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Shiga-like toxin 1 (SLTx), produced by enterohemorrhagic strains of Escherichia coli (EHEC), belongs to a family of structurally and functionally related AB(5) protein toxins that are associated with human disease. EHEC infection often gives rise to hemolytic colitis, while toxin-induced kidney damage is one of the major causes of hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) and acute renal failure in children. As such, an understanding and analysis of the noncovalent interactions that maintain the quaternary structure of this toxin are fundamentally important since such interactions have significant biochemical and medical implications. This paper reports on the analysis of the noncovalent homopentameric complex of Shiga-like toxin B chain (SLTx-B(5)) using electrospray ionization (ESI) triple-quadrupole (QqQ) mass spectrometry (MS) and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) and the analysis of the noncovalent hexameric holotoxin (SLTx-AB(5)) using ESI time-of-flight (TOF) MS. The triple-quadrupole analysis revealed highly charged monomer ions dissociate from the multiprotein complex to form dimer, trimer, and tetramer product ions, which were also seen to further dissociate. The ESI-TOFMS analysis of SLTx-AB(5) revealed the complex remained intact and was observed in the gas phase over a range of pHs. Theses findings demonstrate that the gas-phase structure observed for both the holotoxin and the isoloated B chains correlates well with the structures reported to exist in the solution phase for these proteins. Such analysis provides a rapid screening technique for assessing the noncovalent structure of this family of proteins and other structurally related toxins.  相似文献   

Reaction of diphosphine complexes [IrCl{(C6F5)2P(CH2)2P(C6F5)2}]2 (I) and [IrCl(dppe)]2 (II) with coordinating solvents (acetonitrile, acetone, DMSO) leads to several square-planar complexes of the type [IrCl(diphosphine)(solvent)] which are stable only in solution ([IrCl{(C6F5)2P(CH2)2P(C6F5)2}(NCCH3)] (III) and [IrCl{(C6F5)2P(CH2)2P(C6F5)2}(acetone)], IV) and/or can be detected only under APCI-MS/MS conditions ([IrCl(dppe)(solvent)]). When III is allowed to react with CO for at least 30 min, the unusual five coordinated trans-dicarbonyl complex [IrCl{(C6F5)2P(CH2)2P(C6F5)2}(CO)2] (Vb) is formed, as characterized by 1H and 31P NMR, FT-IR, TGA and APCI-MS/MS.A new and stable square-planar complex [Ir(OCH3)(cod)(PClPh2)] (IX) was also synthesized. Its APCI-MS/MS spectrum is simple and unique as it shows exclusively the loss of a neutral C3H2 species. Along with the APCI-MS and APCI-MS/MS analyses, whenever it was possible all complexes were also characterized by 1H and 31P NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Hypochlorous acid (HOCl) is a major product of activated neutrophils and may be important in antimicrobial activities of cells by oxidation or chlorination of susceptible amino acids. Three major peaks separated using C18 reverse phase-high-performance liquid chromatography RP-HPLC after incubation of leucine enkephalin (LeuEnk) with HOCl. Electrospray mass spectrometry showed masses of m/z 556.2, 590.2, and 624.4 corresponding to unmodified LeuEnk and peptides altered by addition of one or two chlorines (Cl). Formation of stable N-alpha-chloramines was indicated because the chlorinated peptides were readily reduced with the physiological reductants glutathione and ascorbic acid to LeuEnk (m/z 556.2) within 10 min. Sequence-specific ions observed in product ion spectra of single-charged monochlorinated and dichlorinated peptides were consistent with modification of the N-terminal amine. There was no evidence for chlorination of the Tyr aromatic ring in any spectra. Similar RP-HPLC profiles were obtained after oxidation of des-Tyr1-LeuEnk (GGFL) with the masses of the major products being m/z 393.3, 427.2, and 461.1. These were identified as unmodified GGFL, N-alpha-Cl-GGFL, and N-alpha-Cl2-GGFL based on comparison of tandem mass spectra. Oxidation of Met and formation of disulfide dimers was observed after incubation of either N-alpha-Cl-LeuEnk or N-alpha-Cl2-LeuEnk with a protein, indicating that both peptide N-alpha-chloramines were able to readily modify sulfur-containing amino acids within proteins. These data indicate initial formation of stable N-alpha-chorinated peptides after incubation with HOCl and suggest that N-alpha-chlorinated peptides may exist for some hours in the absence of physiological reducing agents or sulfur-containing amino acids.  相似文献   

