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The white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei were challenged with tryptic soy broth (TSB)-grown Vibrio alginolyticus at a dose of 1 x 10(6) colony-forming units (cfu) shrimp(-1), and then placed in water containing concentrations of nitrite-N at 0 (control), 1.12, 5.15, 11.06 and 21.40 mg l(-1). Mortality of shrimp in 5.15, 11.06 and 21.40 mg l(-1) was significantly higher than those in the control solution after 48-168 h. L. vannamei that had been exposed to control, 0.98, 4.94, 9.87 and 19.99 mg l(-1) nitrite-N for 96 h were examined for THC (total haemocyte count), phenoloxidase activity, and respiratory burst (release of superoxide anion). The THC and phenoloxidase activity decreased when the shrimp were exposed to 4.94, 9.87 and 19.99 mg l(-1) nitrite-N, whereas, the respiratory burst increased significantly at 9.87 and 19.99 mg l(-1) nitrite-N after 96 h. It is therefore suggested that nitrite in water caused a depression in the immune ability of L. vannamei and an increased susceptibility to V. alginolyticus infection, together with an increase of superoxide anion production, possibly to cytotoxic levels for the host.  相似文献   

White shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei injected with saline, and injected with tryptic soy broth (TSB)-grown Vibrio alginolyticus at 1.0 x 10(5) and 1.8 x 10(5) colony-forming units (cfu) shrimp(-1) were examined for hyaline cell (HC) counts, granular cell (GC) counts, total haemocyte counts (THCs), phenoloxidase (PO) activity, respiratory burst (RB) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity after 1-168 h. Shrimp that received no injection served as the control. The shrimps which received V. alginolyticus at both doses showed significant decreases in these parameters after 6-96 h. The values for HC and SOD activity decreased earlier and then RB. The time to cause maximum depletion of haemocytes (haemocytopenia), PO activity, RB, and SOD activity were 12, 72, 48, and 24 h post-injection, respectively. The HC, GC, and RB returned to the original values earlier at 72 h, followed by SOD activity at 96 h, and then PO activity at 168 h post-infection. It was concluded that an injection of V. alginolyticus rapidly reduced the shrimp's immunity by decreasing HC, GC, SOD activity, RB, and PO activity within 3-24 h, followed by a slow recovery during 72-168 h post-injection. Furthermore, white shrimp L. vannamei which received V. alginolyticus showed a 6-9 h later response in PO activity, and a 72-96 h later recovery of PO activity, compared to the responses in RB and SOD activity indicating their roles in shrimp defence and immunity.  相似文献   

Growth of Vibrio alginolyticus was not affected by TSB medium containing ammonia-N concentration in the range of 0-20 mg l(-1). White shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (7-12 g in the intermolt stage) were challenged with V. alginolyticus, which had been incubated for 24 h in the TSB medium containing different concentrations of ammonia-N (0, 1, 5. 10 and 20 mg l(-1)). There was no significant difference in cumulative mortality for shrimp incubated in the TSB medium containing 0, 1, 5, 10 and 20 mg l(-1)ammonia-N after 120 h of challenge. The shrimps were challenged with V. alginolyticus previously incubated in the TSB medium for 24 h, then placed in water containing concentrations of ammonia-N at 0.01 mg l(-1)(control), 1.10, 5.24, 11.10 and 21.60 mg l(-1). Mortality of shrimp in 5.24, 11.10 and 21.60 mg l(-1)was significantly higher than those in the control solution (0.01 mg l(-1)) after 48-168 h. Shrimps which had been exposed to control, 1.10, 5.24, 11.10 and 21.60 mg l(-1)ammonia-N for 7 days were examined for THC (total haemocyte count), granular cells, hyaline cells, phenoloxidase activity, release of superoxide anion, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency to V. alginolyticus. No significant difference in THC, hyaline cells and granular cells were observed among shrimps at different ammonia-N concentrations. Phenoloxidase activity however, decreased when the shrimps were exposed to 5.24 mg l(-1)ammonia-N and greater after 7 days. The release of superoxide anion increased significantly, whereas SOD activity decreased significantly at 21.60 mg l(-1)ammonia-N. With shrimps exposed to 11.21 and 21.22 mg l(-1)ammonia-N for 7 days, phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency to V. alginolyticus significantly decreased. It is therefore suggested that ammonia in water caused a depression in the immune response and an increase in mortality of L. vannamei from the V. alginolyticus infection.  相似文献   

White shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (also known as Penaeus vannamei) held in 34 per thousand seawater at pH 8.2 were injected with tryptic soy broth (TSB)-grown Vibrio alginolyticus at 8 x 10(5) colony-forming units (cfu) shrimp(-1), and then transferred to tanks at pH 6.5, 8.2 (control) and 10.1, respectively. After 24-168 h, the mortality of V. alginolyticus-injected shrimp that were transferred to pH 6.5 and pH 10.1 tanks was significantly higher than that of V. alginolyticus-injected shrimp held at pH 8.2. In another experiment, L. vannamei held at pH 8.2 following transfer to pH 6.5, 8.2 (control) and 10.1 for 6, 12, 24, 72 and 120 h were examined for immune parameters, phagocytic activity, and the clearance efficiency of shrimp against V. alginolyticus. The results indicated that the shrimp that were transferred to pH 6.5 and 10.1 showed significantly decreased phenoloxidase (PO) activity, respiratory burst, phagocytic activity, and clearance efficiency against V. alginolyticus over 6-72 h; significantly decreased superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity over 6-24h; and decreased total haemocyte count (THC) over 12-72 h. Shrimp transferred to pH 10.1 showed significantly decreased granular cell counts, and THC after 6h, and decreased SOD activity after 72 h. The immune parameters of shrimp transferred to pH 6.5 and 10.1 returned to the original values after 120 h. However, shrimp transferred to pH 6.5 still maintained lower phagocytic activity, and clearance efficiency against V. alginolyticus, and shrimp transferred to pH 10.1 still maintained lower clearance efficiency against V. alginolyticus. It was therefore concluded that low pH and high pH stress decrease the resistance of white shrimp L. vannamei against V. alginolyticus and decrease several parameters of the immune response.  相似文献   

White shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (Boone) held in 35 per thousand seawater were challenged with Vibrio alginolyticus at a dose of 3 x 10(5) colony-forming units (cfu) shrimp(-1), and then placed in water containing concentrations of Cu2+ at 0 (control), 1, 5, 10 and 20 mg l(-1). Mortality of shrimp in 5, 10 and 20 mg l(-1) Cu2+ was significantly higher than those in 1 mg l(-1) Cu2+ and the control solution after 24-96 h. In another experiment, L. vannamei which had been exposed to control, 1, 5, 10 and 20 mg l(-1) Cu2+ for 24, 48 and 96 h were examined for THC (total haemocyte count), phenoloxidase activity, respiratory burst (release of superoxide anion), phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency to V. alginolyticus. Copper concentrations at 1 mg l(-1) or greater for 24h resulted in decreased THC, phenoloxidase activity, phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency, whereas copper concentration at 20 mg l(-1) caused significant increase in respiratory burst of L. vannamei. In conclusion, concentration of Cu2+ at 1 mg l(-1) or greater increased the susceptibility of L. vannamei to V. alginolyticus infection by a depression in immune ability. The release of superoxide anion by L. vannamei exposed to 20 mg l(-1) Cu2+ was considered to be cytotoxic to the host.  相似文献   

The white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (8.0-14.4 g) was examined for haemocyte count, phenoloxidase activity, respiratory burst (release of superoxide anion), phagocytic activity, and clearance efficiency to the pathogen Vibrio alginolyticus in relation with moult cycle (postmoult, A, B; intermoult, C; premoult, D(0)/D(1)D(2)/D(3)). Granular cells were the highest at C and D(0)/D(1)stage, and the lowest at A stage. Hyaline cells and THC (total haemocyte count) were higher at C stage, but lower at postmoult stages. Phenoloxidase activity was the highest at C stage, and the lowest at A stage. Respiratory burst was lower at A stage. Phagocytic activity of shrimps against V. alginolyticus decreased significantly at postmoult and premoult stages. Additionally, the clearance efficiency of shrimps to V. alginolyticus was significantly lower for shrimps at A stage than those at C stage. In another experiment, L. vannamei at different moult stages were injected with tryptic soy broth (TSB)-grown V. alginolyticus (1x10(5)cfu shrimp(-1)) and then held in 34% seawater. After 10 h, the mortality of V. alginolyticus-injected shrimps was significantly higher for shrimps at postmoult stage than those at intermoult stage. Over 48-120 h, the mortality of V. alginolyticus-injected shrimps was 50.0%, 33.3% and 40.0% at postmoult, intermoult and premoult stage, respectively. It is concluded that L. vannamei showed a decrease in resistance at A stage through a reduction of its haemocyte count, phenoloxidase activity, respiratory burst, phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency against V. alginolyticus.  相似文献   

