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In proteins, some processes require conformational changes involving structural domain diffusion. Among these processes are protein folding, unfolding and enzyme catalysis. During catalysis some enzymes undergo large conformational changes as they progress through the catalytic cycle. According to Kramers theory, solvent viscosity results in friction against proteins in solution, and this should result in decreased motion, inhibiting catalysis in motile enzymes. Solution viscosity was increased by adding increasing concentrations of glycerol, sucrose and trehalose, resulting in a decrease in the reaction rate of the H+-ATPase from the plasma membrane ofKluyveromyces lactis. A direct correlation was found between viscosity (η) and the inhibition of the maximum rate of catalysis (V max). The protocol used to measure viscosity by means of a falling ball type viscometer is described, together with the determination of enzyme kinetics and the application of Kramers’ equation to evaluate the effect of viscosity on the rate of ATP hydrolysis by the H+-ATPase. Published: May 1, 2003  相似文献   

Diaphragmatic breathing is included as an important component of relaxation training protocols. In the present study, we report on the effectiveness of a simple behavioral technique to illustrate that choices of tight, restraining clothing significantly affect the inhalation volume of the breathing pattern. This study investigates the use of the incentive inspirometer to observe the effects of tight versus loose clothing on inhalation volume with 17 volunteer subjects. All had been trained in the use of the incentive inspirometer and slow diaphragmatic breathing (SDB) techniques. Inhalation volumes in the studies were measured with a 4000-ml incentive inspirometer and were recorded for one or two sequential breaths using SDB before and after loosening restrictive clothing. Loosening the subjects' clothing significantly increased inhalation volume. The results indicate that tight clothing significantly interferes with diaphragmatic breathing. We suggest that the demonstration of the effect of tight versus loose clothing can increase the clinician's awareness of the effects of clothing on breathing patterns. The technique also facilitates the acquisition of diaphragmatic breathing skills, and may raise the client's awareness that choices such as clothing can directly affect physiology.We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of Richard Steiner, Ph.D. for his comments and help with the statistical analysis in this article. We would also like to thank William MacHose for his assistance with the graphics for this article. The preliminary findings of this paper were presented at the Twenty-first Annual Meeting of the Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback.  相似文献   

Social insects are premier models for studying the evolution of self-organization in animal societies. Primitively social species may be informative about the early stages of social evolution and transitions in self-organization. Previous worker removal studies in Polistes instabilis paper wasps suggested that dominant but non-egglaying workers play an important role in regulating rates of task performance by inducing foraging in subordinates. We extend previous worker removal studies by quantifying changes in individuals’ behavior following removals, and by measuring associations between behavioral change and individuals’ reproductive capacity (ovary development). Workers changed their rates of aggressive behaviors more than queens following the dominant worker removals. Increases in worker’s rates of aggressive behaviors were correlated with decreases in their foraging rates. Changes in individual rates of social aggression were associated with their reproductive capacity: worker females with well-developed ovaries increased their rates of aggression. Further changes in rates of aggression after the dominant workers were returned also depended on ovary development. These patterns suggest that task performance and potential fecundity are linked in workers, and that worker interactions play a strong role in regulating task performance. We conclude that worker reproductive competition may have influenced the evolution of colony organization in social insects. Received 6 June 2008; revised 11 August 2008; accepted 12 August 2008.  相似文献   

Caste differentiation in termites depends on complex hormonal changes during postembryonic development. Juvenile hormone (JH) is a central player in this process. The present study examined histological changes in the main hormone-producing endocrine glands, the corpora allata and molt glands, in the Japanese dampwood termite Hodotermopsis sjostedti. We focused on the soldier caste differentiation pathway, which can be induced artificially using an analogue of JH. The corpora allata exhibited volumetric changes during soldier induction, reflecting variations in the quantity of cytoplasm. Corpora allata from alates and neotenics clearly showed differentiation accompanied by cell proliferation, preparing for the high-level JH production necessary for reproduction. However, the volume increase of corpora allata was not always correlated to high JH titers. In contrast, molt glands degenerated in the reproductive castes. The JH analogue induced hypertrophy of the molt glands, along with the formation of lacunae, possibly related to ecdysteroid production. The JH analogue effect, inducing soldier differentiation, was suggested to require both mimic of high JH titers and stimulation of the molt glands. Received 12 November 2007; revised 2 June 2008; accepted 14 July 2008.  相似文献   