Fast atom bombardment (FAB) and tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) are shown to be useful methods for the detection and structural characterization of nanogram amounts of amino polyaromatic hydrocarbon-nucleoside DNA adducts. The positive ion spectra of four aromatic amine guanosine adducts were studied in detail. The FAB spectra of these adducts exhibit an [MH]+ ion and a more abundant aglycon fragment ion, [AH2]+, which results from the loss of the deoxyribose sugar. The sensitivity of the adducts to FAB was enhanced by preparing trimethylsilyl (TMS) ether derivatives. High-quality full-scan spectra could be obtained on less than 70 ng of the derivatized adducts without signal averaging. With a B/E-linked scan of the [MH]+ ion for the TMS2 species, these same adducts could be detected by examination of their metastable ion spectra at levels as low as 4-5 ng (S/N greater than 10). Collision-induced dissociation (CID) of the [MH]+ ion yields the aglycon fragment and an ion, S1, which results from cleavage through the sugar. The CID spectrum of the aglycon [AH2]+ ion is much more useful, providing structural information relating to the base, the polyaromatic hydrocarbon, and, possibly, the site of covalent attachment. Differentiation of isomeric aminophenanthrene-guanine adducts was demonstrated on the basis of the CID spectra of their respective [AH2]+ ions. The use of TMS derivatives also improves the sensitivity of these methods.  相似文献   

The 10(5) resolving power and MS/MS capabilities of Fourier-transform mass spectrometry provide electrospray ionization mass spectra containing >100 molecular and fragment ion mass values of high accuracy. Applying these spectra to the detection and localization of errors and modifications in the DNA-derived sequences of proteins is illustrated with the thiCEFSGH thiamin biosynthesis operon from Escherichia coli. Direct fragmentation of the multiply-charged intact protein ions produces large fragment ions covering the entire sequence; further dissociation of these fragment ions provides information on their sequences. For ThiE (23 kDa), the entire sequence was verified in a single spectrum with an accurate (0.3 Da) molecular weight (Mr) value, with confirmation from MS/MS fragment masses. Those for ThiH (46 kDa) showed that the Mr value (1 Da error) represented the protein without the start Met residue. For ThiF (27 kDa), MS/MS localized a sequence discrepancy to a 34 residue peptide. The first 107 residues of ThiC (74 kDa) were shown to be correct, with C-terminal heterogeneity indicated. For ThiG (predicted Mr = 34 kDa), ESI/FTMS showed two components of 7,310.74 (ThiS) and 26,896.5 Da (ThiG); MS/MS uncovered three reading frame errors and a stop codon for the first protein. MS/MS ions are consistent with 68 fragments predicted by the corrected ThiS/ThiG DNA sequences.  相似文献   

Polyglycylation is a posttranslational modification specific to tubulin. This modification was originally identified in highly stable microtubules from Paramecium cilia. As many as 34 posttranslationally added glycine residues have been located in the C-terminal domains of Paramecium alpha- and beta-tubulin. In this study, post source decay matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry (PSD MALDI MS) and electrospray ionization on a hybrid quadrupole orthogonal time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometer (ESI Q-TOF MS/MS) were both used to demonstrate that a single molecule of beta-tubulin, from either dynamic cytoplasmic microtubules or stable axonemal microtubules, can be glycylated on each of the last four C-terminal glutamate residues Glu437, Glu438, Glu439, and Glu441 in the sequence 427DATAEEEGEFEEEGEQ442. In both dynamic and stable microtubules the most abundant beta-tubulin isoform contains six posttranslationally added glycine residues: two glycine residues on both Glu437 and Glu438 and one glycine residue on both Glu439 and Glu441. The number and relative abundance of glycylated isoforms of beta-tubulin in both cytoplasmic and axonemal microtubules were compared by MALDI MS.1 The abundance of the major glycylated isoforms in axonemal tubulin decreases regularly with glycylation levels from 6 to 19 whereas it drops abruptly in cytoplasmic tubulin with glycylation levels from 6 to 9. However, the polyglycine chains are similarly distributed on the four C-terminal glutamate residues of cytoplasmic and axonemal tubulin. The polyglycylation results in bulky C-terminal domains with negatively charged surfaces, all surrounding the microtubular structure.  相似文献   

