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A predominance of small, dense low-density lipoproteins (LDL) is characteristic of the dyslipidemic state seen in type 2 diabetes. However, no study has investigated the association in gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), which is pathophysiologically similar to type 2 diabetes. We hypothesized that LDL particle size is reduced in GDM cases compared with controls. Gradient gel electrophoresis was used to characterize LDL subclass phenotypes in non-fasting intrapartum plasma from 105 GDM cases and 96 controls. All participants were free of pre-existing diabetes or hypertension. The authors used logistic regression to estimate odds ratios (OR) and 95 % confidence intervals (CI) adjusted for confounders. Women with this phenotype had a significant 4.9-fold (95 % CI: 1.1-23.2) increased risk of GDM compared with those with the large, buoyant phenotype. The magnitude of this association was attenuated when plasma triglyceride and other confounders were included in the model (OR=4.2, 95 % CI: 0.5-39.5). Mean LDL particle size in GDM cases was smaller compared with controls (270.1 vs. 272.7A, p=0.003). The OR of GDM risk was 1.8 (95 % CI: 0.9-3.3) for every 10-A reduction in LDL particle size. Large prospective studies are needed to evaluate the association between smaller LDL particle size in early pregnancy with subsequent GDM risk.  相似文献   

A radical reaction of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) causes fragmentation and cross-link of apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB). LDL (50 microg/ml) was subjected to the well-studied oxidation with Cu(2+) (1.67 microM). The concentration of alpha-tocopherol decreased to 10% of the initial level during the first 30 min. After this lag time, the conjugated diene content, as measured by absorption at 234 nm, started increasing and the residual apoB at 512 kDa determined by immunoblot after SDS-PAGE (sodium dodecylsulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis) was also decreased. The particle size of LDL determined by nondenaturing gradient gel electrophoresis decreased steadily during the initial 120 min, when residual native apoB was only 30% of the initial level. Plasma was also oxidized with Cu(2+) (400 microM). Under this condition, a clear lag time was not observed and alpha-tocopherol content, apoB, and the LDL particle size were decreased simultaneously. Based on these experiments, we propose that an oxidation reaction is involved in the formation of small dense LDL.  相似文献   

Our studies have focused on the effect of injection of L-NAME and sodium nitroprussiate (SNP) on the salivary secretion, arterial blood pressure, sodium excretion and urinary volume induced by pilocarpine which was injected into the medial septal area (MSA). Rats were anesthetized with urethane (1.25 g/kg b. wt.) and a stainless steel cannula was implanted into their MSA. The amount of saliva secretion was studied over a five-minute period after injection of pilocarpine into MSA. Injection of pilocarpine (10, 20, 40, 80, 160 microg/microl) into MSA produced a dose-dependent increase in salivary secretion. L-NG-nitro arginine methyl-esther (L-NAME) (40 microg/microl), a nitric oxide (NO) synthase inhibitor, was injected into MSA prior to the injection of pilocarpine into MSA, producing an increase in salivary secretion due to the effect of pilocarpine. Sodium nitroprussiate (SNP) (30 microg/microl) was injected into MSA prior to the injection of pilocarpine into MSA attenuating the increase in salivary secretion induced by pilocarpine. Medial arterial pressure (MAP) increase after injections of pilocarpine into the MSA. L-NAME injected into the MSA prior to injection of pilocarpine into MSA increased the MAP. SNP injected into the MSA prior to pilocarpine attenuated the effect of pilocarpine on MAP. Pilocarpine (40 ug/ul) injected into the MAS induced an increase in sodium and urinary excretion. L-NAME injected prior to pilocarpine into the MSA increased the urinary sodium excretion and urinary volume induced by pilocarpine. SNP injected prior to pilocarpine into the MSA decreased the sodium excretion and urinary volume induced by pilocarpine. All these roles of pilocarpine depend on the release of nitric oxide into the MSA. We may also conclude that the MSA is involved with the cholinergic excitatory mechanism that induce salivary secretion, increase in MAP and increase in sodium excretion and urinary volume.  相似文献   

