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Examination of a collection of selenopid spiders from Southeast Asia resulted in recognition of a new genus, Siamspinops gen. nov., which is erected to accommodate four new Southeast Asian species. Siamspinops spinosissimus sp. nov. (the type species; the male and female are described), S. spinosus sp. nov. (female) and S. allospinosus sp. nov. (female) are recorded from Thailand, S. spinescens sp. nov. (female) from the Malay Peninsula.  相似文献   

多鳞藤属(Myrialepis)是棕榈科的一个广布属,广泛分布于缅甸、老挝、越南、泰国、柬埔寨、马来西亚、新加坡和印度尼西亚,生长于低地到山地雨林中,也常见于林缘和次生林地。近期首次在中国云南发现有其新分布,本文对该属的形态及生境特征进行了描述,并编制了中国棕榈藤属的分类检索表。  相似文献   

记述产自中国辽西的逍遥蛛科化石1新属:白垩逍遥蛛属Cretadromus gen.nov.,1新种:辽宁白垩逍遥蛛Cretadromus liaoningensis sp.nov.:这是逍遥蛛科化石在中国的首次发现,也是逍遥蛛科在晚侏罗世-早白垩世的首次报道。标本采白辽宁省凌源市大王杖子晚侏罗世-早白垩世义县组地层,现存于大连自然博物馆:  相似文献   

Four new species of the spider family Theridiosomatidae are described from caves in Laos: Alaria cavernicola sp. n. (♂♀), A. navicularis sp. n., (♂♀) A. bicornis sp. n. (♂♀), Chthonopes thakekensis sp. n. (♀). Diagnoses and illustrations for all new taxa are given. All holotypes are deposited in the Senckenberg Research Institute in Frankfurt am Main, Germany (SMF).  相似文献   

报道了在云南西南部发现的凤仙花属一新种——滇红凤仙花(Impatiens quintadecimacopii G.W.Hu&Q.F.Wang)和一新记录种——伸展凤仙花(I.porrecta Wall.ex Hook.f.&Thomson)。这两个种在形态上很相似,但在花色、侧萼片形状、旗瓣形状和蒴果颜色上明显有别。根据形态特征,这两个种应属于凤仙花亚属(I. subg.Impatiens)单花组(I. sect.Uniflora)。结合核糖体DNA内转录间隔区序列(ITS)与叶绿体atpB-rbcL间隔区序列开展系统发育分析,结果进一步确认了这两个种关系紧密,以及它们在单花组内的系统位置。  相似文献   

异型盘菌属Allophylaria首次在我国发现,包括1个新种和1个中国新记录种,均来自云南。新种小孢异型盘菌A.minispora的鉴别特征为子囊盘类白色,具柄;子囊顶孔在碘液中呈蓝色,32?45×3.8?5μm;子囊孢子梭形,无油滴,4.3?5.8×1.5?2.5μm;习居于草本植物茎上。原产于澳大利亚的果荚生异型盘菌A.atherospermatis首次在中国报道。提供了上述种的宏观和微观特征的详细描述及图示。  相似文献   

A new genus and five new species belonging to the family Tetrablemmidae are described from caves in Southwest China, i.e., Sinammaoxycera gen. & sp. n., Singaporemma banxiaoensis sp. n., Singaporemma wulongensis sp. n., Tetrablemma ziyaoensis sp. n. andTetrablemma menglaensis sp. n. The following new combination is proposed: Sinamma sanya (Lin & Li, 2010), comb. n. ex. Shearella Lehtinen, 1981. The relationships of the Sinamma gen. n. with other genera are discussed. Diagnoses and illustrations for all new taxa are given.  相似文献   

报道了采自安徽省祁门县安凌镇的中国蹄盖蕨科安蕨属一新记录植物——华日安蕨(Anisocampium×saitoanum (Sugim.) M. Kato)。推测该植物是华东安蕨(A. sheareri (Baker) Ching)与日本安蕨(A. niponicum(Mett.) Yea C. Liu,W. L. Chiou et M. Kato)的自然杂交种,形态介于两亲本之间。对华日安蕨的形态特征进行了描述,并提供了墨线图和安蕨属植物分类检索表。  相似文献   

近期在安徽省黄山风景区采得米心水青冈Fagus engleriana活枝干上的L2072、L2075号标本经鉴定为异盘菌Ascodichaena rugosa,这是异盘菌属Ascodichaena、异盘菌科Ascodichaenaceae在中国的首次发现。本文对科、属、种进行了描述和讨论,异盘菌附有子实体的外表照片和内部结构图。供研究标本保藏于安徽农业大学森林菌物标本室(AAUF)。  相似文献   

