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An extensive study of adult and developing smooth muscle has revealed the widespread occurrence of a distinct filament with an average diameter of about 100 A (termed the 100 A filament). Unlike that of myofilaments, their appearance in longitudinal section is uniform, but in transverse section they have a round profile, occasionally exhibiting a less electron-opaque core. The 100 A filaments are almost invariably preserved under a variety of fixation procedures, whereas myofilaments, particularly the thicker filaments, are preserved inconsistently. The 100 A filaments appear to be randomly oriented throughout the cytoplasm, either singly or in small groups, although they are sometimes concentrated in the juxtanuclear region of the smooth muscle cells. The intimate association of 100 A filaments with dark bodies, in both developing and adult smooth muscle cells, may indicate that these filaments either play a role in dark body formation or, at least, constitute a part of the dark body. The 100 A filaments are conspicuous in developing smooth muscle cells and occasionally form networks or clusters; they appear to decrease in relative number as maturation proceeds, but considerable numbers are still present in adult tissue.  相似文献   

The walls of the gastrointestinal tract and urinary bladder of rats were fixed in osmium tetroxide, embedded in methacrylate, and sectioned for electron microscopy. The examination of sections of smooth muscle tissue with the electron microscope reveals the presence of bundles of unmyelinated nerve fibers within the intercellular spaces. In addition, vesiculated nerve processes, bounded on their outer surfaces by delicate plasma membranes and typically containing varying quantities of synaptic vesicles and mitochondria, make intimate contact with the surface of smooth muscle cells. These nerve processes are similar in structure and disposition to nerve endings previously described in skeletal muscle, in the central nervous system, in peripheral ganglia, in receptors, and in glands. It is concluded that the relationships existing between vesiculated nerve processes and the surface of smooth muscle cells constitute neuromuscular junctions. Profiles of protrusions of smooth muscle cells are often seen protruding into the intercellular spaces. Here they occur singly or in groups, originating from one or more cells. Because of the plane of section the protrusions may sometimes appear as individual entities between the muscle cells. In such cases care must be exercised in their identification because they have characteristics similar to sectioned nerve processes which also occur in the intercellular spaces.  相似文献   

Structures with the characteristics of molecular myosin were identified by electron microscopy in tissue sections of vertebrate smooth muscle. No thick filaments of myosin were found regardless of preparative procedures, which included fixation at rest and in contraction, glycerine extraction, and storage at low pH prior to fixation. Absence of thick myosin filaments and presence of what appear to be myosin molecules is in accord with conclusions based on X-ray diffraction (3, 12) and birefringence data (4) from living smooth muscles at rest and in contraction. Explanations are provided for appearances thought by others (6, 20, 21) to represent thick myosin filaments. Our present observations are in accord with the model for smooth muscle contraction which we have previously proposed (1).  相似文献   

Glycerol-extracted rabbit psoas muscle fibers were examined by electron microscopy both before and after ATP-induced isotonic shortening. Ultrastructural changes were correlated with the initial sarcomere length and the degree of shortening. The ultrastructural appearance of the resting fiber at rest length was identical with that described by H. E. Huxley and Hanson. At sarcomere lengths greater than 3.7 to 3.8 µ, the A and I filaments were detached and separated by a gap. The presence of "gap" filaments was confirmed, and evidence is presented which indicates that these filaments form connections between the ends of the A and I filaments. Shortening from initial sarcomere lengths at which the filaments overlapped took place through sliding of the filaments. If shortening was initiated from sarcomere lengths at which there was a gap, a narrowing of the I band was brought about by a curling of the I filaments at the boundary between the A and I bands. No evidence could be found that the I filaments moved into the A band.  相似文献   

