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Laboratory experiments were conducted to develop an assay for evaluation of carrot (Daucus carota L.) leaf reaction to Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Pers. The detached carrot leaflets were inoculated with the colonized agar plugs attached to the cut surface of the midrib or by spraying conidial suspension. The estimation of the infected leaflet area expressed as the area under the disease progress curve enabled the discrimination between carrot genotypes differing in their susceptibility to the pathogen. Evaluation based on the measurement of the length of the midrib lesion did not allow such differentiation. The inoculation of leaf surface with suspension of conidia was less reliable and the development of the disease symptoms was not reproducible. The established assay using colonized plugs enables a fast assessment of carrot leaf susceptibility to grey mould and can be particularly useful for a non‐destructive, preliminary evaluation of precious and limited source materials.  相似文献   

The ability of a cell-free secretion from germinating conidia(germination fluid) and heat-killed conidia of Botrytis cinereaPers. ex Pers. to induce resistance in exposed carrot root tissueswas unaffected during freezing to –25 °C and rapidthawing, and by heating to 50 °C for 10 min. Activity waslost by boiling for 10 min or at room temperature after 24 h. There was less cell death (Evans blue and neutral red staining)in the surface tissue of slices pretreated with heat-killedconidia and subsequently exposed to infection than in similartissue of untreated, inoculated slices. Both inducing preparationsalone caused maceration and cell death in one or two cell layersof the slice surface. Healthy tissue killed by freezing to –25°Cfor 2 h and rapid thawing, released a factor which, when similarlytested on slices, resulted in germ-tube inhibition and reducedvisual symptoms following inoculation with live spores. Thepossibility that cell death triggered the release of a hostelicitor which caused enhanced accumulation of phytoalexinsand suberin deposition is discussed. Botrytis cinerea, carrot, induced resistance, cell death, vital staining  相似文献   

Dicarboximide fungicides have been used for the control of grey mould in protected crops in Crete since 1977. During the 1980 growing season a decline of their efficacy was observed. In successive surveys carried out in May 1980, February 1981 and May 1981 in 28, 10 and 13 plastic houses repectively, a considerable proportion of resistant strains was found. From each of the plastic houses sampled mostly either only resistant or only sensitive strains were isolated. In three of the plastic houses with resistant strains there was an acute disease control problem. The ED50 of 15 resistant strains studied was in the area of 3·5 μg/ml vinclozolin as compared with 0·2 μg/ml for the wild type strains. The vinclozolin-resistant strains were also resistant to procymidone, iprodione, and dicloran. In most of the cases strains resistant to vinclozolin were also resistant to benomyl and strains sensitive to vinclozolin were also sensitive to benomyl. In the absence of fungicide, resistant strains grew more slowly on PDA than sensitive ones, but spores germinated equally well. Vinclozolin (0·75 mg a.i./ml) did not protect eggplant seedlings against resistant strains but gave satisfactory control of sensitive ones.  相似文献   

Sixty-eight per cent of nuclei in the cells of the upper fourlayers of carrot slices treated with heat-killed conidia ofBotrytis cinerea for 6 h followed by inoculation with live sporesfor 18 h, migrated to the cell face nearest to the treated surface,compared with 46 per cent in cells of control slices showinga wound-healing response only. Nucleolar volumes in the surfacecell layers of control slices increased from a mean of 1.0 µm3to 3.8 µm3 over 24 h, and in ‘induced’ slicesto 7.28 µm3. Using a 40 min pulse of [5–3H]uracil,there was an increase within 15 h of slicing in the number oflabelled nuclei in cells from control slices undergoing healing.Within 8 h after treatment of slice surfaces with heat-killedconidia, there was an accelerated incorporation of label into‘nuclear’ RNA. Slices from roots cold-stored for12 months failed to show an induction response and nucleolarvolumes did not increase more than in control slices. Theseresults are discussed in relation to active defence mechanismsin plant tissue. Botrytis cinerea, carrot, induced resistance, nuclear migration, nucleolar volume, RNA incorporation  相似文献   

