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Changes in the cell content and rate of synthesis of mRNA were studied in auxotrophs of Escherichia coli recovering from a period of amino acid deprivation. Parallel studies were carried out on bacterial strains inhibited with trimethoprim, when glycine and methionine were added to relieve an amino acid deficiency. In the latter case, protein synthesis was still severely inhibited through a lack of N-formylmethionyl-tRNA(fMet) for chain initiation, so that fewer ribosomes were attached to mRNA chains. (1) In RC(str) strains recovering from amino acid starvation, there was a transient oversynthesis of mRNA, but the amounts returned to normal after about a 15-min period of recovery. RC(rel) strains did not show this effect; any extra mRNA accumulated during the previous starvation period was rapidly lost, but no oversynthesis occurred during the resumption of growth. (2) In trimethoprim-inhibited cultures supplemented with glycine and methionine, mRNA was produced at the same rate, relative to stable RNA species, as during normal growth. The evidence implied that decreased rates of ribosome attachment had no effect on the functional or chemical lifetime of the mRNA fraction. This suggests that mRNA stability does not depend on the frequency of translation by ribosomes. (3) Changes in the mRNA contents of trimethoprim-inhibited RC(str) and RC(rel) cultures were noted soon after supplementation with glycine and methionine. These closely followed those observed in cultures recovering from simple amino acid withdrawal.  相似文献   

Summary The total RNA extracted from rye embryos (Secale cereale) and seed of the broad bean (Vicia faba), pea (Pisum sativum) and oil-seed rape (Brassica napus) exhibits low levels of template activity when incubated in a wheat-germ cell-free protein-synthesising system. The RNA from pea, rapeseed and rye embryos was fractionated by chromatography on oligo dT-cellulose columns. Most of the template-active RNA bound to the column at high ionic strength, indicating that it is polyadenylated. The remainder would not bind, even when passed through the column several times. The proteins synthesised in vitro from the template-active RNA migrated as numerous bands in polyacrylamide gels and ranged in molecular weight from 10,000 to 70,000. The banding patterns obtained were quite different for the three species of seed tested. It is concluded that dry seeds contain a store of intact, long-lived mRNA.  相似文献   

1. The technique of DNA-RNA hybridization was used to follow changes in the amount and average lifetime of unstable messenger RNA in Escherichia coli M.R.E. 600 over a wide range of different growth conditions. The method of analysis was based on the kinetics of incorporation of exogenous labelled nucleic acid bases into the RNA of steadily growing cultures, as described by Bolton & McCarthy (1962). 2. The ratio of the average lifetime of messenger RNA to the mean generation time of E. coli cultures was constant over the temperature range 25-45 degrees C in a given medium, but the constant varied with the nature of the growth medium. For cultures growing in sodium lactate-salts or glucose-salts media the ratio was 0.046+/-0.005 and in enriched broth it was 0.087+/-0.009. Measurements of the amounts of transfer RNA, ribosomal RNA and messenger RNA were also made. The results confirmed earlier reports that the ratio of the amount of messenger RNA to the amount of ribosomes in the cells is virtually constant. On the other hand, the ratio of the amount of transfer RNA to the amount of ribosomal RNA decreased with increasing growth rate at a given temperature. 3. In cultures at temperatures higher than necessary for optimum rates of growth the average lifetime of messenger RNA lengthened in harmony with the increased time required for cell division. It seems that suboptimum growth rates at higher temperatures cannot be explained simply as a combination of increased rates of synthesis and breakdown of messenger RNA with a grossly decreased efficiency of translation. The absolute rate of messenger RNA synthesis was lowered, and its amount in the cells was typical of all other cultures grown at lower temperatures in the same medium. 4. The rate of entry of exogenous labelled uracil into unstable messenger RNA and stable ribosomal RNA was constant in all media at all temperatures in the approximate ratio 1:2. In media supporting a lower rate of growth, e.g. lactate-salts or glucose-salts media, the messenger RNA fraction constituted 2.2+/-0.3% of the total cellular RNA. In enriched broth 3.6+/-0.3% of the total RNA was messenger.  相似文献   

