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Three new strains of the unicellular green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii Dangeard were isolated from soil. The isolates differed from one another and from standard laboratory strains of C. reinhardtii in a number of traits, including heavy metal resistance, protein composition, and mitochondrial DNA length. The new isolates also exhibited distinctive restriction fragment length polymorphisms in their nuclear, chloroplast, and mitochondrial genomes. The new isolates were interfertile with the standard laboratory strains and appeared to transfer chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes in a similar manner, that is, predominantly from the material (mt+) and paternal (mt?) parents, respectively.  相似文献   

Caulochytrium is a unique genus of chytrids characterized by the production of both sessile zoosporangia and aerial sporangiocarps, the latter unknown in other chytrids. The type species, C. gloeosporii, is an obligate parasite on conidia of the fungus Gloeosporium. The newly described species, C. protostelioides, which was discovered first in the British West Indies and then in North Carolina, is an obligate parasite of the dematiaceous fungus Cladosporium. It differs from the type species in microdimensions, smaller number of zoospores per aerial sporangium, lack of sexuality, production of protostelid-like sporangiocarps that do not parasitize the host and which float freely on water, and an unrelated host fungus. The family Caulochytriaceae and genus Caulochytrium are emended.  相似文献   

A high degree of pseudo‐cryptic diversity was reported in the well‐studied diatom genus Pseudo‐nitzschia. Studies off the coast of Washington State revealed the presence of hitherto undescribed diversity of Pseudo‐nitzschia. Forty‐one clonal strains, representing six different taxa of the P. pseudodelicatissima complex, were studied morphologically using LM and EM, and genetically using genes from three different cellular compartments: the nucleus (D1–D3 of the LSU of rDNA and internal transcribed spacers [ITSs] of rDNA), the mitochondria (cytochrome c oxidase 1), and the plastids (LSU of RUBISCO). Strains in culture at the same time were used in mating studies to study reproductive isolation of species, and selected strains were examined for the production of the neurotoxin domoic acid (DA). Two new species, P. hasleana sp. nov. and P. fryxelliana sp. nov., are described based on morphological and molecular data. In all phylogenetic analyses, P. hasleana appeared as sister taxa to a clade comprising P. calliantha and P. mannii, whereas the position of P. fryxelliana was more uncertain. In the phylogenies of ITS, P. fryxelliana appeared to be most closely related to P. cf. turgidula. Morphologically, P. hasleana differed from most other species of the complex because of a lower density of fibulae, whereas P. fryxelliana had fewer sectors in the poroids and a higher poroid density than most of the other species. P. hasleana did not produce detectable levels of DA; P. fryxelliana was unfortunately not tested. In P. cuspidata, production of DA in offspring cultures varied from higher than the parent cultures to undetectable.  相似文献   

中国拟青霉新种及其与虫草的关系   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
从虫草[Cordyceps sinenisis(Berk.),Sacc.]上分离到中国拟青霉新种(Paecilomyces isnenisisp.nov.),对它进行了培养和形态学研究。中国拟青霉与蛹草[cordyceps militaris(L·)Liak]的无性阶段形态非常类似,但在分生孢子形态,分生孢子和瓶梗的量度上有所不同,且两者的寄主及生境不同,故定为新种。不仅可从长子座的殭虫获得其纯培养物,也可从不长子座而长孢梗束的虫草纯化培养获得。纯培养物的形态和天然虫体的孢梗束完全相同,故认为它可能是虫草的无性阶段。  相似文献   

本文报告了盘花垂头菊Cremanthodium discoideum Maxim.上的一锈菌新种——垂头菊柄锈菌Puccinia cremanthodii J.Y.Zhuang et S.X.Wei。模式标本采自青海省,保藏在中国科学院微生物研究所真菌标本室。本种主要特征是:冬孢子椭圆形或近倒卵形,两端圆,中部略缢缩,32—48×19—32μm,孢壁肉桂褐色至粟褐色,2—3.5μm厚,连同孔帽约5μm厚,有不规则的网状皱纹,柄达100μm长,易破碎。垂头菊属植物上未曾记载过有锈菌,本种为首次报道。垂头菊属是喜马拉雅和青藏高原的特有属,分布高海拔地带,推测此菌可能为青藏高原所特有。  相似文献   

