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1. β-Galactosidase activity was studied in homogenates of the proximal and distal thirds of the small intestine from adult and infant rats. o-Nitrophenyl β-d-galactoside served as the substrate. 2. Activity in suckling rats is highest in the distal part of the small intestine. 3. The pH optimum was 3·5 in the distal third of the small intestine in rats aged 5 and 15 days, whereas in the proximal third the maximum was not clearly defined. 4. Activity was higher in both thirds in newborn than in adult rats, expressed per wet wt. or per wt. of protein. In the proximal third activity continually decreases with age, whereas in the distal part there is a rise up to day 15 and then a sudden decrease. Total β-galactosidase activity changes very little in the proximal third during postnatal development; the greatest changes occur in the distal third. 5. Adrenalectomy performed on day 15 postnatally slows down the decrease in β-galactosidase activity, particularly in the distal part. 6. Feeding a lactose diet to infant rats from day 14 postnatally in the presence of the mother rat also slows down the decrease in β-galactosidase activity and this is not found with a diet containing glucose and galactose instead of lactose.  相似文献   

Although it is universally accepted that protein synthesis occurs in the cytoplasm, the possibility that translation can also take place in the nucleus has been hotly debated. Reports have been published claiming to demonstrate nuclear translation, but alternative explanations for these results have not been excluded, and other experiments argue against it. Much of the appeal of nuclear translation is that functional proofreading of newly made mRNAs in the nucleus would provide an efficient way to monitor mRNAs for the presence of premature termination codons, thereby avoiding the synthesis of deleterious proteins. mRNAs that are still in the nucleus-associated fraction of cells are subject to translational proofreading resulting in nonsense-mediated mRNA decay and perhaps nonsense-associated alternate splicing. However, these mRNAs are likely to be in the perinuclear cytoplasm rather than within the nucleus. Therefore, in the absence of additional evidence, we conclude that nuclear translation is unlikely to occur.  相似文献   

For starch digestion to glucose, two luminal α-amylases and four gut mucosal α-glucosidase subunits are employed. The aim of this research was to investigate, for the first time, direct digestion capability of individual mucosal α-glucosidases on cooked (gelatinized) starch. Gelatinized normal maize starch was digested with N- and C-terminal subunits of recombinant mammalian maltase-glucoamylase (MGAM) and sucrase-isomaltase (SI) of varying amounts and digestion periods. Without the aid of α-amylase, Ct-MGAM demonstrated an unexpected rapid and high digestion degree near 80%, while other subunits showed 20 to 30% digestion. These findings suggest that Ct-MGAM assists α-amylase in digesting starch molecules and potentially may compensate for developmental or pathological amylase deficiencies.  相似文献   

1. The developmental pattern and effect of cortisone on acid beta-galactosidase and neutral beta-galactosidase were studied in postnatal rats by a recently proposed method for their independent determination. 2. After birth the acid beta-galactosidase activity increases in the ileum, whereas it decreases slightly in the jejunum. On day 16 after birth the activity in the ileum decreases and in 20-day-old rats activity in both parts of the intestine decreases to adult values. In suckling animals the activity in the ileum exceeds the jejunal activity severalfold and in adult animals the activity in the jejunum is slightly higher than that in the ileum. 3. Neutral beta-galactosidase activity is high after birth and decreases in both jejunum and ileum after day 20 after birth. In 12-20-day-old rats activity in both parts is essentially the same, but in adult animals jejunal activity exceeds ileal activity four-to five-fold. 4. Cortisone (0.5, 2.0 or 5.0mg/100g body wt. daily for 4 days) does not influence the activity of either enzyme in 60-day-old rats. Acid beta-galactosidase activity is decreased after cortisone treatment in 8-, 12-, 16-and 18-day-old rats, with sensitivity to cortisone increasing with the approach of weaning. No effect of cortisone on acid beta-galactosidase is seen in 8-day-old rats. Neutral beta-galactosidase activity is increased in the ileum of 8-, 12-, 16- and 18-day old rats, but only in the jejunum of 8-and 12-day-old rats.  相似文献   

Histamine release from tissue-bound mast cells and cell proliferation in the proper mesentery in the intact rat was quantitated following in intraperitoneal injection of graded doses of compound 48/80. The dose-response curves were sigmoid-like in linear-log plots. ED50 for histamine release was 0.035-0.040 and for increased cell proliferation 0.040-0.048 microgram per g BW. The proliferative response following mast-cell secretion ceased after a period of between 48-72 h, irrespective of whether a high or a low dose of 48/80 was used. Basal on the net rate of histamine synthesis (ca. 0.45 microgram/g mesentery wet weight/h) after an initial injection of 48/80, on the extent of histamine release and the proliferative response after a repeated injection of 48/80, it is concluded that there is a lag period of at least 3 days before proliferation can be re-stimulated by renewed 48/80-induced mast-cell secretion.  相似文献   