The total haemocyte count (THC), differential haemocyte count (DHC), phenoloxidase activity, respiratory burst (release of superoxide anion), superoxide dismutase activity, phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency to the pathogen Vibrio alginolyticus were measured when the white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (9.4-11.3 g) were injected individually with sodium alginate at 10, 20 or 50 microg g(-1). No significant differences in THC, DHC and superoxide dismutase activity were observed among the shrimp injected with saline and those injected with sodium alginate at 10, 20 or 50 microg g(-1). However, L. vannamei injected with sodium alginate at 20 microg g(-1)increased its phenoloxidase activity and respiratory burst after 2 days and one day, respectively. L. vannamei injected with sodium alginate at 50 microg g(-1)maintained a higher phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency to V. alginolyticus after 4 days. In another experiment, L. vannamei which had been injected with sodium alginate, were challenged with V. alginolyticus at 2x10(5)colony-forming units (CFU) shrimp(-1)and then placed in seawater of 34 per thousand. The survival of shrimp that received sodium alginate at either dose was significantly higher than that of control shrimp at the termination of the experiment (6 days after the challenge). It is therefore concluded that L. vannamei received sodium alginate at 10 microg g(-1)or more and increased its immune ability and resistance from V. alginolyticus infection.  相似文献   

The haemocyte count, phenoloxidase (PO) activity, specific alpha(2)-macroglobulin (alpha2-M) activity, respiratory burst, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity, phagocytic activity, and clearance efficiency against Vibrio alginolyticus were examined when the white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (10.42+/-2.0g) were immersed in seawater (34 per thousand) containing different concentrations of saponin (0, 0.5, 1 and 2mgL(-1)) for 24, 48 and 72h. Hyaline cells (HC), the total haemocyte count (THC), specific alpha2-M activity, respiratory burst, SOD activity, and GPx activity directly increased with the saponin concentration, whereas PO activity was inversely related to the saponin concentration. White shrimp L. vannamei that were immersed in saponin at 1 and 2mgL(-1) showed increased phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency to V. alginolyticus over 48-72h. In another experiment, shrimp immersed in seawater containing different concentrations of saponin after 72h were challenged with V. alginolyticus at 3.2x10(5) colony-forming units (cfu)shrimp(-1), and then placed in seawater. The survival rate of shrimp immersed in seawater containing saponin at either dose was significantly higher than that of control shrimp after 12h, as well as at the termination of the experiment (5days after the challenge). It was therefore concluded that L. vannamei immersed in water containing saponin at 2mgL(-1) or less exhibited an immunomodulatory effect, as well as protection against V. alginolyticus infection.  相似文献   

White shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei which had been injected with the hot-water extract of Spirulina platensis at 6, 10, and 20 μg g?1, or immersed in aerated seawater containing extract at 200, 400, and 600 mg L?1 were challenged with Vibrio alginolyticus at 1.5 × 106 or 1.4 × 106 colony-forming units (cfu) shrimp?1, and then placed in seawater. Survival rates of shrimp that received the extract of S. platensis at 6–20 μg g?1, and those of shrimp immersed in seawater containing the extract at 400 and 600 mg L?1 were significantly higher than those of control shrimp after 24–96 and 48–96 h, respectively. In a separate experiment, the hyaline cell (HC) count, granular cell (GC, including semi-granular cell) count, total haemocyte count (THC), phenoloxidase (PO) activity, respiratory burst (RB), superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity, and lysozyme activity were measured when shrimp were injected with the extract at 6, 10, and 20 μg g?1, and immersed in seawater containing the extract at 200, 400, and 600 mg L?1. These parameters directly increased with the concentration, and significantly increased when shrimp were immersed in the seawater containing the extract at 0.5–4 h. L. vannamei that received all doses of the extract via injection or via immersion all had increased phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency to V. alginolyticus at 12–72 h and 3–4 h, respectively. It was concluded that L. vannamei that received the hot-water extract of S. platensis had enhanced innate immunity and increased resistance against V. alginolyticus infection.  相似文献   

