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Diversity indices might be used to assess the impact of treatments on the relative abundance patterns in species communities. When several treatments are to be compared, simultaneous confidence intervals for the differences of diversity indices between treatments may be used. The simultaneous confidence interval methods described until now are either constructed or validated under the assumption of the multinomial distribution for the abundance counts. Motivated by four example data sets with background in agricultural and marine ecology, we focus on the situation when available replications show that the count data exhibit extra‐multinomial variability. Based on simulated overdispersed count data, we compare previously proposed methods assuming multinomial distribution, a method assuming normal distribution for the replicated observations of the diversity indices and three different bootstrap methods to construct simultaneous confidence intervals for multiple differences of Simpson and Shannon diversity indices. The focus of the simulation study is on comparisons to a control group. The severe failure of asymptotic multinomial methods in overdispersed settings is illustrated. Among the bootstrap methods, the widely known Westfall–Young method performs best for the Simpson index, while for the Shannon index, two methods based on stratified bootstrap and summed count data are preferable. The methods application is illustrated for an example.  相似文献   



During generation of microarray data, various forms of systematic biases are frequently introduced which limits accuracy and precision of the results. In order to properly estimate biological effects, these biases must be identified and discarded.  相似文献   

Overdispersed count data are very common in ecology. The negative binomial model has been used widely to represent such data. Ecological data often vary considerably, and traditional approaches are likely to be inefficient or incorrect due to underestimation of uncertainty and poor predictive power. We propose a new statistical model to account for excessive overdisperson. It is the combination of two negative binomial models, where the first determines the number of clusters and the second the number of individuals in each cluster. Simulations show that this model often performs better than the negative binomial model. This model also fitted catch and effort data for southern bluefin tuna better than other models according to AIC. A model that explicitly and properly accounts for overdispersion should contribute to robust management and conservation for wildlife and plants.  相似文献   

M Ghandi  MA Beer 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e38695
Data normalization is a crucial preliminary step in analyzing genomic datasets. The goal of normalization is to remove global variation to make readings across different experiments comparable. In addition, most genomic loci have non-uniform sensitivity to any given assay because of variation in local sequence properties. In microarray experiments, this non-uniform sensitivity is due to different DNA hybridization and cross-hybridization efficiencies, known as the probe effect. In this paper we introduce a new scheme, called Group Normalization (GN), to remove both global and local biases in one integrated step, whereby we determine the normalized probe signal by finding a set of reference probes with similar responses. Compared to conventional normalization methods such as Quantile normalization and physically motivated probe effect models, our proposed method is general in the sense that it does not require the assumption that the underlying signal distribution be identical for the treatment and control, and is flexible enough to correct for nonlinear and higher order probe effects. The Group Normalization algorithm is computationally efficient and easy to implement. We also describe a variant of the Group Normalization algorithm, called Cross Normalization, which efficiently amplifies biologically relevant differences between any two genomic datasets.  相似文献   

Normalization of expression levels applied to microarray data can help in reducing measurement error. Different methods, including cyclic loess, quantile normalization and median or mean normalization, have been utilized to normalize microarray data. Although there is considerable literature regarding normalization techniques for mRNA microarray data, there are no publications comparing normalization techniques for microRNA (miRNA) microarray data, which are subject to similar sources of measurement error. In this paper, we compare the performance of cyclic loess, quantile normalization, median normalization and no normalization for a single-color microRNA microarray dataset. We show that the quantile normalization method works best in reducing differences in miRNA expression values for replicate tissue samples. By showing that the total mean squared error are lowest across almost all 36 investigated tissue samples, we are assured that the bias correction provided by quantile normalization is not outweighed by additional error variance that can arise from a more complex normalization method. Furthermore, we show that quantile normalization does not achieve these results by compression of scale.  相似文献   



In two-channel competitive genomic hybridization microarray experiments, the ratio of the two fluorescent signal intensities at each spot on the microarray is commonly used to infer the relative amounts of the test and reference sample DNA levels. This ratio may be influenced by systematic measurement effects from non-biological sources that can introduce biases in the estimated ratios. These biases should be removed before drawing conclusions about the relative levels of DNA. The performance of existing gene expression microarray normalization strategies has not been evaluated for removing systematic biases encountered in array-based comparative genomic hybridization (CGH), which aims to detect single copy gains and losses typically in samples with heterogeneous cell populations resulting in only slight shifts in signal ratios. The purpose of this work is to establish a framework for correcting the systematic sources of variation in high density CGH array images, while maintaining the true biological variations.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: The goal of the study is to obtain genetic information from exfoliated colonocytes in the fecal stream rather than directly from mucosa cells within the colon. The latter is obtained through invasive procedures. The difficulties encountered by this procedure are that certain probe information may be compromised due to partially degraded mRNA. Proper normalization is essential to obtaining useful information from these fecal array data. RESULTS: We propose a new two-stage semiparametric normalization method motivated by the features observed in fecal microarray data. A location-scale transformation and a robust inclusion step were used to roughly align arrays within the same treatment. A non-parametric estimated non-linear transformation was then used to remove the potential intensity-based biases. We compared the performance of the new method in analyzing a fecal microarray dataset with those achieved by two existing normalization approaches: global median transformation and quantile normalization. The new method favorably compared with the global median and quantile normalization methods. AVAILABILITY: The R codes implementing the two-stage method may be obtained from the corresponding author.  相似文献   