In rats a severe but compensated chronic renal insufficiency was induced by stepwise 9/10 nephrectomy. Despite this severe chronic renal insufficiency we observed no relevant pathological changes in the intestinal mucosa. In particular, we found no evidence of mucosal erosions, ulceration or pseudomembranous colitis, findings which are traditionally thought to be characteristic of the uremic state. This was also true of those animals dying prematurely from uremia. Thus serious doubts arise about the existence of "uremic enterocolitis", doubts which also proved justified after a critical review of the literature on human pathology.  相似文献   

The evidence and arguments for and against the occurrence of endocytosis in fungal hyphae are summarized. The balance of evidence is in favour of the existence of endocytosis. This is supported by an analysis of the recently sequenced Neurospora genome which strongly suggests that this fungus possesses the complex protein machinery required to conduct endocytosis.  相似文献   

The process by which a single follicle is selected to ovulate while others regress is unknown in ewes. If the dominant follicle secretes substances that directly inhibit the growth of other follicles, the superovulatory response to the administration of exogenous gonadotrophins may be blunted. Administration of 1250 iu pregnant mares' serum gonadotrophin (PMSG) before or after the emergence of the dominant follicle in the follicular phase, or 1000 iu PMSG in the presence or absence of a large healthy or atretic follicle during the luteal phase did not affect the induced ovulatory response. Comparisons between the ovary with or without the dominant follicle did not reveal any differences in ovulatory response to PMSG. The in-vitro features (i.e. mitotic index, oestradiol and testosterone production) of follicles ipsilateral or contralateral to the dominant follicle during the early and late follicular phases were also similar. If the dominant follicle secretes substances detrimental to the other follicles, this could be mimicked in vitro. Co-culture of small follicles with the largest follicles in a closed system did not reduce their incorporation of 3H thymidine in granulosa cells, compared with small follicles cultured alone. These data suggest that dominance is probably not operative in sheep. The administration of 500 iu of PMSG during the midfollicular phase increased ovulation rate in Merino ewes, indicating that dominance is essentially passive in ewes and can easily be overcome by raising gonadotrophin concentration.  相似文献   

In this report we describe the identification of a novel cell type in human and canine pancreas using tissue culture techniques. These cells, representing less than 1% of total islet cells, are of a small size (7-10 microm) and highly quiescent. They display a fairly immature morphology, which is characterized by a weakly developed protein synthesis machinery, a few mitochondria and a small number of neuroendocrine granules. These cells, which we have termed "small cells," are usually organized into small clusters, which can be identified within the islets of predominantly small size. They can also be collected as separate structures from preparations of freshly isolated islets. Immunohistochemically, small cells are positive for PDX-1, synaptophysin, insulin, glucagon, somatostatin, pancreatic polypeptide, alpha-fetaprotein and Bcl-2 and negative for cytokeratin 19 and nestin. Insulin secretion studies demonstrated that these cells secrete insulin in a glucose-responsive fashion, although do not respond to secretagogues such as IBMX and arginine as do mature beta cells. Although this study does not provide evidence of the proliferative and differentiation potential of small cells, their immature morphology, along with a small size and quiescence, let us hypothesize that these cells may serve as progenitors contributing to the islet growth.  相似文献   

1. The characteristics of acid and neutral beta-galactosidases isolated chromatographically from homogenates of the mucosa of the jejunum and ileum of suckling rats were studied. 2. The minimal molecular weight of the acid beta-galactosidase, as estimated by gel filtration on Sephadex G-200, was in the range 83000-105000, whereas for the neutral beta-galactosidase the estimated molecular weight was in the range 360000-510000. 3. The acid and neutral beta-galactosidases were inhibited competitively by galactono-(1-->4)-lactone, with respective K(i) values of 0.15mm and 1.1mm. Only the acid beta-galactosidase was inhibited competitively by sodium galactonate (K(i) 0.17mm). 4. Heat inactivation of both beta-galactosidases occurred according to first-order kinetics. The neutral enzyme was more labile, but bovine serum albumin protected acid enzyme only. 5. Urea treatment inactivated both beta-galactosidases, the neutral beta-galactosidase being more sensitive than the acid beta-galactosidase. 6. No differences were found between preparations from the jejunum and ileum.  相似文献   

Adenosine is a versatile signaling molecule recognized to physiologically influence gut motor functions. Both the duration and magnitude of adenosine signaling in enteric neuromuscular function depend on its availability, which is regulated by the ecto-enzymes ecto-5′-nucleotidase (CD73), alkaline phosphatase (AP), and ecto-adenosine deaminase (ADA) and by dipyridamole-sensitive equilibrative transporters (ENTs). Our purpose was to assess the involvement of CD73, APs, ecto-ADA in the formation of AMP-derived adenosine in primary cultures of ileal myofibroblasts (IMFs). IMFs were isolated from rat ileum longitudinal muscle segments by means of primary explant technique and identified by immunofluorescence staining for vimentin and α-smooth muscle actin. IMFs confluent monolayers were exposed to exogenous 5′-AMP in the presence or absence of CD73, APs, ecto-ADA, or ENTs inhibitors. The formation of adenosine and its metabolites in the IMFs medium was monitored by high-performance liquid chromatography. The distribution of CD73 and ADA in IMFs was detected by confocal immunocytochemistry and qRT-PCR. Exogenous 5′-AMP was rapidly cleared being almost undetectable after 60-min incubation, while adenosine levels significantly increased. Treatment of IMFs with CD73 inhibitors markedly reduced 5′-AMP clearance whereas ADA blockade or inhibition of both ADA and ENTs prevented adenosine catabolism. By contrast, inhibition of APs did not affect 5′-AMP metabolism. Immunofluorescence staining and qRT-PCR analysis confirmed the expression of CD73 and ADA in IMFs. Overall, our data show that in IMFs an extracellular AMP-adenosine pathway is functionally active and among the different enzymatic pathways regulating extracellular adenosine levels, CD73 and ecto-ADA represent the critical catabolic pathway.  相似文献   

