients for all species. The most striking result was that the N and P status of macroalgae in Florida Bay was significantly different than other locations. Macroalgae collected from Florida Bay generally had higher N and lower P levels than algae collected elsewhere. The most common inshore-offshore pattern was higher %N and lower %P availability inshore; however, limited inshore-offshore differences in N:P ratio suggests that both nutrients were generally readily available in proportional amounts required by the various species. Most species in this study had higher %N, and to a lesser extent, higher %P and %C in March than in July. Based on the published literature on other species of macroalgae, it appears that N and P are generally available in sufficient quantities that most macroalgal growth is not limited by either nutrient.  相似文献   

Origins of life: A comparison of theories and application to Mars   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The field of study that deals with the origins of life does not have a consensus for a theory of life's origin. An analysis of the range of theories offered shows that they share some common features that may be reliable predictors when considering the possible origins of life on another planet. The fundamental datum dealing with the origins of life is that life appeared early in the history of the Earth, probably before 3.5 Ga and possibly before 3.8 Ga. What might be called the standard theory (the Oparin-Haldane theory) posits the production of organic molecules on the early Earth followed by chemical reactions that produced increased organic complexity leading eventually to organic life capable of reproduction, mutation, and selection using organic material as nutrients. A distinct class of other theories (panspermia theories) suggests that life was carried to Earth from elsewhere — these theories receive some support from recent work on planetary impact processes. Other alternatives to the standard model suggest that life arose as an inorganic (clay) form and/or that the initial energy source was not organic material but chemical energy or sunlight. We find that the entire range of current theories suggests that liquid water is the quintessential environmental criterion for both the origin and sustenance of life. It is therefore of interest that during the time that life appeared on Earth we have evidence for liquid water present on the surface of Mars.  相似文献   

This study used the tremendous biochemical and ecological diversity of macroalgae to assess nitrogen and phosphorus availability at a broad, ecosystem‐level scale in the Florida Keys and nearby waters. Spatial variation in tissue nutrients (carbon, C; nitrogen, N; phosphorus, P) of dominant macroalgae were assessed, both as ratios and absolute values, along 12 inshore‐offshore transects in the Florida Keys and at 10 stations in nearby Florida Bay. The resulting detailed analysis demonstrated spatial and temporal patterns in macroalgal tissue nutrients. The transect data revealed no universal inshore‐offshore patterns in tissue nutrients and no obvious “hotspots” of nutrient enrichment. Similarly, when data were compared among segments, there was no universal geographical pattern in tissue nutrients for all species. The most striking result was that the N and P status of macroalgae in Florida Bay was significantly different than other locations. Macroalgae collected from Florida Bay generally had higher N and lower P levels than algae collected elsewhere. The most common inshore‐offshore pattern was higher %N and lower %P availability inshore; however, limited inshore‐offshore differences in N:P ratio suggests that both nutrients were generally readily available in proportional amounts required by the various species. Most species in this study had higher %N, and to a lesser extent, higher %P and %C in March than in July. Based on the published literature on other species of macroalgae, it appears that N and P are generally available in sufficient quantities that most macroalgal growth is not limited by either nutrient.  相似文献   

Extension of human habitation into space requires that humans carry with them many of the microorganisms with which they coexist on Earth. The ubiquity of microorganisms in close association with all living things and biogeochemical processes on Earth predicates that they must also play a critical role in maintaining the viability of human life in space. Even though bacterial populations exist as locally adapted ecotypes, the abundance of individuals in microbial species is so large that dispersal is unlikely to be limited by geographical barriers on Earth (i.e., for most environments everything is everywhere given enough time). This will not be true for microbial communities in space where local species richness will be relatively low because of sterilization protocols prior to launch and physical barriers between Earth and spacecraft after launch. Although community diversity will be sufficient to sustain ecosystem function at the onset, richness and evenness may decline over time such that biological systems either lose functional potential (e.g., bioreactors may fail to reduce BOD or nitrogen load) or become susceptible to invasion by human-associated microorganisms (pathogens) over time. Research at the John F. Kennedy Space Center has evaluated fundamental properties of microbial diversity and community assembly in prototype bioregenerative systems for NASA Advanced Life Support. Successional trends related to increased niche specialization, including an apparent increase in the proportion of nonculturable types of organisms, have been consistently observed. In addition, the stability of the microbial communities, as defined by their resistance to invasion by human-associated microorganisms, has been correlated to their diversity. Overall, these results reflect the significant challenges ahead for the assembly of stable, functional communities using gnotobiotic approaches, and the need to better define the basic biological principles that define ecosystem processes in the space environment.  相似文献   

