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Correlations, univariate analyses, multiple group principal component analyses, canonical analyses, contours and transects arc used to describe microgeographic variation in body dimensions and scalation of the scincid lizard Chalcides sexlineatus within the island of Gran Canaria. Patterns of geographic variation in both character systems show similar north-east/south-west clines, scalation variation is also altitude-related. Canonical variate analyses showed that the generalized patterns of geographic variation in scalation and body dimensions were largely unidimensional. Four hypotheses, each one predicting a unidimensional pattern of microgeographic variation, were tested simultaneously against each described pattern using partial correlation. This method did not reject north/south differences in climate and/or vegetation as a cause of the microevolution in body dimensions. Similarly, altitude and north/south differences in climate/vegetation were not rejected for scalation. Partial correlation rejected the hypothesis that there are two species of Chalcides with different ranges within Gran Canaria. Mantel tests rejected the altitude hypothesis alone as a cause of the generalized geographic variation in body dimensions but did not reject any of the proposed hypotheses as being causal for the generalized geographic variation in scalation. A consideration is made of how habitat variation could cause differential selection and comparisons drawn with a parallel pattern of microgeographic variation found in the colour pattern, scalation and size of a lizard on a neighbouring island.  相似文献   

The colour pattern of the Gran Canarian skink is described with eight independent colour pattern characters. Significant geographic variation occurs in each character. There are generally high levels of congruence between the patterns of geographic variation in each character although some differences exist. In canonical variate analyses, the first canonical variate expresses most of the among-locality variation in colour pattern, indicating a largely unidimensional pattern. Patterns of geographic variation in the colour pattern are portrayed by contouring. This reveals north-east/south-west clines for seven of the individual characters and the generalized pattern (CV1). Four causal hypotheses were erected which predicted four different unidimensional patterns of geographic variation. Mantel tests and partial correlation analyses were used to compare the observed patterns of microgeographic variation with the four hypothesized patterns. This method suggests differential selection occurring between ecotones as the cause of the microgeographic variation. Microgeographic variation in some aspects of the colour pattern can be explained by selection for different anti-predator strategies in the hot, arid southern areas vs the cooler, lusher northern areas.  相似文献   

Recent studies of island lizards have suggested that historical vicariance as a result of volcanism may have played an important role in shaping patterns of within-island genetic diversity. The skink, Chalcides viridanus, shows variation in morphology within the volcanic island of Tenerife. Two mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) fragments (from the 12S and 16S rRNA regions) were sequenced in individuals from 17 sites to evaluate the relationship between current phylogeography and the geological history of the island. Three main clades were detected. The two most basal clades were restricted to areas representing the ancient precursor islands of Teno and Anaga in the northwest and northeast of Tenerife, respectively. The third clade showed a widespread geographical distribution and provided evidence of a recent rapid expansion after a bottleneck. Within-island cladogenesis appears to have taken place during a recent period of volcanic activity and long after the ancient islands had been united by the eruptions that led to the formation of the Canadas edifice. Evidence of similar biogeographical histories are found in other species in the Canary archipelago, supporting the volcanism scenario as a potentially widespread cause of within-island differentiation in reptiles.  相似文献   

There have been relatively few attempts to quantitatively describe behaviours in scincid lizards. Chalcides viridanus is a small body-sized skink endemic of Tenerife (Canary Islands). We describe and quantify 18 behaviour patterns (both social and agonistic) of this species, some of which have not been described before for other scincids. Video recordings of male–male, female–female, and male–female interactions were made under laboratory conditions, with controlled light–dark cycle and temperature. We describe several agonistic and courtship behaviour patterns. Within the first context, we detected a new agonistic behaviour for a scincid, “Snout to body”, that appeared at the beginning of agonistic sequences; it consisted of each animal placing its snout in contact with the other individual’s lateral side of the body. The amplitude of head movement during “Head bobbing” was lower than that described for many other lizard species. Agonistic behaviours were shown in intrasexual staged encounters both within males and females. The comparison of behaviour patterns of both types of intrasexual encounters showed that females were more active, exhibiting significantly higher frequencies of behaviour than males. Specifically, females showed the “Snout to body” pattern more frequently than males. In male–female encounters we detected courtship and copulation patterns only in April, when males performed “Bites” and “Snout to body” directed at females.  相似文献   

