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野生采集在国际上尚无统一的衡量标准,但世界大多数国家的认证机构都在开展有机野生产品的有机认证.阐述了野生采集概念的本质内涵、有机野生采集标准必须考虑的因素、现场检查认证方法.最后,就当前我国野生采集的有机认证存在的问题进行分析,并提出了相应的建议.  相似文献   

对董寨自然保护区花椒属野生花椒资源的种类、分布和生境进行了调查,分析了区内数种花椒果皮的挥发油含量及董寨花椒属植物的利用价值,对野生花椒有机生产方式进行研究,通过了国家环保总局有机食品认证中心(OFDC)的有机认证,提出董寨花椒资源保护与利用的建议与思考.  相似文献   

森林生态系统健康与野生动植物资源的可持续利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐燕  张彩虹  吴钢 《生态学报》2005,25(2):380-387
研究了森林生态系统健康与野生动植物资源之间的关系,以及人类活动对森林生态系统健康的影响,提出了以下三个论点:(1)野生动植物资源是构成森林生态系统的基本物质内容。野生动植物资源对森林生态系统具有不可估量的影响和作用。(2)野生动植物资源的减少是森林生态系统健康状况下降的“显示器”。森林生态系统健康状况的下降或衰退,会导致野生动植物资源数量或种类的减少甚至种群灭绝。(3)森林生态系统是野生动植物资源与人类活动关系的集合体和反映体。人类与野生动植物资源是对立又统一的矛盾综合体,而森林生态系统健康与否就取决于这二者的关系。如果人类对野生动植物资源在保护的基础上进行合理的利用,就能保证森林生态系统的结构的完整和功能的良好,因此森林生态系统处于健康的状态;但若人类对野生动植物资源过度利用而不加保护,那么随着野生动植物资源的逐渐衰竭,森林生态系统将逐渐失去某些功能且变得支离破碎,也就无法保持健康的状态。提出了维持森林生态系统健康并实现野生动植物资源可持续利用的解决途径:(1)实行森林的可持续经营。森林可持续经营是指长期保持森林的生产力和可再生性,以及森林生态系统的物种和生物多样性。(2)发展“接近自然的林业”。近自然林业是在服从自然规律的前提下为人类的木材及林产品利用目的而设计的容许有一点偏离自然的森林模式,以森林生态健康为目标的建设方法。  相似文献   

金平周期性集市野生食用植物资源的民族植物学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
非木材林产品的采集和利用,既关系到当地群众生活状况,也与当地生物多样性保护和可持续发展密切相关.运用关键人物访谈和参与式观察等民族植物学研究方法对金平苗族瑶族傣族自治县境内的6个主要周期性集市中一类重要的非木材林产品--野生食用植物资源进行了系统调查.结果显示:研究地区集市中常见野生食用植物35种,分属于27科,其中苏木科(8.57%)和桑科'(8.57%)等植物比例较大;主要包括野生蔬菜(82.85%)、野生水果(14.29%)和野生食用染料(2.86%);蔬菜以乔木的幼嫩枝叶(34.29%)和草本植物的地上部分(25.71%)为主;表现出种类与周边地区高度的相似性、使用部位和用途类型具有明显的季节性、单位摊位种类数量和市场价格较低等特点.女性在野生食用植物的采集与销售过程中占有极其重要的地位.市场的地理位置对当地群众的野生食用植物资源利用强度有一定的影响,不同民族对野生食用植物的利用强度也表现出一定的差异.野生食用植物在当地群众的经济收入中占有比较小的地位.从目前研究地区对野生食用植物的利用情况看,采集和销售野生食用植物资源并未对当地生物多样性产生巨大影响.  相似文献   

摄食胎盘行为是哺乳动物分娩过程的组成部分之一,具有重要的生态学和生物学意义。野生哺乳动物的分娩大多发生在夜间,受光线和视线等观察条件的限制,很难直接观察到野生动物的分娩行为。2015年4月9日8点59分,我们在安徽黄山观察野生短尾猴 (Macaca thibetana) 鱼鳞坑A1群时,发现初次生产的雌性个体“头华玉 (THY)”分娩后摄食胎盘的行为,随即采用目标动物取样法记录了该个体摄食胎盘的行为过程。THY摄食胎盘包括舔舐、撕成片状、刮食和吞咽等过程,历时2小时29分钟,其中摄食胎盘有效时间长于63min,进程缓慢。与其他相关研究比较,初次生产的雌性短尾猴头华玉 (THY) 摄食胎盘具有花费时间长、社会交往多、警惕性高的特点。本研究是本课题组在安徽黄山研究短尾猴30年首次直接观察到产后摄食胎盘行为,为了解短尾猴的繁殖行为和非人灵长类的繁殖特性提供了难得基础资料。  相似文献   

