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在西北农业大学昆虫博物馆收藏的钩土蜂科(Tiphiidae)标本中,发现有二新种记述于此,一种以周尧教授的姓氏来命名,以感谢他对我们此项研究的支持,模式标本保存在北京农业大学昆虫标本室。1.网纹钩土蜂Tiphia retincisura,新种(图1A—D) 雌 体长9.5mm,肩片、足皆黑色。后足基跗节内侧有纵沟。并胸腹节背面两侧呈针刮状;第一腹节背板刻点端前带中部1~2列,两侧加宽、刻点排列不规则。额上、前胸背板和中胸侧板等处有网状印纹。  相似文献   

本文记述我国的跳甲,计有二新属三十六新种,大部分采自云南和四川。此外,还附有二越南新种。所有模式标本均保存在中国科学院动物研究所。1.黄角九节跳甲Nonarthra pallidicornis,新种 深棕红,背面略带紫色光泽;触角、前足和中足、以及前胸背板两侧沿边缘一狭条均呈淡黄或淡棕黄色。 头部刻点细密,均匀。触角向后伸达肩胛,从第4节起显著扁阔,该节呈三角形。前胸背板刻点细密如头顶,在细刻点中杂有一些更细的刻点。鞘翅相当拱凸,刻点明  相似文献   

记述我国树甲族1新纪录属和2新种并提出2种新名。模式标本均保存在河北大学博物馆。 Eucrossoscelis Nakane,1963中国新纪录 梭形真树甲,新种Eucrossoscelis hastatus sp.nov.(图1~8,20) 正模♀,贵州省道真县程家山,2004—05—24,于洋采。新种与分布于日本的E.araneiformis相似,但前者的头部和前胸背板的刻点不同,前胸背板光滑,刻点细小,侧缘饰边完整,端部钝尖;而后者的这几点都与之不同。种名来自它的梭形身体。 武夷山树甲,新种Strongylium wuyishanense sp.nov.(图9-19,21) 正模♂,福建省武夷山黄岗山,2004—05—21,苑彩霞、李静采。新种与云南鸡足山的细长树甲S.jizushanense Masumoto,1999相似,与后者的主要区别是:复眼较小、眼间距较宽,前胸背板的刻点小而稀疏,鞘翅刻点行上有较稀疏的刻点。这几点与后一种均有不同。种名来自模式标本产地。 Strongylium masumotoi Yuan et Ren,2005 nom.nov.Yuan et Ren,2005.Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica,30(2):401.[nec Maeiklin,1864] Strongylium obscuratum Yuan et Ren,2005 nom.nov.Yuan et Ren,2005.Acta Zootaxonomica Sinica,30(2):402.[nec Maeiklin,1864]  相似文献   

对中国直扁足甲属Blindus Mulsantet Rey,1853进行了分类总结,分别给出世界已知8种及亚种的♂和♀成虫检索表,描述1新种:弯胫直扁足甲B.curvotibius sp.nov.。模式标本保存在河北大学博物馆。弯胫直扁足甲,新种Blindu curvotibius sp.nov.(图2~9,52)新种近似于Blindus reichardti Medvedev,1968,两者的显著区别是:1)前者的额有1人字凹;而后者无;2)前者前胸背板的刻点行深,行间十分隆起;而后者的刻点行浅,行间隆起不明显;3)前者的前胸背板基部仅两端有饰边;而后者整个基部有完整饰边;4)前者的后足胫节明显弯曲;而后者后足胫节均匀弯曲,整体弯曲不强烈。正模♂,河南鸡公山,2004-08-05,海拔250~700m,王凤艳采。副模2♀♀,记录数据同正模。词源:种名根据后足胫节弯曲而提订。  相似文献   