Juvenile hormone modulates post-imaginal reproductive division of labor in primitively eusocial species and promotes the production of queens (e.g., Polistes) while it modulates age polyethism and promotes the production of foragers in highly eusocial species (e.g., the honey bee). Ropalidia marginata is a primitively eusocial wasp that shows both post-imaginal regulation of reproductive division of labor as well as age polyethism. Hence, R.marginata is a particularly interesting model system to study the effect of juvenile hormone. We demonstrate here that a single, topical application of 100 micro g of juvenile hormone-III per female wasp accelerates ovarian development of wasps held in isolation. Similar application to wasps released back on to their natal nests has no effect on their rate of behavioral development as witnessed from the age of first performance of feed larva, build, bring pulp and bring food. We conclude therefore that in R.marginata, juvenile hormone has retained its function of modulating reproductive division of labor and has not acquired the function of modulating age polyethism.  相似文献   

A comment is made on an article recently published in this journal by Borgeat, Elie, and Castonguay (1991). It is noted that the raw data contained an outlier which is shown to have had a large influence on their estimation of the regression coefficient. Analysis of the data using a nonparametric statistic that is optimal for long-tailed distributions showed that the true regression coefficient is probably smaller than that reported. Other approaches to the analysis of data containing influential outliers are discussed.  相似文献   

The molecular localization of maternal and fetal zinc and copper metalloproteins in diabetic and control rats was studied. Compared to controls, liver and kidneys of diabetic dams showed an increased concentration of zinc and copper that was associated with metallothionein. In contrast, fetuses of diabetic dams had lower zinc and metallothionein levels than fetuses from controls. The abnormal maternal trace element metabolism seen with diabetes resulted in alterations of zinc uptake and/or retention of their fetuses.  相似文献   

In this tribute, I offer my best wishes to Achim Trebst on his 80th birthday on June 9, 2009. At the invitation of Govindjee, I present here a perspective of some of our joint research during 1970s through 2000s.  相似文献   

Reproduction is a key factor in understanding population ecology and therefore species occurrence. However, patterns in reproductive behaviour for distinct ant species remain insufficiently known. In this paper strategies in mate finding are studied for six ant species (Lasius niger, Lasius umbratus, Temnothorax nylanderi, Myrmica rubra, Myrmica ruginodis, Stenamma debile) in a forest – forest edge – agricultural field gradient. Using window traps, we studied whether these species had a restricted nuptial flight season, displayed swarming behaviour, and whether the alates aggregated at the forest edge. The flight season was limited to one month or less for L. niger, T. nylanderi, M. rubra, M. ruginodis and S. debile. Swarming behaviour occurred in all but one (L. umbratus) species. Although none of the six species seemed to have highest nest density at the forest edge, three of them, M. rubra, M. ruginodis and S. debile, showed male aggregations there, indicating this to be the main reproduction site. This last finding could be due to a more suitable micro-climate, but most likely, edges are conspicuous land marks which are used by ants to meet mates. The behavioural patterns of ant sexuals at the forest edge can influence dispersal possibilities in fragmented landscapes, reproductive success and nest densities. Received 27 November 2007; revised 27 March; accepted 5 April 2008.  相似文献   

Shortleaf pine (n = 93) and loblolly pine (n = 112) trees representing 22 seed sources or 16 physiographic populations were sampled from Southwide Southern Pine Seed Source Study plantings located in Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Mississippi. The sampled trees were grown from shortleaf pine and loblolly pine seeds formed in 1951 and 1952, prior to the start of intensive forest management across their native ranges. Amplification fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers were developed and used to study genetic diversity and its structure in these pine species. After screening 48 primer pairs, 17 and 21 pairs were selected that produced 794 and 647 AFLPs in shortleaf pine and loblolly pine, respectively. High-AFLP-based genetic diversity exists within shortleaf pine and loblolly pine, and most (84.73% in shortleaf pine; 87.69% in loblolly pine) of this diversity is maintained within physiographic populations. The high value of unbiased measures of genetic identity and low value of genetic distance for all pairwise comparisons indicates that the populations have similar genetic structures. For shortleaf pine, there was no significant correlation between geographic distance and genetic distance (r = 0.28), while for loblolly pine there was a weak but significant correlation (r = 0.51).  相似文献   

