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Members of the marine bacterial genus Pseudoalteromonas have been found in association with living surfaces and are suggested to produce bioactive compounds against settlement of algal spores, invertebrate larvae, bacteria and fungi. To determine the extent by which these antifouling activities and the production of bioactive compounds are distributed amongst the members of the genus Pseudoalteromonas, 10 different Pseudoalteromonas species mostly derived from different host organisms were tested in a broad range of biofouling bioassays. These assays included the settlement of larvae of two ubiquitous invertebrates Hydroides elegans and Balanus amphitrite as well as the settlement of spores of the common fouling algae Ulva lactuca and Polysiphonia sp. The growth of bacteria and fungi, which are the initial fouling organisms on marine surfaces, was also assayed in the presence of each of the 10 Pseudoalteromonas species. It was found that most members of this genus produced a variety of bioactive compounds. The broadest range of inhibitory activities was expressed by Pseudoalteromonas tunicata which inhibited all target fouling organisms. Only two species, Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis and Pseudoalteromonas nigrifaciens, displayed negligible activity in the bioassays. These were also the only two non-pigmented species tested in this study which indicates a correlation between production of bioactive compounds and expression of pigment. Three members, P. tunicata, Pseudoalteromonas citrea and Pseudoalteromonas rubra, were demonstrated to express autoinhibitory activity. It is suggested that most Pseudoalteromonas species are efficient producers of antifouling agents and that the production of inhibitory compounds by surface associated Pseudoalteromonas species may aid the host against colonisation of its surface.  相似文献   

Aims: To purify and characterize compounds with antimicrobial activity from Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis inhibition (INH) strain. Methods and Results: The P. haloplanktis isolated from a scallop hatchery was used to analyse antibacterial activities. Crude extracts were obtained with ethyl acetate of the cultured broth, after separation of bacterial cells, and assays against six strains of marine bacteria and nine clinically important pathogenic bacteria. The active compounds were purified from ethyl acetate extracts, by a combination of SiO2 column and thin layer chromatography. Two active fractions were isolated, and chemical structures of two products from the major one were unambiguously identified as isovaleric acid (3-methylbutanoic acid) and 2-methylbutyric acid (2-methylbutanoic acid), by comparing their mass spectra and 1H- and 13C-nuclear magnetic resonance spectra to those of authentic compounds. Conclusions: In the antibacterial activity of P. haloplanktis INH strain, extra cell compounds are involucred, mainly isovaleric and 2-methylbutyric acids. Significance and Impact of the Study: Production of antimicrobial compounds by marine micro-organisms has been widely reported; however, the efforts not always are conducted to purification and applications of these active compounds. This study is a significant contribution to the knowledge of compounds unique from marine bacteria as potential sources of new drugs in the pharmacological industry.  相似文献   

Pseudoalteromonas tunicata is a biofilm-forming marine bacterium that is often found in association with the surface of eukaryotic organisms. It produces a range of extracellular inhibitory compounds, including an antibacterial protein (AlpP) thought to be beneficial for P. tunicata during competition for space and nutrients on surfaces. As part of our studies on the interactions between P. tunicata and the epiphytic bacterial community on the marine plant Ulva lactuca, we investigated the hypothesis that P. tunicata is a superior competitor compared with other bacteria isolated from the plant. A number of U. lactuca bacterial isolates were (i) identified by 16S rRNA gene sequencing, (ii) characterized for the production of or sensitivity to extracellular antibacterial proteins, and (iii) labeled with a fluorescent color tag (either the red fluorescent protein DsRed or green fluorescent protein). We then grew single- and mixed-species bacterial biofilms containing P. tunicata in glass flow cell reactors. In pure culture, all the marine isolates formed biofilms containing microcolony structures within 72 h. However, in mixed-species biofilms, P. tunicata removed the competing strain unless its competitor was relatively insensitive to AlpP (Pseudoalteromonas gracilis) or produced strong inhibitory activity against P. tunicata (Roseobacter gallaeciensis). Moreover, biofilm studies conducted with an AlpP- mutant of P. tunicata indicated that the mutant was less competitive when it was introduced into preestablished biofilms, suggesting that AlpP has a role during competitive biofilm formation. When single-species biofilms were allowed to form microcolonies before the introduction of a competitor, these microcolonies coexisted with P. tunicata for extended periods of time before they were removed. Two marine bacteria (R. gallaeciensis and P. tunicata) were superior competitors in this study. Our data suggest that this dominance can be attributed to the ability of these organisms to rapidly form microcolonies and their ability to produce extracellular antibacterial compounds.  相似文献   