报道了产自云南屏边的中国蜘蛛抱蛋属一新记录种——垂花蜘蛛抱蛋(Aspidistra nutans Aver.&Tillich)。该种是2017年发表的新种,采集于越南西北部地区,原文缺少果实描述,现补充描述该种果的形态特征。本种与辐花蜘蛛抱蛋(A.subrotata Y.Wan&C.C.Huang)在形态上相近,但其叶片中脉和侧脉明显突出,花梗近先端向下弯曲,长0.8~4.5 cm,花下垂,常贴生于地面,花被紫褐色,常平展,柱头纯白色(后者叶脉凹陷,花梗直立,长约5 mm,花斜向上开,花被暗紫色,内面具有小乳突,柱头白色带紫色斑点)而显著有别于后者。  相似文献   

中国水生植物新记录属——钻叶荠属(十字花科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
报道中国十字花科一新记录属¾钻叶荠属Subularia L. 及一新记录种¾钻叶荠S. aquatica L.。  相似文献   

Rhododendron kuomeianum Y.H. Chang, J. Nielsen & Y.P. Ma, a new species of Rhododendron (Ericaceae) within subsect. Maddenia in sect. Rhododendron from Yiliang County, NE Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is similar to R. valentinianum, but it can be easily distinguished by its sparse scales on the abaxial surface of the leaf blade, fewer flowers per inflorescence and white corolla with pale red margins. There are also differences in the widths of calyx lobes, leaf blade shape and indumentum characteristics of the petiole between the new species and Rhododendron linearilobum. We confirmed that R. kuomeianum is a new species closely related to R. valentinianum and R. changii with phylogenomic studies of 10 species within this subsection based on restriction site-associated DNA sequencing (RAD-seq) data. These phylogenomic analyses also clarified additional taxonomic problems in this subsection previously raised by morphological analysis. Our findings make a strong case for using next-generation sequencing to explore phylogenetic relationships and identify new species, especially in plants groups with complicated taxonomic problems.  相似文献   

报道了中国凤仙花属一新记录种:紫花辐射凤仙花(Impatiens dalaiensis Gogoi&Borah)。该种分布于云南省腾冲县高黎贡山自然保护区,生长在常绿阔叶林下水沟边。本种主要辨别特征为:花轮生,紫色;唇瓣舟状,口部具芒;翼瓣远侧裂片长带状且螺旋扭曲。该种2015年发表时记载模式标本采自印度,而我们将原始文献中记录的模式标本采集点GPS经纬度信息标记于地图上时却发现,地点位于中国西藏自治区察隅县境内,故对原文记述的模式产地信息提出质疑。  相似文献   

Crews SC  Harvey MS 《ZooKeys》2011,(99):1-104
We relimit and revise the family Selenopidae to include four new genera and 27 new species from Australia and the Oriental Region. The family is redefined, as are the genera Anyphops Benoit, Garcorops Corronca, Hovops Benoit, Selenops Latreille, and Siamspinops Dankittipakul & Corronca, to accommodate the new genera and to correct previous inconsistencies in the diagnoses and definitions of the aforementioned genera. The species of Selenops that occur throughout India and China are also reviewed. Three species occur in China: Selenops bursarius Karsch 1879, also known from Japan, Korea and Taiwan, Selenops ollarius Zhu, Sha, & Chen 1990, and Selenops radiatus Latreille 1819, the type of the genus and most widespread selenopid. Selenops cordatus Zhu, Sha & Chen syn. n. is recognized as a junior synonym of Selenops radiatus. Amamanganopsgen. n. is monotypic, with Amamanganops baginawasp. n. (♀; from the Philippines). Godumopsgen. n. is monotypic, with Godumops caritussp. n. (♂; from Papua New Guinea). Karaopsgen. n. occurs throughout Australia and includes 24 species. A new combination is proposed for Karaops australiensis (L. Koch 1875) comb. n. (ex. Selenops), and the new species: Karaops gangariesp. n. (♀, ♂), Karaops monteithisp. n. (♀), Karaops alanlongbottomisp. n. (♂), Karaops keithlongbottomisp. n. (♂), Karaops larryoosp. n. (♂), Karaops jarritsp. n. (♂,♀), Karaops marrayagongsp. n. (♀), Karaops ravenisp. n. (♂,♀), Karaops badgeraddasp. n. (♀), Karaops burbidgeisp. n. (♂,♀), Karaops karrawarlasp. n. (♂,♀), Karaops julianneaesp. n. (♀), Karaops martamartasp. n. (♀), Karaops manaaynsp. n. (♀, ♂), Karaops vadlaadambarasp. n. (♀, ♂), Karaops pilkingtonisp. n. (♀, ♂), Karaops deserticolasp. n. (♀), Karaops ngarutjaranyasp. n. (♂,♀), Karaops francesaesp. n. (♂,♀), Karaops toolbrunupsp. n. (♀, ♂), the type species Karaops ellenaesp. n. (♂,♀), Karaops jenniferaesp. n. (♀), and Karaops dawarasp. n. (♀).The genus Makdiopsgen. n. contains five species from India and Nepal. A new combination is proposed for Makdiops agumbensis (Tikader 1969), comb. n., Makdiops montigenus (Simon 1889), comb. n., Makdiops nilgirensis (Reimoser 1934) comb. n.,(ex. Selenops). Also, there are two new species the type of the genus Makdiops mahishasurasp. n. (♀; from India), and Makdiops shivasp. n. (♀). The genus Pakawopsgen. n. is monotypic. A new combination is proposed for Pakawops formosanus (Kayashima 1943) comb. n. (ex. Selenops), known only from Taiwan. A new combination is proposed for Siamspinops aculeatus (Simon)comb. n. (ex. Selenops). The distribution and diversity of the studied selenopid fauna is discussed. Finally, keys are provided to all of the selenopid genera and to the species of Karaopsgen. n.and Makdiopsgen. n.  相似文献   