Giant bear-dogs of the genera Amphicyon and Ischyrocyon (Carnivora, Amphicyonidae, Amphicyoninae) were the largest carnivorans in North America during middle and late Miocene (17.5–8.8 Mya) with a dental and skeletal morphology that combined features found in living Ursidae, Canidae, and Felidae. This study tests previously proposed models of diet and hunting behaviour of these extinct carnivorans. Relative grinding area (RGA) of lower molars and wear pattern on upper molars suggest that bear-dogs were carnivorous. Amphicyon and Ischyrocyon possessed skeletal features of both ambush (short distal limb segments) and pursuit (caudally bent olecranon process of ulna) living predators. Therefore, bear-dogs probably pursued their prey (mediportal ungulates) for a longer distance but at a slower speed than do living ambush predators. Upon catching up to its prey a bear-dog probably seized it with powerfully muscled forelimbs and killed it by tearing into its ribcage or neck with canines set in a narrow rostrum.  相似文献   

A chemically defined diet is a powerful tool for the study of nutritional physiology. We have developed a simple, standardized diet for Rhytidoponera ants to facilitate experiments on nutrititional regulation and nutrient balancing in these ants. Colonies of Rhytidoponera metallica were fed with a standardized diet, containing a 1:2 ratio of total proteins to digestible carbohydrates. After 8 weeks, colony performance (number of brood raised, the mass of pupae, and the mortality of workers) was superior to that of colonies fed with Bhatkar-Whitcomb diet and similar to colonies fed with Drosophila and honey-water. Received 10 March 2008; revised 1 May 2008; accepted 6 May 2008.  相似文献   

In order to gain insights into the mechanistic basis of caste and behavioral differences in Polistes paper wasps, we examined abdominal lipid stores and ovary development in Polistes metricus females in four groups: foundresses, queens, workers, and gynes. Queens had the largest ovaries, followed by foundresses, workers, and gynes. Gynes had 6x higher lipid stores than the other groups, and lipid stores were lower in foragers (foundresses, workers) than non-foragers (queens, gynes). Lipid levels and ovary development were negatively correlated across the four groups, but removing gynes from the analysis revealed a significant positive correlation for foundresses, workers, and queens, suggesting different energy allocation strategies for gynes vs. other groups. Expression levels of 9 genes (including three in the insulin pathway), examined in a previous study, correlated with either lipid stores or ovary development. These correlative results suggest important relationships between nutrition, reproduction, and division of labor in primitively social insects. We also show that it is possible to assign P. metricus females to one of the four female groups on the basis of wing wear (an indicator of foraging experience), lipid stores, and ovary development, which can facilitate caste-specific collections for future studies. Received 23 May 2008; revised 6 November 2008; accepted 20 November 2008.  相似文献   

Microbes frequently live within multicellular, solid surface-attached assemblages termed biofilms. These microbial communities have architectural features that contribute to population heterogeneity and consequently to emergent cell functions. Therefore, three-dimensional (3D) features of biofilm structure are important for understanding the physiology and ecology of these microbial systems. This paper details several protocols for scanning electron microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) of biofilms grown on polystyrene pegs in the Calgary Biofilm Device (CBD). Furthermore, a procedure is described for image processing of CLSM data stacks using amira™, a virtual reality tool, to create surface and/or volume rendered 3D visualizations of biofilm microorganisms. The combination of microscopy with microbial cultivation in the CBD — an apparatus that was designed for highthroughput susceptibility testing — allows for structure-function analysis of biofilms under multivariate growth and exposure conditions.  相似文献   

Division of labour is a key factor in the ecological success of social insects. Groups of individuals specializing on a particular behaviour are known as castes and are usually distinguished by morphology or age. Physiology plays a key role in both these types of caste, in either the developmental physiology which determines morphology, or the temporal changes in physiology over an insect’s life. Physiological correlates of morphological or temporal caste include differences in gland structure, secretory products, leanness, neuroanatomy and neurochemistry. However, purely physiological castes could also occur. Physiological castes are discrete groups of same-age same-size individuals with particular physiological competencies, or groups of individuals with similar physiology crossing age or size groups. A stable physiological caste occurs in the monomorphic Pharaoh’s ant, where some ants can detect old pheromone trails and retain this specialization over time. These ants differ physiologically from other workers, and the differences arise before eclosion. More temporary physiological castes occur in the ant Ectatomma where brood care specialists have more developed ovarioles than other same-aged workers, and in the honeybee where nurses, wax-workers and soldiers all differ physiologically from same-aged nestmates. Physiology is an important aspect of caste, not only in its contribution to age-related and morphological castes, but also in its own right as a caste grouping factor. While age and morphological differences make caste structures accessible for study, more cryptic physiological castes may play just as important a role in division of labour. Received 19 December 2007; revised 24 July and 18 September 2008; accepted 19 September 2008.  相似文献   