记述了采自中国内蒙古阿拉善高原的齿足甲属CheirodesGené1新种:梯胸齿足甲Cheirodes(Pseuduademia)scalarithoracus sp.nov.,给出了详细的鉴别特征、中英文描述及形态特征图,简要记述了该种的采集环境和生物学特性。模式标本保存在河北大学博物馆。梯胸齿足甲,新种Cheirodes(Pseuduademia)scalarithoracus sp.nov.(图2~13)体长卵形,略有光泽;背面黑色,上唇、体下、足、触角及口须栗褐色。上唇狭小,前缘略弯并具毛,两侧有长毛,背面后半部有短毛。唇基前缘4道湾并向上翘起;前颊在眼前方最宽;后颊显缩,眼后方有毛束;盘区密布近于粗糙的稠密浅刻点;复眼被前颊深切。触角10节,向后伸达前胸背板前缘,球状部扩展明显。前胸背板近于梯形,宽大于长2倍,向上均匀但明显地隆起;盘区刻点疏大浅圆形,向侧区过渡为稠密;前缘2湾并有完整饰边,中间有缘毛;侧缘于中部之前最宽,饰边完整,仅前面有长缘毛;基部宽弯,中间稍弯,具饰边,仅两侧有缘毛;前角宽圆,后角直。鞘翅长大于宽1.5倍,两侧平行,仅基部有缘毛;盘上刻点行不清晰,行间有不规则横皱纹和稀疏圆刻点。前胫节内缘弱弯,端部有缘毛;前缘显宽于跗节之长,中齿以下有数枚弱齿;中胫节仅有数枚波齿,端齿宽大;后胫节中齿突出,其附近有数枚波齿,端齿扁粗并裂缘,其长度较跗节短,外侧中间有若干长毛。体长5~6mm;宽2~3mm。正模♂,内蒙古阿拉善旗巴音诺日公,2010-08-05,任国栋采。副模:9♂♂,8♀♀,记录同正模。副模:1♂,5♀♀,内蒙古阿拉善左旗乌力吉,2010-08-04,任国栋、于有志、贾龙采。词源:新种以拉丁词"scalari(梯形的)+thoracus(胸部)"命名,表示该种前胸背板呈梯形。新种与郑氏齿足甲Cheirodes(Pseuduademia)zhengi(Renet Yu,1994)的主要区别是:前者的前胸背板近梯形,侧缘无波齿,整个盘区布十分稠密的粗刻点,而后者的前胸背板近方形,侧缘有波齿,盘区中央的刻点稀疏;前者仅前胸端部和鞘翅基部有侧缘毛,而后者几乎全有侧缘毛;前者的中、后足胫节中齿不明显,而后者则明显。分布:中国(内蒙古阿拉善)。  相似文献   

古铜长蝽(Emphanisis China)是长蝽科中的一个小属,目前已知5种。此属体多古铜色,密被金黄色平伏毛;头凸圆,眼小,远离前胸背板前缘,中叶长于侧叶;触角第一节超过头部末端,第四节纺锤形,触角瘤由背面明显可见;喙伸达中足基节。前胸背板侧缘弯曲,中纵脊不甚明显,刻点粗大.密集,后叶刻点更深,并相互连结形成粗糙多皱的网状。  相似文献   

本文记述了我国树蝽科Isometopidae的一新属、四新种,其中奇树蝽属Sophianus Distant为中国首次记录的一个属。所有模式标本均存放在南开大学生物系。现将新属及新种描述如下: 桂树蝽 paraletaba Ren et Yang,新属 体阔椭圆形,背面光亮、圆鼓,具浓密刻点及短毛。头不垂直,而向后方倾斜,头的后缘高于前胸背板,将背板前缘遮盖;单眼大与眼相接;眼大,向上侧方突出;额向两侧及中部下方甚扩展,外缘具微微皱纹,刻点浅而稀疏;触角着生于眼的下方,第1节粗短,第2节最长,向端部渐略加粗,第3、4两节细,第3节显著长于第4节。喙  相似文献   

在整理蝽科标本时,发现我国新纪录3种,现记述如下: 平角谷蝽 Gonopsis rubescens Distant, 1887 雄虫体长_14毫米,宽8毫米,前胸背板两侧角间宽9.8毫米。体红褐色,微皱,具黑色刻点。头侧叶长于中叶,并在中叶之前会台;喙短,淡黄白色,末端不伸达前足基节。前胸背板侧角显著平伸体外,末端锐。前翅革质部暗红褐色,膜片淡褐,未全盖住腹末。腹下淡黄褐色,中央及亚侧缘各有一条无刻点的光滑纵带。 采地:云南(河口),200米,1950.V1.10,1。国外分布于锡金。 白斑阿蝽 Apines bisignata (Walker), 1867  相似文献   