肺动脉构形重建(structruralremodeling)是慢性肺心病的重要血管病变,但其发生机制至今未完全明了。病变以血管中膜平滑肌细胞肥大、增生和细胞外基质(包括纤维性与非纤维性成分)增多导致的血管壁增厚、血管腔狭窄为特征。本文用天狼星红-偏振光显微镜观察,真彩色全自动图像分析法,测量10例慢性肺心病尸检肺小动脉中膜厚度及中膜内Ⅰ、Ⅲ两型胶原的含量和所占的百分比。用3H-胸腺嘧院核苷和3H-脯氨酸掺入法,观察缺氧内皮细胞条件培养液(HECCM)对培养的肺动脉平滑肌细胞(PASMCS)DNA及胶原合成的影响。结果:(1)肺心病组437支肌型肺动脉平均中膜厚占血管直径的百分值高于对照组5±1.08%;(2)肺心病组的Ⅰ型和Ⅲ型胶原面积分别占中膜面积的54.62%和519%,而对照组两型胶原占中膜面积小于2%。(3)HECCM组平滑肌细胞的3H-TdR和3H-脯氨酸掺入量(cpm值),均明显高于常氧对照组(NECCM),两组相比,有显著性差异(P<0.01)。(4)细胞周期分析,HECCM组平滑肌细胞的G0/G1期细胞数百分值比NECCM组少28%,G2+M期细胞百分值则比NECCM组高30%。可以认为,缺  相似文献   

Biochemical and ultrastructural studies on isolated nuclear compartments have previously shown actin and myosin to be constituents of interphase nuclei. In the present work, immunocytochemistry, in conjunction with confocal microscopy and ultrastructural immunogold techniques, shows that interphase nuclei of intact dorsal root ganglion neurons and of PC12 cells contain actin and myosin. Nuclear actin was observed to be distributed throughout the nucleoplasm occurring as distinct aggregates. Frequently, prominent actin aggregates were associated with the nucleolar periphery, often near nucleolar satellites. Ultrastructurally, actin was observed to be associated with linear, electrondense structures, putatively identified as chromatin fibers, extending from nucleoli. Use of three antibodies against subclasses of α-actin isoforms revealed that nuclear actin is more closely related to α-sarcomeric actin than to α-smooth muscle actin. Those aggregates associated with the nucleolus were found to be in the polymerized F-actin form, in a small fraction of neurons, as assessed by FITC-phalloidin. A myosin-like antigen was also observed to occur as intranuclear aggregates. Quantitative assays of the distribution of actin and myosin aggregates by nearest neighbour analysis indicated a distribution characterized as uniform and failed to reveal statistically significant associations between any set of aggregates, The evidence presented herein indicates that actin and myosin are constituent proteins of interphase nuclei in situ of both normal mammalian and transformed mammalian cells.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to determine whether glycerol-extracted rabbit psoas muscle fibers can develop tension and shorten after being stretched to such a length that the primary and secondary filaments no longer overlap. A method was devised to measure the initial sarcomere length and the ATP-induced isotonic shortening in prestretched isolated fibers subjected to a small preload (0.02 to 0.15 P0). At all degrees of stretch, the fiber was able to shorten (60 to 75 per cent): to a sarcomere length of 0.7 µ when the initial length was 3.7 µ or less, and to an increasing length of 0.9 to 1.8 µ with increasing initial sarcomere length (3.8 to 4.4 µ). At sarcomere lengths of 3.8 to 4.5 µ, overlap of filaments was lost, as verified by electron microscopy. The variation in sarcomere length within individual fibers has been assessed by both light and electron microscopic measurements. In fibers up to 10 mm in length the stretch was evenly distributed along the fiber, and with sarcomere spacings greater than 4 µ there was only a slight chance of finding sarcomeres with filament overlap. These observations are in apparent contradiction to the assumption that an overlap of A and I filaments is necessary for tension generation and shortening.  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) has been detected on the plasma membrane of about 25% of the axons in the longitudinal smooth muscle tissue of guinea pig vas deferens. These axons are presumably cholinergic. No enzyme was detected in the remaining 75% of axons. These axons are presumably adrenergic. The plasma membrane of the Schwann cells associated with the cholinergic axons also stained for AChE. Some axon bundles contained only cholinergic or adrenergic axons while others contained both types of axon. When a cholinergic axon approached within 1100 A of a smooth muscle cell, there was a patch of AChE activity on the muscle membrane adjacent to the axon. It is suggested that these approaches are the points of effective transmission from cholinergic axons to smooth muscle cells. Butyrylcholinesterase activity was detected on the plasma membranes of all axons and smooth muscle cells in this tissue.  相似文献   

We observed the localization of the contractile proteins myosin, filamentous actin, α-actinin, tropomyosin, and vinculin in surface-activated, spreading human platelets using a single fluorescence staining procedure and conventional fluorescence microscopy. Myosin was distributed in a speckled pattern that extended radially from the granulomere. F-actin demonstrated cable-networks. Tropomyosin and α-actinin occurred in a punctuate distribution, and vinculin was localized at adhesion sites. Although myosin, F-actin, α-actinin, tropomyosin, and vinculin were not studied in resting platelets, our data support the idea that these contractile proteins are reorganized and reassembled in activated platelets during platelet function.  相似文献   