植物叶片的非结构性碳水化合物(NSC)不仅可以反应植物的碳供应状况,也能反应植物对外界环境的适应策略。利用传统的蒽酮比色法测定了东北3个典型森林生态系统(呼中、凉水和长白山)242种常见植物叶片的非结构碳水化合物,探讨了温带主要森林植物叶片NSC沿纬度梯度的变化趋势及其在物种-生活型-群落间的分布规律。实验结果表明:3个典型森林生态系统植物叶片可溶性糖、淀粉和NSC含量均呈偏正态分布,多数物种的含量偏中低水平;242种植物叶片可溶性糖、淀粉和NSC的平均含量分别为63.31、65.66和128.96 mg/g。在所调查的森林生态系统中,叶片可溶性糖、淀粉和NSC含量在不同生活型中表现各异。此外,乔木植物叶片的可溶性糖、淀粉和NSC含量从北到南呈递增趋势,呼中最低,凉水次之,长白山最高。乔木淀粉含量均表现为落叶树种大于常绿树种,可溶性糖和NSC含量变化趋势复杂。研究结果不仅为阐明东北主要森林生态系统植被碳代谢和生长适应对策提供数据基础,而且对理解植物对未来气候变化的响应机理提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

植物叶片的非结构性碳水化合物(non-structural carbohydrates,NSC)不仅为植物的代谢过程提供重要能量,还能一定程度上反映植物对外界环境的适应策略。以温带针阔混交林(长白山)、温带阔叶林(东灵山)、亚热带常绿阔叶林(神农架)和热带雨林(尖峰岭)4种森林类型的树种为研究对象,利用蒽酮比色法测定了163种常见乔木叶片可溶性糖、淀粉和NSC(可溶性糖+淀粉)含量,探讨了不同森林类型植物叶片NSC的差异及其地带性变化规律。结果显示:(1)从森林类型上看,植物叶片NSC含量从北到南递减,即温带针阔混交林(170.79 mg/g)>温带阔叶林(100.27 mg/g)>亚热带常绿阔叶林(91.24 mg/g)>热带雨林(80.13 mg/g)。(2)从生活型上看,无论是落叶树还是阔叶树,其叶片可溶性糖、淀粉和NSC含量均表现为:温带针阔混交林>温带阔叶林>亚热带常绿阔叶林>热带雨林;北方森林叶片可溶性糖、淀粉和NSC含量均表现为落叶树种>常绿树种,或阔叶树种>针叶树种。(3)森林植物叶片NSC含量、可溶性糖与淀粉含量比值与年均温和年均降水量均呈显著负相关。研究表明,森林植物叶片可溶性糖、淀粉和NSC含量以及可溶性糖与淀粉含量比值均具有明显的从北到南递减的地带性规律;其NSC含量以及可溶性糖与淀粉含量比值与温度和水分均呈显著负相关的变化规律可能是植物对外界环境适应的重要机制之一。该研究结果不仅为阐明中国主要森林树种碳代谢和生长适应对策提供了数据基础,而且为理解区域尺度森林植被对未来气候变化的响应机理提供新的视角。  相似文献   

森林植被与大气颗粒物的关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
近年来,大气颗粒物成为我国城市大气的主要污染物,其中细颗粒物(PM2.5)粒径小、沉降困难,对环境的危害已成为亟待解决的问题。森林植被可显著消减空气颗粒物,有效改善空气环境质量。本文概述了植被对颗粒物的移除过程和方法,探讨了大气颗粒物与森林植被的相互关系。从单叶、单木及群落3个尺度,结合气象因素讨论了植被对移除大气颗粒物的影响,分析了颗粒物的后续再悬浮过程及对植被的危害。最后,从植被吸附颗粒物的能力测定和评价、本土高吸附PM2.5能力植被的筛选及综合研究不同植被配置结构的吸附效应等方面提出了植被吸附颗粒污染物,尤其是细颗粒物的研究重点与趋势。  相似文献   