【目的】对污损生物膜细菌YT1305-1进行菌种鉴定;研究其作为污损生物膜优势菌之一的代谢产物。【方法】通过16S rRNA基因序列分析,结合系统进化树和细菌生理生化实验对菌种进行鉴定,通过硅胶柱层析分离方法和核磁共振检测技术分析其代谢物的化学成分。【结果】发现生物膜中存在明显的优势菌株,假交替单胞菌属为优势菌属之一。16S rRNA序列比对分析表明Pseudoalteromonas issachenkonii为优势菌种之一,将目标菌种命名为Pseudoalteromonas issachenkonii YT1305-1,对其代谢物化学成分进行分析,共得到10个化合物,其中包括5个二酮哌嗪(DKPs)类信号分子,环(甘氨酸-丙氨酸)(1)、环(脯氨酸-甘氨酸)(2)、环(脯氨酸-酪氨酸)(3)、环(4-羟基-脯氨酸-亮氨酸)(4)和环(4-羟基-脯氨酸-丙氨酸)(5),以及尿嘧啶(6)、胸腺嘧啶(7)、胸腺嘧啶脱氧核苷(8)、己二酸二(2-乙基己)酯(9)和邻苯二甲酸二(2-乙基己)酯(10)。【结论】污损生物膜中存在明显的优势菌,其中之一为P.issachenkonii YT1305-1,在其代谢产物中发现了疑似信号分子的物质DKPs,有研究表明该物质能调控生物膜的形成,进而影响生物污损的形成,为探究生物污损现象奠定了物质基础。  相似文献   

The newly described green-pigmented bacterium Pseudoalteromonas tunicata (D2) produces target-specific inhibitory compounds against bacteria, algae, fungi, and invertebrate larvae and is frequently found in association with living surfaces in the marine environment. As part of our studies on the ecology of P. tunicata and its interaction with marine surfaces, we examined the ability of P. tunicata to form biofilms under continuous culture conditions within the laboratory. P. tunicata biofilms exhibited a characteristic architecture consisting of differentiated microcolonies surrounded by water channels. Remarkably, we observed a repeatable pattern of cell death during biofilm development of P. tunicata, similar to that recently reported for biofilms of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (J. S. Webb et al., J. Bacteriol. 185:4585-4595, 2003). Killing and lysis occurred inside microcolonies, apparently resulting in the formation of voids within these structures. A subpopulation of viable cells was always observed within the regions of killing in the biofilm. Moreover, extensive killing in mature biofilms appeared to result in detachment of the biofilm from the substratum. A novel 190-kDa autotoxic protein produced by P. tunicata, designated AlpP, was found to be involved in this biofilm killing and detachment. A Delta alpP mutant derivative of P. tunicata was generated, and this mutant did not show cell death during biofilm development. We propose that AlpP-mediated cell death plays an important role in the multicellular biofilm development of P. tunicata and subsequent dispersal of surviving cells within the marine environment.  相似文献   

This study investigated soluble (Sol-EPS), loosely bound (LB-EPS), and tightly bound extracellular polymeric substances (TB-EPS) harvested from biofilm and planktonic cultures of the marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas ulvae TC14. The aim of the characterization (colorimetric methods, FTIR, GC-MS, NMR, HPGPC, and AFM analyses) was to identify new anti-biofilm compounds; activity was assessed using the BioFilm Ring Test®. A step-wise separation of EPS was designed, based on differences in water-solubility and acidity. An acidic fraction was isolated from TB-EPS, which strongly inhibited biofilm formation by marine bacterial strains in a concentration-dependent manner. The main constituents of this fraction were characterized as two glucan-like polysaccharides. An active poly(glutamyl-glutamate) fraction was also recovered from TB-EPS. The distribution of these key EPS components in Sol-EPS, LB-EPS, and TB-EPS was distinct and differed quantitatively in biofilm vs planktonic cultures. The anti-biofilm potential of the fractions emphasizes the putative antifouling role of EPS in the environment.  相似文献   