Tandem mass spectrometry with a four-sector type mass spectrometer was used to elucidate the structures of minor components of the peptidyl antibiotic P168s (leucinostatins). As N-terminal fragments, ions by B-type cleavage were dominant, while V-type cleavages were observed along with X, Y, and Z types as C-terminal ions. The V-type ions were predominant in the cleavages of the amino terminals of leucyl and hydroxyleucyl residues. The structures of several minor components could be deduced from the tandem mass spectra.  相似文献   

We describe the application of a peptide retention time reversed phase liquid chromatography (RPLC) prediction model previously reported (Petritis et al. Anal. Chem. 2003, 75, 1039) for improved peptide identification. The model uses peptide sequence information to generate a theoretical (predicted) elution time that can be compared with the observed elution time. Using data from a set of known proteins, the retention time parameter was incorporated into a discriminant function for use with tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) data analyzed with the peptide/protein identification program SEQUEST. For singly charged ions, the number of confident identifications increased by 12% when the elution time metric is included compared to when mass spectral data is the sole source of information in the context of a Drosophila melanogaster database. A 3-4% improvement was obtained for doubly and triply charged ions for the same biological system. Application to the larger Rattus norvegicus (rat) and human proteome databases resulted in an 8-9% overall increase in the number of confident identifications, when both the discriminant function and elution time are used. The effect of adding "runner-up" hits (peptide matches that are not the highest scoring for a spectra) from SEQUEST is also explored, and we find that the number of confident identifications is further increased by 1% when these hits are also considered. Finally, application of the discriminant functions derived in this work with approximately 2.2 million spectra from over three hundred LC-MS/MS analyses of peptides from human plasma protein resulted in a 16% increase in confident peptide identifications (9022 vs 7779) using elution time information. Further improvements from the use of elution time information can be expected as both the experimental control of elution time reproducibility and the predictive capability are improved.  相似文献   

Quantitation of relative or absolute amounts of proteins by mass spectrometry can be prone to large errors. The use of MS/MS ion intensities and stable isotope labeling, which we term stable isotope labeling tandem mass spectrometry (SILT), decreases the effects of contamination from unrelated compounds. We present a software package (SILTmass) that automates protein identification and quantification by the SILT method. SILTmass has the ability to analyze the kinetics of protein turnover, in addition to relative and absolute protein quantitation. Instead of extracting chromatograms to find elution peaks, SILTmass uses only scans in which a peptide is identified and that meet an ion intensity threshold. Using only scans with identified peptides, the accuracy and precision of SILT is shown to be superior to precursor ion intensities, particularly at high or low dilutions of the isotope labeled compounds or with low amounts of protein. Using example scans, we demonstrate likely reasons for the improvements in quantitation by SILT. The appropriate use of variable modifications in peptide identification is described for measurement of protein turnover kinetics. The combination of identification with SILT facilitates quantitation without peak detection and helps to ensure the appropriate use of variable modifications for kinetics experiments.  相似文献   