加强森林经营,实现森林保护与木材供应双赢   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
中国森林目前面临木材自给和生态安全的严重挑战.我国用1.2×108 hm2耕地养活了13亿人口,能否用2×108 hm2森林提供13亿人的用材,实现木材基本自给和森林保护的"双赢"?本文在分析我国林业的基本形势和实现木材自给必要性的基础上,从生产潜力和技术方面论证了实现木材自给和生态服务双赢的可能性.认为只要坚持以"森林经营"为核心,以培育稳定健康的森林生态系统为目标,以模拟森林的自然过程为手段重建森林生态系统,科学编制和执行森林经营规划,并加强林区基础建设和完善相应的林业政策,中国完全有可能实现生态保护与木材自给的"双赢".  相似文献   

森林流域坡面流与壤中流耦合模型的构建与应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用饱和入渗理论、Saint-Venant方程和Richards方程构建了以有限差分法求解的坡面流与壤中流耦合模型,并模拟了不同坡度和不同雨强下的坡面产汇流室内实验.结果表明:该模型模拟的坡面流和壤中流过程与实测过程基本一致,峰现时间、径流历时、峰值流量、出流总量模拟值与实测值的相对误差均较小,基本小于10%.模型的模拟精度较高,实用性较强,为深入研究壤中流机制和改进流域降雨-径流模型提供了理论依据.  相似文献   

Trade in non-timber forest products (NTFPs) has been touted as promoting forest conservation and enhancing the well-being of local residents through increased cash income, which is considered a positive outcome. However, research on cooperation has demonstrated that increased market access and income may strengthen or weaken cooperation. Because cooperation is essential for community resilience in small-scale societies, negative effects on people’s well-being can be expected if increased NTFP trade reduces cooperation. To evaluate whether NTFP trade affected cooperation, we used household data (survey and systematic observations) to compare the frequency of cooperation in two communities of Brazilian Amazon Caboclos, one of which engaged in NTFP trade, while the other did not. Cooperation was less frequent in the community trading NTFPs, but neither household cash income nor household participation in NTFP exploitation was associated with cooperative behavior. Decreased frequency most likely derived from indirect effects of NTFP trade, such as less time to fish or socialize, or other outcomes observable only at the community level, such as income inequality, the influx of new residents and consequent population growth. Our results indicate that conservation and development projects based on NTFP trade may negatively impact social and economic well-being of local communities.  相似文献   

Diversity of Medicinal and Food Plants as Non-timber Forest Products in Naban River Watershed National Nature Reserve (China): Implications for Livelihood Improvement and Biodiversity Conservation. Non-timber forest products (NTFPs) play an important role in rural livelihoods. People living in and around forests are dependent on a variety of NTFPs for their subsistence and for income generation. This paper gives a general overview on the diversity of NTFPs in the Naban River Watershed National Nature Reserve, with a focus on medicinal and food plants. Data on NTFPs use were gathered through an ethnobotanical inventory with semistructured, free-listing, and household socioeconomic interviews. Interviews were supplemented with voucher collections. Bamboo shoots were analyzed further as proxy NTPF. It was hypothesized that there is no significant difference between collection amounts of bamboo shoots and their contribution to the household income between the villages studied. A rapid vulnerability assessment (RVA) was conducted to identify vulnerable and threatened species. A total of 480 plant species (25% of recorded flora) from 117 families and 334 genera are used as NTFPs by the local people. Results revealed that there is a significant difference in the collection and contribution of bamboo shoots to household income among the villages. However, their contribution to per-capita income is very low, and they are mainly used in households. Vulnerability assessment showed that most of the medicinal species have moderate vulnerable status and that most of the food species have less vulnerable status. Some medicinal plants, such as Paris polyphylla var. yunnanensis, are overexploited and getting scarce. Sustainable harvest and management strategies should be implemented to prevent overexploitation of these species.  相似文献   