Haemocyte count, phenoloxidase activity, respiratory burst (release of superoxide anion), superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, glutathione peroxidase (GPX) activity, phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency to the pathogen Vibrio alginolyticus were measured in white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei juveniles (12.3 +/- 1.2 g) which had been fed diets containing sodium alginate at 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 g kg(-1) after five months. L. vannamei fed a diet containing 2.0 g kg(-1) sodium alginate had increased phenoloxidase activity, respiratory burst and SOD activity, but decreased GPX activity significantly. L. vannamei fed a diet containing 2.0 g kg(-1) sodium alginate had increased phagocytic activity and the shrimp fed a diet containing sodium alginate at 0.5, 1.0 or 2.0 g kg(-1) had increased clearance efficiency to V. alginolyticus. In another experiment, L. vannamei, which had been fed control diet, or sodium alginate-containing diets after 5 months, were challenged with V. alginolyticus at 2 x 10(6) colony-forming units (CFU) shrimp(-1) and then placed in seawater of 15 per thousand. The survival of shrimp fed a diet containing 2.0 g kg(-1) after one day, and the survival of shrimp fed diets containing sodium alginate at 0.5 and 1.0 g kg(-1) after 2-4 days increased significantly, as compared to that of shrimp fed control diet. It is therefore concluded that administration of sodium alginate in the diet at 2.0 g kg(-1) or less could enhance the immune ability of L. vannamei and increase its resistance to V. alginolyticus infection.  相似文献   

White shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, which had been injected with chitin at 4, 6 and 8 microg g(-1) or chitosan at 2, 4 and 6 microg g(-1), were challenged with pathogen Vibrio alginolyticus at 2 x 10(6) colony-forming units (cfu) shrimp(-1) and then placed in seawater of 34 per thousand. The survival of shrimp that received chitin or chitosan at either dose was significantly higher than that of control shrimp after 1 day, and at the termination of the experiment (6 days after the challenge). In another experiment, the total haemocyte count (THC), phenoloxidase activity, respiratory burst, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, and phagocytic activity to V. alginolyticus were measured when L. vannamei (10.4 +/- 0.7 g) were injected individually with chitin at 4 and 6 microg g(-1) or chitosan at 2 and 4 microg g(-1). L. vannamei received chitin at 6 microg g(-1) or chitosan at 2 and 4 microg g(-1) increased significantly its THC and respiratory burst after 2 days. L. vannamei received chitin at 6 microg g(-1) or chitosan at 2 and 4 microg g(-1) still maintained significantly higher phenoloxidase activity after 6 days. L. vannamei received chitin at 4 and 6 microg g(-1) or chitosan at 2 and 4 microg g(-1) increased its phagocytic activity against V. alginolyticus after 1 day, respectively. It is therefore concluded that L. vannamei that received chitin at 6 microg g(-1) or chitosan at 4 microg g(-1) or less increased its immune ability and resistance to V. alginolyticus infection.  相似文献   

Addition of NaCl at 2.5% to 3.5% to tryptic soy broth (TSB) significantly increased the growth of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. Taiwan abalone Haliotis diversicolor supertexta held in 30 per thousand seawater were injected with V. parahaemolyticus grown in TSB containing NaCl at 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5 and 4.5% at a dose of 1.6 x 10(5)colony-forming units (cfu) abalone(-1). After 48 h, the cumulative mortality was significantly higher for the abalone challenged with V. parahaemolyticus grown in 2.5% than those grown in 0.5 and 1.5% NaCl. In other experiments, abalones held in 30 per thousand seawater were injected with TSB-grown V. parahaemolyticus (1.6 x 10(5)cfu abalone(-1)), and then transferred to 20, 25, 30 and 35 per thousand seawater. All abalones held in 20 per thousand were killed in 48 h. The mortality of V. parahaemolyticus-injected abalone held in 30 per thousand was significantly lower over 24-120 h. Abalone held in 30 per thousand seawater and then transferred to 20, 25, 30 and 35 per thousand were examined for THC (total haemocyte count), phenoloxidase activity, respiratory burst, phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency of V. parahemolyticus after 24 and 72 h. The THC increased directly related with salinity levels. Phenoloxidase activity, respiratory burst, phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency of V. parahaemolyticus decreased significantly for the abalone in 20, 25 and 35 per thousand. It is concluded that the abalone transferred from 30 per thousand to 20, 25 and 35 per thousand had reduced immune ability and decreased resistance against V. parahaemolyticus infection.  相似文献   