Endo- and Exochitinase Activity in Kiwifruit Infected with Botrytis cinerea   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Endo- and exochitinase activities were determined in autoclaved leaves, live leaves, and fruit of kiwifruit (Actinidia deliciosa var. deliciosa cv. Hayward [A. Chev.]Liang and Ferguson) following infection with Botrytis cinerea (Pers.). Appreciable endochitinase activity was found in healthy and diseased leaves and fruit at harvest and after cool-storage, but was absent in plant tissue killed by autoclaving. Later harvested fruit produced more endochitinase activity in storage than did early harvested fruit. Exochitinase activity was only associated with diseased tissue, and was present in diseased autoclaved leaves. The results suggest that endochitinase activity originates from the plant whilst exochitinase is associated with the pathogen. The significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to determine whether stepwise breakdown of native cellulose is carried out by B. cinereain vitro and in vivo. Protein fractions were obtained from ungerminated conidia, from culture filtrates 24, 48 and 96 h after inoculation with conidia, and from culture filtrates of 12 day-old cultures growing on cotton wool as the carbon source. In addition, petioles and fruits of tomato plants were inoculated and the protein fraction of the colonized tissues were tested. Using filter paper, carboxymethylcellulose and cellobiose as substrates, all fraction showed c1, glucanase and cellobiase activity respectively.  相似文献   

Mycelial inoculation of canes with Botrytis cinerea proved a useful method for assessing Rubus material for resistance. When canes were inoculated in summer resistant genotypes developed relatively small lesions which produced few small sclerotia in the following spring. The size of lesions in autumn generally provided the best discrimination between genotypes. Very strong resistance was found in several species, of which Rubus pileatus and R. occidentalis are the most useful for breeding; hybrids of raspberry with these species or with R. crataegifolius also had strong resistance. The resistance shown by a derivative of red raspberry cv. Chief was less strong, as was the resistance conferred by gene H, which determines cane pubescence.  相似文献   

The effect of UV-C (220–280 nm) on the accumulation of phytoalexin and resistance to Botrytis cinerea was studied in cold-stored carrots. Carrots were surface-wounded, treated with a range of UV doses and stored at 1 °C for 25 days in lots of 22 roots. The level of the phytoalexin, 6-methoxymellein, in each lot was then assayed in the peel of eight roots. Twelve of the remaining roots were subsequently inoculated with mycelial plugs to evaluate their level of disease resistance. The elicitation of 6-methoxymellcin by UV increased significantly the resistance of the roots to B. cinerea. The effect of UV in freshly harvested carrots was curvilinear, showing an optimum between 0.44 and 0.88 Merg/cm2. However, only a linear relationship was observed with aged (stored for 4 months at 1 °C) carrots for the same doses, suggesting a modification in the response to UV with age. Wounding was necessary for carrots kept at 1 °C to respond to UV treatment. Neither UV nor wounding alone caused any elicitation at this temperature. Since unwounded roots could respond to UV at 20 °C, it is hypothesized that the level of physiological activity of the roots determines their response to UV. An increase in the physiological activity by higher temperatures or wounding would allow the elicitation process to take place. Since UV irradiation can increase the level of disease resistance in treated tissues, this treatment has potential as an alternative method for the control of post-harvest diseases m carrots.  相似文献   

Fungicide resistance frequencies of Botrytis cinerea populations in the German Wine Road region were determined for 4 years. Strains showing specific resistance against carbendazim, iprodione or fenhexamid were found to occur wide‐spread, but at low frequencies. In contrast, cyprodinil resistance increased from 5.4% in 2006 to 21.9% in 2008 and 16% in 2009, and strains resistant to boscalid increased from 2% in 2006 to 26.7% in 2009. Strains with multidrug resistance (MDR) phenotypes were found at high frequencies. One of the three MDR phenotypes, MDR1, with reduced sensitivity to cyprodinil and fludioxonil, was dominating, representing 19% to 35% of the total population. Strains with a combination of cyprodinil resistance and MDR1 were found to be strongly increasing in 2008 and 2009.  相似文献   