We have developed a new analytical ultracentrifugal micromethod for the determination of serum low-density lipoprotein (LDL) subclasses directly from ultracentrifugal Schlieren scans. We have used special software for the analysis of this type of single-spin density-gradient ultracentrifugation. The flotation of LDL patterns was obtained by underlayering a physiological salt solution with serum or isolated lipoprotein fractions raised to a density of 1.3 g/mL in the spinning ultracentrifugation capillary band-forming cell. The repeated analysis of Schlieren curves of the same sample from 10 to 100 microL in the 60-100 min full-speed interval time resulted in quite reproducible results. We obtained quantitative results by measuring the Schlieren areas between the sample curves and the reference baseline curve by using computerised numerical and graphic techniques. The decomposition of the integrated curve was carried out using a nonlinear regression program followed by deconvolution algorithm analysis in order to determine the parameters of the composing Gaussian subclasses. The LDL particle concentrations were calculated from the area under the integral of the Gaussian curve using a calibration data constant. The flotation range of the LDL Schlieren curves in the cell was identified with serum from which LDL had been removed by means of precipitation reagents and with centrifugation of isolated LDL aliquots. With this technique, we measured the concentration of LDL and analysed its polydispersity without the need for preceding sequential isolation of the LDL. On the basis of the Schlieren curves, the LDL samples were either physically paucidisperse, having a symmetrical peak within a narrow density range, or were polydisperse, showing an asymmetrical pattern distributed over a broader density region. The described method proved to be useful for a clear and immediate visual presentation of the concentration values of the LDL and for the identification of the heterogeneity of LDL variants without the need for the preparative isolation of that density class.  相似文献   

Human LDL subfractions LDL-2 (d = 1.031–1.034 g/ml) and LDL-5 (d = 1.040–1.044 g/ml) were crystallized in two different crystal forms by using polyethylene glycol as a precipitant. Both fractions were from one donor. Crystals of LDL-5 were yellow, hexagonal, and showed no dichroism. Crystals of LDL-2 were of the same color, had a rodlike shape with notches at both ends, and were highly dichroitic. LDL-2 crystals diffracted to a resolution of 29 Å by using synchrotron radiation. Indexing in P1 resulted in preliminary parameters for the reduced cell of a = 171 Å, b = 438 Å, c = 519 Å, α = 102°, β = 99°, γ = 91. These dimensions are consistent with the size of LDL particles. Using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and agarose gel electrophoresis, we could further confirm that the crystals consist of LDL. The FTIR spectrum showed bands characteristic for lipids and protein. Dissolved crystals exhibited a mobility similar to native LDL in agarose gels and could be stained with anti-human apolipoprotein B (apoB). Proteins 28:293–297, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss Inc.  相似文献   

The secondary structure of the apo B-100 protein present in human low density lipoprotein has been investigated by transmission and attenuated total reflection infrared spectroscopy. The amount of beta-sheet (41%) is significantly higher than that determined by CD spectroscopy in the present study (12%) and elsewhere (15-16%). The high percentage of beta-sheet structure in apo B-100 supports the importance of such segments in maintaining the lipid-protein assembly in LDL. Polarized infrared spectroscopy indicates that the beta-sheet component of apo B-100 adopts a preferential orientation with respect to the phospholipid monolayer surrounding the LDL, whereas no such orientation is observed for the other secondary structure components.  相似文献   

Lipid transfer between human plasma low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and an LDL-size microemulsion of triolein and phosphatidylcholine stabilized with human apolipoprotein A-I was catalyzed by the lipid transfer particle from hemolymph of the tobacco hornworm (Manduca sexta). Net transfer of phospholipid and triacylglycerol from the emulsion to LDL was observed and the apparent initial rates of transfer were dependent on the amount of catalyst. Net transfer of phospholipid mass was twice as much as that of triacylglycerol with respect to both the initial rate and the final equilibrium state. The final amount of net transfer of both lipids was dependent upon the initial ratio of LDL: microemulsion present in the incubation mixture up to 1:1 on the basis of phospholipid. The microemulsion lipid composition was maximally altered from an initial weight ratio of 1.09 +/- 0.08 (phospholipid/triolein) to 0.90 +/- 0.03 by this reaction. Further increase of LDL in the incubation caused neither further net transfer nor further change in the lipid composition of the microemulsion. The catalyst neither affected spontaneous transfer of free cholesterol between the emulsion and LDL nor enhanced cholesteryl ester transfer in this reaction system. As a result of the facilitated reaction, LDL gained a significant amount of phospholipid and triacylglycerol causing up to an 8% increase in core lipids and 14% in phospholipid. Some free cholesterol is recovered in the emulsions via spontaneous exchange. Transfer or exchange of apolipoproteins during the course of facilitated lipid transfer did not occur.  相似文献   

