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Summary Identification of clones in primary tumors responsible for proliferation, invasion, and metastasis was carried out. Four different aneuploid established cell lines derived from a ductal infiltrating mammary rat tumor induced by 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene were studied for proliferative and growth features in vitro and for tumorigenic and metastatic potential in vivo in nude mice. Clones, named RM1, RM2, RM3, and RM4, were characterized by different proliferative activity. Clone RM1 showed the highest proliferative activity by both tritiated thymidine incorporation and S-phase flow cytometry, followed by clone RM4. Conversely, clones RM2 and RM3 showed a lower proliferation rate. Growth-promoting activity, tested on 3T3 Swiss cells, was high in all clones, although RM1 showed significantly lower growth factors—releasing activity. Nude mice tumorigenesis demonstrated a strong tumor induction of line RM1 (100% of the mice after 47±7 d) and a slightly lower tumor induction of line RM4 (70% of the mice after 69±9 d). Line RM3 showed tumor induction in 40% of the mice after 186±16 d. Lines RM2 showed no tumor induction. Metastasis occurred in mice treated with line RM1 only. Therefore, tumorigenesis and metastasis correlate with proliferation but not with the release of growth factors. In conclusion, flow cytometry monitoring of clones from heterogeneous primary tumors proved to be a suitable model for the study of in vivo malignancy and in vitro proliferation.  相似文献   

The estrogen-induced proteins were analyzed in one of estrogen responsive mouse Leydig tumors. The incubation of cells freshly prepared from solid tumors with [35S] methionine resulted in the demonstration of estrogen-induced secretary protein with a molecular weight of 34,000. The additional minor estrogen-induced secretary protein (36,000) was also identified. An exposure of these cells to the culture condition for 48 hr caused the loss of their ability to synthesize these secretary proteins even in the presence of estrogen. In contrast, minced tumor tissue was observed to sustain the ability to synthesize these proteins at least for 48 hr. These results would suggest that some cellular arrangement is required for the synthesis of estrogen-induced proteins.  相似文献   

A transformed mouse epidermal cell line ("308 cells") and nontransformed rat tongue squamous epithelial cells ("RT10 cells") were treated 3 times weekly for a period of two weeks with relatively large doses (150 micrograms/ml) of a synthetic inhibitory epidermal pentapeptide; pyroGlu-Glu-Asp-Ser-GlyOH. The peptide was recently isolated from mouse skin extracts and inhibits normal epidermal cells in vivo and in vitro at a restricted and low dose level. Repeated treatments with the large dose was followed by a 30-40% reduction in the number of 308 cells per well, starting as early as day 1. The number of RT10 cells was reduced about 20% only at termination of the experiment on day 14. In contrast to this, the number of unattached cornified envelopes on day 10 in the RT10 cells was increased by 85%, while the number of cornified, unattached 308 cells was similar to that in the controls. The effects of the pentapeptide thus seem to affect differentiation stronger than proliferation in the nontransformed cell line. Bivariate BrdUrd/DNA flow cytometry analysis on day 10 indicated that the reduced number of 308 cells was mainly due to a slower rate of cell proliferation and not to a increased sloughing off of keratinized cells. This analysis also demonstrated that an inhibition of DNA synthesis in the RT10 cells could be detected prior to a reduction of the cell number per well.  相似文献   

Taxol (paclitaxel) induces a microtubule hyperassembled state, and effectively blocks cells in mitosis. Here we report that Taxol also induces a stable late-G1 block in nontransformed REF-52 and WI-38 mammalian fibroblast cells, but not in T antigen-transformed cells of the same parental lineage. G1 arrest is characterized by partially dephosphorylated pRb, and inactive cdk2 kinase. Nontransformed cells recover normally from Taxol arrest. In contrast, T antigen transformed cells continue inappropriately past both G1 and G2-M in the presence of Taxol, and undergo a rapid death upon release. These results demonstrate a microtubule sensitive step in G1 regulation of nontransformed fibroblast cells. Also, Taxol selectively induces death of transformed cells, possibly because they slip the Taxol-dependent G1 arrest, as well as G2/M arrest, which are both specific to nontransformed cells.  相似文献   

