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Both neonicotinoids and pymetrozine are important insecticides and may have the potential to be used in combination with natural enemies in integrated pest management (IPM). However, to determine their compatibility with biological control, it is necessary to examine the side effects of these chemicals on natural enemies. We examined the acute and sublethal effects of four commonly used neonicotinoid insecticides, imidacloprid, dinotefuran, nitenpyram and thiamethoxam, and the pyridine azomethine, pymetrozine, on adults of Trichogramma ostriniae. By analysing acute toxicity and evaluating the safety quotient of these chemicals, we found that thiamethoxam and dinotefuran pose extremely high risks to T. ostriniae, imidacloprid and nitenpyram posed high risks, but pymetrozine was found to have a low risk. In terms of sublethal effects, longevities of female wasps were significantly shortened when they were exposed to residues of dinotefuran. Percentages of ovipositing females decreased significantly after exposure to pymetrozine, thiamethoxam and dinotefuran. Numbers of offspring per female were significantly lower when females were exposed to pymetrozine, dinotefuran or thiamethoxam, compared with control females. Percentages of offspring that emerged as adults were lower when parental females were exposed to either pymetrozine or imidacloprid. Based on the results of the sublethal concentration assay and the acute toxicity bioassay, nitenpyram would be safe for IPM programmes utilising T. ostriniae, and we suggest that T. ostriniae could be released safely after foliar applications of nitenpyram. However, foliar application of imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, dinotefuran or pymetrozine in an agro-ecosystem where T. ostriniae is a predominant biocontrol agent should be carefully evaluated.  相似文献   

The purpose of our study was to identify a trait that changes quickly during Trichogramma mass rearing, and that could therefore be used to monitor stock deterioration. Quality deterioration in mass reared Trichogramma wasps was evaluated by examining host acceptance behaviour of Trichogramma brassicae Bezdenko (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) on the target host Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). We compared three replicate lines (designated ‘E’) reared in the laboratory on the factitious host Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) for 27 generations, a line ‘O’ reared in the laboratory on O. nubilalis for 24 generations, and a line ‘F’ reared in the laboratory on O. nubilalis for only two generations. All lines were initiated from field collections of O. nubilalis egg masses. We also evaluated natal host effects by rearing each line on E. kuehniella as well as on O. nubilalis for the last generation prior to testing. The percentage of wasps accepting the O. nubilalis egg mass was significantly higher for the E lines (69.6%) than for the F line (46.5%), while wasps of the O line showed intermediate (57.4%) acceptance. Thus, wasps laboratory reared on E. kuehniella performed better than wasps which had recently been collected in the field. Wasps of the O line showed extended probing behaviour compared to the other lines. Lines did not differ in the duration from the first host contact to the beginning of the drilling, probing or trembling behaviour. Natal host (E. kuehniella or O. nubilalis) did not affect acceptance of the target host O. nubilalis. Even though there is some evidence of adaptation to laboratory rearing conditions, we found no indication for quality deterioration in terms of acceptance behaviour of the target host O. nubilalis when T. brassicae was mass reared on the factitious host E. kuehniella.  相似文献   

The morphometric analysis of parasitoids may contribute to biological control programs by providing information on development of insects and relationships among sizes of morphological characters. Furthermore, it can infer about the impact of insecticides on morphological characters and fitness. We evaluate the morphometry, allometry, and fluctuating asymmetry of the egg parasitoid Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) with and without influence of the growth‐regulating insecticides teflubenzuron and lufenuron. Trichogramma pretiosum had significantly larger wings and tibiae in treatments with insecticides. We found no effects of insecticides on asymmetry in T. pretiosum and conclude that this insect is very close to isometry. This study emphasizes the importance of evaluating the size of parasitoids destined to biological control programs.  相似文献   

A biological control programme using inundative releases of Trichogramma chilonis Ischii (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) reared on Galleria mellonella L. (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) is currently underway to reduce infestations of Chilo sacchariphagus Bojer (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) in sugarcane, Saccharum spp., on Réunion Island. To assess the potential of the parasitoid as an inundative biocontrol agent, the functional response of three T. chilonis strains was tested with G. mellonella and one strain with C. sacchariphagus host eggs in glass tubes in the laboratory. The shape of the functional response (type II or III) was determined using logistic regression, and attack coefficients and handling times (Th) were determined using non‐linear least‐square regression. The behaviour of all three strains with G. mellonella host eggs corresponded to a type III response. The St Benoît T. chilonis strain had a significantly shorter estimate of Th than the St Pierre strain (P<0.05) and may, therefore, be more appropriate as a biocontrol agent. The functional response with C. sacchariphagus host eggs was a type II with the St Benoît T. chilonis strain. More T. chilonis wasps developed per host egg from the larger C. sacchariphagus host eggs (2.9) relative to G. mellonella (1.1). Superparasitism at low host egg densities was, therefore, likely to have been less frequent with C. sacchariphagus. Black eggs were chosen as an estimate of number of eggs parasitized, although they represent the number of eggs where parasitism led to complete pupal development. The low rate of detected parasitism at low host densities with G. mellonella eggs may be due to incomplete pupal development due to superparasitism rather than lack of parasitism, thus explaining the type III functional response.  相似文献   

