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Summary The developmental accretion of up to nine individual gangliosides in foetal brains, peri- and postnatal cortices, postnatal cerebelli and olfactory lobes and in the liver and the spleen were investigated in mice and compared with that of glycoprotein-bound sialic acid and the activity of the acetylcholinesterase.In foetal brain and in postnatal liver and spleen more sialic acid was found bound to glycoproteins than to gangliosides. In postnatal brain structures, however, ganglioside-NeuAc predominated and increased between the 7th and 21st d about 2-fold in the olfactory lobes and cerebellum and more than 3-fold in the cortex.During foetal development the relative quantities (mol %) as well as the absolute concentrations (compared with the fresh weight) of GM1, GM2 and GM3 in the brain decreased, whereas those of GD1a, GD1b and GQ increased.This pattern change continued perinatally in the cortex up to the end of the first week. Thereafter the pattern changed little, but the concentration of all gangliosides present increased much more rapidly, especially between the 10th and 13th d.The postnatal cerebellum and olfactory lobes contained higher concentrations of GM1 and GM3 than the cortex, both gangliosides decreasing in favour of their di-, tri- and tetrasialo-homologues during the third postnatal week.In all brains structures the accretion of GD1a and GT1 was proportional to the increase in the activity of the acetylcholinesterase.Unlike the brain structures, the ganglioside pattern in the liver and spleen, characterised by a predominance of monosialogangliosides and of GD3, did not change noticeably during the first three weeks after birth.The coincidence of the changes in ganglioside accretion observed in the different brain structures with successive periods of morphological differentiation further support the suggestion that gangliosides may play an important role in control of the growth and differentiation of developing nerve cells.Abbreviations GM3 II3NeuAc-GgOse2Cer - GM2 II3NeuAc-GgOse3Cer - GM1 II3NeuAcGgOse4Cer - GD1a IV3NeuAc-, II3 NeuAc-GgOse4Cer - GD3 II3 NeuAc2-GgOse2Cer - GD2 II3 NeuAc2-GgOse3 Cer - GD1b II3 NeuAc2-GgOse4 Cer - GT1 IV3 NeuAc-, II3 NeuAc2-GgOse4 Cer - GQ IV3 NeuAc-, II3 NeuAc3-GgOse4 Cer - NeuAc N-acetylneuraminic acid (sialic acid) - AChE Acetylcholinesterase  相似文献   

Structure and function of gap junctions in the developing brain   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Gap-junction-dependent neuronal communication is widespread in the developing brain, and the prevalence of gap-junctional coupling is well correlated with specific developmental events. We summarize here our current knowledge of the contribution of gap junctions to brain development and propose that they carry out this role by taking advantage of the full complement of their functional properties. Thus, hemichannel activation may represent a key step in the initiation of Ca2+ waves that coordinate cell cycle events during early prenatal neurogenesis, whereas both hemichannels and/or gap junctions may control the division and migration of cohorts of precusor cells during late prenatal neurogenesis. Finally, the recent discovery that pannexins, a novel group of proteins prominently expressed in the brain, are able to form both hemichannels and gap-junction channels suggests that we need to seek more than just connexins with respect to these junctions.Work in the authors’ laboratories is supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, SFB 509 (R.D.) and by the Institut Pasteur (R.B.).  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase activity in defined brain regions was determined using biochemical and histochemical methods 30 min after treating rats with sarin, soman or VX (0.5 x LD(50)). Enzyme inhibition was high in the pontomedullar area and frontal cortex, but was low in the basal ganglia. Histochemical and biochemical results correlated well. Determination of the activity in defined brain structures was a more sensitive parameter than determination in whole brain homogenate where the activity was a "mean" of the activities in different structures. The pontomedullar area controls respiration, so that the special sensitivity of acetylcholinesterase to inhibition by nerve agents in this area is important for understanding the mechanism of death caused by nerve agents. Thus, acetylcholinesterase activity is the main parameter investigated in studies searching for target sites following nerve agent poisoning.  相似文献   