P. Xu  D. Liu  W. Jiang 《Biologia Plantarum》2009,53(2):387-390
We have investigated the effects of cadmium on the microtubular (MT) cytoskeleton in the root tip cells of Allium sativum L. using indirect immunofluorescence microscopy. Cd affected the mechanisms controlling the organization of MT cytoskeleton, as well as tubulin assembly/disassembly processes. Cd induced the formation of abnormal MT arrays, consisting of discontinuous wavy MTs or short MT fragments at the cell periphery. Cadmium caused irregular nuclear disorder in cells where the MT organization and function was disturbed. Furthermore, with increased Cd concentration and duration of treatment the MTs depolymerized more severely, the frequency of abnormal cell increased and the mitotic index decreased progressively. The above findings showed that MT cytoskeleton is one of target sites of Cd toxicity in root tip cells.  相似文献   

Honey bee workers normally produce brood food at an age of 5 to 15 days. However, natural events like swarming or brood diseases may lead to the occurrence of over-aged nurses. Here we investigated the physiological consequences of prolonged nursing for both the nurses and the brood they rear, and tried to separate the effects of chronological age and of task affiliation on some important physiological parameters. Brood was reared in groups of colonies with either a normal age structure or with moderately over-aged workers.The haemolymph concentrations of total protein and vitellogenin, the development of mandibular and hypopharyngeal glands, and the activity of α-glucosidase in the hypopharyngeal glands of nurses from these groups of colonies were compared. Moreover, we used the fertility of young workers reared by normal- and overaged nurses as a bioindicator for the quality of the brood care they had received. It showed that parameters linked to the production of brood food proteins remained stable in over-aged nurses, whereas the development of mandibular glands regressed. Workers reared by over-aged nurses had more ovarioles and showed stronger ovary development under queenless conditions. Our results indicate that while over-aged nurses remain capable of producing brood food, they are not functionally equivalent to young nurses. The partial degeneration of the mandibular glands normally occurring at the end of the nursing period cannot be prevented by prolonged nursing. The distinct phenotype of workers reared by old nurses raises the question of possible age-related specialisations among nurses in colonies with a normal age structure. Received 14 July 2008; revised 18 November 2008; accepted 21 November 2008.  相似文献   

The influence of silicon treatment on the levels of lipid parameters of blood serum and aortic wall was studied in rats. The concentrations of total cholesterol, phospholipids, triglycerides, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and HDL-phospholipids were measured in sera of rats receiving per os a soluble, inorganic silicon compound--sodium metasilicate nonahydrate (Na2SiO3.9H2O)--dissolved in the drinking water. In the aortic tissue levels of total cholesterol, triglycerides and phospholipids were estimated. An increase in HDL-cholesterol and HDL-phospholipid concentrations, with a simultaneous decrease of LDL-cholesterol and triglyceride levels, was observed in the sera of the tested group. The levels of total cholesterol and phospholipids in the sera, as well as the concentrations of lipids in the aortic walls, showed no significant differences. The results obtained could provide evidence for the existence of an additional mechanism of silicon antiatheromatous action, concerning the modification of activity of enzymatic systems involved in lipids metabolism.  相似文献   

The ability of demographic, psychological testing and history information to predict which patients will terminate early from nonpharmacological treatment of headache (relaxation and biofeedback) was tested. Information from each of these areas was initially examined for differences between dropouts and treatment completers using univariate analyses. These analyses were followed by a canonical discriminate function analysis that predicted whether patients would complete treatment or drop out. Information from the three predictor sets combined resulted in 77.4% of the patients being correctly classified.This research was supported by a grant from the NINCDS, NS15235.  相似文献   

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