Inheritance patterns of female sex pheromone production and male behavioral response were studied in Ostrinia orientalis. Results showed that the production of the female sex pheromone in O. orientalis was mainly controlled by a single autosomal factor, while the male behavioral response was controlled by a sex‐linked major gene.  相似文献   

Trichogramma wasps (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) are egg parasitoids commonly employed in augmentative biological control releases against a variety of mainly lepidopteran pests. By exploiting the mechanism by which the endosymbiotic bacterium Wolbachia induces parthenogenesis in this genus, we created a set of completely homozygous Wolbachia‐infected recombinant isofemale lines (RILs), each consisting of a different combination of the genome of two well‐characterized lines of Trichogramma pretiosum Riley. We subsequently use 16 of these RILs to investigate the effect of genetic variation on various measures associated with offspring production under laboratory conditions. Unsurprisingly, substantial differences were found between the RILs in their propensity to parasitize hosts, the number of hosts they parasitize, and the levels of mortality in their offspring. Such measures can be used to choose an optimal line for biological control purposes. A method was also developed to characterize the 16 RILs using their allelic state at five loci. Essentially, this binary system uses high‐resolution melt analysis to resolve identity at each locus, with alleles originating from either the grandmaternal or grandpaternal line, and is such that each RIL can be distinguished from each other RIL by their allelic state at one or more loci. The method facilitates the easy diagnosis of line origin when two or more lines are competing with each other in competition assays, allowing for the design of more complicated tests of parasitoid quality. Future field experiments will determine which genetic line performs best under more realistic biological control conditions. The fact that these lines are infected with parthenogenesis‐inducing Wolbachia will allow for prolonged rearing without appreciable change in their genetic makeup, which should lead to a predictable biological control performance.  相似文献   

试验通过部分改变人造卵卵液成分和在人造卵表涂施引诱剂2种途径来试图提高人造卵繁育玉米螟赤眼蜂Trichogramma ostriniae Panget Chen的成功率。结果表明,不同比例的亚洲玉米螟OstriniafurnacalisGuenée幼虫和蛹匀浆替代部分柞蚕蛹匀浆后,对赤眼蜂寄生率有明显提高,但赤眼蜂在人造卵内的化蛹率和羽化率均较低,赤眼蜂发育至老熟幼虫因卵液过剩而被淹死;在原卵液卵表涂施亚洲玉米螟卵和鳞片正己烷提取液后,评价繁蜂成功率的各项参数都有明显提高,赤眼蜂可以完成发育,羽化成蜂,但繁蜂成功率还较低。综合上述试验结果,应用人造卵繁殖玉米螟赤眼蜂研究重点要解决卵液过剩以及其它相关的营养学问题。  相似文献   