The scincid lizard Chalcides sexlineatus is endemic to the island of Gran Canaria, within which it shows a pronounced phylogeographical pattern. Understanding the maintenance of this pattern requires knowledge of nuclear DNA structuring. Eleven polymorphic tetranucleotide microsatellite loci were isolated from a library constructed from genomic DNA enriched for AAAG repeat sequence. The number of alleles per locus ranged from 12 to 19, and expected heterozygosities spanned from 0.738 to 0.933 (n = 30). The majority of these could be cross‐amplified in other endemic Canarian Chalcides. The loci will be used to investigate gene flow between the principal mitochondrial clades within C. sexlineatus.  相似文献   

Multivariate analysis shows that geographic variation occurs in the scalation and body proportions of the dangerously venomous snake Tritneresurus stejnegeri , within the island of Taiwan. Canonical correlation analysis reveals a high correlation between constellations of morphological characters and ecological factors. Numerical hypothesis testing, using partial Mantel tests, provides evidence of a causal relationship with ecology. Head shape was found to be primarily associated with mean annual temperature and altitude, and head scalation with the annual range of temperature. Body scalation was found to be influenced by altitude, mean annual temperature and mean annual rainfall. Tail length is primarily associated with the range of temperature and rainfall and secondarily with the mean annual temperature and altitude. Geographic proximity was found to be less important in the explanation of the observed geographic pattern than some ecological factors, supporting the hypothesis of an ecogenetic origin of morphological variation.  相似文献   

Taiwan is a mountainous island off the coast of the Asian continent. The island is located on the continental shelf and rises to an elevation of nearly 4000 m. It became an island approximately 4 million years ago and has been connected to the continent more than once since its emergence. Therefore, the elevational zonation of two Taiwanese pairs of congeners in the rodent genera Apodemus and Niviventer can be explained by one of two competing hypotheses. One hypothesis assumes that speciation of the two congeners occurred in situ after an ancestral species migrated from the continent. In contrast, the second hypothesis argues the zonation resulted from separate incursion events during the connections. The phylogenetic analyses, which are based on electrophoretic allozyme data, reject the first of these hypotheses. Furthermore, genetic population structure and gene flow of three species of Taiwanese rodents (Apodemus semotus, Niviventer culturatus and Microtus kikuchii) are studied in relation to their patterns of elevational distribution. The genetic structure of A. semotus and N. culturatus, which have extensive elevational distribution, is rather homogeneous and no genie discontinuity or cline in allele frequency was detected. Gene flow among subpopulations for these two species is rather substantial; therefore, the potential isolating effect imposed by deep river valleys is minimal. Conversely, isolation of populations of M. kikuchii on different mountaintops is quite complete as mirrored by the high level of genie differentiation and low gene flow.  相似文献   

In the land snail Cepaea nemoralis , allele frequencies at loci controlling shell polymorphisms often show large areas of remarkable constancy which are separated by steep clines from neighbouring areas with strikingly different allele frequencies. It has recently been claimed that these 'area effects' exemplify a general tendency for population differentiation without geographic isolation in a variety of organisms of relatively low mobility. As such they could represent an early phase in the process of speciation. If this is true, population differentiation of shell polymorphisms in Cepaea would be expected to be accompanied by parallel differentiation at other gene loci, such as those detected by gel electrophoresis.
We have studied populations of C. nemoralis in North Wales and in the Valle de Aran of the Pyrenees. Levels of molecular heterogeneity are comparable to those found in related animals which show much less visible polymorphism. In spite of some statistical problems inherent in the analysis ol overlapping geographic patterns, there is no clear association between the patterns of geographic variation at the visible and molecular levels. Claims that genetic differentiation in the visible polymorphisms between C. nemoralis populations are a special case of the formation of geographic races are therefore probably not justified.  相似文献   