More than half of the initially-formed neurons are deleted in certain brain regions during normal development. This process, whereby cells are discretely removed without interfering with the further development of remaining cells, is called programmed cell death (PCD). The term apoptosis is used to describe certain morphological manifestations of PCD. Many of the effectors of this developmental cell death program are highly expressed in the developing brain, making it more susceptible to accidental activation of the death machinery, e.g. following hypoxia-ischemia or irradiation. Recent evidence suggests, however, that activation and regulation of cell death mechanisms under pathological conditions do not exactly mirror physiological, developmentally regulated PCD. It may be argued that the conditions after e.g. ischemia are not even compatible with the execution of PCD as we know it. Under pathological conditions cells are exposed to various stressors, including energy failure, oxidative stress and unbalanced ion fluxes. This results in parallel triggering and potential overshooting of several different cell death pathways, which then interact with one another and result in complex patterns of biochemical manifestations and cellular morphological features. These types of cell death are here called "pathological apoptosis," where classical hallmarks of PCD, like pyknosis, nuclear condensation and caspase-3 activation, are combined with non-PCD features of cell death. Here we review our current knowledge of the mechanisms involved, with special focus on the potential for therapeutic intervention tailored to the needs of the developing brain.  相似文献   

Lithium has been shown to be neuroprotective against various insults including ethanol exposure. We previously reported that ethanol-induced apoptotic neurodegeneration in the postnatal day 7 (P7) mice is associated with decreases in phosphorylation levels of Akt, glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK-3β), and AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK), and alteration in lipid profiles in the brain. Here, P7 mice were injected with ethanol and lithium, and the effects of lithium on ethanol-induced alterations in phosphorylation levels of protein kinases and lipid profiles in the brain were examined. Immunoblot and immunohistochemical analyses showed that lithium significantly blocked ethanol-induced caspase-3 activation and reduction in phosphorylation levels of Akt, GSK-3β, and AMPK. Further, lithium inhibited accumulation of cholesterol ester (ChE) and N-acylphosphatidylethanolamine (NAPE) triggered by ethanol in the brain. These results suggest that Akt, GSK-3β, and AMPK are involved in ethanol-induced neurodegeneration and the neuroprotective effects of lithium by modulating both apoptotic and survival pathways.  相似文献   

Total withdrawal of food from young rats for 72–120 h produced an increase in brain content of free histidine which was less pronounced than the effect of prolonged dietary protein deficiency. The data suggested that the elevated brain content of histidine in both fasting and protein deficiency was due partly to increased plasma level of the amino acid but mainly to diminished plasma concentrations of the neutral amino acids known to share the same transport system across the blood-brain barrier. The results also support the idea that total starvation, and most likely, prolonged caloric restriction, like protein malnutrition, elicit increased formation of histamine in brain since the key regulatory enzyme,l-histidine carboxylyase (EC functions at less than maximal efficiency under normal brain levels of histidine. These findings in the rat are probably relevant to the human in view of evidence that theK m of blood-brain barrier neutral amino acid transport in the latter is low and therefore similar to the situation in the rat.  相似文献   

1. The pattern of NADP-linked malic enzyme activity estimated in the whole brain homogenate did not parallel that found in liver of developing rat. 2. Studies on intracellular distribution of malic enzyme in brain showed that the mitochondrial enzyme increased about three-fold between 10th and 40th day of life. Thereafter, a slow gradual increase to the adult level was observed. 3. The extramitochondrial malic enzyme from brain, like the liver enzyme, increased at the time of weaning, although to a lesser extent. At day 5 the brain malic enzyme was equally distributed between mitochondria and cytosol. 4. During the postnatal development, the contribution of the mitochondrial malic enzyme in the total activity was increasing, reaching the value approx. 80% at day 150 after birth. 5. The increase with age of the malic enzyme specific activity was observed in both synaptosomal and non-synaptosomal mitochondria, the changes in the last fraction being more pronounced. 6. The activity of citrate synthase developed markedly between 10-40 postnatal days, increasing about five-fold, while the specific activity of the enzyme did change neither in the synaptosomal nor in non-synaptosomal mitochondria at this period. 7. We conclude that the changes in malic enzyme activity in the developing rat brain are mainly due both to the increase of mitochondrial protein content and to the increase of specific activity of the mitochondrial malic enzyme.  相似文献   