Females of the parasitoid wasp Trichogramma turkestanica Meyer (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) generally host feed after ovipositing on the first egg of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) they encounter. We measured the impact of host feeding on the fecundity and longevity of females, in absence of host or food, and on the fitness of their progeny. We also determined if the frequency of host feeding is influenced by the humidity level at which T. turkestanica females developed. Host feeding increased egg production by 70% but decreased female longevity. This impact of host feeding on the longevity of females is probably due to the allocation of carbohydrates to egg production at the expense of somatic maintenance. Humidity did not influence the occurrence or duration of host feeding. The size of individuals developing in eggs on which females host fed was smaller, indicating that their fitness was affected.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies were made to determine the capacity of Trichogramma dendrolimi to parasitize eggs of Ostrinia furnacalis, as affected by the rearing host species, substrate of host eggs, host age, original locality of host populations, and cold storage of host eggs. Wasps reared from eggs of Antheraea pernyi showed parasitic capacity on eggs of O. furnacalis on average twice as high as that of the wasps reared from eggs of Corcyra cephalonica. When the age of O. furnacalis eggs at 26 °C increased from 0–6 h to 18–24 h, the proportion of wasps that successfully parasitized host eggs, the number of host eggs parasitized, and the rate of parasitization all decreased by >50%. The number of O. furnacalis eggs parasitized per female T. dendrolimi increased with the number of host eggs available, and reached 22.9 in a 24 h period. However, the parasitic capacity of female T. dendrolimi on eggs of O. furnacalis laid on plant leaves was similar to that of O. furnacalis eggs laid on wax paper. Levels of parasitism of O. furnacalis eggs from two widely separated localities, i.e. Changchun (43.50° N, 125.20° E) and Hangzhou (30.18° N, 120.07° E), were similar. Cold storage of O. furnacalis eggs at 4 °C for 5 days did not affect parasitization. Results obtained in this study indicate that although O. furnacalis is a less preferred and less suitable host than many other hosts, such as Dendrolimus punctatus, Actias selene ningpoane, Philosamia cynthia, A. pernyi, C. cephalonica, within the host-species range of T. dendrolimi, the parasitoid has the potential to achieve 50–60% or even higher rates of parasitization of O. furnacalis eggs in corn fields under suitable conditions, and could be used in the biological control of the pest.  相似文献   

The release of high numbers of the eggparasitoid Trichogramma brassicae Bezd.(Hym. Trichogrammatidae) to control theEuropean corn borer (ECB), Ostrinianubilalis Hb. (Lep.: Crambidae) in maize hasraised concerns about potential negativeeffects on native natural enemies. The nativelarval parasitoid Lydella thompsoniHerting (Dipt.: Tachinidae) is the mostfrequent and important ECB parasitoid insouthern Switzerland and can achieve highparasitism rates. Its first generation emergestoo early to find ECB larvae and must rely onalternative hosts living in natural habitatsclose to maize fields. Inundative releases ofT. brassicae coincide with theoviposition period of the alternative hosts ofthe tachinid. T. brassicae moving out ofrelease fields may attack and diminish thepopulation of these hosts, creating abottleneck situation for L. thompsoni inthe subsequent spring. Laboratory hostspecificity tests showed that the tachinid'stwo most abundant spring hosts Archanarageminipuncta Haworth (1809) (Lep.: Noctuidae)and Chilo phragmitellus Hübner (1805)(Lep.: Crambidae) are successfully parasitisedby T. brassicae females in no-choicesituations. Our extensive field surveys,however, showed that the two tested springhosts escape parasitism since their eggs arewell hidden or not attractive. Negativeeffects of inundative releases of T.brassicae on the native tachinid fly L. thompsoni, such as population densityreduction, displacement, or local extinction,are very unlikely.  相似文献   

Oviposition behavior of Anagrus nigriventris,a parasitoid of the eggs of the beetleafhopper,Circulifer tenellus, wasdescribed on sugar beet. Ovipositor probes ofrelatively long duration were accompanied by a periodof abdominal vibrations toward the end of the probe. These periods began as high frequency, low amplitudevibrations in the abdomen, and climaxed as a tremblingof the whole body in an up and down direction.Oviposition by the parasitoid was associated with theoccurrence of abdominal vibrations during a probe andwith probe durations 50 s; however thepresence/absence of abdominal vibrations during aprobe was considered a more reliable indicator ofoviposition than was a threshold probe duration of 50s. The majority of probes (63% of all probes) were inempty plant tissue, lasted 15 s, and were notassociated with abdominal vibrations. While probeswithout abdominal vibrations at host egg sites (14%of all probes) lasted an average of 48 s, probes withabdominal vibrations at host egg sites (23% of allprobes) lasted an average of 102 s, and all were 50s. It is hypothesized that the relative frequency ofthe 3 types of probes could be affected by the degreeof wasp experience, by the level of host cues on thesubstrate, and by the relative importance of ovipositor probing (vs. antennation) in the hostdetection process. Data from the study suggest thatA. nigriventris is able to discriminate againstpreviously attacked host eggs.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. The effect of experience of plant cues at emergence on searching behaviour and parasitism was investigated in two strains of Trichogramma nr. brassicae (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae).
2. Wasps reared on Sitotroga cereallela were allowed to emerge on a tomato plant or in a vial, with or without food. For one of the strains, females emerging on tomato searched significantly longer on a tomato seedling than females emerging in a vial.
3. The experience effect lasted between 1 and 2 days. It involves associating plant stimuli with the remains of the host, because females emerging from their host on a tomato plant had an increased searching response to tomato, but females transferred to the plant immediately after emergence did not.
4. The effect of emergence environment on parasitism of the host Helicoverpa punctigera on tomato and lettuce seedlings was tested. Wasps were allowed to emerge on seedlings of tomato or lettuce, or in an empty vial. For one strain, females experienced with tomato at emergence parasitized significantly more hosts on tomato than did females emerging on lettuce or in a vial. Parasitism on lettuce was not influenced by the treatments.  相似文献   

