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A protein-protein interaction within the helicase domain of the Tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) 126- and 183-kDa replicase proteins was previously implicated in virus replication (S. Goregaoker, D. Lewandowski, and J. Culver, Virology 282:320-328, 2001). To further characterize the interaction, polypeptides covering the interacting portions of the TMV helicase domain were expressed and purified. Biochemical characterizations demonstrated that the helicase domain polypeptides hydrolyzed ATP and bound both single-stranded and duplexed RNA in an ATP-controlled fashion. A TMV helicase polypeptide also was capable of unwinding duplexed RNA, confirming the predicted helicase function of the domain. Biochemically active helicase polypeptides were shown by gel filtration to form high-molecular-weight complexes. Electron microscopy studies revealed the presence of ring-like oligomers that displayed six-sided symmetry. Taken together, these data demonstrate that the TMV helicase domain interacts with itself to produce hexamer-like oligomers. Within the context of the full-length 126- and 183-kDa proteins, these findings suggest that the TMV replicase may form a similar oligomer.  相似文献   

An attenuated strain L11A of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) multiplied like wild type strain L at an early stage of infection in tomato leaves. Four days after inoculation, however, multiplication of L11A was drastically reduced (autoregulation) compared with the constant multiplication of L. In mixed infections, L11A strongly inhibited the multiplication of homologous strain L. Experiments with cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) or tobacco plants revealed that the inhibitory mechanism of L11A is not host-specific but virus-specific, and the autoregulatory mechanism is effective only for TMV. RNA synthesis in L11A infected leaves 4 days after inoculation was studied by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Synthesis of TMV-RNA and its replicative intermediate were strongly inhibited, whereas the replicative form of TMV-RNA and ribosomal RNA were synthesized as in the case of L infection. Synthesis of non-coat-protein was studied by the incorporation of radioactive histidine into subcellular fractions derived from leaves infected with L or L11A for 4 days. Different patterns of the two strains in protein synthesis were noted. At least three proteins were predominantly synthesized in L11A infection. One of them was observed in the mitochondria fraction. From its position in polyacrylamide gel, it could be viral coded 165K protein which is considered to be involved in viral RNA replication. These results suggest that the unique nature of attenuated virus L11A, i.e. autoregulation, resulted from the inhibitory mechanism of viral RNA synthesis due to overproduction of 165K protein and is quite distinct from interferon, intrinsic interference or interference by defective virus.  相似文献   

Strain-genotype interaction of tobacco mosaic virus in tomato   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The symptoms and virus content of isogenic tomato genotypes differing by three tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) resistance factors, Tm-I, Tm-2 and Tm-22, were studied in relation to various isolates of TMV and four strains were identified. The common strain induced no symptoms on plants with any of the factors for resistance, one strain caused symptoms on Tm-I plants, one on Tm-2 plants and one on both Tm-I and Tm-2 plants and also on Tm-I Tm-2 plants. No strain induced symptoms on Tm-22 plants. The gene, Tm-I, was found to be dominant or incompletely dominant for preventing symptom development but was recessive or intermediate for limiting virus multiplication of the common strain. Both Tm-2 and Tm-22 were dominant for a hypersensitive response to the common strain. Virus multiplication was temperature-dependent. The background or varietal genotype did not affect virus multiplication. A systemic necrosis of Tm-22 plants occurred only when heterozygous Tm-22 was not protected by other factors against specific strains of TMV. The complexity of the host genotype, pathogen genotype and environment interactions are outlined and the exploitation of the resistance factors in tomato breeding discussed.  相似文献   

Experiments on x-ray-induced mutations of the tobacco mosaic virus (Gowen) are analyzed on the basis of the ionization theory. The size of the volume within which the primary process of mutation develops is calculated on the basis of three alternative assumptions; viz., (1) that this volume consists of protein, (2) that it is nucleic acid, (3) that it is phosphorus. It is found that the volume calculated under assumption (1) is identical with the hexagonal cell unit which Bernal and Fankuchen found in the virus protein by x-ray diffraction. Assumptions 2 and 3 lead respectively to the conclusions that one-fourth of the total nucleic acid content or one-half of the total phosphorus content is involved in the mutational process. The relation between the induced and the spontaneous mutation is examined and it is found that natural ionizing radiations are completely insignificant for the spontaneous mutation of the virus.  相似文献   

Y Bao  S A Carter    R S Nelson 《Journal of virology》1996,70(9):6378-6383
Nucleotide substitutions at two positions within the open reading frame encoding the 126-kDa protein in the attenuated masked (M) strain of tobacco mosaic tobamovirus (TMV) to those found in the virulent U1-TMV genome led to the induction of near U1-TMV-like symptoms on leaves of Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Xanthi nn by progeny virus (M. H. Shintaku, S. A. Carter, Y. Bao, and R. S. Nelson, Virology 221:218-225, 1996). In this study, further site-directed mutations were made at these positions within the M strain cDNA to determine whether the protein or nucleotide sequence directly controlled the symptom phenotype. The protein and not the nucleotide sequence directly controlled the symptom phenotype when amino acid 360 within the 126-kDa protein sequence was altered and likely controlled the symptom phenotype when amino acid 601 was altered. The effects of the substitutions at amino acid position 360 on viral protein accumulation were studied by pulse-labeling proteins in infected protoplasts. Accumulation of the 126- and 183-kDa proteins was less for an attenuated mutant than for two virulent mutants, but the viral movement protein and coat protein accumulated to levels reported to be sufficient for normal systemic symptom development. The size of necrotic local lesions on N. tabacum L. cv. Xanthi NN was negatively correlated with symptom development and accumulation of the 126-kDa protein for these mutants. With reference to this last finding, an explanation of the cause of the differing symptoms induced by these viruses is presented.  相似文献   