Avian migration, which involves billions of birds flying vast distances, is known to influence all aspects of avian life. Here we investigate how birds fit moult into an annual cycle determined by the need to migrate. Large variation exists in moulting patterns in relation to migration: for instance, moult can occur after breeding in the summer or after arrival in the wintering quarters. Here we use an optimal annual routine model to investigate why this variation exists. The modelled bird's decisions depend on the time of year, its energy reserves, breeding status, experience, flight feather quality and location. Our results suggest that the temporal and spatial variations in food are an important influence on a migratory bird's annual cycle. Summer moult occurs when food has a high peak on the breeding site in the summer, but it is less seasonal elsewhere. Winter moult occurs if there is a short period of high food availability in summer and a strong winter peak at different locations (i.e. the food is very seasonal but in opposite phase on these areas). This finding might explain why only long-distance migrants have a winter moult.  相似文献   

The biosphere of planet Earth is delineated by physico-chemical conditions that are too harsh for, or inconsistent with, life processes and maintenance of the structure and function of biomolecules. To define the window of life on Earth (and perhaps gain insights into the limits that life could tolerate elsewhere), and hence understand some of the most unusual biological activities that operate at such extremes, it is necessary to understand the causes and cellular basis of systems failure beyond these windows. Because water plays such a central role in biomolecules and bioprocesses, its availability, properties and behaviour are among the key life-limiting parameters. Saline waters dominate the Earth, with the oceans holding 96.5% of the planet's water. Saline groundwater, inland seas or saltwater lakes hold another 1%, a quantity that exceeds the world's available freshwater. About one quarter of Earth's land mass is underlain by salt, often more than 100 m thick. Evaporite deposits contain hypersaline waters within and between their salt crystals, and even contain large subterranean salt lakes, and therefore represent significant microbial habitats. Salts have a major impact on the nature and extent of the biosphere, because solutes radically influence water's availability (water activity) and exert other activities that also affect biological systems (e.g. ionic, kosmotropic, chaotropic and those that affect cell turgor), and as a consequence can be major stressors of cellular systems. Despite the stressor effects of salts, hypersaline environments can be heavily populated with salt-tolerant or -dependent microbes, the halophiles. The most common salt in hypersaline environments is NaCl, but many evaporite deposits and brines are also rich in other salts, including MgCl(2) (several hundred million tonnes of bischofite, MgCl(2).6H(2)O, occur in one formation alone). Magnesium (Mg) is the third most abundant element dissolved in seawater and is ubiquitous in the Earth's crust, and throughout the Solar System, where it exists in association with a variety of anions. Magnesium chloride is exceptionally soluble in water, so can achieve high concentrations (> 5 M) in brines. However, while NaCl-dominated hypersaline environments are habitats for a rich variety of salt-adapted microbes, there are contradictory indications of life in MgCl(2)-rich environments. In this work, we have sought to obtain new insights into how MgCl(2) affects cellular systems, to assess whether MgCl(2) can determine the window of life, and, if so, to derive a value for this window. We have dissected two relevant cellular stress-related activities of MgCl(2) solutions, namely water activity reduction and chaotropicity, and analysed signatures of life at different concentrations of MgCl(2) in a natural environment, namely the 0.05-5.05 M MgCl(2) gradient of the seawater : hypersaline brine interface of Discovery Basin - a large, stable brine lake almost saturated with MgCl(2), located on the Mediterranean Sea floor. We document here the exceptional chaotropicity of MgCl(2), and show that this property, rather than water activity reduction, inhibits life by denaturing biological macromolecules. In vitro, a test enzyme was totally inhibited by MgCl(2) at concentrations below 1 M; and culture medium with MgCl(2) concentrations above 1.26 M inhibited the growth of microbes in samples taken from all parts of the Discovery interface. Although DNA and rRNA from key microbial groups (sulfate reducers and methanogens) were detected along the entire MgCl(2) gradient of the seawater : Discovery brine interface, mRNA, a highly labile indicator of active microbes, was recovered only from the upper part of the chemocline at MgCl(2) concentrations of less than 2.3 M. We also show that the extreme chaotropicity of MgCl(2) at high concentrations not only denatures macromolecules, but also preserves the more stable ones: such indicator molecules, hitherto regarded as evidence of life, may thus be misleading signatures in chaotropic environments. Thus, the chaotropicity of MgCl(2) would appear to be a window-of-life-determining parameter, and the results obtained here suggest that the upper MgCl(2) concentration for life, in the absence of compensating (e.g. kosmotropic) solutes, is about 2.3 M.  相似文献   