Obama T  Kato R  Masuda Y  Takahashi K  Aiuchi T  Itabe H 《Proteomics》2007,7(13):2132-2141
Oxidatively modified low-density lipoprotein (oxLDL) is one of the major factors involved in the development of atherosclerosis. Because of the insolubility of apolipoprotein B-100 (apoB-100) and the heterogeneous nature of oxidative modification, modified structures of apoB-100 in oxLDL are poorly understood. We applied an on-Membrane sample preparation procedure for LC-MS/MS analysis of apoB-100 proteins in native and modified low-density lipoprotein (LDL) samples to eliminate lipid components in the LDLs followed by collection of tryptic digests of apoB-100. Compared with a commonly used in-gel digestion protocol, the sample preparation procedure using PVDF membrane greatly increased the recovery of tryptic peptides and resulted in improved sequence coverage in the final analysis, which lead to the identification of modified amino acid residues in copper-induced oxLDL. A histidine residue modified by 4-hydroxynonenal, a major lipid peroxidation product, as well as oxidized histidine and tryptophan residues were detected. LC-MS/MS in combination with the on-Membrane sample preparation procedure is a useful method to analyze highly hydrophobic proteins such as apoB-100.  相似文献   

The molecular mechanisms underlying the relationship between low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and the risk of atherosclerosis are not clear. Therefore, detailed information about the protein composition of LDL may contribute to reveal its role in atherogenesis and the mechanisms that lead to coronary disease in humans. Here, we sought to map the proteins in human LDL by a proteomic approach. LDL was isolated by two-step discontinuous density-gradient ultracentrifugation and the proteins were separated with two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and identified with peptide mass fingerprinting, using matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization-time of flight-mass spectrometry and with amino acid sequencing using electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. These procedures identified apo B-100, apo C-II, apo C-III (three isoforms), apo E (four isoforms), apo A-I (two isoforms), apo A-IV, apo J and apo M (three isoforms not previously described). In addition, three proteins that have not previously been identified in LDL were found: serum amyloid A-IV (two isoforms), calgranulin A, and lysozyme C. The identities of apo M, calgranulin A, and lysozyme C were confirmed by sequence information obtained after collision-induced dissociation fragmentation of peptides characteristic for these proteins. Moreover, the presence of lysozyme C was further corroborated by demonstrating enriched hydrolytic activity in LDL against Micrococcus lysodeikticus. These results indicate that in addition to the dominating apo B-100, LDL contains a number of other apolipoproteins, many of which occur in different isoforms. The demonstration, for the first time, that LDL contains calgranulin A and lysozyme C raises the possibility that LDL proteins may play hitherto unknown role(s) in immune and inflammatory reactions of the arterial wall.  相似文献   

Limited tryptic digestion of human serum low-density (LD) lipoprotein (rho 1.024-1.045 g/ml) under defined conditions permitted isolation by gel filtration chromatography of a stable, protein-deficient lipoprotein; the liberated protein was separated as a mixture of peptides of low molecular weight (less than 5000). Comparison of the chemical, physical and immunological characteristics of the trypsin-treated LD-lipoprotein with those of the native preparation revealed several differences, including (a) a diminished protein content (loss of some 20-25% of the total protein of LD-lipoprotein) and increased proportions of the various lipid components, except for triglyceride (probably resulting from a loss of bound free fatty acids with the liberated peptides); (b) a greater heterogeneity in particle size and slightly larger mean diameter; (c) a lower hydrated density and greater peak sf rate than the native LD-lipoprotein (d) an increased net negative charge; and (e) a partial immunological identity between LD-lipoprotein and the corresponding trypsin-treated fraction. While the amino acid compositions of the protein moieties of LD-lipoprotein and of trypsin-treated LD-lipoprotein were essentially identical, trypsin-treated apo-LD-lipoprotein was distinct in its complete solubility in urea-containing buffers at high concentrations, and also in its partial solubility in buffers lacking denaturing agents. Comparison of the apoproteins of the native and trypsin-treated LD-lipoproteins by electrophoretic techniques based on molecular weight revealed a transformation of the high-molecular weight material (greater than 250 000) characteristic of apo-LD lipoprotein into several polypeptide species (10 major forms) ranging in size from 161 500 to about 10 000. The largest of these (band b1: 161 500) could be completely dissociated into smaller components (b2: 93 500 and b3: 77 000) upon extensive heat treatment at 90 degrees C. Electrophoresis of the soluble fraction of apo-LD-lipoprotein and of that from its trypsin-treated counterpart in polyacrylamide gels containing urea at basic pH showed the disappearance of the small amounts (less than 5%) of C apoproteins of apo-LD-lipoprotein upon tryptic treatment. These results, which were highly reproducible in LD-lipoprotein preparations from different individuals, suggest that trypsin-treated LD-lipoprotein may provide a model for investigation of the organisation and structural role of the prinicipal apoprotein (apolipoprotein-B) in the LD-lipoprotein molecule.  相似文献   