In trials in 1973-5 at the Glasshouse Investigational Unit for Scotland, the yield of fruit from tomato cv. Eurocross BB inoculated at the seedling stage with the Mil-16 attenuated strain of tobacco mosaic virus was 5–8-9-4% greater than that from uninoculated plants which became naturally infected with a severe indigenous strain of the virus within 7–8 wk of planting. The increase in fruit yield, particularly of better grades, resulted in higher gross financial returns (up to 25p/plant) from inoculated plants. The yields from the Mil-16 protected plants were up to 14% greater than those from plants artificially inoculated at the seedling stage with the indigenous severe virus. Inoculation with Mil-16 had little adverse effect on early growth or the rate of fruit development on the first five trusses, but in 1973 the final yield of inoculated plants was depressed c. 5% compared with that from plants substantially free from infection for 14 wk after planting. In 1 year's test no benefit from inoculation with Mil-16 was recorded in cv. Cudlow Cross.  相似文献   

The sequence of about 4,500 nucleotides of the internal part of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV)-tomato strain (L) RNA has been newly determined using cloned cDNAs. Together with the previously determined partial sequences at both ends, the entire sequence of the 6,384 nucleotide genome has been completed. The 130K (1,115 amino acids), 180K (1,615 amino acids), 30K (263 amino acids) and coat protein (158 amino acids) cistrons are located at residues 72-3442, 72-4922, 4906-5700, and 5703-6182 on the genome, respectively. Sequence polymorphism was not observed except for heterogeneity in the length of the A cluster near the 3' end. The homology of the nucleotide sequences of TMV-L and TMV-vulgare, a common strain, is about 80% on average. Remarkable differences between them were found in a part of the N-terminal portion of the 130K/180K protein and the C-terminal portion of the 30K protein. A new method for cDNA cloning was developed by which the cDNA of the 5'-terminus of viral RNA can be cloned efficiently.  相似文献   

A mutation resulting in substitution of positively charged Lys53 with negatively charged Glu in the coat protein was introduced in the infectious cDNA copy of the genome of wild-type tobacco mosaic virus strain U1. Kinetic analysis of long-distance virus transport in plants showed that systemic distribution of the mutant virus was delayed by 5-6 days as compared with the wild-type one. On evidence of RNA sequencing in the mutant progeny, Glu50 of the coat protein was substituted with Lys after passage I to compensate for the loss of the positive charge at position 53. Electron microscopy revealed atypical inclusions (rodlike structures, multiple electron-dense globular particles) in the nuclear interchromatin space of leaf mesophyll cells infected with the mutant but not with the wild-type virus.  相似文献   


The apoplast plays an important role in plant defense against pathogens. Some extracellular PR-4 proteins possess ribonuclease activity and may directly inhibit the growth of pathogenic fungi. It is likely that extracellular RNases can also protect plants against some viruses with RNA genomes. However, many plant RNases are multifunctional and the direct link between their ribonucleolytic activity and antiviral defense still needs to be clarified. In this study, we evaluated the resistance of Nicotiana tabacum plants expressing a non-plant single-strand-specific extracellular RNase against Cucumber mosaic virus.


Severe mosaic symptoms and shrinkage were observed in the control non-transgenic plants 10 days after inoculation with Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV), whereas such disease symptoms were suppressed in the transgenic plants expressing the RNase gene. In a Western blot analysis, viral proliferation was observed in the uninoculated upper leaves of control plants, whereas virus levels were very low in those of transgenic plants. These results suggest that resistance against CMV was increased by the expression of the heterologous RNase gene.


We have previously shown that tobacco plants expressing heterologous RNases are characterized by high resistance to Tobacco mosaic virus. In this study, we demonstrated that elevated levels of extracellular RNase activity resulted in increased resistance to a virus with a different genome organization and life cycle. Thus, we conclude that the pathogen-induced expression of plant apoplastic RNases may increase non-specific resistance against viruses with RNA genomes.


