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Results are presented of a study of primary processes of formation of the charge separated states P+BA - and P+HA - (where P is the primary electron donor, BA and HA the primary and secondary electron acceptors) in native and pheophytin-modified reaction centers (RCs) of Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26 by methods of femtosecond spectroscopy of absorption changes at low temperature. Coherent oscillations were studied in the kinetics at 935 nm (P* stimulated emission band), at 1020 nm (BA - absorption band), and at 760 nm (HA absorption band). It was found that when the wavepacket created under femtosecond light excitation approaches the intersection between P* and P+BA - potential surfaces at 120- and 380-fsec delays, the formation of two electron states emitting light at 935 nm (P*) and absorbing light at 1020 nm (P+BA -) takes place. At the later time the wavepacket motion has a frequency of 32 cm-1 and is accompanied by electron transfer from P* to BA in pheophytin-modified and native RCs and further to HA in native RCs. It was shown that electron transfer processes monitored by the 1020-nm absorption band development as well as by bleaching of 760-nm absorption band have the enhanced 32 cm-1 mode in the Fourier transform spectra.  相似文献   

The nuclear wavepacket formed by 20-fs excitation on the P* potential energy surface in native and mutant (YM210W and YM210L) reaction centers of Rhodobacter (Rb.) sphaeroides and Chloroflexus (C.) aurantiacus RCs was found to be reversibly transferred to the P+BA- surface at 120, 380, and 640-fs delays (monitored by measurements of BA- absorption at 1020-1028 nm). The reaction centers of YM210W(L) mutant show the most simple pattern of fs oscillations with a period of 230 fs in stimulated emission from P* and in the product P+BA-. The mechanisms of the electron transfer pathway between P* and BA and of the stabilization of the state P+BA- in bacterial reaction centers are discussed.  相似文献   

An alternative charge separation pathway in Photosystem II under the far-red light was proposed by us on the basis of electron transfer properties at 295 K and 5 K. Here we extend these studies to the temperature range of 77–295 K with help of electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy. Induction of the S2 state multiline signal, oxidation of Cytochrome b559 and ChlorophyllZ was studied in Photosystem II membrane preparations from spinach after application of a laser flashes in visible (532 nm) or far-red (730–750 nm) spectral regions. Temperature dependence of the S2 state signal induction after single flash at 730–750 nm (Tinhibition ~ 240 K) was found to be different than that at 532 nm (Tinhibition ~ 157 K). No contaminant oxidation of the secondary electron donors cytochrome b559 or chlorophyllZ was observed. Photoaccumulation experiments with extensive flashing at 77 K showed similar results, with no or very little induction of the secondary electron donors. Thus, the partition ratio defined as (yield of YZ/CaMn4O5-cluster oxidation):(yield of Cytb559/ChlZ/CarD2 oxidation) was found to be 0.4 at under visible light and 1.7 at under far-red light at 77 K. Our data indicate that different products of charge separation after far-red light exists in the wide temperature range which further support the model of the different primary photochemistry in Photosystem II with localization of hole on the ChlD1 molecule.  相似文献   

The mechanism of the charge separation and stabilization of separated charges was studied using the femtosecond absorption spectroscopy. It was found that nuclear wavepacket motions on potential energy surface of the excited state of the primary electron donor P* leads to a coherent formation of the charge separated states P+BA, P+HA and P+HB (where BA, HB and HA are the primary and secondary electron acceptors, respectively) in native, pheophytin-modified and mutant reaction centers (RCs) of Rhodobacter sphaeroides R-26 and in Chloroflexus aurantiacus RCs. The processes were studied by measurements of coherent oscillations in kinetics at 890 and 935 nm (the stimulated emission bands of P*), at 800 nm (the absorption band of BA) and at 1020 nm (the absorption band of BA) as well as at 760 nm (the absorption band of HA) and at 750 nm (the absorption band of HB). It was found that wavepacket motion on the 130–150 cm−1 potential surface of P* is accompanied by approaches to the intercrossing region between P* and P+BA surfaces at 120 and 380 fs delays emitting light at 935 nm (P*) and absorbing light at 1020 nm (P+BA). In the presence of Tyr M210 (Rb. sphaeroides) or M195 (C. aurantiacus) the stabilization of P+BA is observed within a few picosseconds in contrast to YM210W. At even earlier delay (40 fs) the emission at 895 nm and bleaching at 748 nm are observed in C. aurantiacus RCs showing the wavepacket approach to the intercrossing between the P* and P+HB surfaces at that time. The 32 cm−1 rotation mode of HOH was found to modulate the electron transfer rate probably due to including of this molecule in polar chain connecting PB and BA and participating in the charge separation. The mechanism of the charge separation and stabilization of separated charges is discussed in terms of the role of nuclear motions, of polar groups connecting P and acceptors and of proton of OH group of TyrM210.  相似文献   

