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In 6-year-old seeds of Brassica napus the columella cells haveno necroses and resemble in structure the cells of the 2-year-oldembryo. The outermost layer of the columella shows a structuresimilar to that of the lateral region of the root cap, as itcontains protein bodies, rare in layers of the columella closerto the promeristem, which, in turn, contain numerous mitochondriaand plastids. Phenolic compounds in the dry embryo are on thesurface of the root cap in the space between the plasmalemmaand the cell wall, and in small vesicles which presumably remainedfrom degradation of ER. Imbibition promotes further extrusionof phenolics outside the plasma membrane. Long sheets of ERare visible after 9 h imbibition. After 24 h phenolics of moredense structure are localized in some dilated parts of the ER.This suggests that new production of defence compounds startswithin 24 h in water, a few hours earlier than in 2-year-oldseeds.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Brassica napus, phenolics, root columella, germination  相似文献   

Abstract: Ultrastructural localization of phenolic compounds in the columella of the root cap of a canola embryo in Brassica napus L. during subsequent seed maturation stages was investigated. In bright green seeds the first signs of maturation and appearance of the first phenolic structures in the cell nuclei and cytoplasm in the area of the initial centre were found. Phenolics spread acropetally, gradually covering the whole columella in the dark green seeds. An increase in the number of phenolics occurred, together with an increase in the number of endoplasmic reticulum structures and in storage materials. In brown seeds, together with ultrastructural degradation and the end of production of storage substances, the number of phenolic deposits in the nucleus and cytoplasm decreases until their disappearance in black dormant seeds. Simultaneously, numerous phenolic deposits appear between the plasmalemma and the cell walls in the outer layer of the cap columella.  相似文献   

The localization and intensity of cytoplasmic and apoplasticdeposits of phenolic compounds in Brassica napus L. change betweenembryogenesis and 36 h after seed germination. In the late stageof embryogenesis there were no phenolic compounds that wouldbe precipitated with caffeine, located either in the cytoplasmor outside the plasmalemma. Seeds collected at this stage rotduring germination. During seed maturation phenolic compoundswere localized in small vesicles which correspond to vesicular-shapedendoplasmic reticulum (ER) characteristic of this stage. Thiswas followed by slightly larger deposits in vacuoles, and inmature seed dark deposits accumulated outside the plasmalemma.In these dormant seeds the deposits were thus mostly betweenthe plasmalemma and the cell wall. After 3 h in water such darkdeposits appeared outside the cell wall on the embryo surface.After 6 h the cytoplasmic deposits were very few, and after24 h deposits reappeared in the round vesicles and long ER cisternae.After 36 h, when the emerging radicle and hypocotyl were 3 mmlong, there were large deposits of phenolic compounds in thevacuoles of various sizes. The occurrence of these depositsparalleled the previously demonstrated waves of embryo activityat the same stages of development, such as mitoses, synthesisof DNA, RNA, and protein, and mobilization of storage material. Embryogenesis, phenolic compounds, germination, seedling  相似文献   

Phenolic compounds precipitated with caffeine were more widelydistributed in the cytoplasm and nucleus in the outermost layerof the columella of germinating Brassica napus root than inthe other layers. Amino-oxyacetic acid, an inhibitor of thebiosynthesis of the C6C3 part of phenolic compounds, inhibitedthe biosynthesis of phenolics, and made dark deposits less numerousin all three of the outermost layers of the columella. The firstlayer was the most responsive, because symptoms of inhibitionwere already visible after 3 h. After 24 h the inhibition inthe second and third layers was proportional to the concentration.The first layer contained less deposits than the control, butmore than the second and third layers, suggesting that manyof these compounds in the first layer were present at the outset.Copyright1995, 1999 Academic Press Phenolics, 2-amino-oxyacetic acid, Brassica, germination, cytoplasm, nucleus  相似文献   

ZOBEL  ALICJA M. 《Annals of botany》1986,57(6):801-810
The localization of phenolic compounds was investigated in twokinds of idioblastic tannin cells: (1) mononucleate tannin cellsclose to the promeristem in which they are initiated, and comparedwith the surrounding tissue, and (2) the very long coenocytes(i.e. almost as long as the whole internode of Sambucus) andproducing large amounts of phenolics. One likely pathway forthe appearance of these compounds in the central vacuole ispostulated from their localization: phenolic precursors occuroutside the ER cisternae and enter the interior of parts ofthe ER cisternae which undergo fragmentation and dilatation.Many small vacuoles so formed fuse and lead to the formationof a large central vacuole. Phenolic compounds, tannin cells, idioblasts, Sambucus racemosa L., shoots  相似文献   