The O-chain polysaccharide of the lipopolysaccharide from the halophilic marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas carrageenovora IAM 12662T was characterized. The structure was studied by means of chemical analysis and 2D NMR spectroscopy of the de-O-acylated lipopolysaccharide and shown to be the following:Col is colitose, 3,6-di-deoxy-L-xylo-hexose.  相似文献   

The eukaryote-associated marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas tunicata produces a range of target-specific compounds that inhibit different types of marine organisms including invertebrate larvae and algal spores, as well as a broad spectrum of fungi, protozoa, and bacteria. The ability to produce such bioactive compounds is correlated to the expression of a yellow and a purple pigment in P. tunicata. To investigate the regulation and biosynthesis of the pigments and bioactive compounds, the expressed secretome of the pigmented wild-type P. tunicata and a nonpigmented mutant (wmpD-) defective in the type-II secretion pathway were compared. Secreted proteins were digested with trypsin, labeled using amine-specific isobaric tagging reagents (iTRAQ), and identified using two-dimensional SCX and nano C18 RP liquid-chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC/LC-MS/MS). The iTRAQ labeling experiments enabled accurate measurement of the proteins identified in this work. A sequence-base prediction of P. tunicata secretome was also obtained and compared to the expressed proteome to determine the role of the type-II secretion pathway in this bacterium. Our results suggest that this secretion pathway has a role in iron transport and acquisition in P. tunicata.  相似文献   

AIM: The major objective of the present study was the partial characterization of the exopolysaccharides (EPS) produced by a marine biofilm-forming bacterium Pseudoalteromonas ruthenica under shake culture conditions. METHODS AND RESULTS: EPS-producing bacterial cultures were isolated from the sea water collected from the vicinity of coastal electric power station. Zobell marine broth medium was used for growth of the cultures and the EPS produced was quantified using phenol sulfuric acid method. Chemical characterization of the EPS was carried out using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and capillary gas chromatography (GC). Further, viscosity and rheological properties of the purified EPS were studied. The FTIR spectrum revealed prominent peaks of various groups of OH and CH(3) bending. GC analysis showed the presence of eight individual sugars. Rheological studies of the aqueous EPS showed good shearing property. CONCLUSIONS: Pseudoalteromonas ruthenica isolated from marine environment produced copious amount of EPS under shake culture conditions. GC analysis of the EPS revealed the presence of eight individual sugars and the EPS had good shearing property. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The EPS produced by P. ruthenica is pseudoplastic in nature and is stable at higher pH levels. These properties suggest that the EPS may have potential applications in the oil, textiles and food industries.  相似文献   

The complete novel structure of the components of the core oligosaccharide fraction from the LOS of the halophilic marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas carrageenovora was characterized. The fully de-acylated lipooligosaccharide was studied by means of compositional analysis, matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry and complete (1)H and (13)C and (31)P NMR spectroscopy. The core oligosaccharide is composed by a mixture of species differing for the length of the sugar chain and the phosphorylation pattern: [carbohydrate structure]; see text. All sugars are D-pyranoses. Hep is L-glycero-D-manno-heptose, Kdo is 3-deoxy-D-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid, P is phosphate, residues and substituents in italic are not stoichiometrically linked.  相似文献   