Zingerone, one of the active components of ginger, is a phenolic alkanone with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The effects of zingerone supplementation on the growth, immunity, and disease resistance of Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) juveniles were studied. Four experimental diets, including a control diet (without zingerone enrichment) and 1, 2.5, and 5 mg zingerone (kg diet)−1 were used. After 56 days of culture, shrimp fed diets supplemented with 1, 2.5, and 5 mg zingerone (kg diet)−1 had significantly greater weight gain and feed efficiency than the controls. Furthermore, after 56 days of culture, shrimp fed all doses of the zingerone diet had higher survival rates compared to the controls after 24-72 h of challenge by the pathogen, Vibrio alginolyticus. Significantly increased phenoloxidase levels were found in shrimp fed the zingerone diets at all doses, and respiratory bursts, lysozyme and phagocytic activities of shrimp fed 2.5 and 5 mg zingerone (kg diet)−1 also significantly increased. Neither the total hemocyte count nor superoxide dismutase activity of the experimental and control groups revealed significant differences at any dose. The results indicate that zingerone can be recommended as a supplement to shrimp feed to increase growth, immunity, and disease resistance against the pathogen, V. alginolyticus. Use of zingerone as appetizer and immunostimulant in shrimp is promising.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the effect of fucoidan on the immune response of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei and its resistance against Vibrio alginolyticus infection. Fucoidan induced degranulation, caused changes in the cell morphology, and increased activation of prophenoloxidase (proPO) and the production of superoxide anions in vitro. Shrimp that received fucoidan via immersion at 100, 200, and 400 mg l?1 after 3 h showed haemocyte proliferation and a higher mitotic index of haematopoietic tissue. In another experiment, the haemocyte count, phenoloxidase (PO) activity, and respiratory bursts (RBs) were examined after the shrimp had been fed diets containing fucoidan at 0 (control), 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 g kg?1 for 7–21 days. Results indicated that these parameters directly increased with time. The immune parameters of shrimp fed the 1.0 g kg?1 diet were significantly higher than those of shrimp fed the 2.0 g kg?1 diet after 14 and 21 days. Phagocytic activity and the clearance efficiency against V. alginolyticus were significantly higher in shrimp fed the 1.0 g kg?1 diet compared to those of shrimp fed the 0, 0.5 and 2.0 g kg?1 diets. In a separate experiment, shrimp that had been fed diets containing fucoidan for 21 days were challenged with V. alginolyticus at 106 colony-forming units shrimp?1. Survival rates of shrimp fed the 1.0 and 2.0 g kg?1 diets were significantly higher than those of shrimp fed the 0 and 0.5 g kg?1 diets for 96–120 h. We concluded that fucoidan provokes innate immunity of shrimp as evidenced by haemocyte degranulation, proPO activation, and the mitotic index of haematopoietic tissue, and that dietary administration of fucoidan at 1.0 g kg?1 enhanced the immune response of shrimp and their resistance against V. alginolyticus infection.  相似文献   

The total haemocyte count (THC), phenoloxidase activity, respiratory burst, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency to the pathogen Vibrio alginolyticus were examined in the white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei (10.3+/-1.5 g) injected individually with hot-water extract of Gracilaria tenuistipitata at 4 or 6 microg g-1. L. vannamei receiving hot-water extract of G. tenuistipitata at either dose increased significantly its THC, phenoloxidase activity, and respiratory burst after 2 days. L. vannamei received hot-water extract of G. tenuistipitata at 6 microg g-1 increased its phagocytic activity and clearance efficiency to V. alginolyticus after 1 day. In another experiment, L. vannamei which had been injected with hot-water extract of G. tenuistipitata were challenged with V. alginolyticus at 2x10(6) colony-forming units (cfu) shrimp-1 and then placed in seawater of 34 per thousand. The survival of shrimp that received hot-water extract of G. tenuistipitata at 6 microg g-1 was significantly higher than that of shrimp that received saline and the control shrimp after 3 days, and at the termination of the experiment (6 days after the challenge). It is therefore concluded that L. vannamei receiving the hot-water extract of G. tenuistipitata at 6 microg g-1 or less increased its immune ability and resistance to V. alginolyticus infection.  相似文献   