Evergreen oaks are an emblematic element of the Mediterranean vegetation and have a leaf phenotype that seems to have remained unchanged since the Miocene. We hypothesise that variation of the sclerophyll phenotype among Iberian populations of Quercus coccifera is partly due to an ulterior process of ecotypic differentiation. We analysed the genetic structure of nine Iberian populations using ISSR fingerprints, and their leaf phenotypes using mean and intracanopy plasticity values of eight morphological (leaf angle, area, spinescence, lobation and specific area) and biochemical traits (VAZ pool, chlorophyll and β-carotene content). Climate and soil were also characterised at the population sites. Significant genetic and phenotypic differences were found among populations and between NE Iberia and the rest of the populations of the peninsula. Mean phenotypes showed a strong and independent correlation with both genetic and geographic distances. Northeastern plants were smaller, less plastic, with smaller, spinier and thicker leaves, a phenotype consistent with the stressful conditions that prevailed in the steppe environments of the refugia within this geographic area during glaciations. These genetic, phenotypic, geographic and environmental patterns are consistent with previously reported palaeoecological and common evidence. Such consistency leads us to conclude that there has been a Quaternary divergence within the sclerophyllous syndrome that was at least partially driven by ecological factors.  相似文献   

Seven species in three species groups (Decim, Cassini and Decula) of periodical cicadas (Magicicada) occupy a wide latitudinal range in the eastern United States. To clarify how adult body size, a key trait affecting fitness, varies geographically with climate conditions and life cycle, we analysed the relationships of population mean head width to geographic variables (latitude, longitude, altitude), habitat annual mean temperature (AMT), life cycle and species differences. Within species, body size was larger in females than males and decreased with increasing latitude (and decreasing habitat AMT), following the converse Bergmann's rule. For the pair of recently diverged 13‐ and 17‐year species in each group, 13‐year cicadas were equal in size or slightly smaller on average than their 17‐year counterparts despite their shorter developmental time. This fact suggests that, under the same climatic conditions, 17‐year cicadas have lowered growth rates compared to their 13‐years counterparts, allowing 13‐year cicadas with faster growth rates to achieve body sizes equivalent to those of their 17‐year counterparts at the same locations. However, in the Decim group, which includes two 13‐year species, the more southerly, anciently diverged 13‐year species (Magicicada tredecim) was characterized by a larger body size than the other, more northerly 13‐ and 17‐year species, suggesting that local adaptation in warmer habitats may ultimately lead to evolution of larger body sizes. Our results demonstrate how geographic clines in body size may be maintained in sister species possessing different life cycles.  相似文献   

Intra- and inter-population variability was studied in three species of tropical African estrildid finches comprising the genus Pyrenestes. Eleven characters were measured on P. ostrinus captured on a study area in Cameroon. Most of these same characters were also measured on museum specimens of this species and P. saguineus and P. minor. Data were analysed using univariate and multivariate statistical methods in order to characterize variation within and between populations and species.
Variation in all three species of Pyrenestes is greatest in bill size, resulting from an exceptional non-sex-linked polymorphism. Bill size differences between morphs are as high as between congeneric species, with extremely large coefficients of variation, while other body characters show comparatively little variation. Sexual dimorphisms and differences in size due to age occur, but contribute little to overall size variation. Distributions of bill characters in each age and sex class are bimodal or greatly skewed, and in some geographical regions tend to be trimodal. Distributions of other body characters tend not to be significantly different from normal. Bill morphs differ in both shape and size and may be separated using principal component analysis. Static allometries of bill morphs differ significantly: relative to body size, bill size increases more rapidly in the large morph. Bill size and shape also vary geographically. The three species differ in mean size but show much overlap. Bill size is negatively correlated with total annual rainfall. In regions characterized by ecotonal transition zones between forest and savanna, tentative evidence suggests that a third, yet larger bill mode occurs. This third mode apparently results from the presence of a distinct larger species of hard-seeded sedge found only in these regions. The taxonomic implications of the polymorphism are discussed.  相似文献   