The developing and the adult brain respond in similar ways to ischemia, but also display clear differences. For example, the relative contributions of necrosis and apoptosis to neuronal death may be different, such that apoptotic mechanisms would be more prevalent in the developing brain. During normal development, more than half of the neurons in some brain regions are removed through apoptosis, and effectors like caspase-3 are highly upregulated in the immature brain. Mitochondria are pivotal regulators of cell death through their role in energy production and calcium homeostasis, their capacity to release apoptogenic proteins and to produce reactive oxygen species. This review will summarize some of the current studies dealing with mitochondria-related mechanisms of ischemic brain damage, with special reference to developmental aspects.  相似文献   

The appearance of cholinergic trait often precedes synaptogenesis, indicating the involvement of cholinesterase proteins in nervous system development, particularly so acetylcholinesterase (AChE). In addition to AChE's acclaimed esterase activity, its lesser known non-cholinergic functions have gained much attention, because of AChE protein expression in areas other than cholinergic innervations; one such function could be exerted by its associated aryl acylamidase (AAA) activity. In this study, an attempt has been made in profiling esterase and AAA activities of AChE at different developmental stages of the chick embryo, e.g. at embryonic day 6 (E6), E9, E12, E15 and E18. AAA activity showed a correlated expression with esterase activity at all stages, but the relative ratios of AAA to esterase activity were higher at younger stages. The inhibition of AAA activity was shown to be more sensitive towards Huperzine, Donepezil whereas inhibition of esterase activity was sensitive to Tacrine and DFP. Remarkably, the major Alzheimer drugs- Huperzine and Donepezil, much more strongly inhibited AAA activity of AChE at younger developmental stages whose IC50 values are 0.01 μM and 0.1 μM respectively. In the case of BW284c51, inhibition was more pronounced at older stages and IC50 value was 0.1 μM. Since in Alzheimer's disease (AD), embryonic forms of AChE have been reported to reappear, a possible role of AAA activity in the pathogenesis of AD should be considered.  相似文献   

Looking at cholinesterases (ChEs) changes in age-related mental impairment, the expression of ChEs in brain of senescence accelerated-resistant (SAMR1) and senescence accelerated-prone (SAMP8) mice was studied. Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity was unmodified and BuChE activity increased twofold in SAMP8 brain. SAMR1 brain contained many AChE-T mRNAs, less BuChE and PRiMA mRNAs and scant AChE-R and AChE-H mRNAs. Their content unchanged in SAMP8 brain. Amphiphilic (G(4)(A)) and hydrophilic (G(4)(H)) AChE and BuChE tetramers, besides amphiphilic dimers (G(2)(A)) and monomers (G(1)(A)) were identified in SAMR1 brain and their distribution was little modified in SAMP8 brain. Blood plasma does not seem to provide the excess of BuChE activity in SAMP8 brain; it probably arises from glial cell changes owing to astrocytosis.  相似文献   

