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人类免疫缺陷病毒1/2型抗体检测酶联免疫试剂盒的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用二聚体合成肽(HIV-1gp41、gp120、p24和HIV-2gp36)包被酶标板条制备成固相抗原,与鼠抗人IgG单克隆抗体酶标记物、底物TMB及阴阳性参考血清配套制备成HIV抗体EIA试剂盒,专供检测人血清或血浆HIV1/2抗体之用。以荷兰、韩国及万泰试剂作为对照,用该试剂盒对检定所的Panel标准及献血员15550例(其中HCV抗体阳性128例,HBsAg阳性46例)进行检测,四种试剂对检定所Panel标准的13份阳性血清均呈阳性反应,28份阴性血清均为阴性;献血员15550例,四种试剂对其中1份血清均呈阳性反应,经Westernblot试验证实为阴性,四种试剂的阴性检出率均为99.99%。连续制备三批试剂经中国药品生物制品检定所检定,所检项目全部合格;同时委托检定所进行临床考核,47份阳性血清全部呈阳性反应,150份阴性血清全部为阴性。说明该试剂盒具有很好的敏感性和特异性。  相似文献   

明胶颗粒凝集试验是测定HIV-1抗体的新方法。本研究将明胶颗粒凝集试验与ELISA法、蛋白印迹法和间接免疫荧光试验做了比较,观察本方法的敏感性和特异性。共检测了195份来自法国和非洲象牙海岸的血清,凡是蛋白印迹法阳性的血清,明胶颗粒凝试验都是阳性。这表明本方法是特异和敏感的,方法简便,不需特殊仪器,省时,可用于HIV-1抗体的筛选,但多数蛋白印迹法可疑的血清,明胶颗粒试验均阴性。因此,对蛋白印迹法测出的可疑者应该用数种方法进行追踪检测。  相似文献   

人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV-1)整合酶抑制剂筛选及其活性测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
整合酶作用的病毒DNA整合进宿主DNA的过程是反转录病毒在宿主细胞中增殖的关键步骤.由于在正常人类细胞中不存在相似的功能蛋白,其抑制剂对人体的副作用可能很小,相对于经典AIDS治疗药物的毒副作用,整合酶抑制剂理论上要具有优势.在线性七肽库中筛选与整合酶有特异结合作用的噬菌体展示肽,选取TPSHSSR和HPERATL 2条肽,它们可以竞争性地抑制展示相应肽段的噬菌体与整合酶的结合,同时它们对整合酶的整合活性也有一定程度的抑制,半数抑制率分别为IC50=(54.56±5.18)μmol/L,IC50=(28.29±1.32)μmol/L.这些多肽可用于治疗艾滋病新药的开发应用及整合酶结构及作用机制的研究.  相似文献   

中国首例人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV-1)A亚型毒株的鉴定   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
中国首例人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV-1)A亚型毒株的鉴定苏玲邢辉羊海涛1罗小光2邵一鸣(中国预防医学科学院艾滋病参比实验室,北京100050)关键词人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV),艾滋病(AIDS),亚型,套式聚合酶链式反应(nested-PCR),序列分...  相似文献   

将编码人类免疫缺陷病毒Ⅰ型(HIV-1)核心蛋白(Gag)P24的大部分基因片段,插入大肠杆菌表达载体pEX31A中,获得的表达产物MS2-Gag融合蛋白占菌体总蛋白的20%左右。Western blot结果证明,这种表达产物能被艾滋病(AIDS)患者血清中的特异性抗体所识别。这是国内首次报道在大肠杆菌中高效表达人类免疫缺陷病毒Ⅰ型核心蛋白。对表达的重组核心蛋白的意义及应用前景进行了讨论。  相似文献   

靶向人类免疫缺陷病毒(human immunodeficiency virus,HIV)流行毒株的广谱中和抗体(broadly neutralizing antibody, bNAb)单一疗法最终会导致机体出现病毒逃逸突变,然而基于广谱中和抗体开发的双特异性或多特异性抗体则表现出较好的中和效力和广谱性。根据已公布的单链可变区基因抗体序列,经密码子优化后合成一种由单基因编码的双特异性抗体iMab-PGT151,经双酶切和测序对重组质粒进行了验证。酶联免疫吸附试验检测双特异性抗体的结合特异性,检测U87细胞裂解液中的荧光素酶活性以定量分析双特异性抗体对HIV-1假病毒的中和作用;间接免疫荧光染色法检测双特异性抗体iMab-PGT151对人喉癌上皮细胞的反应性;酶联免疫吸附试验检测该抗体对心磷脂的结合能力,验证其自体反应性。结果显示,构建的双特异抗体iMab-PGT151能够成功表达,可分别结合亲本抗体的各个配体,具有双特异性,能100%中和20株假病毒,IC50值为0.084 μg/mL。与亲本抗体相比,该抗体具有更强的中和效力和广谱度,无自体反应性,具有临床适用性。所构建的双特异性抗体iMab-PGT151将可能成为预防和治疗HIV-1感染的有效候选药物之一。  相似文献   

