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Food habits of fishes in azostera marina bed at aburatsubo, central japan   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
To clarify the feeding habits of seagrass fishes, the gut contents of 31 fish species collected in aZostera marina bed at Aburatsubo central Japan, were examined. Ontogenetic changes in food preference were recognized in 12 species. In general, juveniles of the latter preyed mainly on small crustaceans (e.g., gammaridean amphipods) or planktonic animals (e.g., calanoid and cyclopoid copepods), subsequently changing to other prey items (e.g., hard-shelled animals) with growth. Cluster analysis based on dietary overlaps showed that the seagrass fish assemblage comprised seven feeding guilds (small-crustacean, planktonic-animal, large-crustacean, polychaete, fish, hard-shelled mollusc and detritus feeders). Of these, small-crustacean feeders and planktonic-animal feeders were the most abundantly represented, including juveniles of several species, which, when adult, transferred to other feeding guilds. On the other hand detritivores were represented by a single species.  相似文献   

To clarify the feeding habits of fishes in surf zones, the gut contents of 19 fish species collected in the surf zone of a sandy beach at Sanrimatsubara, western Japan, were examined. Ontogenetic changes in food preference were recognized in seven species (Mugil cephalus cephalus, Lateolabrax latus, Sillago japonica, Paralichthys olivaceus, Paraplagusia japonica, Takifugu poecilonotus, and Takifugu niphobles). A cluster analysis based on dietary overlaps showed that the surf zone fish assemblage comprised six trophic groups (zooplankton, benthic and epiphytic crustacean, detritus, polychaete, fish, and insect feeders). Of these, the most abundant trophic group was zooplankton feeders, along with benthic and epiphytic crustacean feeders.  相似文献   

Feeding ecology of Sillago sihama and Sillago ingenuua and interrelationship with other 15 fish species, including Stolephorus commersonii, Escualosa thoracata, Lutjanus russelli, Terapon puta, Ambassis kopsii, Ambassis vachellii, Dendrophysa russelli, Gerres filamentosus, Leiognathus decorus, Leiognathus splendens, Leiognathus equulus, Thryssa hamiltonii, Carangoides praeustus, Lethrinus lentjan, and Pomadasys maculatum, utilizing coastal waters off the southern part of the South China Sea were investigated. Dietary contents from 4308 guts of those species collected during July 2003–May 2005 were examined. They were significantly grouped, based on similarity coefficient, into five feeding clusters (P < 0.01). Of these, most of the diets were dominated by calanoid copepods, shrimps, polychaetes and gammarid amphipods. Comparative study on two sillaginid species showed that both Sillago sihama and Sillago ingenuua were carnivores fed mainly on polychaetes and other benthic organisms. Dietary ontogenetic change of Sillago sihama was very distinctive where small sized classes started feeding mainly on calanoid copepods before changing almost completely to polychaetes. The two species applied both sharing and partitioning strategies for food, depending on size classes, to live with each other.  相似文献   

Spawning time and male mating tactics of parrotfishes (family Scaridae) were investigated on a fringing coral reef at Iriomote Island, Okinawa. Spawning was observed in 14 species, and more frequently in more abundant species such as Chlorurus sordidus, Scarus rivulatus and Chlorurus bowersi. At the reef-edge spawning site, C. bowersi spawned at high tide, C. sordidus spawned both at high tide and in the early morning, whereas Calotomus carolinus and most of the Scarus species such as S. rivulatus spawned only in the early morning, mostly 0630–0830 h. Spawning only in the early morning irrespective of tide phase and moon age has seldom been reported from the scarid species of other localities. It is suggested that spawning in the early morning would be adaptive in species such as S. rivulatus, which migrated considerable distances (ca. 500 m) to the inshore feeding sites, in order to minimize feeding losses due to migration. For male mating tactics, pair spawning by territorial TP (terminal phase) males occurred in all 14 species, and streaking and group spawning by nonterritorial small IP (initial phase) males were seen more frequently in more abundant species. Moreover, group spawning by nonterritorial TP males, which were larger than the IP males but smaller than the territorial TP males, frequently occurred in S. rivulatus. Such mating tactics of TP males have not been reported from Scaridae.  相似文献   

 Kabira Reef is a well-developed fringing reef situated in a monsoon area where the dominant wind direction changes seasonally: south in summer and north in winter. Circulation in this reef shows a marked wind influence. The circulation pattern under calm wind conditions is characterized by an inflow of ocean waters into the moat over the reef crest and an outflow through a prominent channel. Current vectors change according to wind conditions, and this pattern is weakened and strengthened under southern and northern wind conditions, respectively. We establish a simple model to explain these circulation patterns with two factors: wind and a fundamental circulation pattern under calm conditions. We estimate the ratios of the component of wind to that of the fundamental circulation. The ratios reach 3 and 10 in absolute values under southern and northern wind conditions, respectively. These results can be applied to water circulation throughout the year, with the southern wind-driven circulation dominant in the summer, and the northern wind-driven circulation dominant in the winter. While trade wind conditions often result in a constant circulation pattern, monsoonal wind conditions make the circulation pattern vary according to the seasons. Accepted: 12 September 1997  相似文献   