The haemogram, phenoloxidase (PO) activity, respiratory bursts (RBs), superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, glutathione peroxidase (GPx) activity, lysozyme activity, and the mitotic index of haematopoietic tissue (HPT) were examined after the white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei had been fed diets containing the hot-water extract of Gracilaria tenuistipitata at 0 (control), 0.5, 1.0, and 2.0 g kg(-1) for 7-35 days. Results indicated that these parameters directly increased with the amount of extract and time, but slightly decreased after 35 days. RBs, SOD activity, and GPx activity reached the highest levels after 14 days, whereas PO and lysozyme activities reached the highest levels after 28 days. In a separate experiment, white shrimp L. vannamei, which had been fed diets containing the extract for 14 days, were challenged with Vibrio alginolyticus at 2 × 10(6) cfu shrimp(-1) and white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) at 1 × 10(3) copies shrimp(-1), and then placed in seawater. The survival rate of shrimp fed the extract-containing diets was significantly higher than that of shrimp fed the control diet at 72-144 h post-challenge. We concluded that dietary administration of the G. tenuistipitata extract at ≤1.0 g kg(-1) could enhance the innate immunity within 14 days as evidenced by the increases in immune parameters and mitotic index of HPT in shrimp and their enhanced resistance against V. alginolyticus and WSSV infections. Shrimp fed the extract-containing diets showed a higher and continuous increase in the humoral response indicating its persistent role in innate immunity.  相似文献   

Rutin is a bioflavonoid with strong antioxidant activity. To investigate the regulatory roles of rutin in various functions in crustaceans, we examined physiological (haemolymph glucose, lactate, and lipid) and innate non-specific immune responses (total haemocyte count (THC), phenoloxidase activity (PO), respiratory bursts (release of superoxide anion, O(2)(-)) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity) to the pathogen Vibrio alginolyticus in white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) that were individually injected with rutin extracted from Toona sinensis at 10, 20, or 50 microg g(-1). Results showed that PO activity and respiratory burst of L. vannamei increased obviously (P<0.05) when injected with rutin at a dose of 20 and 50 microg g(-1) after 12 and 24 h, respectively. Both the THC and SOD activities of experimental and control groups revealed no significant difference at all doses. L. vannamei injected with rutin at either dose maintained lower glucose, lactate, and lipid levels in response to V. alginolyticus challenge after 12-36, 24-48, and 24-60 h, respectively. The survival rate of L. vannamei that received rutin at either dose was significantly higher than that received saline after 48-72 h. It was, therefore, concluded that the immune ability and resistance against V. alginolyticus infection of L. vannamei receiving rutin at > or = 10 microg g(-1) increased.  相似文献   

The cDNA encoding an extracellular copper zinc superoxide dismutase (LvECSOD) was cloned from the hepatopancreas of white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. It consisted of 915 bp nucleotides with an open reading frame corresponding to a deduced protein of 178 amino acids. The LvECSOD contains a putative signal peptide of 16 amino acids, two potential N-linked glycosylation sites (N(115)GTA and N(135)ITG) and a copper zinc superoxide dismutase family signature sequence (G(162)NAGaRvACctI(173)). It was found that four copper binding sites, four zinc binding sites and two cysteines involving in the formation of the disulfide bridge were conserved in the protein. LvECSOD shared 33-58% identity to ECSODs from other organisms. Expression analysis revealed that LvECSOD mRNA was widely distributed in all the tissues examined. When the shrimp challenged with Vibrio alginolyticus or white spot syndrome virus (WSSV), expression of LvECSOD mRNA in the hepatopancreas and hemocytes was mediated responsively. Our results suggested that LvECSOD was implicated in the immune response induced by V. alginolyticus and WSSV.  相似文献   

A gram-negative, rod-shaped bacterium identified as Vibrio alginolyticus was isolated from diseased Litopenaeus vannamei (also called Penaeus vannamei) in Taiwanese culture ponds. The diseased shrimp displayed poor growth, anorexia, inactivity, reddish pleural borders of antennae, uropods and telson, opaque and whitish musculature, and mortality. In histological preparations, melanized hemocytic granulomas were observed in the connective tissue around hemal sinuses together with hemocytic aggregation in necrotic musculature. Six isolates of Vibrio were collected from diseased shrimp at 3 farms, and these were evaluated for characteristics including morphology, physiology, biochemistry and sensitivity to antibiotics. The results indicated that the isolates belonged to a single species that grew in 1 to 8% NaCl, at 10 to 40 degrees C and on TCBS (thiosulfatecitrate-bile sucrose) agar, and that gave positive catalase, O/F (Oxidation/Fermentation), lysine decarboxylase, gelatinase and cytochrome-oxidase tests. Identification of CH003 (1 of 6 isolates) was confirmed by PCR assay for V. alginolyticus (expected amplicon 1486 bp). The 16S rDNA sequence (GenBank accession number AY373027) gave 99.9% sequence identity to V. alginolyticus (GenBank accession number X74690). The calculated 96 h LD50 dose of the isolated strain was 3.0 x 10(5) colony forming units (CFU) shrimp(-1) (6.6 x 10(4) CFU g(-1)).  相似文献   

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