During embryogenesis and maturation of an embryo the tissuescovering it produce phenolic compounds the localization of whichchanges during maturation of the embryo. In the ovary containinga globular embryo, phenolics are located in the epidermis ofthe integumentum externum and the innermost layer of the integumentuminternum. In the ovule at the stage at which heart- and torpedo-shapedembryos are present, phenolic compounds are visible in the stellarcells, the innermost cells of the integumentum internum andthe endosperm. In hard, green seeds, after the integumentuminternum and layers over the stellar cells gradually disappear,the remaining tissue contains cell walls impregnated with phenolics.Mature, black seeds contain only one distinct layer of cells—stellarcells, which, like the other compressed cell walls, are impregnatedwith phenolics. In this way they constitute a barrier betweenthe embryo and its environment.Copyright 1994, 1999 AcademicPress Brassica napus, seed coat, integumentum, phenolic compounds  相似文献   

No interactions between water stress and three phenolic acids(p-coumaric, caffeic and ferulic acids) on lettuce (Lactucasativa L. var. Grand Rapids) seed germination were found. Probitanalysis indicated that mechanisms of action of water stressand the phenolic inhibitors were similar. The relative effectivenessof the compounds was p-coumaric > ferulic > caffeic. Nointeraction was found between p-coumaric and ferulic acid, whereasantagonism was found between caffeic acid and each of the othertwo phenolic acids. Lactuca sativa L., lettuce, germination, phenolic compounds, moisture stress, allelopathy, seed  相似文献   

The distribution of phenolic deposits in the leaves of Eragrostisracemosa from different habitats was investigated during cultivationunder uniform environmental conditions. The plants retainedtheir leaf phenolic distribution pattern over a period of 8months. Plants from dry habitats had phenolic inclusions inboth epidermal layers, whereas phenolic deposits were absentor only occurred in the abaxial epidermal layers of plants occupyingmoist habitats. Eragrostis racemosa, narrow-heart love grass, Poaceae, phenolic deposits, epidermis, histochemistry, anatomy  相似文献   

Salinity is one of the environmental factors that has a criticalinfluence on the germination of halophyte seeds and plant establishment.Salinity affects imbibition, germination and root elongation.However, the way in which NaCl exerts its influence on thesevital processes, whether it is through an osmotic effect ora specific ion toxicity, is still not resolved. Dimorphic seedsof the halophytesAtriplex prostrataandA. patulawere treatedwith various iso-osmotic solutions of NaCl and polyethyleneglycol (PEG). For each treatment, imbibition, germination rate,percent germination, germination recovery and nuclear area ofroot tip cells were compared. Higher concentrations of NaCl(-1.0 MPa) were more inhibitory to imbibition, germination andseedling root elongation than iso-osmotic PEG solutions. Allseeds recovered from a pre-treatment with -2.0 MPa NaCl andPEG solutions, except large seeds ofA. prostratawhich failedto germinate following transfer from -2.0 MPa NaCl. NaCl causeda greater increase in nuclear volume than iso-osmotic PEG solutions.These data suggest that the influence of NaCl is a combinationof an osmotic effect and a specific ion effect.Copyright 1998Annals of Botany Company Atriplex patula,Atriplex prostrata,cytophotometry, osmotic potential, salinity, seed germination.  相似文献   

Phenolic growth-inhibiting substances were isolated from dormantbuds of sugar maple (Acer saccharurn Marsh) by paper chromatographyof their aqueous methanolic extracts. Inhibition was determinedin germination bioassays using lettuce (Lactuca sativa var.Grand Rapids) seeds. An inhibition of some 20% was attributedto four major phenolics identified as ferulic, vanillic, p-coumaric,and caffeic acids. Quercetm was also present and caused a weakstimulation of growth. Fractionation of the extract with acidic, neutral, and basicgroups indicated that more phenolic compounds were in the acidicgroup than in the neutral, while none were in the basic group. On a seasonal basis, autumn buds had a higher phenolic contentthan winter and spring buds. The results presented are not inconsistentwith the view that growth-inhibitory phenolic compounds couldcontribute to dormancy in sugar maple buds.  相似文献   