鲫寄生车轮虫一新种的描述   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文记述了寄生在鲫鱼鳃上的车轮虫属一新种——Trichodina paranigra sp.nov.。文中采用Lom(1960)所倡导的统一特定方法及由Van As & Basson(1989)提出的齿体各鉴定特征的定位描述,对本新种的各形态学特征(包括虫体外形、附着盘、齿体、辐线、中央颗粒、核器、口围绕体等)进行了较为详尽的描述,并对本种与相似种进行了比较研究。文中还为齿体定位描述模式图新增了两个参数。  相似文献   

Summary.— Rhizolepas annelidicola is a Cirripede parasite of the Polychaet worm Laetmonice producta obtained by dredging off the Moçambique coast. It belongs to the order Thoracica, to the suborder Lepadomorpha, and to the family Lepadidae, and is related to the genus Anelasma . It is completely parasitic. Uniramous thoracic appendages are present, but oral appendages are absent. There is neither mouth nor anus, but the parasite sucks the juices of its host by means of an extensive root-system arising from the peduncle.  相似文献   

The newly described toxic dinoflagellate Pfiesteria piscicida is a polymorphic and multiphasic species with flagellated, amoeboid, and cyst stages. The species is structurally a heterotroph; however, the flagellated stages can have cleptochloroplasts in large food vacuoles and can temporarily function as mixotrophs. The flagellated stage has a typical mesokaryotic nucleus, and the theca is composed of four membranes, two of which are vesicular and contain thin plates arranged in a Kofoidian series of Po, cp, X, 4′, 1a, 5″, 6c, 4s, 5″′, and 2″″. The plate tabulation is unlike that of any other armored dinoflagellate. Nodules often demark the suture lines underneath the outer membrane, but fixation protocols can influence the detection of plates. Amoeboid benthic stages can be filose to lobose, are thecate, and have a reticulate or spiculate appearance. Amoeboid stages have a eukaryotic nuclear profile and are phagocytic. Cyst stages include a small spherical stage with a honeycomb, reticulate surface and possibly another stage that is elongate and oval to spherical with chrysophyte-like scales that can have long bracts. The species is placed in a new family, Pfiesteriaceae, and the order Dinamoebales is emended.  相似文献   

重庆八腱索线虫新种的描述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文记述了寄生于中华按蚊幼虫体内的一种索科(Mermithidae)线虫,属八腱索属中的一新种——重庆八腱索线虫(Octomyomermis chongqingensis sp.nov.)。根据其形态学特征进行测量和描述,并与本属内的近似种作了鉴别比较。本属在我国尚属首次记录。  相似文献   

A new diatom genus and species, Porguenia peruviana Sullivan, is described from an Eocene marine deposit from the Paracas Peninsula, Peru. The valve outline is circular and the areolation is best described as pseudoloculate; spines of any type are lacking. A ring of elongated, densely packed rimoportulae is situated on the secondary marginal ridge. Externally, each rimoportula consists of a long, flattened, fluted upper portion supported by a shorter cylindrical stalk. The processes are winged and exhibit various degrees of curvature of the major axis. Typically, six reniform ocelli of unusual structure are situated centrifugally to the ring of rimoportulae and interrupt the true marginal ridge. Because the perforation plate differs from that of all other ocellus-bearing diatoms, a new term has been introduced for this structure, the diaphoron. The placement and structure of this newly discovered “perforation plate” do not allow Porguenia to be placed in any circumscribed family, although the Triceratiaceae would appear at present to be the most closely related family.  相似文献   

本文报道产自吉林省的乳菇属(Lactarius S.F.Gray)--新种:黑鳞乳菇(Lactariusalrosquamulosus X.He)。并根据R.Singer的系统将其置于红乳菇组(sect.Russulares)之中。  相似文献   

A new diatom genus and species, Porguenia peruviana Sullivan, is described from an Eocene marine deposit from the Paracas Peninsula, Peru. The value outline is circular and the areolation is best described as pseudoloculate; spines of any type are lacking. A ring of elongated, densely packed rimoportulae is situated on the secondary marginal ridge. Externally, each rimoportula consists of a long, flattened, fluted upper portion supported by a shorter cylindrical stalk. The processes are winged and exhibit various degrees of curvature of the major axis. Typically, six reniform ocelli of unusual structure are situated centrifugally to the ring of rimoportulae and interrupt the true marginal ridge. Because the perforation plate differs from that of all other ocellus-bearing diatoms, a new term has been introduced for this structure, the diaphoron. The placement and structure of this newly discovered “perforation plate” do not allow Porguenia to be placed in any circumscribed family, although the Triceratiaceae would appear at present to be the most closely related family.  相似文献   

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