Total RNA was isolated from rat liver polyribosomes and fractionated by oligo(dT)-cellulose chromatography to obtain polyadenylated mRNA. The mRNA was translated in a wheat-germ cell-free protein-synthesizing system containing [3H]glycine, [3H]lysine and [3H]serine. Most of the newly synthesized 3H-labelled polypeptides were removed from the cell-free products by precipitation at pH 4.0. 3H-labelled thionein chains, which were soluble at pH 4.0, were purified by activated-thiol-Sepharose 4B chromatography or by gel-filtration chromatography. Polyribosomal thionein mRNA was found to increase by at least 3-fold after parenteral administration and by 20 h thereafter the ratio of thionein mRNA to total mRNA approached that found in controls. Actinomycin D administration in vivo blocked the Zn2+-induced increase in polyribosomal thionein mRNA content. These data strongly suggest that metallothionein is an inducible protein. The mechanism of regulation appears to involve changes in the synthesis de novo of thionein mRNA and hence the pool of thionein mRNA available for translation.  相似文献   

By the use of the favoured models defining mRNA synthesis and half-life from the preceding paper (Hunt, 1974) and the known content of globin in a reticulocyte it is possible to estimate the absolute rate of mRNA and globin synthesis and the mRNA and globin content in each type of erythroid cell. The best model requires an mRNA-synthetic rate of 3000 molecules per h/cell. This rate compares favourably with the estimated chain-extension rate of 43 nucleotides/s in Escherichia coli (Manor et al., 1969) provided that the four alpha- and beta-chain cistrons per cell are transcribed by polymerases spaced 50 nucleotide base pairs apart. Similar calculations can be made for erythropoiesis in the chick embryo, where cell times and relative globin content at each mitosis have been measured (Campbell et al., 1971), but where no reliable estimates of mRNA half-life have been made. In this case it was estimated that a constant rate of mRNA synthesis at 10000 molecules per h/cell through six cell divisions is necessary if the mRNA half-life is 15h; after the sixth mitosis the mRNA synthesis would stop and its half-life would increase to approx. 20h. If an mRNA half-life of 4.5h is used, the synthesis rate through the six mitoses would be 21000 molecules per h/cell, ceasing at the sixth mitosis, when the half-life would need to increase to 25h. The chain-elongation rate for the four alpha- and beta-globin cistrons per cell would be 1-2 times higher than in E. coli and would either require a greater rate, polymerases spaced between 25 and 50 nucleotide base pairs apart on the DNA, or limited gene replication. These possibilities are discussed in the light of the low values found for globin cistron multiplicity in ducks and mice.  相似文献   

Luzzati, Denise (Institut de Biologie Physico-Chimique, Paris, France). Effect of thymine starvation on messenger ribonucleic acid synthesis in Escherichia coli. J. Bacteriol. 92:1435-1446. 1966.-During the course of thymine starvation, the rate of synthesis of messenger ribonucleic acid (mRNA, the rapidly labeled fraction of the RNA which decays in the presence of dinitrophenol or which hybridizes with deoxyribonucleic acid) decreases exponentially, in parallel with the viability of the thymine-starved bacteria. The ability of cell-free extracts of starved bacteria to incorporate ribonucleoside triphosphates into RNA was determined; it was found to be inferior to that of extracts from control cells. The analysis of the properties of cell-free extracts of starved cells shows that their decreased RNA polymerase activity is the consequence of a modification of their deoxyribonucleic acid, the ability of which to serve as a template for RNA polymerase decreases during starvation.  相似文献   