The lacertid lizard ( Gallotia stehlini ), an endemic of Gran Canaria, shows no visually obvious geographic variation, yet all seven scalation characters that were examined exhibit significant geographic variation. The number of collar scales, scales along the ventral trunk and femoral pores are correlated with habitat type, while the number of femoral pores is correlated negatively with altitude. Mantel tests were used to compare simultaneously an observed pattern with three hypothesized patterns (habitat type, altitude and proximity). They indicate that, while several individual characters are significantly associated with the putative causal factors of habitat type and altitude, there is no association between an overall scalation distance matrix and habitat type, or altitude when the effect of proximity is removed. Consequently, one should consider the individual characters as well as the multivariate generalized distances. Some of the observed patterns of geographic variation in scalation are very similar to those of the small scincid lizard Chalcides sexlineatus on Gran Canaria and also parallel the altitudinal and latitudinal variation in the scalation of the Tenerife lacertid ( Galotia galloti ). The low level of congruence in patterns of geographic variation in individual characters (i.e. some vary with latitude, some with altitude and one varies with longitude) is consistent with the hypothesis that ecogenetically caused geographic variation may result in lower inter-character congruence than phylogenetically caused geographic variation.  相似文献   

The environmental conditions to which juvenile barnacle geese (Branta leucopsis) were exposed during growth were found to affect their body size at fledging as well as their final adult body size. Small juveniles showed compensatory growth from the time of fledging up to one year of age, but this did not fully compensate the differences in body size that were established before fledging. The variation in protein content in plants eaten during growth could probably explain the observed body size differences, sometimes of more than 10%, between different categories of adult geese. Our results imply that one cannot infer selection on morphological characters from differences between samples of adult birds from different localities or from different cohorts within a population, without first showing that environmental conditions during growth do not affect the development of the characters under study.  相似文献   

Biological structure of the population of the island of Hvar was investigated by using the data on anthropometric variation among nine village populations; 24 body and 14 head dimensions were analysed from 487 male and 437 female adult subjects. Univariate and multivariate analyses revealed heterogeneity among the populations, which says much for the strength of the isolating factors on the island. Using correlations of anthropometric and geographic distance, the observed patterns of variation among villages were closely related to geography, suggesting migration to be an important factor in the formation of the island's population structure. Populations of the examined villages were further grouped to form the population of the eastern part and the population of the western part of the island, which have an ethnodemographic and sociocultural basis. The analyses revealed heterogeneity between the populations and thus provided evidence to support the hypothesis about the existence of the genetically different groups living in the same biotope.  相似文献   

While recent experimental work on a variety of reptile species has demonstrated that incubation temperature influences hatchling phenotypes, the biological significance of such phenotypic variation remains unclear. Incubation temperature may exert significant long-term phenotypic effects. Alternatively, such influences may be temporary, or negligible relative to effects induced by genetic factors, or by the environmental conditions experienced after hatching. Even if incubation temperature exerts long-term effects on phenotype, this might occur indirectly (by influencing hatching dates) rather than by direct modifications of developmental processes. We quantified the influences of the source population, incubation temperature and rearing environment, on the phenotype of the Australian garden skink (Lampropholis guichenoti) from populations that differ in nest temperature and phenotype. Intcrpopulation differences in the phenotypes of young lizards were found to be a product of all three factors. However, the long-term effects of both population and incubation temperature operated indirectly (through variation in the date of hatching) rather than directly (through genetic or developmental factors). That is, once all temporal effects were removed, the only discernible influence on juvenile phenotypes was their rearing environment. Thus, some of the most important influences on lizard phenotypes may operate via modifications of hatching date.  相似文献   