The formation of the Earth as a planet was a large stochastic process in which the rapid assembly of asteroidal-to-Mars-sized bodies was followed by a more extended period of growth through collisions of these objects, facilitated by the gravitational perturbations associated with Jupiter. The Earth's inventory of water and organic molecules may have come from diverse sources, not more than 10% roughly from comets, the rest from asteroidal precursors to chondritic bodies and possibly objects near Earth's orbit for which no representative class of meteorites exists today in laboratory collections. The final assembly of the Earth included a catastrophic impact with a Mars-sized body, ejecting mantle and crustal material to form the Moon, and also devolatilizing part of the Earth. A magma ocean and steam atmosphere (possibly with silica vapour) existed briefly in this period, but terrestrial surface waters were below the critical point within 100 million years after Earth's formation, and liquid water existed continuously on the surface within a few hundred million years. Organic material delivered by comets and asteroids would have survived, in part, this violent early period, but frequent impacts of remaining debris probably prevented the continuous habitability of the Earth for one to several hundred million years. Planetary analogues to or records of this early time when life began include Io (heat flow), Titan (organic chemistry) and Venus (remnant early granites).  相似文献   

Panspermia, an ancient idea, posits that microbial life is ubiquitous in the Universe. After several decades of almost irrational rejection, panspermia is at last coming to be regarded as a serious contender for the beginnings of life on our planet. Astronomical data is shown to be consistent with the widespread distribution of complex organic molecules and dust particles that may have a biological provenance. A minuscule (10(-21)) survival rate of freeze-dried bacteria in space is all that is needed to ensure the continual re-cycling of cosmic microbial life in the galaxy. Evidence that terrestrial life may have come from elsewhere in the solar system has accumulated over the past decade. Mars is seen by some as a possible source of terrestrial life, but some hundreds of billions of comets that enveloped the entire solar system, are a far more likely primordial reservoir of life. Comets would then have seeded Earth, Mars, and indeed all other habitable planetary bodies in the inner regions of the solar system. The implications of this point of view, which was developed in conjunction with the late Sir Fred Hoyle since the 1970s, are now becoming amenable to direct empirical test by studies of pristine organic material in the stratosphere. The ancient theory of panspermia may be on the verge of vindication, in which case the entire universe would be a grand crucible of cryomicrobiology.  相似文献   

Biology uses essentially 20 amino acids for its coded protein enzymes, representing a very small subset of the structurally possible set. Most models of the origin of life suggest organisms developed from environmentally available organic compounds. A variety of amino acids are easily produced under conditions which were believed to have existed on the primitive Earth or in the early solar nebula. The types of amino acids produced depend on the conditions which prevailed at the time of synthesis, which remain controversial. The selection of the biological set is likely due to chemical and early biological evolution acting on the environmentally available compounds based on their chemical properties. Once life arose, selection would have proceeded based on the functional utility of amino acids coupled with their accessibility by primitive metabolism and their compatibility with other biochemical processes. Some possible mechanisms by which the modern set of 20 amino acids was selected starting from prebiotic chemistry are discussed.  相似文献   

What is life?     

Many traditional biological concepts continue to be debated by biologists, scientists and philosophers of science. The specific objective of this brief reflection is to offer an alternative vision to the definition of life taking as a starting point the traits common to all living beings.

Results and Conclusions

Thus, I define life as a process that takes place in highly organized organic structures and is characterized by being preprogrammed, interactive, adaptative and evolutionary. If life is the process, living beings are the system in which this process takes place. I also wonder whether viruses can be considered living things or not. Taking as a starting point my definition of life and, of course, on what others have thought about it, I am in favor of considering viruses as living beings. I base this conclusion on the fact that viruses satisfy all the vital characteristics common to all living things and on the role they have played in the evolution of species. Finally, I argue that if there were life elsewhere in the universe, it would be very similar to what we know on this planet because the laws of physics and the composition of matter are universal and because of the principle of the inexorability of life.


It is believed that ultraviolet (UV) radiation from the sun participated in events related to the chemical evolution and birth of life on the primitive Earth. Although UV radiation would be also a driving force for the biological evolution of life on Earth, life space of the primitive living organisms would be limited in the UV-shielded place such as in the water at an early stage of the evolution of life. After the formation of stratospheric ozone layer through the production of oxygen by photoautotroph, living organisms were able to expand their domain from water to land. As a result, now, many kinds of living organisms containing human beings are flourishing on the ground. In the near future, increased transmission of harmful solar UV radiation may reach the Earth's surface due to stratospheric ozone layer depletion. In order to learn more about the biological effects of solar UV radiation with or without interruption by the ozone layer, the utilization of an Exposed Facility on the International Space Station is required. Experiments proposed for this facility would provide a tool for the scientific investigation of processes involved in the birth and evolution of life on Earth, and could also demonstrate the importance of protecting the Earth's future environment from future ozone layer depletion.  相似文献   

An attempt is made to show that the phenomenon of chirality- of which optical activity is but one consequence- is by no means restricted to life on Earth, but is common throughout the universe. Several independent sources have been investigated including: statistical fluctuations; stereoselective physical factors; and energetic differences between enantiomeric molecules. It is emphasised that a search for chirality as an indicator for life elsewhere in space provides an excellent tool for the fascinating question of exobiology. Still one must be aware of the limitations of the experimental methods and their interpretations.  相似文献   

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