Phenolics in sugar maple seeds were identified by colour reactions,u.v. spectroscopy and gas-liquid chromatography. Changes intheir inhibitory activity during stratification were also followedusing several bioassays. p-Coumaric, o-coumaric, and ferulicacids were found in all tissues. The highest concentrationswere noted in the embryonic axis and testa, but total amountsper fruit were highest in cotyledons and pericarp. p-Coumaricacid was the principal phenolic in dry seeds, and it declinedsubstantially in all tissues during the first half of stratificationwith little subsequent change thereafter. Decreases in o-coumaricand ferulic acids per seed were small by comparison, neverthelesslosses ranged between 36 and 68% of the original concentrations.Bioassays confirmed that the three endogenous phenolics possessedmarked inhibitory properties that diminished with the progressof stratilication, but only the compound identified as p-coumaricacid showed major inhibition in seed germination tests.  相似文献   

Precise knowledge of seed quality after harvest and during storageis of particular importance for seed producers. We analyseddifferent sunflower seed lots (Helianthus annuusL.) characterizedby extremes of germination ability. We used RNA analysis tostudy possible changes in gene expression in seeds unable togerminate. Total RNA content was very small in dry seeds showinga low germination ability. Capacity for total RNA synthesisat the onset of imbibition was also reduced in these seeds.In addition, correlations were found between these parametersand germination ability at 19 °C. We demonstrated a highcorrelation between the amount of total RNA in the dry seed,the capacity of RNA synthesis at the onset of imbibition andthe seed moisture content at the time of the harvest. The abilityof dry seed mRNAs to be translatedin vitrowas also reduced andseven polypeptides, from stored mRNAs, were characteristic ofthe cotyledons from high germinability seeds. Germination canthus be affected at several levels including membrane, enzymaticand nucleic acid deteriorations. Gene expression; germination ability; Helianthus annuusL.; marker; protein; RNA; seed; sunflower  相似文献   

Effects of chilling (5 °C) period, light and applied nitrogen(N) on germination (%), rate of germination (d to 50% of totalgermination; T50%) and seed imbibition were examined inClematisvitalba L. In the absence of chilling, light and N, germinationwas minimal (3%). When applied alone, both chilling and N increasedgermination. Chilling for 12 weeks increased germination to64%, and 2.5 mM NO-3or NH+4increased germination to 10–12%.Light did not increase germination when applied alone, but didwhen applied in combination with chilling and/or N. Half theseed germinated when light was combined with 2.5 mM NO-3or NH+4.The influence of chilling, light and/or N on germination wasgreater when combined, than when either factor was applied alone.Both oxidized (NO-3) and reduced (NH+4) forms of N increasedgermination, but non-N-containing compounds did not, suggestingthe response was due to N and not ionic or osmotic effects. Without additional N, T50%decreased from 16–20 d at zerochilling, to around 5 d at 8 and 12 weeks chilling. AlthoughT50%was not influenced by an increase in NO-3or NH+4from 0.5to 5.0 mM , it did increase with additional applied N thereafter.However, the magnitude of the N effect was small compared tothat of chilling. Like germination, seed imbibition increasedwith a longer chilling period, but in contrast imbibition decreasedslightly with increased applied NO-3or NH+4. It is argued thatincreased imbibition is not directly related to an increasein total germination, but that it may be related to the rateof germination. Possible mechanisms involved in the reductionin dormancy ofC. vitalba seed are discussed. Clematis vitalba L.; germination; dormancy; imbibition; rate of germination; chilling; light; nitrate; ammonium; nitrogen; phytochrome  相似文献   

Histochemical localization of the expression pattern of a chimericgene (rolC-GUS) in zygotic embryo development in tobacco plantswas analysed. The results indicate that strong expression waslocalized mainly in the vascular cylinders of the cotyledonsand central axis of the hypocotyl. Quantitative analysis indicatedan increase of gene expression in embryos up to 20 d after pollination(DAP), but decreased at 30 DAP. Continuous increase of GUS activitywas recorded up to 12 d after imbibition (DAI) in germinatingseeds. The xylem cells were visualized following phloem differentiationin the cotyledons at 3 DAI.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Samsun), transgenic plants, rolC promoter-GUS chimeric gene, germinating seeds, transition region, zygotic embryos  相似文献   