The excitation of bacterial reaction centers (RCs) at 870 nm by 30 fs pulses induces the nuclear wavepacket motions on the potential energy surface of the primary electron donor excited state P*, which lead to the fs oscillations in stimulated emission from P* [M.H. Vos, M.R. Jones, C.N. Hunter, J. Breton, J.-C. Lambry and J.-L. Martin (1994) Biochemistry 33, 6750-6757] and in Qy absorption band of the primary electron acceptor, bacteriochlorophyll monomer B(A) [A.M. Streltsov, S.I.E. Vulto, A.Y. Shkuropatov, A.J. Hoff, T.J. Aartsma and V.A. Shuvalov (1998) J. Phys. Chem. B 102, 7293-7298] with a set of fundamental frequencies in the range of 10-300 cm(-1). We have found that in pheophytin-modified RCs, the fs oscillations with frequency around 130 cm(-1) observed in the P*-stimulated emission as well as in the B(A) absorption band at 800 nm are accompanied by remarkable and reversible formation of the 1020 nm absorption band which is characteristic of the radical anion band of bacteriochlorophyll monomer B(A)-. These results are discussed in terms of a reversible electron transfer between P* and B(A) induced by a motion of the wavepacket near the intersection of potential energy surfaces of P* and P+B(A)-, when a maximal value of the Franck-Condon factor is created.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose that the reduction of the bacteriochlorophyl dimer cation (P+) by cytochrome c in the photosynthetic bacteria Rps. viridis and Chromatium vinosum proceeds via two parallel electron transfer (ET) processes from two distinct cytochrome c molecules. The dominating ET process at high temperatures involves the activated oxidation of the high-potential cytochrome c at closest proximity to P, while the dominating low-temperature process involves activationless ET from a low-potential cytochrome c, which is further away from P. The available data for the effects of blocking the low-potential cytochrome c on ET dynamics are consistent with this model, which results in reasonable nuclear reorganization and electronic coupling parameters for the parallel cytochrome oxidation processes. The lack of universality in the cytochrome oxidation in reaction centres of various bacteria is emphasized.  相似文献   

Four possible explanations are offered to account for low fluorescence increase observed for purple bacteria under transition from active to inhibited photosynthesis. The increase observed is inconsistent with high (1.0) yield of primary photosynthetic process of P890 photooxidation. The dependences of fluorescence yield and lifetime on the portion of active reaction centres have been analysed for each case. Experimental investigation carried out favours the existence of background fluorescence together with fluorescence, whose quantum yield correlates with the reaction centre functional state. The important conclusion is made that lifetime of photosynthetic fluorescence is much lower than 1 nsec and energy is transferred to the reaction centres by a mechanism other than inductive-resonance.  相似文献   

Expansins are a family of proteins with plant cell wall remodeling‐activity, which bind cell wall components through hydrophobic and electrostatic interactions. A shallow area on the surface of the protein serves as the polysaccharide binding site (PBS) and it is composed of conserved residues. However, electric charge differences on the opposite face of the PBS produce basic, neutral, or acidic proteins. An analysis of forty‐four bacterial expansins, homologues of BsEXLX1, revealed two main groups defined by: (a) the presence or absence of disulfide bonds; and (b) by the proteins isoelectric point (pI). We determined the location of the residues responsible for the pI on the structure of representative expansins. Our results suggest that the electric charge at the opposite site of the PBS may help in substrate differentiation among expansins from different species; in addition, electrostatic polarization between the front and the back of the molecule could affect expansin activity on cellulose. Proteins 2015; 83:215–223. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The widely accepted model of reaction center /RC/ functioning is proved to come into contradiction with some recent data. In particular, it cannot explain why only a minor part of electronic excitations (approximately 10%) escapes from excited RC special pairs back to antenna BChls. Therefore we believe that the model must be substantially modernized. In 1981 we developed a new model/1,2/. We suggested a femtosecond state to precede primary e-transfer reaction due to reorientation of water molecule dipole in the electric field of excited RC dimer. This mechanism is responsible for energy trapping before the primary e-transport occurs. During last years his mechanism got support from various experimental works. Now this polarization model claims to fit all reliable experimental data at least in bacterial photosynthesis.  相似文献   