本工作观察了急性重度低氧及山莨菪碱(anisodamine,Am)对分离培养家兔肺内小动脉平滑肌细胞(PASMCS)培养液中TXB2和6-酮-PGF1a含量及它们的比值的影响。结果是:重度低氧明显增加PASMCS培养液中TXB2和6-酮-PGF1a含量及它们的比值。常氧和低氧条件下,终浓度为2.5×10-5×mol/L的山莨菪碱显著降低TXB2的含量,但6-酮-PGF1a的含量无变化。这提示:急性重度低氧可能通过增加PASMCS产生和释放TXA2和PGI2及它们的比值而致肺血管收缩,山莨菪碱可能通过抑制PASMCs产生ThA2和降低ThB2与PGI2的比值逆转低氧所致的肺血管收缩效应。  相似文献   

An actin filament sliding on myosin moleculesdemonstrates both longitudinal distortions and transversal fluctuationswith the linear dimension far exceeding the diameter of an actinmonomer. Local swaying of a single actin filament was identified byreading speckled fluorescent markers attached on the filament. Theaccuracy of reading each speckled marker was about 10.4 nm (r.m.s.).Longitudinal distortions of an actin filament at a low ATP concentrationof 20 M were as much as 0.5 m for the average filament lengthof 5.4 m. The magnitude of transversal fluctuations was as much as60 nm, that was independent of the filament length. Both longitudinaldistortions and transversal fluctuations are suggested to play a pivotalrole for facilitating a smooth sliding movement of an actin filament.  相似文献   

Somatic muscle cells of Ascaris lumbricoides consist of three differently specialized components referred to as the fiber, which contains the contractile apparatus (described previously), the belly, and the arm. The belly is shown to be a sac of glycogen, which is depleted during starvation of the animal. The arm extends to a nerve cord where it establishes a myoneural junction characterized by giant mitochondria and clusters of vesicles in the nerve fibers and by a 500 A neuromuscular gap. The arms, which have been shown to be "electrically interconnected" in the vicinity of the nerve cord, form "tight junctions" with one another in just this region. At high magnification, these junctions can be resolved into several types. In some there is fusion of the outer leaflets of the membranes with formation of an intermediate line. Others resemble septate desmosomes in that a residual extracellular space ~20 A in width remains between the membranes, but the outer leaflets are interconnected across the gap. It is suggested that the term "tight junction" encompasses a variety of structures distinguishable only at high magnification and that the different variations are not necessarily equivalent functionally.  相似文献   

The effect of calcium activated factor (CAF) on enzymatic properties of actin and myosin was investigated. SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis revealed that CAF did not degrade actin, but a slight degradation was found in myosin during CAF digestion, which might have been due to contaminated protease (s) in CAF preparation. No influence was found in EDTA ATPase of myosin and polymerization of G-actin during CAF digestion. However, heavy meromyosin (HMM) ATPase activating ability of actin was slightly decreased during CAF digestion. Although CAF digestion slightly decreased the biological activity of myofibrillar proteins, a single sarcomere prepared by CAF digestion is a useful model for studying muscle contraction because of its almost intact contractility.  相似文献   