Flow cytometric determination of cell cycle activation duringimbibition and visible germination in five families of jackpine (Pinus banksiana Lamb.) embryos and megagametophytes revealedthat in seeds that had undergone no imbibition the majorityof cells were in the 2C state. As the imbibition period increased,less of the nuclei were blocked in the G0/G1 state and morebecome active in the cell cycle. The augmentation in the nucleiactive in the 2C–4C cycle as well as those with DNA levelshigher than the 4C state occured gradually and preceeded radicleemergence. In megagametophyte tissue examined at various stagesof imbibition, cell cycle activity became apparent rapidly followingimbibition. In nuclei of green and white embryos examined separatelythe 2frequency distributions were significantly different forall three families after 144h. As imbibition period increased,fewer nuclei from the green embryos were blocked in the 2C state,and more became active in the 2C–4C cell cycle. This wasnot the case for white embryos where no significant linear relationwas noted. Cell cycle activity in the hypocotyl+cotyledons regionand the emerging radicle were examined separately. Functionalrelations found in the hypocotyl+cotyledons region were notevident in the radicle. As visible germination proceeded, cellcycle activity in the hypocotyl + cotyledons region for thisperiod of germination showed a reversal of the activity notedduring imbibition: fewer nuclei were active and once again ahigher proportion were found in the 2C state. cell cycle; C levels; DNA content; flow cytometry; germination; imbibition; jack pine; megagametophyte; Pinus banksiana Lamb  相似文献   

The compartmentation of phenolic compounds in mature leavesof Phyllanthus tenellus and their induction by copper sulphatewere analysed at histological and subcellular levels. Lightand electron microscopy studies demonstrated that the vacuolesof spongy cells were the main sites of phenolic accumulation.Spraying plants with copper sulphate induced punctated lesionsformed by groups of necrotic cells which accumulated brownishsubstances. Histochemical tests and fluorescence microscopyanalysis of the sprayed leaves indicated that the phenolic compoundsincreased in spongy cells within the lesions. Ultrastructuralanalyses showed that 3 h after elicitation, the organelles ofthe cells within the lesion started to collapse and the contentof phenolic substances increased in the vacuole of spongy cells.Antibody against phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) from parsleycross-reacted with the crude extract of P. tenellus leaves.Two isoforms, one of 65 kD and the other of 66 kD, were identified.Immunocytochemical studies showed that PAL was synthesized inthe palisade and spongy cells, mainly in the cytoplasm and chloroplasts.The phytotoxicity of Cu2+ions induced the accumulation of PALin sub-cellular compartments of palisade cells. PAL accumulationstarted to increase 3 h after elicitation and reached a maximumafter 6 h, decreasing 12 h post-induction. The increase of PALwas more evident in cells within the necrotic punctated regionsthan in surrounding cells. Since the vacuole of palisade cellsdid not accumulate phenolic compounds, the in situ studies suggestedthat the end products of PAL synthesis play a role in palisadecell wall reinforcement or might accumulate in other tissues.The symptoms induced by copper sulphate suggest that this abioticelicitor may be a useful tool in the understanding of the regulationof biosynthetic phenolic pathways inP. tenellus . Copyright2000 Annals of Botany Company Cell death, copper sulphate, heavy metal, immunolabelling, phenolic compounds, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase,Phyllanthus , transmission electron microscopy, ultrastructure  相似文献   

SREERAMULU  N. 《Annals of botany》1983,51(2):209-216
Studies were made on seeds of bambarra groundnut (Voandzeiasubterranea Thouars) after 0, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months of storage. Germinability of the seeds was not adversely affected up to12 months of storage but it rapidly declined and after 24 monthsstorage no germination occurred. Growth of seedlings starteddecreasing in seeds stored for 12 months or more. Closely coincidingwith this, there was an increase in the contents of total phenoland inhibitory phenolic acids (p-hydroxybenzoic, p-coumaric,feruhc and vanillic acids) and a decrease in synergistic phenolicacids (chlorogenic, sinapic and protocatechuic acids). Auxincontent decreased in seeds stored for 18 months or more whilegrowth inhibitors appeared after 12 months of storage and increasedthereafter. Non-viable bambarranut seeds contained larger amounts of totalphenol, inhibitory phenolic acids and other growth inhibitorsand lower amounts of auxin and synergistic phenolic acids comparedwith the viable ones. Voandzeia subterranea Thouars, bambarranut, seed storage, germination, viability, auxins, inhibitors, phenol, phenolic acids  相似文献   