Accurate determination of protein secondary structure from the chemical shift information is a key step for NMR tertiary structure determination. Relatively few work has been done on this subject. There needs to be a systematic investigation of algorithms that are (a) robust for large datasets; (b) easily extendable to (the dynamic) new databases; and (c) approaching to the limit of accuracy. We introduce new approaches using k-nearest neighbor algorithm to do the basic prediction and use the BCJR algorithm to smooth the predictions and combine different predictions from chemical shifts and based on sequence information only. Our new system, SUCCES, improves the accuracy of all existing methods on a large dataset of 805 proteins (at 86% Q(3) accuracy and at 92.6% accuracy when the boundary residues are ignored), and it is easily extendable to any new dataset without requiring any new training. The software is publicly available at http://monod.uwaterloo.ca/nmr/succes.  相似文献   

Diphenyl-1-pyrenylphosphine (DPPP), which reacts with lipid hydroperoxide stoichiometrically to yield a fluorescent product DPPP oxide (DPPP=O) and the corresponding hydroxide, was used as a fluorescent probe for lipid peroxidation in low-density lipoprotein (LDL). DPPP was successfully incorporated into LDL using the dispersion reagent Pluronic F-127. Incorporation of DPPP into LDL was confirmed by gel filtration chromatography. Reaction of DPPP with hydroperoxide within an LDL particle was examined by monitoring the increase in fluorescence intensity of the LDL. It was found that lipid-soluble hydroperoxides such as methyl linoleate hydroperoxide preferably reacted with DPPP, whereas hydrogen peroxide did not. Fluorescence was increased at the early stages in the oxidation of DPPP-labeled LDL by an azo radical initiator or human neutrophils. LDL, which was labeled with DPPP or DPPP=O, was taken up by cells such as THP-1-derived macrophages and human umbilical vein endothelial cells. The fluorescence of DPPP=O could be observed in cells using fluorescence microscopy equipped with a cooled charge coupled device camera in a nondestructive manner. The present study shows that DPPP is a sensitive, selective, and quantitative probe for monitoring LDL oxidation and visualizing intracellular oxidation.  相似文献   

Increased plasma concentration of lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] is an established independent risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD), which is strongly genetically determined. This study was designed to investigate the relationship between the K-IV and (TTTTA)n apolipoprotein(a) [apo(a), protein; APOA, gene] polymorphisms, as well as the C766T low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) and the (CGG)n very low density lipoprotein receptor (VLDLR) polymorphisms on the one hand, and plasma Lp(a) levels in Czech subjects who underwent coronary angiography on the other hand. The lengths of the alleles of the APOA K-IV and (TTTTA)n polymorphisms were strongly inversely correlated with plasma Lp(a) levels in univariate analysis (r = -0.41, p < 10(-4) and r = -0.20, p < 0.01, respectively). Multivariate analysis revealed significant associations between the APOA polymorphisms studied and plasma Lp(a) levels in subjects expressing only one APOA K-IV allele (p < 10(-6) for K-IV and p < 0.001 for TTTTA). In subjects expressing both APOA K-IV alleles, the multivariate analysis revealed that only the APOA K-IV alleles were inversely correlated with plasma Lp(a) levels (p < 0.001). Associations between both the LRP and VLDLR gene polymorphisms and plasma Lp(a) levels were only of borderline significance (p < 0.06 and p < 0.07, respectively) and were not confirmed in multivariate analysis. In conclusion, both APOA length polymorphisms significantly influenced plasma Lp(a) concentration in the Czech population studied, and this circumstance could explain the association in this population observed earlier between APOA (TTTTA)n polymorphism and CAD (Benes et al. 2000). Only a minor role in the regulation of plasma Lp(a) levels is suggested for the C766T LRP and the (CGG)n VLDLR polymorphisms.  相似文献   