To investigate the characteristics of currents on a fringing coral reef, a field survey was conducted, mostly under weak wind conditions in summer, on the east coast of Ishigaki Island, southwest Japan, which is encompassed by well-developed fringing reefs. For the same study period, numerical simulations of the current were also performed using a shallow water turbulent flow model with high accuracy reef bathymetry data, which were estimated from high-resolution imagery obtained from satellite remote sensing. The numerical simulation results showed good agreement with the observed data and revealed that the currents have an appreciable magnitude of tide-averaged velocities, even during neap tides, which are governed mostly by wave set-up effects. The results also indicated that temporal variations in velocity and water surface elevation during a tide cycle in the reef exhibit highly asymmetrical patterns; in spring tides especially, the velocities around channels indicate rapid transitions over a short period from peak ebb flow to peak flood flow. The simulations also indicated that a big channel penetrating deeply into the reef attracts the tide-averaged mean flow, even from distant areas of the reef.  相似文献   

The prevalence of major habitat shifts in tropical fishes between juvenile and adult stages (ontogenetic shifts) in one of the northernmost coral reefs in the world (Kudaka Island, Japan) is given. The comparative analysis of spatial distribution of juveniles v . adults highlighted four ontogenetic patterns: no change in habitat use between juveniles and adults (five species), a decrease in the number of habitats used by adults compared to juveniles (three species), an increase in the number of habitats used during the adult stage (four species) and use of nursery areas by juveniles followed by extensive movements to different adult habitats (three species). The comparative analysis of fish distribution over time ( i.e. during three consecutive settlement months) showed that 84% of species had temporal consistency in ontogenetic patterns of habitat use.  相似文献   

 Current records from three surveys at Bora Bay, Miyako Island, all showed strong unidirectional flows. Ocean water entered the lagoon over the shallower western half of the reef flat and exited the lagoon through a channel on the eastern side. Fourier transform of one of the survey data sets showed that this unidirectional flow is modulated on a cycle with a period half as long as the dominant M2 tidal cycle. The prominent features of the observed time-series current profiles were well reproduced using a numerical simulation that includes a depth dependent formulation of the wind-wave forced cross-reef water flow. The water residence times of the lagoon varied from 1.5 h to 3.7 h when calculated directly from the modeled current field, and from 2.0 h to 9.3 h when calculated as the time required for modeled particles to exit the lagoon. These residence times are surprisingly short and may help to explain how this reef supports high net organic production. Furthermore, the short particle residence times show the importance of analyzing currents on time scales smaller than the dominant tidal cycle to understand the fate of organic material produced in coral reefs. Accepted: 1 March 1998  相似文献   

To clarify the feeding habits and major food sources of sandy beach fishes, the gut contents of 55 fish species collected on a sandy beach at Fukiagehama, South-West Kyushu Island, Japan, were examined. Ontogenetic changes in food preference were recognized in nine species (Hypoatherina valenciennei, Lateolabrax japonicus, Trachurus japonicus, Sillago japonica, Sphyraena japonica, Paralichthys olivaceus, Heteromycteris japonica, Paraplagusia japonica, and Takifugu niphobles). A cluster analysis based on dietary overlaps showed that the sandy beach fish assemblage comprised six trophic groups (mysid, amphipod, zooplankton, juvenile fish, terrestrial insect, and mollusk feeders). Of these, the first three groups were the most abundantly represented, whereas the last two were represented by only a single species. These results indicated that epibenthic macrofauna, such as mysids and gammaridean amphipods, and zooplankton, were important food resources for the fish assemblage at the study site, but infaunal macrobenthos, such as polychaetes and bivalves, being relatively unimportant.  相似文献   

海南新村湾海草床主要鱼类及大型无脊椎动物的食源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用稳定碳同位素技术,分析了海南岛新村湾海草床中主要鱼类及大型无脊椎动物的食物来源。结果显示,有机碳源δ13C值的变化范围为-16.9‰--6.8‰,以海草叶片及其碎屑最高(-7.8‰ ±0.2‰),悬浮颗粒有机质(POM)最低(-16.9±0.2)‰,而附生藻类(-12.0±0.9)‰和沉积物有机质(SOM)(-13.2±0.2)‰居中。消费者δ13C值的变化范围为-15.4‰--6.4‰,表明其食物来源较广。IsoSource 混合模型计算结果表明,本海草床棘皮动物、多毛类、甲壳类和大部分的鱼类以海草为主要有机碳源,双壳类主要同化附生藻类和SOM的混合有机碳源,少数鱼类以POM为主要碳源。以上结果表明,海草是海草床中主要鱼类及大型无脊椎动物的重要食物来源。  相似文献   