Corpora lutea from cyclic ewes were dissociated by collagenase and trypsin/EGTA treatments, and enriched fractions of small and large luteal cells were prepared on gradients of Ficoll. These fractions were incubated separately or remixed before incubation. Colchicine, cytochalasin B and the calcium channel-blocker verapamil significantly reduced progesterone production by both small and large luteal cell fractions, while isoprenaline stimulated an increase in progesterone production by large luteal cell fractions only. When fractions of small and large luteal cells were remixed, no more and no less progesterone was produced than would have been predicted from equivalent fractions incubated separately. There was therefore no evidence of synergism between small and large luteal cells in the production of progesterone. Prostaglandin F-2 alpha, which can inhibit LH-stimulated progesterone production by ovine luteal tissue in vitro, had no effect on LH-stimulated progesterone production by small luteal cell fractions, but significantly inhibited that by enriched fractions of large luteal cells. Since large luteal cell fractions were contaminated with small luteal cells, which are probably responsible for the progesterone-secretory response of these fractions to LH, it was concluded that the inhibition of LH-stimulated progesterone production by small luteal cells is dependent on the presence of large luteal cells. Oxytocin added to large and small luteal cell fractions did not affect progesterone production by either fraction. It was therefore concluded that the inhibitory action of PGF-2 alpha on LH-stimulated progesterone production may require the interaction of large and small luteal cells, but that oxytocin is not likely to be an intermediary in this interaction.  相似文献   

Meesia kenyae P. Varde, a species originally described in 1955 from the altimontane elevation on Mt. Kenya in tropical East Africa, is briefly assessed taxonomically and some details of the type material are illustrated. This species is considered to be conspecific with Ceratodon purpureus (Hedw.) Brid., a weedy, cosmopolitan and highly protean species. Because M. kenyae is the only representative of the Meesiaceae in Africa, this taxonomic conclusion results in the exclusion of this small family from the bryoflora of this continent. Accordingly, the Meesiaceae are represented in the tropics only by three species, namely Meesia triquetra (Jolycl.) Ångstr. in Papua New Guinea, M. longiseta Hedw. in Colombia and M. ulei Müll. Hal. in Brazil.  相似文献   

Previous theoretical works showed that chemical reactions in micro- and nano-droplets, bubbles and solid particles were strongly affected by their confinement. In particular, the smallness of the systems leads to high internal pressure compared to the external pressure, which then significantly modifies the values of chemical equilibrium and kinetic constants. In addition, surface tension or surface stress, reactional dilatation and surface charge play also a major role on the chemical reactivity. As living systems are also made of very complex dispersed subsystems, i.e. organelles, it seemed obvious to illustrate our theory by some biological actual examples encountered in pulmonary alveolae, in vacuolae and in medical applications, such as dissolution of gallstones.  相似文献   

The hypothesis that respiratory modulation of heart rate variability (HRV) or respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) is restricted to mammals was tested on four Antarctic and four sub-Antarctic species of fish, that shared close genotypic or ecotypic similarities but, due to their different environmental temperatures, faced vastly different selection pressures related to oxygen supply. The intrinsic heart rate (fH) for all the fish species studied was approximately 25% greater than respiration rate (fV), but vagal activity successively delayed heart beats, producing a resting fH that was synchronized with fV in a progressive manner. Power spectral statistics showed that these episodes of relative bradycardia occurred in a cyclical manner every 2-4 heart beats in temperate species but at >4 heart beats in Antarctic species, indicating a more relaxed selection pressure for cardio-respiratory coupling. This evidence that vagally mediated control of fH operates around the ventilatory cycle in fish demonstrates that influences similar to those controlling RSA in mammals operate in non-mammalian vertebrates.  相似文献   

The investigation of the effect of peptide prolyl-glycyl-proline (PGP) on β-hexosaminidase and histamine secretion by mast cells in primary culture has shown that incubation of mast cells with PGP (6 × 10−5 M) before their activation by synacten significantly decreased the amount of secreted histamine and β-hexosaminidase in comparison with the action of synacten only. The peptide in investigated concentration had no influence on the level of spontaneous secretion. Incubation of cells with PGP did not prevent their activation by compound 48/80. Therefore, PGP can have a direct effect on isolated rat mast cells in vitro and diminish their secretory activity under activation by synacten.  相似文献   

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