在大肠杆菌中,利用新构建的含T7噬菌体g-10核糖体结合位点(RBS),以及λ噬菌体PR启动子的新型原核表达载体,通过表达gag-pol基因片段,获得了具有天然序列的人类免疫缺陷病毒1型(HIV-1)核心蛋白p24(CA)的高效表达。克隆的gag-pol基因片段在其阅读框架移位区域插入了4bp碱基,其表达的病毒蛋白酶在阅读框架上与gag一致,从而实现了对gag-pol融合蛋白的有效加工,产生成熟的核心蛋白p24及其它产物。重组p24以可溶形式存在,可以被抗p24的单克隆抗体特异识别。测定的N-端7个氨基酸序列与从病毒纯化的p24完全一致,在使用硫酸铵沉淀后,采用两步离子柱层析,可将重组蛋白纯化到95%以上的纯度。ELISA分析表明,纯化的p24可以作为特异性很强的试剂而用于HIV感染的诊断及病情的预后,并可用于p24的生化及结构分析。  相似文献   

艾滋病(AIDS)是由人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)侵染表达CD4表面抗原(CD4+)的T淋巴细胞而引起的.艾滋病病毒进入CD4+T淋巴细胞首先是通过病毒与细胞膜的融合来完成的.该融合过程涉及到病毒表面膜蛋白(gp120和gp41)与细胞表面受体蛋白(CD4和CCR5等)之间的相互作用.根据对这些蛋白质分子结构及作用机制的认识,从破坏病毒与细胞的融合入手,设计新型的抗艾滋药物及疫苗,已成为目前药物开发的新热点.  相似文献   

我们在开展艾滋病监测期间,应用酶联免疫吸附试验(HTLV-Ⅲ EIA,Abbott厂产)从817份血清标本中筛出三例人免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)抗体,EIA反复阳性(其OD值,760号>2.0,392号为0.747,554号为0.315)。再用间接免疫荧光(IFA)和蛋白印迹试验(Western Blot简称W.B)检测,发现除760号标本呈现IFA强阳性(1/80稀_释)和W.B呈现7条与HIV蛋白带型相应的抗体结合带外,其余2例IFA和W.B试验均为阴性,虽然554号标本在P24位置呈现一条弱沉淀线,但没有诊断意义。根据公认  相似文献   

制备一种精确的破伤风抗体定量试剂,用于人源破伤风抗体的定量及人群破伤风抗体水平的测定。以人源破伤风免疫球蛋白国家标准品建立定量反应曲线,经系统优化后建立双抗原夹心法定量检测系统。定量反应曲线显示,抗体浓度在10~120m IU/m l之间,相关系数r=0.9993。精密度(CV)≤7%。实际应用验证,未经(TTC)免疫的献血员中,具有保护性抗体水平(0.01 IU/m l)的比例只占12.2%。经3针(TTC)免疫后,抗体水平均大于0.01 IU/m l,经动物体内中和试验法(NT)定量的3批破伤风免疫球蛋白,用制备的酶联免疫破伤风抗体定量试剂测定,其回收率分别为109%、98%和93%。结论,该试剂可用于破伤风抗体的精确定量。  相似文献   

Clinical inhibitor amprenavir (APV) is less effective on HIV‐2 protease (PR2) than on HIV‐1 protease (PR1). We solved the crystal structure of PR2 with APV at 1.5 Å resolution to identify structural changes associated with the lowered inhibition. Furthermore, we analyzed the PR1 mutant (PR1M) with substitutions V32I, I47V, and V82I that mimic the inhibitor binding site of PR2. PR1M more closely resembled PR2 than PR1 in catalytic efficiency on four substrate peptides and inhibition by APV, whereas few differences were seen for two other substrates and inhibition by saquinavir (SQV) and darunavir (DRV). High resolution crystal structures of PR1M with APV, DRV, and SQV were compared with available PR1 and PR2 complexes. Val/Ile32 and Ile/Val47 showed compensating interactions with SQV in PR1M and PR1, however, Ile82 interacted with a second SQV bound in an extension of the active site cavity of PR1M. Residues 32 and 82 maintained similar interactions with DRV and APV in all the enzymes, whereas Val47 and Ile47 had opposing effects in the two subunits. Significantly diminished interactions were seen for the aniline of APV bound in PR1M and PR2 relative to the strong hydrogen bonds observed in PR1, consistent with 15‐ and 19‐fold weaker inhibition, respectively. Overall, PR1M partially replicates the specificity of PR2 and gives insight into drug resistant mutations at residues 32, 47, and 82. Moreover, this analysis provides a structural explanation for the weaker antiviral effects of APV on HIV‐2.  相似文献   