 A new terapontid fish, Mesopristes iravi, is described based on 13 specimens collected on Iriomote Island, the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. This species closely resembles M. argenteus (Cuvier in Cuvier and Valenciennes, 1829) in having dark stripes on the body, but differs from that species in retaining the stripes even in adults (vs. stripes disappearing ontogenetically in the latter species), having the median stripe passing through the eye interrupted on the postorbital region (vs. continuous when the stripe present), a shorter fifth (longest) dorsal spine (14.6–19.7% SL vs. 18.0–22.2% SL), and a longer postorbital length (40.0–43.0% HL vs. 37.8–40.7% HL). Mesopristes iravi has been confused with M. argenteus in previous reports, and on the basis of the literature it may extend from the Ryukyu Islands, Japan, southward to Borneo, Indonesia, and New Guinea. Received: August 6, 2001 / Revised: February 24, 2002 / Accepted: March 7, 2002  相似文献   

 For marine species with open populations, patterns of larval settlement can have important consequences for performance and abundance at later life-stages. In this study, I tested whether larvae of a reef-dwelling goby (Coryphopterus glaucofraenum) settled differentially to reefs occupied by varying numbers of adults. I monitored settlement daily to reefs on which the density of adult gobies varied naturally, or was manipulated experimentally. Rates of settlement were constant across a broad range of adult densities, suggesting that larvae do not choose settlement sites based on the number of adults in their immediate vicinity. Accepted: 30 October 1998  相似文献   

The species composition and distribution of marine plants on the fringing reef of Secoko Island were studied before and after the mass coral mortality in 1998. The study showed that changes in the bottom communities that occurred after bleaching of corals were caused by the presumed development of marine plants substituting reef-building corals on the bottom. The number of algal species grew from 211 to 345. The projective cover (PC) of hard substrate with macroalgae increased: in 1998, it was 1–10% in the subtidal zone and 20–50% in the intertidal zone, while in 2002 through 2005, the PC reached 71% in the subtidal and 40–85% in the intertidal zone. It is assumed that the phase of the “plant reef” on Sesoko Island is a temporary event, and that the coral reef can recover within several decades, unless a natural catastrophe occurs again.  相似文献   

Seven coral reef communities were defined on Shiraho fringing reef, Ishigaki Island, Japan. Net photosynthesis and calcification rates were measured by in situ incubations at 10 sites that included six of the defined communities, and which occupied most of the area on the reef flat and slope. Net photosynthesis on the reef flat was positive overall, but the reef flat acts as a source for atmospheric CO2, because the measured calcification/photosynthesis ratio of 2.5 is greater than the critical ratio of 1.67. Net photosynthesis on the reef slope was negative. Almost all excess organic production from the reef flat is expected to be effused to the outer reef and consumed by the communities there. Therefore, the total net organic production of the whole reef system is probably almost zero and the whole reef system also acts as a source for atmospheric CO2. Net calcification rates of the reef slope corals were much lower than those of the branching corals. The accumulation rate of the former was approximately 0.5 m kyr−1 and of the latter was ~0.7–5 m kyr−1. Consequently, reef slope corals could not grow fast enough to keep up with or catch up to rising sea levels during the Holocene. On the other hand, the branching corals grow fast enough to keep up with this rising sea level. Therefore, a transition between early Holocene and present-day reef communities is expected. Branching coral communities would have dominated while reef growth kept pace with sea level rise, and the reef was constructed with a branching coral framework. Then, the outside of this framework was covered and built up by reef slope corals and present-day reefs were constructed.  相似文献   

Changes in water clarity (secchi disc transparency) in relation to the presence/absence of introduced, exotic fish, including rudd (Scardinius erythrophthalmus), tench (Tinca tinca), perch (Perca fluviatilis), brown bullhead catfish (Ameiurus nebulosus), goldfish (Carassius auratus), and koi carp (Cyprinus carpio) were determined for 49 small, North Island, New Zealand lakes. There was a negative association between water clarity and the presence of exotic fish independent of lake depth. Moreover, a ‘before-and-after’ comparison and examination of case-studies indicated that introductions of exotic fish reduce water clarity. The number of species introduced affected the relationship between lake depth and water clarity but the specific role of each species could not be distinguished because most of the lakes (83%) contained more than one exotic fish species. A model incorporating the known mechanisms by which planktivorous, benthivorous and herbivorous fish can influence water clarity in lakes showed that control over just one species or feeding guild may not result in an improvement in water clarity because of the additive and synergistic effects of different species on lake trophic processes. Handling editor J. Cambray  相似文献   