The effect of low mean power laser irradiations with short pulse duration from an Nd:YAG (neodymium-doped yttrium aluminium garnet) laser on a marine biofilm-forming bacterium, Pseudoalteromonas carrageenovora, was investigated in the laboratory. Laser-irradiated bacteria were tested for their ability to attach on nontoxic titanium nitride (TiN) coupons with nonirradiated bacteria as the reference. Two durations of irradiation were tested, 10 and 15 min. Bacterial attachment was monitored after 20 min, 40 min, and 1 h of irradiation. The average laser fluence used for this study was 0.1 J/cm(2). The area of attachment of the irradiated bacteria was significantly less than the reference for both durations of irradiation. The growth of irradiated bacteria showed a longer lag phase than the nonirradiated sample, mainly due to mortality in the former. The bacterial mortality observed was 23.4 +/- 0.71 and 48.6 +/- 6.5% for 10- and 15-min irradiations, respectively. Thus, the results show that low-power pulsed laser irradiations resulted in a significant bacterial mortality and a reduced bacterial attachment on nontoxic hard surfaces.  相似文献   

Novel lipooligosaccharide components were isolated and identified from the lipooligosaccharide fraction of the halophilic marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas issachenkonii type strain KMM 3549T. The complete structure was achieved by chemical analysis, 2D NMR spectroscopy and MALDI mass spectrometry as the following: [carbohydrate formula see text] All sugars are d-pyranoses. Hep is L-glycero-D-manno-heptose, Kdo is 3-deoxy-D-manno-oct-2-ulosonic acid, P is phosphate, residues and substituents in italic are not stoichiometrically linked. In addition, by MALDI mass spectrometry of the intact LOS, the lipid A moiety was also identified as a mixture of penta-, tetra- and triacylated species.  相似文献   

AIMS: Experiments were designed to investigate the effect of agitation on the production of violacein by a marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas luteoviolacea. METHODS AND RESULTS: A marine sponge-associated bacterium, P. luteoviolacea, was grown at different agitation speeds. Agitation did not have a significant effect on bacterial growth, but had a profound effect on the size of bacterial aggregate. The production of violacein was the highest under stagnant conditions and decreased with the increase of the agitation speed. CONCLUSIONS: Agitation affected the aggregation of bacterial cells, which, in turn, affected violacein production by P. luteoviolacea. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: This study suggests that P. luteoviolacea produced the highest amount of violacein when it was cultured under stagnant conditions.  相似文献   

The genus Pseudoalteromonas has attracted interest because it has frequently been found in association with eukaryotic hosts, and because many Pseudoalteromonas species produce biologically active compounds. One distinct group of Pseudoalteromonas species is the antifouling subgroup containing Pseudoalteromonas tunicata and Ps. ulvae, which both produce extracellular compounds that inhibit growth and colonization by different marine organisms. PCR primers targeting the 16S rRNA gene of the genus Pseudoalteromonas and the antifouling subgroup were developed and applied in this study. Real-time quantitative PCR (qPCR) was applied to determine the relative bacterial abundance of the genus and the antifouling subgroup, and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) was applied to study the diversity of the genus in 11 different types of marine samples from Danish coastal waters. The detection of Ps. tunicata that contain the antifouling subgroup was achieved through specific PCR amplification of the antibacterial protein gene (alpP). The Pseudoalteromonas species accounted for 1.6% of the total bacterial abundance across all samples. The Pseudoalteromonas diversity on the three unfouled marine organisms Ciona intestinalis, Ulva lactuca and Ulvaria fusca was found to be low, and Ps. tunicata was only detected on these three hosts, which all contain accessible cellulose polymers in their cell walls.  相似文献   