Tumor cells exhibit an altered metabolism characterized by elevated aerobic glycolysis and lactate secretion which is supported by an increase in glucose transport and consumption. We hypothesized that reducing or eliminating the expression of the most prominently expressed glucose transporter(s) would decrease the amount of glucose available to breast cancer cells thereby decreasing their metabolic capacity and proliferative potential.Of the 12 GLUT family glucose transporters expressed in mice, GLUT1 was the most abundantly expressed at the RNA level in the mouse mammary tumors from MMTV-c-ErbB2 mice and cell lines examined. Reducing GLUT1 expression in mouse mammary tumor cell lines using shRNA or Cre/Lox technology reduced glucose transport, glucose consumption, lactate secretion and lipid synthesis in vitro without altering the concentration of ATP, as well as reduced growth on plastic and in soft agar. The growth of tumor cells with reduced GLUT1 expression was impaired when transplanted into the mammary fat pad of athymic nude mice in vivo. Overexpression of GLUT1 in a cell line with low levels of endogenous GLUT1 increased glucose transport in vitro and enhanced growth in nude mice in vivo as compared to the control cells with very low levels of GLUT1.These studies demonstrate that GLUT1 is the major glucose transporter in mouse mammary carcinoma models overexpressing ErbB2 or PyVMT and that modulation of the level of GLUT1 has an effect upon the growth of mouse mammary tumor cell lines in vivo.  相似文献   

Cultured Novikoff rat hepatoma and Walker 256 carcinoma cells have previously been reported to express only nitrobenzylthioinosine (NBTI)-resistant uridine transport and to lack high affinity NBTI-binding sites, whereas the latter are common on all other types of cultured mammalian cells from different species [1-7) X 10(5) sites/cell) which have been investigated with the exception of a transport-deficient cell variant which lacks high-affinity NBTI-binding sites. The present study shows that lack of NBTI sensitivity of transport and of NBTI-binding sites in Novikoff and Walker 256 cells are not related to the species or tissue origin of these cells. Uridine transport in a variant (NRM) of Novikoff hepatoma cells, in HTC rat hepatoma cells, normal rat kidney (NRK) cells, rat erythrocytes and rat hepatocytes was inhibited 15-60% by 10-500 nM NBTI and the cells expressed high-affinity NBTI-binding sites (Kd = 0.1-0.6 nM). The apparent turnover numbers for the NBTI-sensitive nucleoside carriers fell into two classes, with those for transformed cells about 10-times higher than those for the normal rat cells.  相似文献   

Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) DNA fragments were cloned into M13 bacteriophage, and the single-stranded recombinant phage DNAs were used as strand-specific nucleic acid hybridization probes to measure synthesis of plus (genomic) and minus strands of MMTV RNA in cultured cell lines and in cell-free preparations of nuclei. Pulse-labeling studies showed that synthesis of MMTV RNA in three different cell lines was highly asymmetric. In nuclear preparations from a cloned line of MMTV-infected rat hepatoma cells, elongation of nascent MMTV RNA chains and initiation of new MMTV RNA chains with nucleoside (beta-S)triphosphates were also highly asymmetric.  相似文献   

The tumorigenic mammary epithelial stem cell line, Rama 25, is capable of synthesizing and secreting fibronectin but incorporates only small amounts of fibronectin into pericellular material localised in regions of cell-cell and cell-substratum contact. Under certain culture conditions, Rama 25 differentiates into a non-tumorigenic myoepithelial-like cell line, Rama 29, which is capable of retaining fibronectin on the cell surface in characteristic fibrillar formation. The redistribution of fibronectin is accompanied by a reorientation of the cytoskeleton from circular bundles in Rama 25 to parallel arrays of filaments in Rama 29. In vivo, fibronectin is found in the basement membrane of the mammary gland and our in vitro studies lead us to suggest that the mammary myoepithelial cell in vivo synthesizes much of the basement membrane fibronectin.  相似文献   

The effects of RNAase from Bacteroides intermedius and pancreatic RNAase on the dynamics of cellular cycle phases were studied in the cells of ascitic lympholeukemia NK/Ly in vivo and in vitro, in the cells of the human ovary carcinoma CaOv and in the cells of ascitic leukemia P388 in vivo. It was shown that both the RNAases induced cell accumulation (blocking) in the G2/M phase of a cellular cycle with simultaneous certain depletion of the proportion of DNA-synthesizing cells (S-phase). In in vitro experiments, there was a higher efficiency of pancreatic RNAase. In animal experiments, RNAase from B. intermedius was more efficient. The likely target of the in vitro and in vivo effects of the enzymes on the cellular cycle dynamics and biological activity are discussed.  相似文献   