In a previous work we have evaluated some immunologic and haematologic parameters of HIV-1 positive subjects co-infected with HHV-8. A worsening of these values were generally described in these patients as compared with those HIV-1 positive, but negative for HHV-8. Now we have studied the influence of HHV-8 co-infection of HIV-1 positive subjects on the production of some cytokines to make clear the question of its role in the immuno-deregulation of the above-mentioned subjects. In particular we have analysed serum levels of IL-4 and IL-10, Th2 type T cells cytokines, IFN-gamma, an indirect marker of Th1 cells activation and IL-18, a cytokine produced by monocytic-macrophagic cells, which is able to induce IFN-gamma production and Th1 T lymphocytes activation. No significant differences were found as regards the IFN-gamma serum levels (92.1 +/- 24.3 pg ml(-1) in the case of HIV-1 positive/HHV-8 negative subjects and 96.0 +/- 17.4 pg ml(-1) in those HIV-1 positive/HHV-8 positive). In healthy subjects the mean level of this cytokine was 17.6 +/- 5.2 pg ml(-1) (significant difference with both the former values at p < 0.001). Moreover IL-4 and IL-10, which were undetectable in healthy individuals, showed the following values in HIV-1 positive/HHV-8 negative subjects: 31.9 +/- 2.7 pg ml(-1) and 119.8 +/- 85.1 pg ml(-1) respectively and in HIV-1 positive/HHV-8 positive subjects: 30.4 +/- 4.8 pg ml(-1) and 69.4 +/- 65.3 pg ml(-1) (not significant differences). In contrast IL-18 reached a mean level of 1001.2 +/- 360.5 pg ml(-1) in HIV-1 positive/HHV-8 negative subjects, but showed a significant reduction in HIV-1 positive/HHV-8 positive subjects (737.6 +/- 284.3 pg ml(-1) --> p < 0.05) and presented very low levels in healthy individuals (21.3 +/- 30.3 pg ml(-1)). Moreover a significant correlation (-0.984 --> p < 0.001) was noticed between IL-18 reduction in HIV-1 positive subjects co-infected with HHV-8 and the degree of positivity of HHV-8. These data suggest that HHV-8 co-infection has no influence on the switch Th1 --> Th2 in HIV-1 positive subjects, but is able to reduce IL-18 production, useful for Th1 subset restoration.  相似文献   

We report herein a bacterial N-acetylhexosamine kinase, NahK, with broad substrate specificity towards structurally modified GalNAc analogues, and the production of a GalNAc-1-phosphate library using this kinase.  相似文献   

Luedtke NW  Tor Y 《Biopolymers》2003,70(1):103-119
RNA plays a pivotal role in the replication of all organisms, including viral and bacterial pathogens. The development of small molecules that selectively interfere with undesired RNA activity is a promising new direction for drug design. Currently, there are no anti-HIV treatments that target nucleic acids. This article presents the HIV-1 Rev response element (RRE) as an important focus for the development of antiviral agents that target RNA. The Rev binding site on the RRE is highly conserved, even between different groups of HIV-1 isolates. Compounds that inhibit HIV replication by binding to the RRE and displacing Rev are therefore expected to retain activity across groups of genetically diverse HIV infections. Systematic evaluations of both the RRE affinity and specificity of numerous small molecule inhibitors are essential for deciphering the parameters that govern effective RRE recognition. This article discusses fluorescence-based techniques that are useful for probing a small molecule's RRE affinity and its ability to inhibit Rev-RRE binding. Rev displacement experiments can be conducted by observing the fluorescence anisotropy of a fluorescein-labeled Rev peptide, or by quantifying its displacement from a solid-phase immobilized RRE. Experiments conducted in the presence of competing nucleic acids are useful for evaluating the RRE specificity of Rev-RRE inhibitors. The discovery and characterization of new RRE ligands are described. Eilatin is a polycyclic aromatic heterocycle that has at least one binding site on the RRE (apparent Kd is approximately 0.13 microM), but it does not displace Rev upon binding the RRE (IC50 > 3 microM). In contrast, ethidium bromide and two eilatin-containing metal complexes show better consistency between their RRE affinity and their ability to displace a fluorescent Rev peptide from the RRE. These results highlight the importance of conducting orthogonal binding assays that establish both the RNA affinity of a small molecule and its ability to inhibit the function of the RNA target. Some Rev-RRE inhibitors, including ethidium bromide, Lambda-[Ru(bpy)(2)eilatin]2+, and Delta-[Ru(bpy)(2)eilatin]2+ also inhibit HIV-1 gene expression in cell cultures (IC50 = 0.2-3 microM). These (and similar) results should facilitate the future discovery and implementation of anti-HIV drugs that are targeted to viral RNA sites. In addition, a deeper general understanding of RNA-small molecule recognition will assist in the effective targeting of other therapeutically important RNA sites.  相似文献   