Summary A study on the localization of fetal and neonatal brain macrophages of mice from embryonic day 10 (E10) to postnatal day 21 (P21) was carried out immunohistochemically using a monoclonal antibody against a macrophage differentiation antigen (Mac-1) and the labeled avidin-biotin technique. In the central nervous system, the macrophages recognized first were mainly located in the choroid plexuses of the fourth and lateral ventricles at E14. Their number increased at E17–P3 and gradually decreased thereafter. In the cerebral parenchyma, a few macrophages appeared at E14 in the matrix cell layer. They were also detected in the migrating zone at E15, E17 and in the cortical plate at E19. Mapping of positive cells at the stage of neuroblast formation (E15, E17, E19) disclosed the precise distribution of cerebral macrophages. The macrophages that appeared first in the choroid plexuses at E15 may be derived from the subarachnoid vessels, which extend into the stroma of the choroid plexuses when the matrix cell layer invaginates into the lateral ventricle to form the choroid plexuses. Almost all of the macrophages recognized in the cerebral parenchyma disappeared at P9 when the cytoarchitecture seemed to be completed. In the cerebellum, which develops later than the cerebrum, macrophages appeared after birth and were located mainly in the internal granular layer. The brain macrophages always appeared in the regions where cell proliferation and brain remodeling are most active at each stage. These findings suggest that fetal and neonatal brain macrophages may play an important role in scavenging degenerated cells and cell debris during histogenesis of the central nervous system.  相似文献   

Commonly used anesthetics induce widespread neuronal degeneration in the developing mammalian brain via the oxidative-stress-associated mitochondrial apoptosis pathway. Dysregulation of cytochrome oxidase (CcOX), the terminal oxidase of the electron transport chain, can result in reactive oxygen species (ROS) formation. Isoflurane has previously been shown to activate this enzyme. Carbon monoxide (CO), as a modulator of CcOX, is of interest because infants and children are routinely exposed to CO during low-flow anesthesia. We have recently demonstrated that low concentrations of CO limit and prevent isoflurane-induced neurotoxicity in the forebrains of newborn mice in a dose-dependent manner. However, the effect of CO on CcOX in the context of anesthetic-induced oxidative stress is unknown. Seven-day-old male CD-1 mice underwent 1 h exposure to 0 (air), 5, or 100 ppm CO in air with or without isoflurane. Exposure to isoflurane or CO independently increased CcOX kinetic activity and increased ROS within forebrain mitochondria. However, exposure to CO combined with isoflurane paradoxically limited CcOX activation and oxidative stress. There were no changes seen in steady-state levels of CcOX I protein, indicating post-translational modification of CcOX as an etiology for changes in enzyme activity. CO exposure led to differential effects on CcOX subunit I tyrosine phosphorylation depending on concentration, while combined exposure to isoflurane with CO markedly increased the enzyme phosphorylation state. Phosphorylation of tyrosine 304 of CcOX subunit I has been shown to result in strong enzyme inhibition, and the relative reduction in CcOX kinetics following exposure to CO combined with isoflurane may have been due, in part, to such phosphorylation. Taken together, the data suggest that CO modulates CcOX in the developing brain during isoflurane exposure, thereby limiting oxidative stress. These CO-mediated effects could have implications for the development of low-flow anesthesia in infants and children to prevent anesthesia-induced oxidative stress.  相似文献   

Expcsure of adult male albino rats to higher environmental temperature (HET) at 35° for 2–12 hr or at 45° for 1–2 hr increases hypothalamic synaptosomal acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity. Synaptosomal AChE activity in cerebral cortex of rats exposed to 35° for 12 hr and in cerebral cortex and pons-medulla of rats exposed to 45° for 1–2 hr are also activated. AChE activity of synaptosomes prepared from normal rat brain regions incubated in-vitro at 39° or 41° for 0.5 hr increases significantly in cerebral cortex and hypothalamus. The activation of AChE in ponsmedulla is also observed when this brain region is incubated at 41° for 0.5 hr. Increase of (a) the duration of incubation at 41° and (b) the incubation temperature to 43° under in-vitro condition decreases the synaptosomal AChE activity. Lioneweaver-Burk plots indicate that (a) in-vivo and invitro HET-induced increases of brain regional synaptosomal AChE activity are coupled with an increase ofV max without any change inK m (b) very high temperature (43° under in-vitro condition) causes a decrease inV max with an increase inK m of AChE activity irrespective of brain regions. Arrhenius plots show that there is a decrease in transition temperature in hypothalamus of rats exposed to either 35° or 45°; whereas such a decrease in transition temperature of the pons-medulla and cerebral cortex regions are observed only after exposure to 45°. These results suggests that heat exposure increases the lipid fluidity of synaptosomal membrane depending on the brain region which may expose the catalytic site of the enzyme (AChE) and hence activate the synaptosomal membrane bound AChE activity in brain regions. Further the in-vitro higher temperature (43°C)-induced inhibition of synaptosomal AChE activity irrespective of brain regions may be the cause iof partial proteolysis/disaggregation of AChE oligomers and/or solubilization of this membrane-bound enzyme.To whom to address reprint requests:  相似文献   