CON8 is a single-cell derived subclone of the 13762NF transplantable, hormone-responsive rat mammary tumor that proliferates rapidly in serum-free medium. Addition of either glucocorticoids or calf serum alone caused a slight stimulation of CON8 proliferation. However, glucocorticoids required the presence of specific serum proteins to strongly suppress CON8 cell growth. Furthermore, the anchorage-independent growth of CON8 cells was significantly reduced in the presence of glucocorticoids and serum. We have designated this serum activity GMGSF, for glucocorticoid modulating growth suppression factor. Inhibition of cell growth was limited to steroids with strong glucocorticoid biological activity, while exposure to the glucocorticoid antagonist RU38486 prevented this response. Half-maximal growth inhibition and half-maximal expression of a glucocorticoid-inducible gene product (2 nM) occurred slightly below the half-maximal receptor binding of [3H]dexamethasone (10nM). We have also selected a variant mammary epithelial tumor cell line, derived from CON8, denoted 8RUV7, whose proliferation and soft agar colony formation failed to be suppressed by glucocorticoids in the presence of serum. These glucocorticoid-resistant variant cells possess functional glucocorticoid receptors, competently produce the glucocorticoid-responsive gene product plasminogen activator inhibitor, and along with CON8 cells express milk fat globule protein antigens on their cell surface, indicative of their mammary epithelial cell character. We are using this variant line to genetically dissect the molecular mechanism of the glucocorticoid/GMGSF growth suppression pathway in mammary epithelial tumor cells.  相似文献   

PRL modulates cell cycle regulators in mammary tumor epithelial cells.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
PRL is essential for normal lobulo-alveolar growth of the mammary gland and may contribute to mammary cancer development or progression. However, analysis of the mechanism of action of PRL in these processes is complicated by the production of PRL within mammary epithelia. To examine PRL actions in a mammary cell-specific context, we selected MCF-7 cells that lacked endogenous PRL synthesis, using PRL stimulation of interferon-gamma-activated sequence-related PRL response elements. Derived clones exhibited a greater proliferative response to PRL than control cells. To understand the mechanism, we examined, by Western analysis, levels of proteins essential for cell cycle progression as well as phosphorylation of retinoblastoma protein. The expression of cyclin D1, a critical regulator of the G1/S transition, was significantly increased by PRL and was associated with hyperphosphorylation of retinoblastoma protein at Ser(780). Cyclin B1 was also increased by PRL. In contrast, PRL decreased the Cip/Kip family inhibitor, p21, but not p16 or p27. These studies demonstrate that PRL can stimulate the cell cycle in mammary epithelia and identify specific targets in this process. This model system will enable further molecular dissection of the pathways involved in PRL-induced proliferation, increasing our understanding of this hormone and its interactions with other factors in normal and pathogenic processes.  相似文献   

Se-methylselenocysteine (MSC) inhibits mouse mammary epithelial tumor cell (TM6) growth. When synchronized TM6 cells were exposed to 50 microM MSC, either for 30 minutes or continuous, the 116 kDa poly(ADP-ribose)polymerase (PARP) was cleaved to an 85 kDa fragment indicative of cells undergoing apoptosis. The earliest cleaved PARP appears at 24 hr time point followed by elevated levels of 85 kDa fragment at 34 hr and 48 hr time points when the cells were exposed to continuous treatment with MSC. Results also showed that MSC increased caspase-3 activity at 24 hr time point. In addition, continuous treatment with MSC induced DNA fragmentation at 34 hr and 48 hr time points with caspase-3 gene expression moderately increased at 16 hr and 24 hr time points. Caspase-6 and -8 were also involved in the MSC-induced apoptosis but to a lesser extent. These results suggest that MSC mediates cleavage of PARP and apoptosis by activating one or more caspases in synchronized TM6 cells and the events are dependent on the duration of treatment.  相似文献   

The effects of magnesium (Mg) restriction on cell growth and the cell cycle were determined in transformed (TRL-8) and non-transformed (TRL-12-15) epithelial-like rat liver cells. Cells were cultured in RPMI 1640 medium in which the Mg concentration was reduced to 0.5, 0.1, and 0 × the concentration in the regular RPMI 1640 media (100mg/l). Cell growth in the transformed cells was not influenced by the Mg restriction as greatly as in the non-transformed cell line. Transit through the cell cycle also exhibited an independence of the Mg in the medium in the transformed cells. When transformed cells were grown for two generations in Mg-limited medium, the growth rate slowed to a rate similar to that demonstrated by the non-transformed cells. Analysis by flow cytometry showed that transit through the cell cycle was minimally slowed in Mg deficient transformed cells; however, transit through the G1 and S phases in the non-transformed cells was slowed. The TRL-8 cells in Mg-limited medium resulted in fewer nuclei in G1 with subsequent increases in the percentages of S-phase nuclei. The TRL 12-15 cells reacted oppositely with the number of G1 nuclei increased and the number of S-phase nuclei decreased. In respect to growth, these results show that epithelial cells respond in a similar manner to Mg-limitation as do fibroblast cells. The transformed cells exhibited a level of independence from Mg in respect to growth, reproduction, and cell-cycle kinetics.  相似文献   

Mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) is a milk-transmitted betaretrovirus that causes mammary tumors in mice. Although mammary epithelial cells are the ultimate targets of MMTV, the virus utilizes components of the host immune system to establish infection. Previous studies indicated that dendritic cells play a role in MMTV infection. Here we show that dendritic cells are the first cells to be infected by MMTV in vivo and that they are capable of producing infectious virus that can be transmitted to other cell types. Moreover, upon contact with the virus, dendritic cells became more mature and migrated in response to the chemokine macrophage inflammatory protein 3beta. Finally, we demonstrate that targeted ablation of dendritic cells in vivo dramatically attenuated MMTV infection. These data indicate that MMTV infection of dendritic cells is critical to initial propagation of the virus in vivo.  相似文献   

Cells from autochthonous mouse mammary carcinomas which display estrogen-independent growth in vivo were studied for their hormonal responses in primary culture. A culture system employing insulin-supplemented, serum-free medium and basement membrane Matrigel as a substratum was used to cultivate tumor cells. The cells did not exhibit in vitro estrogen- or prolactin-dependent growth. Primary tumors still displayed a constitutional expression of alpha-, beta-, and gamma-casein mRNAs. These messages were dramatically reduced during the culture period. However, seven to eightfold increases in alpha- and beta-casein mRNAs were inducible in the 5-day cultures by treatment with prolactin and hydrocortisone. If the hormones were present through a 2-week culture period, the levels of alpha-, beta-, and gamma-casein mRNAs in the cells were maintained and displayed in a time-dependent increase with a peak at 10-14 days. The accumulation of beta-casein mRNA in vitro did not require DNA synthesis. Administration of prolactin directly into the growing tumors in vivo could also enhance beta-casein mRNA levels in the tumor cells. Morphological studies of the cells cultured in the presence of prolactin and hydrocortisone did not reveal visible changes compared with those without hormonal treatment. Transplantation of tumor cells cultured in the presence or absence of hormones resulted in the development of tumors in mice at approximately the same time. The current studies suggest that the autochthonous mammary tumor cells, independent of estrogen for cell growth, were still inducible for casein gene expression in vitro and in vivo by appropriate hormones. The induction and maintenance of casein messages by a single hormonal treatment did not appear to correlate with morphology and DNA synthesis of cells in vitro or with tumor-producing capacities in vivo.  相似文献   

Agents that elevate intracellular cAMP levels are required for growth of many cell types in culture including normal rat mammary epithelial (RME) cells. To determine if the intracellular levels of cAMP that result from stimulation by agents such as cholera toxin (CT) or prostaglandin E-1 (PGE-1) are within the physiological range, cAMP levels were determined in RME cells growing in primary culture and compared to levels measured in freshly isolated mammary epithelium. The results indicate that the cAMP levels of mammary epithelial organoids obtained from 45-day-old virgin rats are 4 to 6 pmol/10(6) cells. Growth of RME cells in primary culture in the presence of CT results in cAMP levels of approximately 15 to 20 pmol/10(6) cells early in culture when cells are proliferating rapidly. As cells approach confluence, cAMP concentrations decrease to levels observed in fresh organoids. CT-stimulated cAMP levels appear to be within the range of those found in pregnant mammary epithelium in vivo. Growth of RME cells in medium supplemented with PGE-1 instead of CT results in cAMP levels equivalent to those found in fresh mammary epithelial organoids and under these conditions the growth rate is approximately half that found in CT-stimulated cells. These results indicate cAMP to be a positive regulator of cell growth in vivo at levels that are within the physiological range.  相似文献   

Summary Autoradiographic and flow microfluorometry analyses have been applied to a study of perturbed cell kinetics in 9L rat brain tumor cells treated with dibutyryl cyclic AMP and theophylline alone and in combination in vitro. At a concentration of 1 mM each, cell growth ceased shortly after the administration of these drugs. The results indicate that cells in S and G2 phase at the time of drug administration can undergo mitosis even though a considerable prolongation of G2 phase was apparent. However, cells in G1 at the time of drug administration were arrested in that phase whereas those cells in S or G2 were able to complete one mitosis before becoming arrested in the G1 phase. This blocking effect was reversible, and cells resumed proliferation at a normal rate shortly after the removal of these drugs. This work was supported in part by NIH Cancer Research Center Grant CA-13525 and CA-19992 from NCI, and by the Association for Brain Tumor Research. Presented at the 6th International Cell Cycle Conference, March, 1976, New Orleans, Louisiana. The tumor used in this study was provided by William H. Sweet, Paul T. Kornblith, Janette L. Messer and Beverly O. Whitman of the Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts.  相似文献   

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