 The fluvial sculpin, Cottus nozawae, is a coldwater-adapted fish distributed in Hokkaido Island and the northeastern part of Honshu Island (Tohoku District), Japan. Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region sequencing was used to investigate the geographic distribution of genetic variation and phylogeography of C. nozawae. Most populations possessed unique haplotypes, few being shared across river systems. Phylogenetic analysis of the sequences of the mtDNA control region and adjacent regions of C. nozawae revealed three distinct phylogenetic groups that differed by 3.05% to 3.11%, corresponding to distinct geographic regions, Hokkaido Island, northern Tohoku District, and Yamagata Prefecture (southwestern Tohoku District), respectively. The divergence times of three groups were estimated to be about 1.5 million years ago by applying a general rate for mtDNA, suggesting that the divergence among them might have occurred in the early Pleistocene. Divergence among the haplotypes within the group from the northern Tohoku District was also high (1.84%), no haplotypes being shared by local populations in different river systems in this region. Local populations from a single river system in this region comprise a distinct lineage that differed from other river systems. Such genetically divergent population structures among the different regions and river systems are considered to have resulted mainly from long-term isolation and restricted gene flow among river systems, probably promoted by the fluvial benthic life history and low dispersal ability of this species. Received: April 12, 2001 / Revised: December 1, 2001 / Accepted: December 19, 2001  相似文献   

To clarify differences in community structures and habitat utilization patterns of fishes in Enhalus acoroides- and Thalassia hemprichii-dominated seagrass beds on fringing coral reefs, visual censuses were conducted at Iriomote and Ishigaki islands, southern Japan. The numbers of fish species and individuals were significantly higher in the E. acoroides bed than in the T. hemprichii bed, although the 15 most dominant fishes in each seagrass bed were similar. Cluster and ordination analyses based on the number of individuals of each fish species also demonstrated that fish community structures were similar in the two seagrass beds. Species and individual numbers of coral reef fishes which utilized the seagrass beds numbered less than about 15% of whole coral reef fish numbers, although they comprised about half of the seagrass bed fishes. Of the 15 most dominant species, 5 occurred only in the two seagrass beds, including seagrass feeders. Ten other species were reef species, their habitat utilization patterns not differing greatly between the two seagrass beds. Some reef species, such as Lethrinus atkinsoni and L. obsoletus, showed ontogenetic habitat shifts with growth, from the seagrass beds to the coral areas. These results indicate that community structures and habitat utilization patterns of fishes were similar between E. acoroides- and T. hemprichii-dominated seagrass beds, whereas many coral reef fishes hardly utilized the seagrass beds.  相似文献   

 Age and growth of a paralepidid, Lestrolepis japonica, were determined from sagittal otoliths of specimens collected from April 2001 to February 2002 in Kagoshima Bay, southern Japan. Marginal growth increments indicated that the annulus was formed once a year, in August and September. Four groups were recognized, having none, one, two, or three annuli, respectively. Age in months was assigned to each individual on the basis of August as the birth month. The maximum recorded age was 48 months. Growth was expressed by von Bertalanffy's equation, L t  = 171.91{1 − exp[−0.148(t + 0.403)]}, t being the age in months and L t the standard length (mm) at age t. Received: July 15, 2002 / Revised: November 18, 2002 / Accepted: December 10, 2002  相似文献   

In the pure stand of tropical seagrass,Syringodium isoetifolium, in a small oceanic island, Fiji, grazing effects of the seagrass-associated gammarid,Ampithoe sp., on seagrass and epiphytes were assessed in October 1989, November 1991, November 1992. Density of the gammarid was estimated with two methods, mesh bag method and tuft method. During the three years surveyed the density of the gammarid increased remarkably from 1989 to 1991, with heavy epiphytism. Gut contents of the gammarid were examined. Grazing rates on seagrass leaf with and without epiphytic blue-green algae were measured in a bottle experiment. Litter bag experiments were conducted using different mesh sizes each containing seagrass only and seagrass and gammarids. The seagrass leaf biomass in the litter bag reduced abruptly in both bags. After one week, 78–86% of seagrass biomass disappeared from the bags. Enhancement of decomposition of seagrass leaf by the gammarid grazing was observed. Oxygen consumption and ammonium excretion rates were measured simultaneously in bottle experiments. Carbon budget in the seagrass bed was estimated as follows: 0.9 gC m−2 day−1 in seagrass growth, gammarid grazing was about a half of it and further assimilated a half of it, about 0.1 gC m−2 day−1, and more than half of it become CO2 by respiration. Grazing effects on epiphyte and seagrass growth and production were discussed through the carbon budget and indirect interactions between seagrass, epiphytes and associated gammarids to explain the temporal change of seagrass and epiphyte dynamics.  相似文献   

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