The seasonal variation of CuCl2-mediated low density lipoprotein (LDL) oxidation (10 microM Cu2+, lag phase, rate of oxidation and maximum absorbance at 234 nm) were measured in 43 men and women on 4-6 occasions (mean 5.7 +/- 0.5) over a 12-month period. The lag phase averaged 52.7 +/- 0.6 min and did not differ by gender. Lag phase and rate of the rapid propagation phase of LDL oxidation showed a sinusoidal pattern over the year (increased and reduced oxidative susceptibility during January and June-July, respectively; both p < 0.001). Changes in plasma alpha-tocopherol, ascorbic acid, lycopene or beta-carotene concentrations did not explain seasonal differences in oxidative susceptibility of LDL in vitro. Nor did plasma lipid content of linoleic acid, the main substrate of lipid peroxidation, vary. However, the amount of hydroperoxy- plus hydroxy-fatty acids in plasma lipids varied according to season (p < 0.024) and was related to the lag phase (r = -0.26, p < 0.001). Seasonal variation in oxidative susceptibility was not significant after adjusting for hydroperoxy- plus hydroxy-fatty acids (p = 0.506). Isolated LDL is more vulnerable to Cu2+-induced lipid peroxidation during the winter and this may be due to the higher amount of oxidised lipids during that period.  相似文献   

For a long time, NMR chemical shifts have been used to identify protein secondary structures. Currently, this is accomplished through comparing the observed (1)H(alpha), (13)C(alpha), (13)C(beta), or (13)C' chemical shifts with the random coil values. Here, we present a new protocol, which is based on the joint probability of each of the three secondary structural types (beta-strand, alpha-helix, and random coil) derived from chemical-shift data, to identify the secondary structure. In combination with empirical smooth filters/functions, this protocol shows significant improvements in the accuracy and the confidence of identification. Updated chemical-shift statistics are reported, on the basis of which the reliability of using chemical shift to identify protein secondary structure is evaluated for each nucleus. The reliability varies greatly among the 20 amino acids, but, on average, is in the order of: (13)C(alpha)>(13)C'>(1)H(alpha)>(13)C(beta)>(15)N>(1)H(N) to distinguish an alpha-helix from a random coil; and (1)H(alpha)>(13)C(beta) >(1)H(N) approximately (13)C(alpha) approximately (13)C' approximately (15)N for a beta-strand from a random coil. Amide (15)N and (1)H(N) chemical shifts, which are generally excluded from the application, in fact, were found to be helpful in distinguishing a beta-strand from a random coil. In addition, the chemical-shift statistical data are compared with those reported previously, and the results are discussed. A JAVA User Interface program has been developed to make the entire procedure fully automated and is available via http://ccsr3150-p3.stanford.edu.  相似文献   

The oxidation of low-density lipoproteins is the first step in the complex process leading to atherosclerosis. The aim of our study was to compare the kinetics of low density lipoprotein oxidation induced by copper ions or by oxygen free radicals generated by 60Co gamma-rays. The effects of copper concentration and irradiation dose-rate on LDL peroxidation kinetics were also studied. The oxidation of LDL was followed by the measurement of conjugated diene, hydroperoxides, and thiobarbituric acid reactive substance formation as well as alpha-tocopherol disappearance. In the case of gamma irradiation, the lag-phase before the onset of lipid peroxidation was inversely correlated to the radiation dose-rate. The radiation chemical rates (nu) increased with increasing dose-rate. Copper-induced LDL peroxidation followed two kinetic patterns: a slow kinetic for copper concentrations between 5-20 microM, and a fast kinetic for a copper concentration of 40 microM. The concentration-dependent oxidation kinetics suggest the existence of a saturable copper binding site on apo-B. When compared with gamma-rays, copper ions act as drastic and powerful oxidants only at higher concentrations (> or = 40 microM).  相似文献   

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