Abstract— Paired iris smooth muscles from rabbits were prelabelled either in vitro by incubation for 30 min at 37°C in an iso-osmotic salt medium containing glucose, inositol, cytidine and 32Pi, or in vivo by administration of the isotope intracamerally into each eye 1 h before death. One of the pair was then incubated at 37°C for 10 min in an unlabelled medium containing 10 mm of 2-deoxyglucose and the other was incubated in the presence of norepinephrine (NE) or other adrenergic agents. Triphosphoinositide (TPI) was found to contain more 32P than any other phospholipid (almost 39% of total lipid radioactivity) in both the in vitro and in vivo experiments. NE (50 μm ) increased the loss of 32P from TPI (the TPI effect') by 28–30% in the 32P-labelled muscle. The TPI effect was accompanied by a significant increase in 32P labelling of phosphatidic acid (PA) and phosphatidylinositol (PI) but not phosphatidylcoholine. In this tissue the TPI effect was found to be mediated through α-adrenergic receptors. At 14 days after surgical sympathetic denervation, incorporation of 32P into phospholipids of the denervated muscle increased by an average of 6% over that of the normal muscle. The increase in TPI, PI and PA was 7%, 4% and 9% of that of the control respectively. There was little change in phospholipid content of the denervated muscle. The increase in sensitivity to NE (12.5 μm ) caused by denervation produced about 18% increase in the TPI effect and a 25% increase in the 32P labelling of PA, but not PI. In view of our previous findings on the requirement of the TPI effect for Ca2+, this observation could suggest that an increase in Ca2+ influx, following the interaction between the neurotransmitter and its receptor could stimulate TPI-phosphodiesterase, thus leading to increased PA via increased diglyceride. This denervation-induced supersensitivity to NE appears to be postsynaptic in nature. 32Pi was injected intracamerally into each eye 1 h before electrical stimulation of one of the sympathetic trunks. After stimulation for 30 min there was a significant loss of 32P from TPI and a significant increase in the labelling of PI and PA of the stimulated muscle. It is concluded that TPI and its enzymes could play an important role in neurotransmission at the neuromuscular junction of smooth muscle.  相似文献   

Smooth muscle derived from the inner media and intima of immature guinea pig aorta were grown for up to 8 wk in cell culture. The cells maintained the morphology of smooth muscle at all phases of their growth in culture. After growing to confluency, they grew in multiple overlapping layers. By 4 wk in culture, microfibrils (110 A) appeared within the spaces between the layers of cells. Basement membrane-like material also appeared adjacent to the cells. Analysis of the microfibrils showed that they have an amino acid composition similar to that of the microfibrillar protein of the intact elastic fiber. These investigations coupled with the radioautographic observations of the ability of aortic smooth muscle to synthesize and secrete extracellular proteins demonstrate that this cell is a connective tissue synthetic cell.  相似文献   

The organization of the indirect flight muscle of an aphid (Hemiptera-Homoptera) is described. The fibers of this muscle contain an extensive though irregularly disposed complement of T system tubules, derived as open invaginations from the cell surface and from the plasma membrane sheaths accompanying the tracheoles within the fiber. The sarcoplasmic reticulum is reduced to small vesicles applied to the T system surfaces, the intermembrane gap being traversed by blocks of electron-opaque material resembling that of septate desmosomes. The form and distribution of the T system and sarcoplasmic reticulum membranes in flight muscles of representatives of the major insect orders is described, and the extreme reduction of the reticulum cisternae in all asynchronous fibers (to which group the aphid flight muscle probably belongs), and the high degree of their development in synchronous fibers is documented and discussed in terms of the contraction physiology of these muscle cells.  相似文献   

Frog skeletal muscle and mammalian heart muscle were studied in vitro before and after glycerol treatment. Loss of contractility, changes in the action potential and disruption of the T system were observed in skeletal muscle cells. In mammalian heart muscle the T system was not disrupted with hypertonic glycerol treatment, and no significant electrophysiological changes were observed. The continuity between the T system and the extracellular space was investigated by diffusion tracer methods. Decrease of contractility during the hypertonic phase in the glycerol treatment was found to depend on tonicity. The results of this study clearly show that not only are there differences in morphology between skeletal and cardiac muscle, but there are also differences in the resistance to osmotic changes.  相似文献   

The regulation of muscle contraction by calcium involves interactions among actin filaments, myosin-S1, tropomyosin (Tm), and troponin (Tn). We have extended our previous model in which the TmTn regulatory units are treated as a continuous flexible chain, and applied it to transient kinetic data. We have measured the time course of myosin-S1 binding to actin-Tm-Tn filaments in solution at various calcium levels with [actin]/[myosin] ratios of 10 and 0.1, which exhibit modest slowing as [Ca2+] is reduced and a lag phase at low calcium. These observations can be explained if myosin binds to actin in two steps, where the first step is rate-limiting and blocked by TmTnI at low calcium, and the second step is fast, reversible, and controlled by the neighboring configuration of coupled tropomyosin-troponin units. The model can describe the calcium dependence of the observed myosin binding reactions and predicts cooperative calcium binding to TnC with competition between actin and Ca-TnC for the binding of TnI. Implications for theories of thin-filament regulation in muscle are discussed.  相似文献   

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