在整理广东省蝗虫标本时,发现二新种。模式标本保存于中山大学昆虫学研究所标本室。 1.蒲氏板齿蝗Sinstauchira pui新种(图1—9) 雄虫 体中型。头短于前胸背板,头顶平,顶端圆形,宽略大于长。触角丝状,到达后足股节基部,中段一节长为宽的2倍。颜面倾斜,具粗刻点,颜面隆起明显,中眼以上侧缘近平行,中眼以下逐渐展开,纵沟浅。复眼卵圆形,纵径为横径的1.38倍,为眼下沟的2.57倍。眼间距为触角间颜面隆起的1.6倍。前胸背板前缘较平,后缘呈弧形突出;中隆线明  相似文献   

Twenty-three species of Conus were described by authors other than Linnaeus between 1766 and 1786. Of these, 3 are Eocene species from England described by Solander in Brander (1766), and the remainder are Recent. Chemnitz (1777) described one valid species. Of the 10 species described by Born (1778), 7 are valid, 2 are junior synonyms of Linnaean species, and 1 is a nomen dubium. Solander in [Lightfoot] (1786) described 5 species, of which 3 are valid and 2 are junior synonyms of Linnaean species. Lightfoot (1786) described 4 species, of which 1 is valid and 3 are junior synonyms of Linnaean species.
Holotypes of 7 species and lectotypes of 3 species exist, and representatives of lecto-types of 10 species have been selected. All of these types are illustrated photographically.
Between 1758 and 1786, 60 species of Conus were described, of which 45 are now considered valid. Of these, 42 are Recent.  相似文献   

The genus Farrodes was recently revised, and two species groups were delimited: Farrodes caribbianus and Farrodes bimaculatus. In that paper the species of the F. caribbianus species group were described or redescribed. In the F. bimaculatus species group eight undescribed species were treated but not described. In the present paper, these new species of the F. bimaculatus species group are described and discussed and a key for the separation of all the species known from male imagines in this group is provided.  相似文献   

A key is given to the North American species of Austrolimnius, one of which is described as new. A new species from Venezuela is described, and new locality records in North and South America are listed for previously described species.  相似文献   

The genus Macrophthalmothrips is redefined from a study of all the described species. One new species is described from Jamaica, five species are placed in synonymy, and a key is provided to the thirteen species now recognised. Variation in colour and antennal structure is discussed, and notes are given on the biology and distribution of the species.  相似文献   

Henk DA 《Mycologia》2005,97(4):908-913
New species are described in Septobasidium, a genus of urediniomycete parasites on scale insects. One new species, S. gomezii, is described from Costa Rica, and another, S. meredithiae, is described from Louisiana. S. gomezii is most similar to S. septobasidioides, but macroscopic and microscopic differences support it being a distinct species. S. meredithiae is similar to S. alni and S. castaneum but differs from these species in several macroscopic and microscopic characters, especially when the species are observed on the same host tree and insect species. Another species collected only once in Costa Rica is listed with observations but it is not formally described here. This Septobasidium species shares some key characteristics with S. ramorum but combines a dense, compact, nearly black thallus and pigmented probasidia-like structures with spindle-shaped haustoria. Implications for taxonomy, morphological evolution and host specificity in Septobasidium are discussed.  相似文献   

The genus Balcha Walker (Eupelmidae) is recorded for the first time in South Korea, with one newly described species and one newly recorded species. Both sexes of Balcha opaca Fusu sp. n. are described, and the presumed male of B. dictyota Gibson is described for the first time. The newly described species is peculiar in having a comparatively darker and less shiny mesoscutum. In other species of the genus the mesoscutum has brilliant metallic colours that contrast with dorsal dark bands along areas of much finer sculpture.  相似文献   

Diversity of eukaryotic algae   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

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