Antibody drug conjugates (ADCs) are highly cytotoxic drugs covalently attached via conditionally stable linkers to monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) and are among the most promising next-generation empowered biologics for cancer treatment. ADCs are more complex than naked mAbs, as the heterogeneity of the conjugates adds to the inherent microvariability of the biomolecules. The development and optimization of ADCs rely on improving their analytical and bioanalytical characterization by assessing several critical quality attributes, namely the distribution and position of the drug, the amount of naked antibody, the average drug to antibody ratio, and the residual drug-linker and related product proportions. Here brentuximab vedotin (Adcetris®) and trastuzumab emtansine (Kadcyla®), the first and gold-standard hinge-cysteine and lysine drug conjugates, respectively, were chosen to develop new mass spectrometry (MS) methods and to improve multiple-level structural assessment protocols.  相似文献   

Large-scale protein identifications from highly complex protein mixtures have recently been achieved using multidimensional liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC/LC-MS/MS) and subsequent database searching with algorithms such as SEQUEST. Here, we describe a probability-based evaluation of false positive rates associated with peptide identifications from three different human proteome samples. Peptides from human plasma, human mammary epithelial cell (HMEC) lysate, and human hepatocyte (Huh)-7.5 cell lysate were separated by strong cation exchange (SCX) chromatography coupled offline with reversed-phase capillary LC-MS/MS analyses. The MS/MS spectra were first analyzed by SEQUEST, searching independently against both normal and sequence-reversed human protein databases, and the false positive rates of peptide identifications for the three proteome samples were then analyzed and compared. The observed false positive rates of peptide identifications for human plasma were significantly higher than those for the human cell lines when identical filtering criteria were used, suggesting that the false positive rates are significantly dependent on sample characteristics, particularly the number of proteins found within the detectable dynamic range. Two new sets of filtering criteria are proposed for human plasma and human cell lines, respectively, to provide an overall confidence of >95% for peptide identifications. The new criteria were compared, using a normalized elution time (NET) criterion (Petritis et al. Anal. Chem. 2003, 75, 1039-1048), with previously published criteria (Washburn et al. Nat. Biotechnol. 2001, 19, 242-247). The results demonstrate that the present criteria provide significantly higher levels of confidence for peptide identifications from mammalian proteomes without greatly decreasing the number of identifications.  相似文献   

This review will focus on ion trap mass spectrometry (ITMS) and the application of this technique to the structural analysis of carbohydrates. The basic principles of operation of the electrostatic ion traps are briefly described and the applicability of the technique to the structural characterization of carbohydrates is illustrated with the analysis of arabinoxylan oligosaccharides by ion trap mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

A combination of lipophilic gel permeation chromatography and ion-exchange chromatography in organic solvents was used to purify low molecular weight proteolipids from bovine brain. Cleavage peptides were purified by HPLC and studied mainly by the fast atom bombardment--mass spectrometry technique. A proteolipid of Mr 14 000 contains several peptides from the first 113 amino acids of the major myelin proteolipid (MMPL) plus an extra unknown blocked N-terminal peptide. A proteolipid of Mr 16 000 contains smaller peptides belonging to a C-terminal fragment of MMPL of about 160 residues. These two proteolipids do not seem to be artifacts from MMPL.  相似文献   

The ability to acquire structurally informative daughter ion spectra for individual peptides undergoing separation and analysis by continuous flow fast atom bombardment (CF FAB) is demonstrated. To illustrate the potential of this methodology, tryptic and chymotryptic digests of the 29-residue peptide glucagon were analyzed by CF FAB using mass spectrometric and tandem mass spectrometric detection in consecutive analyses. Daughter ion spectra were recorded using B/E linked scans for the major hydrolysis products observed by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry. The peptide mixtures were separated by gradient capillary high-performance liquid chromatography with the FAB matrix being added post-column using a coaxial flow interface between the column and flow probe. The entire effluent (3 microl min(-1)) was sampled by the mass spectrometer. Results obtained using less than 300 pmol of digested glucagon indicated several advantages to tandem mass spectrometric detection including the ability to confirm identities for products of enzymatic digestion and the potential use of this method for tandem sequence analysis of peptide mixtures.  相似文献   