The absorption of potassium and sodium ions by cultured explantsof young secondary phloem of carrot has been examined. Muchsmaller differences were observed between slowly growing andrapidly growing tissues than in the work of Steward and Millar(1954). This discrepancy is attributed to the use by Stewardand Millar of media of dissimilar mineral salts compositionto grow the two types of tissue. At first, potassium uptake per unit of fresh weight proceededmore rapidly in the actively proliferating cultures than theslowly growing ones, but these ultimately had the greater capacityfor potassium absorption. The rapidly growing cultures showeda higher selectivity towards potassium vis-à-vis sodiumions than did those growing slowly. The effect was evident throughouta culture period of 5 weeks, but was most marked during theearly stages of growth. Some possible explanations of theseobservations are discussed.  相似文献   

Botrytis cinerea, the causal agent of grey mould in a broad range of crops, is considered a high‐risk plant pathogen for fungicide resistance development. The use of fungicide mixtures, particularly combinations with synergistic activity, can be a useful tactic to counteract resistance build‐up in pathogen populations. The present study aimed to investigate the effects of different ratios of two‐way mixtures of carbendazim, iprodione, kresoxim‐methyl, tebuconazole and penconazole on four B. cinerea isolates that were sensitive or resistant to benzimidazoles, dicarboximides and strobilurins. The isolates that were resistant to benzimidazoles and strobilurins had E198A and G143A mutations in β‐tubulin and cytochrome b genes, respectively. The mixtures had different effects on each of the isolates in vitro but, in 13 combinations, the synergistic effect was observed against all or three isolates. In greenhouse experiments, 11 fungicide combinations used in decreased (EC75) concentrations showed the maximum control efficiency. The two follow‐up greenhouse experiments using six selected combinations revealed they were highly effective against additional isolates with various fungicide resistance profiles. The identified mixtures‐ratios have potential for use in grey mould management programs in the greenhouse.  相似文献   

灰葡萄孢BC7-3菌株除草活性组分的纯化与结构鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郑蒙  徐扩  董金皋 《微生物学报》2008,48(10):1362-1366
[目的]植物病原真菌毒素是一类重要的微生物源除草剂,本研究旨在找到一个新的具有除草活性的化合物结构.[方法]在前期薄层层析法、柱层析法和高效液相色谱法分析的基础上对灰葡萄孢诱变菌株BC7-3的代谢产物中具有除草活性的5个不同组分分别进行了液相色谱制备.[结果]本研究得到了一个纯度达99.38%对单子叶杂草马唐具有较强杀除活性的纯组分,通过对纯组分的物理性状测定并结合紫外-可见吸收光谱、红外光谱以及核磁共振波谱等分析方法鉴定化学结构为10-顺-二氢化灰霉二醛.[结论]研究的结果为微生物除草剂的创新和开发奠定了理论基础.  相似文献   

The root elongation activity of unsaturated oligomeric uronates from alginate on carrot and rice plants was investigated. Unsaturated oligomeric uronates were prepared by digesting polymannuronate (PM) and polyguluronate (PG) with an alginate lyase purified from Pseudoalteromonas sp. strain No. 272. The root elongation activity was measured by elongation in length of carrot- and rice-excised root incubated in the B5-medium containing 0.8% agar in the dark. PM and PG showed no activity, but the enzymatic digestion mixtures of PG had promoting activity on roots of both plants at a final concentration of 0.5 mg/ml. The maximum activity was obtained at 0.75 mg/ml. The dependence of activity on degree of polymerization of the uronates was tested and the pentamer was most active, but the mechanism of the action of unsaturated uronates on the cells remains to be solved.  相似文献   

Treatment of cell suspension cultures of bean ( Phaseolus vulgaris ) c.v. 'Gold Saxa') with Botrytis cinerea resulted in the increase in extra- and intracellular peroxidase activity. A similar effect was obtained by treatment of cell suspension cultures with an elicitor active extract from fungal mycelium.
It was shown by means of electrofocusing that the infection- or elicitor-related increase in total intracellular peroxidase activity was associated with the increase in the activity of a specific isozyme with an isoelectric point of 4.8. This anionic peroxidase did not differ in substrate specificity to guaiacol, syringaldazine and chlorogenic acid.  相似文献   