Molecular markers have been used only rarely to characterize the population genetic structure of nematodes. Published studies have suggested that different taxa may show distinct genetic architectures. Isoenzyme and RAPD markers have been used to investigate geographic variation of Ascaris suum at the level of infrapopulations (nematodes within individual hosts), within localities, and among geographic regions. Independent estimates of genetic differentiation among population samples based on isoenzyme and RAPD data showed similar patterns and substantial correlation. Heterozygote deficiencies within infrapopulations and large values for inbreeding coefficients among infrapopulations suggested that the composition of these populations was not consistent with a model of random recruitment from a large panmictic pool of life-cycle stages. Both isoenzyme and RAPD markers revealed moderate levels of genetic differentiation among samples representing infrapopulations and localities. Of total gene diversity, 9.4% (isoenzyme) and 9.2% (RAPD) was partitioned among infrapopulations. Geographic localities accounted for 7.8% (isoenzyme) and 6.2% (RAPD) of total diversity. Only infrapopulations from the same farm had low levels of differentiation.  相似文献   

Although abortive uterine eggs are often assumed to be resorbed by females of the viviparous skink Chalcides chalcides, little microscopic evidence of resorption of such eggs is available. Oviducts from pregnant female C. chalcides in which egg resorption was inferred were examined histologically to seek a morphological basis for resorption. Uterine histology at the site of abortive eggs was very similar to that of lizards in early pregnancy. The uterine epithelium consisted of a monolayer of pseudostratifed columnar cells that showed no evidence of yolk phagocytosis. The uterine lamina propria exhibited shell glands and modest vascularity, typical of early gestation, and contained neither yolk droplets nor accumulating leukocytes. Unattenuated regions of the lamina propria contained occasional macrophages and mast cells, some of the latter of which were undergoing degranulation. The abortive eggs often were collapsed with ruptured shell membranes, and some were undergoing extrusion from the incubation chambers down the oviduct. In eggs that had begun developing, extraembryonic ectoderm and endoderm were atypical in location, and had failed to enclose yolk leaking from the eggs. Oviducts sampled from later in the reproductive season were reproductively inactive, and showed no trace of abortive eggs or egg components. We postulate that abortive eggs are extruded from the oviduct by pregnant females under conditions of physiological stress, as a means of enhancing future reproductive effort. J. Morphol. 235:97–108, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The distribution of three main lateral plate morphs of the three–spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus , in the Polish zone of the Baltic Sea and inland waters is surveyed. Most sites are characterized by predominance of the completely plated morph, although it is only in the Vistula River drainage basin where monomorphic complete populations prevail. Polymorphic populations with a high proportion of the non–complete morphs are found in Puck Bay (the Baltic) and in south–west Poland, Possible causes of this pattern are discussed.  相似文献   

We implemented a detailed morphometry and multivariate statistics to establish a general, large-scale racial differentiation in Asellus aquaticus (L.) sensu Racovitza. We ascertained that in surface populations a set of 11 morphometric characters might equivalently be represented by the pleopod respiratory area size alone. The analyses resulted in a distinct distribution pattern, with the large respiratory area populations disposed mainly along the Dinaric karst between southern Slovenia and western Macedonia and surrounded by the medium respiratory area morph, spatially irregularly substituted by the small area morph. This pattern is in contradiction with the distribution pattern of molecularly defined clades (as shown by Verovnik et al. 2005 ). We could find no ecological, hydrographical or paleogeographical explanations for such distribution pattern either. The only hypothetical explanation would be a preservation of the large respiratory area as a plesiomorphic character in the comparatively sheltered karst habitats, while throughout the easier accessible parts of the species range it was replaced by the 'modern' smaller area size. While a diminution of the respiratory area functionally means an increased sclerotization – hardening of pleopod IV–V exopodites, endopodites of pleopods III–V remain less sclerotized, probably respiratory and osmoregulatory functional.  相似文献   

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