An algal suspension containing protoplasmic detritus [termed, single cell detritus (SCD)] was prepared from freeze-dried fronds of Ulva and its dietary value to Artemia nauplii was tested after size fractionation. The dissolved fraction (<0.22 μm) ofthe Ulva suspension contained ca. 48% of theoriginal protein in the Ulva, but had no dietaryvalue to Artemia, which is a suspension feeder. In contrast, the fraction passing through a 100-μm meshand containing SCD of 2–14 μm in diameter, contributedto the survival of Artemia. The fraction remaining on the 100 μm mesh was further incubated with and without the bacterium Pseudoalteromonas espejiana strain AR06 FERM BP-5024. The bacterium degraded Ulva forming new SCD over 106 mL -1 level as rapidly as by 16 h of incubation. The dietary value of Ulva for Artemia growth was elevated over four times by the incubation. The protein content of the SCD was approximately doubled by the attaching of bacteria, suggesting the enhanced Artemia growth is attributable to the combined effect of the SCD and the bacteria. Development of a hatchery diet from Ulva , a resource with a low commercial value, is suggested utilizing the degrading and attaching ability of P. espejiana. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Interactions between bacteria and harmful algal bloom (HAB) species have been acknowledged as an important factor regulating both the population dynamics and toxin production of these algae. A marine bacterium SP48 with algicidal activity to the toxic dinoflagellate, Alexandrium tamarense, was isolated from the Donghai Sea area, China. Genetic identification was achieved by polymerase chain reaction amplification and sequence analysis of 16S rDNA. Sequence analysis showed that the most probable affiliation of SP48 was to the γ-proteobacteria subclass and the genus Pseudoalteromonas. Bacterial isolate SP48 showed algicidal activity through an indirect attack. Additional organic nutrients but not algal-derived DOM was necessary for the synthesis of unidentified algicidal compounds but β-glucosidase was not responsible for the algicidal activity. The algicidal compounds produced by bacterium SP48 were heat tolerant, unstable in acidic condition and could be easily synthesized regardless of variation in temperature, salinity or initial pH for bacterial growth. This is the first report of a bacterium algicidal to the toxic dinoflagellate A. tamarense and the findings increase our knowledge of bacterial–algal interactions and the role of bacteria during the population dynamics of HABs.  相似文献   

Aims:  The recombinant Antarctic Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis TAC125 ( P. haloplanktis TAC/ tou ) expressing toluene- o- xylene monooxygenase (ToMO) can efficiently convert several aromatic compounds into their corresponding catechols in a broad range of temperature. When the genome of P. haloplanktis TAC125 was analysed in silico , the presence of a DNA sequence coding for a putative laccase-like protein was revealed. It is well known that bacterial laccases are able to oxidize dioxygenated aromatic compounds such as catechols.
Methods and Results:  We analysed the catabolic features, conferred by recombinant ToMO activity and the endogenous laccase enzymatic activity, of P. haloplanktis TAC/ tou engineered strain and its ability to grow on aromatic compounds as sole carbon and energy sources.
Conclusions:  Results presented highlight the broad potentiality of P. haloplanktis TAC/ tou cells expressing recombinant ToMO in bioremediation and suggest the use of this engineered Antarctic bacterium in the bioremediation of chemically contaminated marine environments and/or cold effluents.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  This paper demonstrates the possibility to confer new and specific degradative capabilities to a bacterium isolated from an unpolluted environment (Antarctic seawater) transforming it into a bacterium able to grow on phenol as sole carbon and energy source.  相似文献   

Bacterial biofilm development is conditioned by complex processes involving bacterial attachment to surfaces, growth, mobility, and exoproduct production. The marine bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp. strain D41 is able to attach strongly onto a wide variety of substrates, which promotes subsequent biofilm development. Study of the outer‐membrane and total soluble proteomes showed ten spots with significant intensity variations when this bacterium was grown in biofilm compared to planktonic cultures. MS/MS de novo sequencing analysis allowed the identification of four outer‐membrane proteins of particular interest since they were strongly induced in biofilms. These proteins are homologous to a TonB‐dependent receptor (TBDR), to the OmpW and OmpA porins, and to a type IV pilus biogenesis protein (PilF). Gene expression assays by quantitative RT‐PCR showed that the four corresponding genes were upregulated during biofilm development on hydrophobic and hydrophilic surfaces. The Pseudomonas aeruginosa mutants unable to produce any of the OmpW, OmpA, and PilF homologues yielded biofilms with lower biovolumes and altered architectures, confirming the involvement of these proteins in the biofilm formation process. Our results indicate that Pseudoalteromonas sp. D41 shares biofilm formation mechanisms with human pathogenic bacteria, but also relies on TBDR, which might be more specific to the marine environment.  相似文献   

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