Aboveground Forest Biomass and the Global Carbon Balance   总被引:24,自引:1,他引:24  
The long‐term net flux of carbon between terrestrial ecosystems and the atmosphere has been dominated by two factors: changes in the area of forests and per hectare changes in forest biomass resulting from management and regrowth. While these factors are reasonably well documented in countries of the northern mid‐latitudes as a result of systematic forest inventories, they are uncertain in the tropics. Recent estimates of carbon emissions from tropical deforestation have focused on the uncertainty in rates of deforestation. By using the same data for biomass, however, these studies have underestimated the total uncertainty of tropical emissions and may have biased the estimates. In particular, regional and country‐specific estimates of forest biomass reported by three successive assessments of tropical forest resources by the FAO indicate systematic changes in biomass that have not been taken into account in recent estimates of tropical carbon emissions. The ‘changes’ more likely represent improved information than real on‐the‐ground changes in carbon storage. In either case, however, the data have a significant effect on current estimates of carbon emissions from the tropics and, hence, on understanding the global carbon balance.  相似文献   

In spite of the high importance of forests, global forest loss has remained alarmingly high during the last decades. Forest loss at a global scale has been unveiled with increasingly finer spatial resolution, but the forest extent and loss in protected areas (PAs) and in large intact forest landscapes (IFLs) have not so far been systematically assessed. Moreover, the impact of protection on preserving the IFLs is not well understood. In this study we conducted a consistent assessment of the global forest loss in PAs and IFLs over the period 2000–2012. We used recently published global remote sensing based spatial forest cover change data, being a uniform and consistent dataset over space and time, together with global datasets on PAs’ and IFLs’ locations. Our analyses revealed that on a global scale 3% of the protected forest, 2.5% of the intact forest, and 1.5% of the protected intact forest were lost during the study period. These forest loss rates are relatively high compared to global total forest loss of 5% for the same time period. The variation in forest losses and in protection effect was large among geographical regions and countries. In some regions the loss in protected forests exceeded 5% (e.g. in Australia and Oceania, and North America) and the relative forest loss was higher inside protected areas than outside those areas (e.g. in Mongolia and parts of Africa, Central Asia, and Europe). At the same time, protection was found to prevent forest loss in several countries (e.g. in South America and Southeast Asia). Globally, high area-weighted forest loss rates of protected and intact forests were associated with high gross domestic product and in the case of protected forests also with high proportions of agricultural land. Our findings reinforce the need for improved understanding of the reasons for the high forest losses in PAs and IFLs and strategies to prevent further losses.  相似文献   

Forests in Vietnam are heavily utilized resources. Some 25 million people who live in and near forests depend on timber and non-timber resources for subsistence and income. Vietnam’s timber processing industries, which are in a steep growth phase, demand raw material from the nation’s forests, but that demand greatly outstrips available, high quality supply. A national forest development strategy through 2020 calls for broad expansion of plantation forests coupled with third-party forest certification. One type of forest certification, involving certification of groups of smallholder farmers, is comparatively understudied. A recent effort to promote group forest certification in Vietnam yielded measurable benefits to stakeholders, including enhanced income streams to plantation smallholders. However, long-term challenges to group forest certification remain, including smallholders’ ability to cover recurring costs for certification – costs that are subsidized by a bilateral donor. Vietnam’s recent experience with group forest certification represents an early chapter in that nation’s ambitious plans to increase forest cover, make forests more productive through plantation forestry, and improve forest management and market access through forest certification.  相似文献   

中国天然林保护工程区森林覆盖遥感监测   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
天然林资源保护工程(天保工程)自1998年开始实施至2020年底结束,标志着我国林业由以木材生产为主向以生态建设为主进行转变,对天然林资源开展定量监测与评估,有助于全面、及时、科学地评价天保工程对森林资源的保护成效。基于公开发布的土地覆盖产品,利用新的遥感数据合成算法构建了森林类型综合提升方法,生产了一套我国天保工程区的森林覆盖产品,对天保工程区1997年至2020年间的森林覆盖情况开展监测与评估。利用中国森林生态系统定位研究网络数据(CFERN)、森林资源规划设计调查数据和地面调查数据进行精度检验,森林类型的分类精度优于90%。分析结果显示,自天保工程实施以来,工程区的森林覆盖度总体呈恢复性增长趋势,森林覆盖从1997年的30.15%增长到2020年的31.74%,净增长1.59%,其中,长江上游地区森林增长量最高,占全工程区森林增长面积的50.97%。研究结果表明我国天保工程区内森林资源得到有效保护和恢复,天保工程实施效果显著。  相似文献   

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