The polyadenylic acid-containing messenger ribonucleic acid from rabbit reticulocyte polyribosomes, isolated by a rapid and very gentle procedure (Krystosek, A., Cawthon, M. L., and Kabat, D. (1975) J. Biol. Chem. 250, 6077-6084), sediments in a sucrose gradient in three sharp peaks, at 9 S, 17 to 18 S, and 28 S. The alpha and beta globin messenger activity follows the absorbance profile in the sucrose gradients and has its major peak at 17 to 18 S. The larger messengers are more active than 9 S messenger by approximately 2-fold per mass unit of ribonucleic acid or by at least 8-fold per molecule. The major 17 to 18 S form of globin messenger was examined further and was shown to be a 1:1 complex of 9 S messenger and 18 S ribosomal ribonucleic acid. The effect of 18 S ribosomal ribonucleic acid on translation of purified 9 S globin messenger was analyzed in a messenger-dependent protein-synthesizing system (Krystosek, A., Cawthon, M. L., and Kabat, D. (1975) J. Biol. Chem. 250, 6077-6084). In the absence of exogenous ribosomal ribonucleic acid, 9 S messenger is inefficiently translated; a large excess of messenger is required to saturate the system; and globin is synthesized mainly on di- and monoribosomes. Exogenous liver or reticulocyte 18 S ribosomal ribonucleic acid potentiates 9 S messenger translation and renders it at least 10 times more efficient. The potentiation reaction can also be accomplished by increasing the concentration of ribosomes in the assay system. However, transfer or messenger ribonucleic acids cannot carry out this reaction. It is proposed that 9 S globin messenger ribonucleic acid is an inactive molecule which is normally potentiated by specific reversible base pairing with an accessible region of ribosomal ribonucleic acid contained in a 40 S ribosomal subunit. The potentiated messenger interacts with initiation factors and with other ribosomal subunits to synthesize protein. Potentiation is the first specific function in protein synthesis demonstrated for the ribosomal ribonucleic acid portion of ribosomes.  相似文献   

Lifetime of bacterial messenger ribonucleic acid   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Moses, V. (University of California, Berkeley), and M. Calvin. Lifetime of bacterial messenger ribonucleic acid. J. Bacteriol. 90:1205-1217. 1965.-When cells from a stationary culture of Escherichia coli were placed in fresh medium containing inducer for beta-galactosidase, growth, as represented by increase in turbidity and by total protein synthesis, started within 30 sec. By contrast, beta-galactosidase synthesis was greatly delayed compared with induction during exponential growth. Two other inducible enzymes (d-serine deaminase and l-tryptophanase) and one repressible enzyme (alkaline phosphatase) showed similar lags. The lags were not due to catabolite repression. They could not be reduced by pretreatment of the culture with inducer, or by supplementing the fresh medium with amino acids or nucleotides. The lag was also demonstrated by an i(-) mutant constitutive for beta-galactosidase synthesis. An inhibitor of ribonucleic acid (RNA) synthesis, 6-azauracil, preferentially inhibited beta-galactosidase synthesis compared with growth in both inducible and constitutive strains. Puromycin, an inhibitor of protein synthesis, acted as an inhibitor at additional sites during the induction of beta-galactosidase synthesis. No inhibition of the reactions proceeding during the first 20 sec of induction was observed, but puromycin seemed to prevent the accumulation of messenger RNA during the period between 20 sec and the first appearance of enzyme activity after 3 min. It is suggested that these observations, together with many reports in the literature that inducible enzyme synthesis is more sensitive than total growth to some inhibitors and adverse growth conditions, can be explained by supposing that messenger RNA for normally inducible enzymes is biologically more labile than that for some normally constitutive proteins. The possible implications of this hypothesis for the achievement of cell differentiation by genetic regulation of enzyme synthesis are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Translation of myoglobin messenger ribonucleic acid   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

1. Previous studies of penicillinase synthesis in Bacillus licheniformis showed that enzyme synthesis after the addition of actinomycin continues for far longer in the constitutive mutant 749/C than in the parental inducible strain (Yudkin, 1966). This result was interpreted as indicating a difference in the lifetime of specific messenger RNA in the two strains. Other bacilli have now been examined in an attempt to see whether this difference is general. 2. There was no difference in the lifetime of messenger RNA for penicillinase synthesis between an inducible and a constitutive strain of Bacillus cereus. 3. Three freshly isolated constitutive mutants of B. licheniformis also had short-lived messenger RNA, like their inducible parent. 4. A reinvestigation of mutant 749/C confirmed the original finding that, on treatment with actinomycin, it continued to synthesize penicillinase far longer than did its parent. 5. An inducible revertant of mutant 749/C was indistinguishable from the original inducible strain, and appeared to have lost both constitutivity and long-lived messenger RNA in the back mutation.  相似文献   

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