A novel and universal method for microRNA RT-qPCR data normalization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gene expression analysis of microRNA molecules is becoming increasingly important. In this study we assess the use of the mean expression value of all expressed microRNAs in a given sample as a normalization factor for microRNA real-time quantitative PCR data and compare its performance to the currently adopted approach. We demonstrate that the mean expression value outperforms the current normalization strategy in terms of better reduction of technical variation and more accurate appreciation of biological changes.  相似文献   

A novel strategy consisting of cleavable Isotope-Coded Affinity Tag (cICAT) combined with MASCOT Distiller was evaluated as a tool for the quantification of proteins in "abnormal" patient plasma, prepared by pooling samples from patients with acute stroke. Quantification of all light and heavy cICAT-labelled peptide ion pairs was obtained using MASCOT Distiller combined with a proprietary software. Peptides displaying differences were selected for identification by MS. These preliminary results show the promise of our approach to identify potential biomarkers.  相似文献   

Quantification of LC-MS peak intensities assigned during peptide identification in a typical comparative proteomics experiment will deviate from run-to-run of the instrument due to both technical and biological variation. Thus, normalization of peak intensities across an LC-MS proteomics dataset is a fundamental step in pre-processing. However, the downstream analysis of LC-MS proteomics data can be dramatically affected by the normalization method selected. Current normalization procedures for LC-MS proteomics data are presented in the context of normalization values derived from subsets of the full collection of identified peptides. The distribution of these normalization values is unknown a priori. If they are not independent from the biological factors associated with the experiment the normalization process can introduce bias into the data, possibly affecting downstream statistical biomarker discovery. We present a novel approach to evaluate normalization strategies, which includes the peptide selection component associated with the derivation of normalization values. Our approach evaluates the effect of normalization on the between-group variance structure in order to identify the most appropriate normalization methods that improve the structure of the data without introducing bias into the normalized peak intensities.  相似文献   

Semiparametric regression for count data   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

A state space model for multivariate longitudinal count data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A semiparametric pseudolikelihood estimation method for panel count data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Zhang  Ying 《Biometrika》2002,89(1):39-48

Analog forecasting is a mechanism‐free nonlinear method that forecasts a system forward in time by examining how past states deemed similar to the current state moved forward. Previous applications of analog forecasting has been successful at producing robust forecasts for a variety of ecological and physical processes, but it has typically been presented in an empirical or heuristic procedure, rather than as a formal statistical model. The methodology presented here extends the model‐based analog method of McDermott and Wikle (Environmetrics, 27, 2016, 70) by placing analog forecasting within a fully hierarchical statistical framework that can accommodate count observations. Using a Bayesian approach, the hierarchical analog model is able to quantify rigorously the uncertainty associated with forecasts. Forecasting waterfowl settling patterns in the northwestern United States and Canada is conducted by applying the hierarchical analog model to a breeding population survey dataset. Sea surface temperature (SST) in the Pacific Ocean is used to help identify potential analogs for the waterfowl settling patterns.  相似文献   



Microarray technology allows the monitoring of expression levels for thousands of genes simultaneously. This novel technique helps us to understand gene regulation as well as gene by gene interactions more systematically. In the microarray experiment, however, many undesirable systematic variations are observed. Even in replicated experiment, some variations are commonly observed. Normalization is the process of removing some sources of variation which affect the measured gene expression levels. Although a number of normalization methods have been proposed, it has been difficult to decide which methods perform best. Normalization plays an important role in the earlier stage of microarray data analysis. The subsequent analysis results are highly dependent on normalization.


In this paper, we use the variability among the replicated slides to compare performance of normalization methods. We also compare normalization methods with regard to bias and mean square error using simulated data.


Our results show that intensity-dependent normalization often performs better than global normalization methods, and that linear and nonlinear normalization methods perform similarly. These conclusions are based on analysis of 36 cDNA microarrays of 3,840 genes obtained in an experiment to search for changes in gene expression profiles during neuronal differentiation of cortical stem cells. Simulation studies confirm our findings.

New normalization methods for cDNA microarray data   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
MOTIVATION: The focus of this paper is on two new normalization methods for cDNA microarrays. After the image analysis has been performed on a microarray and before differentially expressed genes can be detected, some form of normalization must be applied to the microarrays. Normalization removes biases towards one or other of the fluorescent dyes used to label each mRNA sample allowing for proper evaluation of differential gene expression. RESULTS: The two normalization methods that we present here build on previously described non-linear normalization techniques. We extend these techniques by firstly introducing a normalization method that deals with smooth spatial trends in intensity across microarrays, an important issue that must be dealt with. Secondly we deal with normalization of a new type of cDNA microarray experiment that is coming into prevalence, the small scale specialty or 'boutique' array, where large proportions of the genes on the microarrays are expected to be highly differentially expressed. AVAILABILITY: The normalization methods described in this paper are available via http://www.pi.csiro.au/gena/ in a software suite called tRMA: tools for R Microarray Analysis upon request of the authors. Images and data used in this paper are also available via the same link.  相似文献   



Normalization is a basic step in microarray data analysis. A proper normalization procedure ensures that the intensity ratios provide meaningful measures of relative expression values.  相似文献   

We describe a new multivariate gamma distribution and discuss its implication in a Poisson-correlated gamma-frailty model. This model is introduced to account for between-subjects correlation occurring in longitudinal count data. For likelihood-based inference involving distributions in which high-dimensional dependencies are present, it may be useful to approximate likelihoods based on the univariate or bivariate marginal distributions. The merit of composite likelihood is to reduce the computational complexity of the full likelihood. A 2-stage composite-likelihood procedure is developed for estimating the model parameters. The suggested method is applied to a meta-analysis study for survival curves.  相似文献   

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