Ethidium bromide (EtBr), a fluorescent dark red compound and stain for double-stranded DNA and RNA was used to study acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity in vitro together with kinetic parameters of this enzyme in the striatum (ST), hippocampus (HP), cerebral cortex (CC) and cerebellum (CB) of adult rats. AChE activity in vitro in the ST, HP, CC and CB was significantly reduced (p<0.05) in the presence of EtBr at concentrations of 0.00625, 0.0125, 0.025, 0.05 and 0.1 mM. For the analysis of the kinetic three concentrations of EtBr were tested (0.00625, 0.025 and 0.1 mM). An uncompetitive inhibition type was observed in the ST, HP and CC, whereas in the CB the inhibition type was mixed. These data indicate that EtBr should be considered a strong inhibitor of AChE activity demonstrating that there is an interaction between this compound and the cholinergic system.  相似文献   

Phospholipid exchange activity in developing rat brain   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Phospholipid exchange activity has been determined in the supernatant fraction of rat brain from birth through to maturity by measuring the protein-catalysed transfer of total and individual 32P-labelled phospholipids from microsomal membranes to mitochondria, and the transfer of [14C]phosphatidylcholine from liposomes to mitochondria. Transfer activity has also been compared in brain and liver supernatant. Overall phospholipid exchange activity in the brain increased only slightly with age. The activity at birth was 75% of the adult value. However, the transfer of individual phospholipids showed markedly different trends during postnatal brain development. The transfer of phosphatidylinositol (PI) and ethanolamine phospholipids increased postnatally to a maximum at 9 days of age, with lowest values in adult brain. Phosphatidylcholine (PC) transfer increased from 9 days to reach maximum values in the mature brain. The transfer of sphingomyelin was highest immediately after birth. PI transfer activity was higher in brain than liver, while PC and ethanolamine phospholipid transfer activity was higher in liver. The heterogeneity of phospholipid exchange proteins in central nervous system tissue is reflected in the developmental changes in exchange activity towards individual phospholipids. The various exchange proteins appear to have separate induction mechanisms. The presence of exchange-protein activity from birth in the rat indicates the functional importance of phospholipid transport during cell acquisition and membrane proliferation. Activity is not primarily associated with membrane formation such as the formation of the myelin sheath, and therefore is more likely to be involved in the process of phospholipid turnover.  相似文献   

Tryptophan hydroxylase activity in developing rat brain   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

A fetal antigen was detected by immunofluorescence on fetal erythrocytes of mice. The expression of this antigen decreases rapidly after birth and is no longer detectable 48 days later. Another antigen, called immature erythrocyte antigen, was detected on immature erythrocytes and appeared to be lost during cell maturation. The number of cells expressing this antigen reflects the mean age of the erythron at a given time. From the kinetics of variation of these antigens, it was concluded that: (1) The first cells lacking the embryonic antigen (adult cells?) were detected at birth; and (2) immature cells bearing the embryonic antigen were still produced after birth. The presence of this embryonic antigen before and after birth allows us to postulate the existence of a fetal erythropoiesis as observed in other species, although fetal hemoglobin has not been clearly demonstrated in the mouse.  相似文献   

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