The ability of non‐crop plants to support complete development of insect pests is an important factor for determining the impact of those plants on resistance management programs for transgenic crops. We assessed the effect of one physical factor, plant stem diameter, on the ability of plants to support full development of the European corn borer (ECB), Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner (Lepidoptera: Crambidae), the target pest of transgenic Bt‐corn. In the field, European corn borer larvae were significantly more likely to tunnel and survive in plants with larger stem diameters. Larvae were 40× more likely to survive on corn, the largest plant tested, compared to many of the smaller plants. In the laboratory, larvae were more likely to survive in and less likely to abandon the largest diet‐filled artificial stems that varied only in stem diameter. In conditions simulating those that an ECB larvae would encounter upon abandoning a host, larvae survived up to three weeks and were able to locate corn as a new host with a significantly higher frequency than would be expected if they were foraging randomly. These results indicate that the probability of ECB larval survival to maturity on a plant other than corn is relatively low and thus these smaller stemmed non‐corn plants may not make a substantial contribution to the pool of susceptible adults. Conversely, since more mature larvae are not as susceptible as neonates, any larvae that partially develop on non‐corn plants and subsequently colonize Bt‐corn may not be exposed to a lethal dose of the toxin. Since some proportion of the individuals that survive could be partially resistant heterozygotes the presence of non‐corn host plants could facilitate the development of resistant ECB populations.  相似文献   

The effects of the insecticides abamectin, acetamiprid, cartap and chlorpyrifos on larvae, pupae (within the host egg) and adults of the egg parasitoid Trichogramma pretiosum Riley (Hym.: Trichogrammatidae) were evaluated under laboratory conditions, using three standard tests described by IOBC. When sprayed on the immature stages of this parasitoid, cartap and chlorpyrifos proved to be the most harmful insecticides, affecting both the emergence success and parasitism capacity of this parasitoid, whereas abamectin and acetamiprid were selective. Abamectin was harmful to adults (residue test on glass plates), slightly harmful to larvae, and moderately harmful to pupae (sprayed on the immature stages within host eggs Anagasta kuehniella (Zeller)); acetamiprid was moderately harmful to adults, harmless to larvae, and slightly harmful to pupae; cartap was harmful to adults, moderately harmful to larvae and harmful to pupae; chlorpyrifos to adults, harmless to larvae and harmful to pupae.  相似文献   

In parasitoids, the size of the adult is influenced by the size and quality of the host in which it develops. Body size is generally positively correlated with several adult fitness proxies (fecundity, longevity, and mating capacity). The initial resources available to an individual can influence gamete production (sperm and oocytes), and the number and quality of gametes produced directly influence the expected fitness of both males and females. Gamete production in relation to adult body size was quantified in Trichogramma euproctidis (Girault) (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae), a short‐lived egg parasitoid of lepidopteran species. To avoid host quality variation, male and female parasitoids of different body sizes were produced using superparasitism by allowing mated and virgin female parasitoids to oviposit on Trichoplusia ni Hübner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) eggs. Seminal vesicles and ovaries of their offspring were dissected to count oocytes and to measure sperm length and oocytes volume. Tibia length was also measured to estimate body size. The number of oocytes, volume of oocytes, maternal investment index [= (number of oocytes × mean volume of oocytes)/10 000] and sperm length were all significantly positively correlated to body size. These results show that initial resources acquired during larval stage induce phenotypic plasticity in gamete production in both male and female T. euproctidis. Whereas number of sperm and oocytes can influence the fitness of males and females through increased mating capacity and fecundity, variation in gamete size (sperm length and oocyte volume) could also affect the fitness of an individual through sperm and larval competition.  相似文献   