A 99-amino acid protein having the deduced sequence of the protease from human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) was synthesized by the solid phase method and tested for specificity. The folded peptide catalyzes specific processing of a recombinant 43-kDa GAG precursor protein (F-16) of HIV-1. Although the protease of HIV-2 shares only 48% amino acid identity with that of HIV-1, the HIV-2 enzyme exhibits the same specificity toward the HIV-1 GAG precursor. Fragments of 34, 32, 24, 10, and 9 kDa were generated from F-16 GAG incubated with the protease. N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis of proteolytic fragments indicate that cleavage sites recognized by HIV-2 protease are identical to those of HIV-1 protease. The verified cleavage sites in F-16 GAG appear to be processed independently, as indicated by the formation of the intermediate fragments P32 and P34 in nearly equal ratios. The site nearest the amino terminus is quite conserved between the two viral GAG proteins (...VSQNY-PIVQN...in HIV-1,...KGGNY-PVQHV...in HIV-2). In contrast, the putative second site (...IPFAA-AQQKG...) of HIV-2 GAG shares minimal sequence identity with site 2 of HIV-1 GAG (...SATIM-MQRGN...). These sequence variations in the substrates suggest higher order structural features that may influence recognition by the proteases. Pepstatin A inhibits HIV-2 protease, whereas 1,10-phenanthroline and phenylmethylsulfonylfluoride do not; these results are in agreement with the finding that proteases of HIV and other retroviruses are aspartyl proteases.  相似文献   

HIV-1 protease recognizes and cleaves more than 12 different substrates leading to viral maturation. While these substrates share no conserved motif, they are specifically selected for and cleaved by protease during viral life cycle. Drug resistant mutations evolve within the protease that compromise inhibitor binding but allow the continued recognition of all these substrates. While the substrate envelope defines a general shape for substrate recognition, successfully predicting the determinants of substrate binding specificity would provide additional insights into the mechanism of altered molecular recognition in resistant proteases. We designed a variant of HIV protease with altered specificity using positive computational design methods and validated the design using X-ray crystallography and enzyme biochemistry. The engineered variant, Pr3 (A28S/D30F/G48R), was designed to preferentially bind to one out of three of HIV protease's natural substrates; RT-RH over p2-NC and CA-p2. In kinetic assays, RT-RH binding specificity for Pr3 increased threefold compared to the wild-type (WT), which was further confirmed by isothermal titration calorimetry. Crystal structures of WT protease and the designed variant in complex with RT-RH, CA-p2, and p2-NC were determined. Structural analysis of the designed complexes revealed that one of the engineered substitutions (G48R) potentially stabilized heterogeneous flap conformations, thereby facilitating alternate modes of substrate binding. Our results demonstrate that while substrate specificity could be engineered in HIV protease, the structural pliability of protease restricted the propagation of interactions as predicted. These results offer new insights into the plasticity and structural determinants of substrate binding specificity of the HIV-1 protease.  相似文献   

A Gustchina  I T Weber 《Proteins》1991,10(4):325-339
The different isolates available for HIV-1 and HIV-2 were compared for the region of the protease (PR) sequence, and the variations in amino acids were analyzed with respect to the crystal structure of HIV-1 PR with inhibitor. Based on the extensive homology (39 identical out of 99 residues), models were built of the HIV-2 PR complexed with two different aspartic protease inhibitors, acetylpepstatin and a renin inhibitor, H-261. Comparison of the HIV-1 PR crystal structure and the HIV-2 PR model structure and the analysis of the changes found in different isolates showed that correlated substitutions occur in the hydrophobic interior of the molecule and at surface residues involved in ionic or hydrogen bond interactions. The substrate binding residues of HIV-1 and HIV-2 PRs show conservative substitutions of four residues. The difference in affinity of HIV-1 and HIV-2 PRs for the two inhibitors appears to be due in part to the change of Val 32 in HIV-1 PR to Ile in HIV-2 PR.  相似文献   

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