Nitrogenous inhibitors of respiration, namely, KCN, NaN3 andNH2OH, which promote the germination of cocklebur (Xanthiumpennsylvanücum Wallr.) seeds, enhanced the accumulationof cyanogenic compounds. Urea and cyanamide, which were ineffective,did not. Part of the exogenously applied KCN was converted tocyanogenic glycosides and lipids, but these compounds were onlyproduced at low levels in NaN3-treated seeds. Exposure to NH2OHcaused a slight accumulation of both types of cyanogenic compounds.Thiourea, effective in stimulating germination, did not increasethe cyanogenic compounds, which suggests that the mechanismof its effect on germination is different from that of othernitrogenous compounds. Thiocyanate had a slightly promotiveeffect and caused minor increases in the levels of cyanogeniccompounds. Ethylene increased the metabolic utilization of the accumulatedcyanogens in response to KCN or NaN3. The response to ethyleneof seeds in secondary dormancy was restored only after pre-treatmentwith KCN or NaN3. The response occurred once the level of cyanogenshad increased. By contrast, enhancement of the effects of KCNand NaN3 on germination by propyl gallate or benzohydroxamate,inhibitors of CN-resistant respiration, was accompanied by theincreased accumulation of cyanogens within the seeds that hadbeen exposed to KCN or NaN3 in combination with the other typesof respiratory inhibitors. Thus, it is suggested that endogenouscyanogens might be involved in the germination of cockleburseeds. (Received December 20, 1995; Accepted April 9, 1996)  相似文献   

The distribution of calcium (Ca) in caps of vertically- andhorizontally-oriented roots of Zea mays was monitored to determineits possible role in root graviresponsiveness. A modificationof the antimonate precipitation procedure was used to localizeCa in situ. In vertically-oriented roots, the presumed graviperceptive(i.e., columella) cells were characterized by minimal and symmetricstaining of the plasmalemma and mitochondria. No precipitatewas present in plasmodesmata or cell walls. Within 5 min afterhorizontal reorientation, staining was associated with the portionof the cell wall adjacent to the distal end of the cell. Thisasymmetric staining persisted throughout the onset of gravicurvature.No staining of lateral cell walls of columella cells was observedat any stage of gravicurvature, suggesting that a lateral flowof Ca through the columella tissue of horizontally-orientedroots does not occur. The outermost peripheral cells of rootsoriented horizontally and vertically secrete Ca through plasmodesmata-likestructures in their cell walls. These results are discussedrelative to proposed roles of root-cap Ca in root gravicurvature. Key words: Antimonate, calcium, columella cell, peripheral cell, root gravitropism, Zea mays L.  相似文献   

Flow cytometric determination of DNA levels in embryos of fullymatured dry tomato (Lycopersicon esculenium) seeds revealedlarge amounts of 2C DNA signals, indicating that most cellshad arrested in the cell cycle at the presynthetic G1 phaseof nuclear division. After imbibition in water, an augmentationof the 4C signal in the embryonic root tip region was found.This increase could be ascribed to cells entering the syntheticphase of nuclear division leading towards the doubling of chromosomalmaterial. In the root tip cells, 4C:2C ratios increased I dafter imbibition in water though radicle emergence started 2d later. Apparently, DNA synthesis preceded germination. Onlya small increase in the number of cells with 4C DNA levels wasfound in the rest of the embryonic tissues. In whole dry seeds,DNA histograms revealed both a 2C signal and a considerable6C peak, the latter originating from the endoreduplicated endosperm. A priming period of 14 d in PEG-6000 considerably enhanced therate and uniformity of germination. In the ungerminated seeds,the 4C DNA signal of root tip cells started to increase after3 d incubation in PEG. The ratio of 4C:2C steadily increasedduring the 14 d priming period, though did not reach the levelobtained after hydration in water. Upon priming, the 4C:2C ratiowas constant after redrying the seeds towards the original moisturecontent, indicating that the chromosomal material in the rootcells had stably ceased cell cycle activity at the G2 phase.The present results indicate that the beneficial effects ofpriming on seedling performance are associated with the actionof replicative DNA synthetic processes prior to germination. Lycopersicon esculeniumMill, tomato, DNA content, flow cytometry, priming, seed, nuclear replication stage, C levels  相似文献   

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