The essential function of carotenoids in photosynthesis is to act as photoprotective agents, preventing chlorophylls and bacteriochlorophylls from sensitizing harmful photodestructive reactions in the presence of oxygen. Based upon recent structural studies on reaction centres and antenna complexes from purple photosynthetic bacteria, the detailed organization of the carotenoids is described. Then with specific reference to bacterial antenna complexes the details of the photoprotective role, triplet triplet energy transfer, are presented.  相似文献   

The current view of bioenergetics postulates transmembrane charge separation as a primary mechanism of energy storage and transformation. Using that bioenergetic view we examine possible methods of photon driven transduction in primordial vesicles. Two possible types of proton pumps are analyzed and a method of anaerobic photophosphorylation is discussed. Using these principles we theorize about the formation of prebiotic photochemical vesicles utilizing the same transmembrane energy conversions characteristic of contemporary cellular systems.  相似文献   

Primary charge separation in Photosystem II   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
In this Minireview, we discuss a number of issues on the primary photosynthetic reactions of the green plant Photosystem II. We discuss the origin of the 683 and 679 nm absorption bands of the PS II RC complex and suggest that these forms may reflect the single-site spectrum with dominant contributions from the zero-phonon line and a pronounced ∼80 cm−1 phonon side band, respectively. The couplings between the six central RC chlorins are probably very similar and, therefore, a `multimer' model arises in which there is no `special pair' and in which for each realization of the disorder the excitation may be dynamically localized on basically any combination of neighbouring chlorins. The key features of our model for the primary reactions in PS II include ultrafast (<500 fs) energy transfer processes within the multimer, `slow' (∼20 ps) energy transfer processes from peripheral RC chlorophylls to the RC multimer, ultrafast charge separation (<500 fs) with a low yield starting from the singlet-excited `accessory' chlorophyll of the active branch, cation transfer from this `accessory' chlorophyll to a `special pair' chlorophyll and/or charge separation starting from this `special pair' chlorophyll (∼8 ps), and slow relaxation (∼50 ps) of the radical pair by conformational changes of the protein. The charge separation in the PS II RC can probably not be described as a simple trap-limited or diffusion-limited process, while for the PS II core and larger complexes the transfer of the excitation energy to the PS II RC may be rate limiting. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The role of P870 in bacterial photosynthesis   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

We report time-resolved optical measurements of the primary electron transfer reactions in Rhodobacter capsulatus reaction centers (RCs) having four mutations: Phe(L181) --> Tyr, Tyr(M208) --> Phe, Leu(M212) --> His, and Trp(M250) --> Val (denoted YFHV). Following direct excitation of the bacteriochlorophyll dimer (P) to its lowest excited singlet state P, electron transfer to the B-side bacteriopheophytin (H(B)) gives P(+)H(B)(-) in approximately 30% yield. When the secondary quinone (Q(B)) site is fully occupied, P(+)H(B)(-) decays with a time constant estimated to be in the range of 1.5-3 ns. In the presence of excess terbutryn, a competitive inhibitor of Q(B) binding, the observed lifetime of P(+)H(B)(-) is noticeably longer and is estimated to be in the range of 4-8 ns. On the basis of these values, the rate constant for P(+)H(B)(-) --> P(+)Q(B)(-) electron transfer is calculated to be between approximately (2 ns)(-)(1) and approximately (12 ns)(-)(1), making it at least an order of magnitude smaller than the rate constant of approximately (200 ps)(-)(1) for electron transfer between the corresponding A-side cofactors (P(+)H(A)(-) --> P(+)Q(A)(-)). Structural and energetic factors associated with electron transfer to Q(B) compared to Q(A) are discussed. Comparison of the P(+)H(B)(-) lifetimes in the presence and absence of terbutryn indicates that the ultimate (i.e., quantum) yield of P(+)Q(B)(-) formation relative to P is 10-25% in the YFHV RC.  相似文献   

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