The somatic recombinogenic activity of the phenylpyrrole fungicide fludioxonil, in diploid Aspergillus nidulans was found similar to that caused by aromatic hydrocarbon and dicarboximide fungicides (AHDFs), such as iprodione, chlozolinate and tolclofos–methyl. All these fungicides not only increased the number of mitotic recombinants but also provided similar appearance, small sectors, of white and yellow mitotic recombination products. Fludioxonil highly resistant strains (resistant factor approximately 5000) of Botrytis cinerea were isolated at high frequency (1.08 × 10−5). Study of cross-resistance patterns of mutant strains to other fungicides, revealed cross-resistance of fludioxonil with dicarboximides (iprodione, procymidone, and chlozolinate) and aromatic hydrocarbons, such as tolclofos–methyl, pentachloronitrobenzene (PCNB), tecnazene and chloroneb. The positive cross-resistance relationships found between phenylpyrroles and members of the AHDFs and their ability to increase mitotic instability in diploid A. nidulans , indicate that phenylpyrroles should be included with AHDFs. A study of fitness parameters in wild-type and representative fludioxonil-resistant mutants of B. cinerea , showed that the mutation(s) leading to fludioxonil resistance may or may not affect some fitness-determining characteristics, such as sensitivity to high osmolarity, growth rate, conidial germination and germ-tube elongation. Pathogenicity tests on cucumber seedlings showed that an osmosensitive representative strain of B. cinerea , resistant to fludioxonil, was as virulent as the wild-type strain. The phenylpyrrole fungicide was ineffective, even in high concentrations, to control grey mould caused by this isolate.  相似文献   

Botrytis cinerea is a plant-pathogenic fungus that produces the disease known as grey mould in a wide variety of agriculturally important hosts in many countries. Ten strains from different locations collected on different years have been isolated and characterized by several methods (morphological, biochemical, genetical and molecular). Results showed that clear morphological differences exist between strains, and showing a relationship between the presence of sclerotia and pathogenicity. The conidial size and the nuclear number were highly variable between different strains. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis showed a unique karyotype for each strain, highly polymorphic between strains and with a number of bands ranging from 4 to 8. An efficient transformation system has been achieved through the plasmid pAMPF21, containing the region AMA1 of Aspergillus nidulans. Lastly, from a genomic library the gdhA gene has been cloned. This gene produces an RNAm of 1.7 Kb and complements the deficiency on glutamate dehydrogenase activity of A. nidulans.  相似文献   

Enzymes of Botrytis cinerea were detected in vitro using various carbon sources. Pectin-pectate as a sole carbon source induced both polygalacturonase (PG) and pectin lyase (PL) activity, whereas carboxymethylcellulose served as an inducer for cellulase (Cx) activity. PG activity appeared earlier than Cx activity when induced by their respective sources. Both PG and PL activities were detected earlier and their level was higher on cell walls of the normal tomato fruit, than of the nor mutant, and in each case activity was higher on cell walls of the mature fruits than of the mature-green ones. Whereas relatively high rates of PG and PL activity were recorded on autoclaved tomato homogenate (TH) of both the normal and the nor fruits, only trace levels of PG activity were recorded on unautoclaved media, except for those prepared from ripe normal fruits, and no PL activity was detected on either of the unsterilized media. Botrytis-infection resulted in PG activity in the enzyme-less rin and nor mutant fruits at both stages of maturity and in the normal and hybrid fruits at their mature-green stage. In the ripe normal and hybrid fruits, infection increased the level of PG activity recorded prior to inoculation. An association was drawn between the low PG activity recorded in the nor mutant and its hybrid at initial stages of invasion and their resistance to infection. Following infection an increase in the level of Cx activity over that recorded in healthy fruits was found in all the tomato genotypes, whereas no PL was recorded in either healthy or infected fruits.  相似文献   

Two metabolites, 2-epi-botcinin A and 3-O-acetylbotcineric acid, were isolated from Botrytis cinerea (AEM211). The former compound was new, and the latter was known but structurally revised by us. In a test for antifungal activity against Magnaporthe grisea, a pathogen of rice blast disease, 2-epi-botcinin A was 8 times less active than botcinin A (MIC 100 microM), and the MIC value for 3-O-acetylbotcineric acid being 100 microM.  相似文献   

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