Protonated molecular peptide ions and their product ions generated by tandem mass spectrometry appear as isotopologue clusters due to the natural isotopic variations of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur. Quantitation of the isotopic composition of peptides can be employed in experiments involving isotope effects, isotope exchange, and isotopic labeling by chemical reactions and in studies of metabolism by stable isotope incorporation. Both ion trap and quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometry are shown to be capable of determining the isotopic composition of peptide product ions obtained by tandem mass spectrometry with both precision and accuracy. Tandem mass spectra of clusters of isotopologue ions obtained in profile mode are fit by nonlinear least squares to a series of Gaussian peaks which quantify the Mn/M0 values which define the isotopologue distribution (ID). To determine the isotopic composition of product ions from their ID, a new algorithm that predicts the Mn/M0 ratios and obviates the need to determine the intensity of all of the ions of an ID is developed. Consequently a precise and accurate determination of the isotopic composition of a product ion may be obtained from only the initial values of the ID, however, the entire isotopologue cluster must be isolated prior to fragmentation. Following optimization of the molecular ion isolation width, fragmentation energy, and detector sensitivity, the presence of isotopic excess (2H, 13C, 15N, 18O) is readily determined within 1%. The ability to determine the isotopic composition of sequential product ions permits the isotopic composition of individual amino acid residues in the precursor ion to be determined.  相似文献   

The peroxisome represents a ubiquitous single membrane-bound key organelle that executes various metabolic pathways such as fatty acid degradation by alpha- and beta-oxidation, ether-phospholipid biosynthesis, metabolism of reactive oxygen species, and detoxification of glyoxylate in mammals. To fulfil this vast array of metabolic functions, peroxisomes accommodate approximately 50 different enzymes at least as identified until now. Interest in peroxisomes has been fueled by the discovery of a group of genetic diseases in humans, which are caused by either a defect in peroxisome biogenesis or the deficient activity of a distinct peroxisomal enzyme or transporter. Although this research has greatly improved our understanding of peroxisomes and their role in mammalian metabolism, deeper insight into biochemistry and functions of peroxisomes is required to expand our knowledge of this low abundance but vital organelle. In this work, we used classical subcellular fractionation in combination with MS-based proteomics methodologies to characterize the proteome of mouse kidney peroxisomes. We could identify virtually all known components involved in peroxisomal metabolism and biogenesis. Moreover through protein localization studies by using a quantitative MS screen combined with statistical analyses, we identified 15 new peroxisomal candidates. Of these, we further investigated five candidates by immunocytochemistry, which confirmed their localization in peroxisomes. As a result of this joint effort, we believe to have compiled the so far most comprehensive protein catalogue of mammalian peroxisomes.  相似文献   

Two new biomarkers, serum amyloid-P (SAP) and plasma C1-inhibitor protein are elevated in the maternal circulation of mothers carrying Down syndrome foetuses. Much emphasis of late\ has been put on the lack of translational tests being developed following the identification of new biomarkers. We have created a single-reaction-monitoring (SRM) tandem mass spectrometry-based assay for the quantitation of these biomarkers and compared these results with an in-house developed immunofluorescence-based technique (IF). This MS-based assay is a rapid 5 min test and a simple "one pot reaction," requiring only 5μl of plasma. To evaluate the potential of SRM-based quantitation in a clinical setting, SAP and C1-inhibitor were quantitated in 38 normal and Down syndrome affected pregnancies. Plasma SAP levels in the Down's group were significantly raised at 10-14 weeks (p<0.0015) and 14-20 weeks (p<0.0001). Plasma C1-inhibitor levels were also observed significantly elevated in the Down's group (10-14 weeks, p<0.0193, 14-20 weeks, p<0.0001). Analysis using the IF technique did not show any significant elevation of plasma SAP levels or C1-inhibitor levels. This rapid and sensitive assay demonstrates the potential of multiplexed tandem MS-based quantitation of proteins in chemical pathology labs and in a more cost-effective, accurate manner than conventionally used antibody methods.  相似文献   