We present the first cladistic analysis focused at the tribal and subfamily level of the orb-weaving spider family Araneidae. The data matrix of 82 characters scored for 57 arancid genera of 6 subfamilies and 19 tribes (and 13 genera from 8 outgroup families) resulted in 16 slightly different, most parsimonious trees. Successive weighting corroborated 62 of the 66 informative nodes on these cladograms; one is recommended as the 'working' araneid phylogcny. The sister group of Araneidae is all other Araneoidea. Araneidae comprises two major clades: the subfamily Araneinae, and the 'argiopoid' clade, which includes all other subfamilies and most tribes (((Gasteracanthinae, Caerostreae), (((Micratheninae, Xylcthreae), Eruyosaccus ), (Eurycorminae, Arciinae)), Cyrlarachninae), ((Argiopinae, Cyrtophorinae), Arachnureae)). Cyrtarachneae and Mastophoreae are united in a new subfamily, Cyr-tarachninae. The spiny orb-weavers alone (Gasteracanthinae and Micratheninae) are not monophyletic. The mimetid subfamily Arciinae and the 'tetragnathid' genus Zygiella are araneids, but .Nephila (and other tetragnathids) are not. On the preferred tree, web decorations (stabilimenta) evolved 9 times within 15 genera, and were lost once. The use of silk to subdue prey evolved once in cribellate and four times in ecribillate orb weavers. Sexual size dimorphism evolved once in nephilines, twice in araneids, and reverted to monomorphism five times. Evolution in other genitalic and somatic characters is also assessed; behavioral and spinneret features arc most consistent (male genitalia, leg and prosomal features least consistent) on the phylogeny.  相似文献   

报道了中国莎草科薹草属一新记录种:对马薹草(Carex tsushimensis(Ohwi)Ohwi)。该种现知分布于日本九州的对马岛和中国浙江省遂昌县的九龙山国家级自然保护区,生长于林下水沟边。根据小坚果先端具僧帽状膨大的环盘特征,对马薹草属于灰帽薹草组(sect.Mitratae),形态接近中华薹草(C.chinensis)、伴生薹草(C.sociata)和龙奇薹草(C.longkiensis)。对马薹草与伴生薹草最为近缘,区别主要在于前者叶片宽2~4 mm,小穗较少,4或5个,顶生雄小穗与其下的侧生小穗稍疏远,雌花鳞片先端延伸成长约3 mm的粗糙长芒。  相似文献   

The female genital organs of the tetrablemmid Indicoblemma lannaianum are astonishingly complex. The copulatory orifice lies anterior to the opening of the uterus externus and leads into a narrow insertion duct that ends in a genital cavity. The genital cavity continues laterally in paired tube-like copulatory ducts, which lead into paired, large, sac-like receptacula. Each receptaculum has a sclerotized pore plate with associated gland cells. Paired small fertilization ducts originate in the receptacula and take their curved course inside the copulatory ducts. The fertilization ducts end in slit-like openings in the sclerotized posterior walls of the copulatory ducts. Huge masses of secretions forming large balls are detectable in the female receptacula. An important function of these secretory balls seems to be the encapsulation of spermatozoa in discrete packages in order to avoid the mixing of sperm from different males. In this way, sperm competition may be completely prevented or at least severely limited. Females seem to have full control over transferred sperm and be able to express preference for spermatozoa of certain males. The lumen of the sperm containing secretory balls is connected with the fertilization duct. Activated spermatozoa are only found in the uterus internus of females, which is an indication of internal fertilization. The sperm cells in the uterus internus are characterized by an extensive cytoplasm and an elongated, cone-shaped nucleus. The male genital system of I. lannaianum consists of thick testes and thin convoluted vasa deferentia that open into the wide ductus ejaculatorius. The voluminous globular palpal bulb is filled with seminal fluid consisting of a globular secretion in which only a few spermatozoa are embedded. The spermatozoa are encapsulated by a sheath produced in the genital system. The secretions in females may at least partly consist of male secretions that could be involved in the building of the secretory balls or play a role in sperm activation. The male secretions could also afford nutriments to the spermatozoa.  相似文献   

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