Trichogramma ostriniae (Hym: Trichogrammatidae), an egg parasitoid of the European corn borer, Ostrinia nubilalis (Lep: Pyralidae), were released into sweet corn (Zea mays L.) fields to study the effects of weather, plant size and distribution of egg masses on egg parasitism by the wasp. Sentinel European corn borer eggs were stapled onto leaves located in the upper, middle and lower third of sweet corn plants 5 to 35 meters away from the wasp release point in either a radial or grid manner. Weather conditions and plant architecture were monitored during the experiments. Logistic regression was used to analyze the data. The results indicated that percentage of eggs parasitized was negatively related to an increase in leaf area as well as an increase in distance eggs were located from the point of release of wasps. Eggs distributed on plants at different directions from the release point received different levels of parasitism. Eggs that were stapled onto leaves in the upper third of a corn plant received much less parasitism than those on the middle and lower third of the plant. Higher mean temperature adversely affected the level of parasitism during hotter times of the season and conversely, lower temperatures (<17 °C ) reduced the egg parasitism during cooler times of the season. The longer the exposure of eggs to wasps, the higher the level of egg parasitism. However, the levels of egg parasitism for 2 day's exposure were almost the same as that for 3 day's exposure due to the limited longevity and egg-laying behavior of the wasp. These results suggest that inundative releases of T. ostriniae should be made every two to three days, with multiple release points per hectare. In addition, weather conditions and plant architecture, especially temperature, plant height and leaf area must be taken into consideration to optimize levels of parasitism.  相似文献   

The trichogrammatid Trichogramma bournieri Pintureau & Babault is a polyphagous parasitoid of eggs of several cereal stemborer species in eastern Africa. The effects of host species, host age and duration of host deprivation on the performance of the parasitoid were studied in the laboratory. Host acceptance and suitability were tested using five stemborer species. The noctuids Sesamia calamistis Hampson, Sesamia nonagrioides (Lefebvre), Busseola fusca (Fuller) the crambid Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) and the pyralid Eldana saccharina Walker were successfully parasitized by T. bournieri. Parasitism, number of progeny and developmental time varied significantly with host species. The eggs of S. calamistis and B. fusca were the most suitable, whereas those of E. saccharina were the least suitable. While parasitism and number of progeny tended to decrease with age of hosts, there were no significant differences in sex ratio. Longevity of the parasitoid increased with increase in deprivation of hosts from 0 to 12 days. Average lifetime fecundity per female decreased, indicating resorption of eggs.  相似文献   

We used a series of laboratory studies to investigate factors contributing to variability in egg load of the parasitoid Binodoxys communis (Gahan) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), a biological control agent of the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae). The change in egg load in newly emerged females over time was determined in response to three treatments: post‐eclosion temperature, sugar meals, and host density. Binodoxys communis females emerge with an average egg load of approximately 40 mature eggs that increases to approximately 200 eggs within 24 h of emergence. The egg maturation rate over this time period is higher when females are held at 26 °C than at 18 °C. And although the egg load of sugar‐fed females was slightly higher than that of starved females, this difference was not statistically significant. Binodoxys communis females that were held with 150 hosts for 8 h laid more eggs than those that were held with 30 hosts, and they also matured more eggs over the subsequent 16 h than those held with 30 hosts or no hosts at all. However, we detected no difference in the egg maturation pattern between B. communis females held with the low host density and that of control females held with no hosts at all. Thus, we conclude that enhanced egg maturation in the higher host‐density treatment is more likely explained by a rapid replenishing of partially depleted ovaries than a host‐induced stimulus of egg maturation per se. Taken together, these results suggest a strategy of maintaining a high egg load and thus avoiding or mitigating the negative effects of egg limitation.  相似文献   

The effects of the mixed biocide Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner with abamectin (BtA) on the development of the parasitoid Microplitis mediator (Haliday) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) and its cotton bollworm host, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), were evaluated in the laboratory. Weight gain in larvae of H. armigera was initially delayed, but larval developmental period increased and pupal weight increased when they were fed on a diet containing BtA. Due to increased longevity of the host larvae, the susceptible period to parasitization of H. armigera by M. mediator increased when the host larvae were reared on diets containing BtA at concentrations of 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 μg g?1. The longevity of female and male parasitoids significantly decreased when newly emerged wasps were fed a honey solution containing 200 μg ml?1 BtA in comparison with those fed only a honey solution. Mean longevity was significantly prolonged when parasitoids were fed a honey solution and BtA–honey solution in comparison with those fed BtA–distilled water, distilled water, or nothing. There were no significant differences compared with the control in any biological characteristics for the offspring of female parasitoids fed the honey solutions containing BtA at concentrations of 50, 100, and 200 μg ml?1; characteristics measured include the egg‐larval period, pupal weight, male and female pupal periods, adult fresh weight, and adult longevity. When female parasitoids parasitized host larvae that had been fed the diet containing BtA, their male and female pupal periods were significantly prolonged compared with the control (without BtA).  相似文献   

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