The complete nucleotide sequence was determined for the putative RNA polymerase (183K protein) gene of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) OM strain, which differed from the related strain, vulgare, by 51 positions in its nucleotide sequence and 6 residues in its amino acid sequence. Three segments of this 183K protein, each containing the sequence motif of methyltransferase (M), helicase (H), or RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (P), were expressed in Escherichia coli as fusion proteins with hexahistidine tags, and domain-specific antibodies were raised against purified His-tagged M and P polypeptides. By immunoaffinity purification, a template-specific RNA-dependent RNA polymerase containing a heterodimer of the full-length 183K and 126K (an amino-terminal-proximal portion of the 183K protein) viral proteins was isolated. We propose that the TMV RNA polymerase for minus-strand RNA synthesis is composed of one molecule each of the 183- and 126-kDa proteins, possibly together with two or more host proteins.  相似文献   

Strain changes in populations of tobacco mosaic virus from tomato crops   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The incidence of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) Strain 1 in tomato crops of TMV-susceptible cultivars increased from 12% in 1971 to 64% in 1974. This change coincided with the introduction of cross protection to reduce the effects of tomato mosaic. Of the isolates collected from nurseries where the technique was used in 1974, 94% were of Strain 1 compared with 39 % from the other nurseries. No new strains were found and all the isolates were tomato forms of TMV.  相似文献   

A resistance-breaking strain of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), Ltb1, is able to multiply in tomatoes with the Tm-2 gene, unlike its parent strain, L. Nucleotide sequence analysis of Ltb1 RNA revealed two amino acid changes in the 30-kD protein: from Cys68 to Phe and from Glu133 to Lys (from L to Ltb1). Strains with these two changes generated in vitro multiplied in tomatoes with the Tm-2 gene and induced essentially the same symptoms as those caused by Ltb1. Strains with either one of the two changes did not overcome the resistance as efficiently as Ltb1, although increased levels of multiplication were observed compared with the L strain. Results showed that both mutations are involved in the resistance-breaking property of Ltb1. Sequence analysis indicated that another resistance-breaking strain and its parent strain had two amino acid changes in the 30-kD protein: from Glu52 to Lys and from Glu133 to Lys. The fact that the amino acid changes occurred in or near the well conserved regions in the 30-kD protein suggests that the mechanism of Tm-2 resistance may be closely related to the fundamental function of the 30-kD protein, presumably in cell-to-cell movement.  相似文献   

In 1973 tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) strain M II-16 was successfully used by growers in the United Kingdom to protect commercial tomato crops against the severe effects of naturally occurring strains of TMV. However, plants in many crops had mosaic leaf symptoms which were occasionally severe, so possible reasons for symptom appearance were examined. The concentration of the mutant strain in commercially produced inocula (assessed by infectivity and spectrophotometry) ranged from 28 to 1220 μg virus/ml; nevertheless all samples contained sufficient virus to infect a high percentage of inoculated tomato seedlings. Increasing the distance between the plants and the spray gun used for inoculation from 5 to 15 cm resulted in a significant decrease in the number of tomato seedlings infected. When M II-16 infected tomato plants were subsequently inoculated with each of fifty-three different isolates of TMV, none showed severe symptoms of the challenging isolates within 4 wk, although some isolates of strain o induced atypically mild leaf symptoms. In a further experiment, M II-16 infected plants showed conspicuous leaf symptoms only 7 wk after inoculation with a virulent TMV isolate. M II-16 multiplied more slowly in tomato plants and had a lower specific infectivity than a naturally occurring strain of TMV. More than 50% of plants in crops inoculated with strain M II-16 which subsequently showed conspicuous leaf mosaic contained TMV strain 1 or a form intermediate between strains o and 1. It is suggested that the production of TMV symptoms in commercial crops previously inoculated with strain M II-16 may result from an initially low level of infection, due to inefficient inoculation, which allows subsequent infection of unprotected plants by virulent strains. Incomplete protection by strain M II-16 against all naturally occurring strains may also be an important factor.  相似文献   

A chimeric gene encoding the alfalfa mosaic virus (AlMV) coat protein was constructed and introduced into tobacco and tomato plants using Ti plasmid-derived plant transformation vectors. The progeny of the self-fertilized transgenic plants were significantly delayed in symptom development and in some cases completely escaped infection after inoculated with AlMV. The inoculated leaves of the transgenic plants had significantly reduced numbers of lesions and accumulated substantially lower amounts of coat protein due to virus replication than the control plants. These results show that high level expression of the chimeric viral coat protein gene confers protection against AlMV, which differs from other plant viruses in morphology, genome structure, gene expression strategy and early steps in viral replication. Based on our results with AlMV and those reported earlier for tobacco mosaic virus, it appears that genetically engineered cross-protection may be a general method for preventing viral disease in plants.  相似文献   

Tomato varieties with monogenic resistance (tolerance) to tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) were used by British growers for the first time in 1966. Samples of TMV collected before 1966, and in 1967 and 1968, were tested for their ability to produce virus symptoms on a series of isogenic tomato differential hosts differing in three factors for TMV resistance. Samples collected before 1966 yielded only strain o of TMV, which was unable to overcome any of the three factors. Strain 1, able to infect the newly-introduced resistant varieties, was found with increased frequency after 1966. It was found less frequently on nurseries which had resumed growing susceptible varieties, suggesting that in these it may be unable to compete successfully with strain o. The dangers of indiscriminate release of varieties protected from disease by only one gene are discussed.  相似文献   

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