The applicability of LC–MS/MS in precursor ion scan mode for the detection of urinary stanozolol metabolites has been studied. The product ion at m/z 81 has been selected as specific for stanozolol metabolites without a modification in A- or N-rings and the product ions at m/z 97 and 145 for the metabolites hydroxylated in the N-ring and 4-hydroxy-stanozolol metabolites, respectively. Under these conditions, the parent drug and up to 15 metabolites were found in a positive doping test sample. The study of a sample from a chimeric uPA-SCID mouse collected after the administration of stanozolol revealed the presence of 4 additional metabolites. The information obtained from the product ion spectra was used to develop a SRM method for the detection of 19 compounds. This SRM method was applied to several doping positive samples. All the metabolites were detected in both the uPA-SCID mouse sample and positive human samples and were not detected in none of the blank samples tested; confirming the metabolic nature of all the detected compounds. In addition, the application of the SRM method to a single human excretion study revealed that one of the metabolites (4ξ,16ξ-dihydroxy-stanozolol) could be detected in negative ionization mode for a longer period than those commonly used in the screening for stanozolol misuse (3′-hydroxy-stanozolol, 16β-hydroxy-stanozolol and 4β-hydroxy-stanozolol) in doping analysis. The application of the developed approach to several positive doping samples confirmed the usefulness of this metabolite for the screening of stanozolol misuse. Finally, a tentative structure for each detected metabolite has been proposed based on the product ion spectra measured with accurate masses using UPLC–QTOF MS.  相似文献   

Fragmentation and "top-down" sequencing of intact proteins by mass spectrometry (MS) is most commonly performed by infusion of protein solutions into Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT-ICR) mass spectrometers. However, the high cost of this instrumentation, coupled with the need to infuse "clean" solutions (lacking standard biological buffers), limits broad application of this technique. The current study describes an alternative approach to top-down sequencing using in-source fragmentation on quadrupole time-of-flight (Q-Tof) instrumentation coupled with reversed-phase liquid chromatography (LC). Application of this technique to purified recombinant samples yielded protein fragments during routine LC-MS analysis. The presence of multiple N- and C-terminal fragments allowed localization of structural modifications without proteolytic digestion. The method was extended to complex samples by using LC conditions that provided high-resolution protein separation. Utility of the method was illustrated by real-time monitoring of protein modifications occurring in reconstituted apoptosomes. These experiments illustrate that intact protein mass and limited sequence information can be obtained simultaneously on an LC timescale. This approach will allow a wide variety of laboratories to routinely apply top-down sequencing to problems in structural characterization, protein purification, and biomarker identification.  相似文献   

The applicability of LC–MS/MS in precursor ion scan mode for the detection of urinary stanozolol metabolites has been studied. The product ion at m/z 81 has been selected as specific for stanozolol metabolites without a modification in A- or N-rings and the product ions at m/z 97 and 145 for the metabolites hydroxylated in the N-ring and 4-hydroxy-stanozolol metabolites, respectively. Under these conditions, the parent drug and up to 15 metabolites were found in a positive doping test sample. The study of a sample from a chimeric uPA-SCID mouse collected after the administration of stanozolol revealed the presence of 4 additional metabolites. The information obtained from the product ion spectra was used to develop a SRM method for the detection of 19 compounds. This SRM method was applied to several doping positive samples. All the metabolites were detected in both the uPA-SCID mouse sample and positive human samples and were not detected in none of the blank samples tested; confirming the metabolic nature of all the detected compounds. In addition, the application of the SRM method to a single human excretion study revealed that one of the metabolites (4ξ,16ξ-dihydroxy-stanozolol) could be detected in negative ionization mode for a longer period than those commonly used in the screening for stanozolol misuse (3′-hydroxy-stanozolol, 16β-hydroxy-stanozolol and 4β-hydroxy-stanozolol) in doping analysis. The application of the developed approach to several positive doping samples confirmed the usefulness of this metabolite for the screening of stanozolol misuse. Finally, a tentative structure for each detected metabolite has been proposed based on the product ion spectra measured with accurate masses using UPLC–QTOF MS.  相似文献   

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