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切花月季花枝生长规律及GA3及其生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用Logistic方程[y=K/(1 e^A Bt)]来表示切花枝生长量与生长时间的关系,并得出花枝生长最快的时期是现蕾期,以100mg/L GA3溶液喷施生长期花枝,可改变其原有生长规律,快速生长期延长,生长速度明显加,从而使其长度比对照增加22.5%-63.1%,其中以现蕾时处理效果最优。  相似文献   

GA3预处理对冷藏百合切花花瓣衰老的影响   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
本文研究GA3预处理对冷藏10d的百合切花花瓣衰老的影响。结果表明,入库前用200mg/L GA3预处理可以显著提高花瓣含水量,增强保水能力,延缓可溶性蛋白质含量的下降,提高可溶性糖水平和CAT活性,延缓POD活性的升高,减少MDA积累,使切花瓶插寿命延长,观赏品质得到改善。  相似文献   

山东赤松种群的个体生长规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用Logistic增长模型对山东赤松 (PinusdensifloraSieb .etZucc .)种群个体生长规律进行了初步研究。结果表明 ,赤松个体生长密切符合Logistic方程 ;人工林个体生长好于天然次生林 ;人工林与次生林个体生长规律一致 ;树高成熟龄和连年生长量最大时年龄出现最早 ,胸径成熟龄和连年生长量最大时年龄出现较晚 ,材积成熟龄和连年生长量最大时年龄出现最迟  相似文献   

GA3,6—BA及IAA对香椿种子发芽及幼苗生长的影响(简报)   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
用适宜浓度的GA3,6-BA及IAA浸种可有效提高香棒种子发芽率,幼苗生长量及干物质积累,从而有利于生产优质苗壮的香椿,增加芽菜产量。  相似文献   

姜勇  胡尚连  曹颖  卢学琴  黄艳  徐刚 《植物研究》2017,37(5):744-750
以毛竹实生苗为试验材料,研究不同浓度外源GA3(0,0.1,0.5,1 μmol·L-1)对毛竹生长及CesA基因表达的影响。结果表明,与未经GA3处理相比,施用外源GA3后,毛竹实生苗茎节间和纤维细胞显著伸长,初生壁纤维素合成相关基因PeCesA2和PeCesA6相对表达量明显上调,次生壁相关基因PeCESA4和PeCESA4-1显著下调,傅里叶红外光谱分析(FTIR),发现毛竹茎秆纤维素特征峰强度(1 060,1 160及1 373 cm-1)随着GA3浓度升高而逐渐增强,表明施用外源GA3能够影响毛竹茎秆CesA基因表达,PeCesA2和PeCesA6的表达与外源GA3促进纤维细胞伸长的过程存在一定联系。  相似文献   

不同保鲜剂对月季切花的保鲜效应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本试验研究不同保鲜剂对月季切花瓶插寿命、观赏品质的影响。正交试验表明,在供试保鲜剂的9个组合中,配方7(P7)[0.2% Ca(NO3)2+0 Suc+400mg/L B9+1mmol/L STS]保鲜效果最好,可明显延长月季切花瓶插寿命;以P7保鲜剂喷洒花瓣可促进花朵生长发育;月季切花在瓶插过程中,其花瓣组织的pH值随切花的衰老而上升。  相似文献   

镧和钐对月季切花衰老的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
0.5×10-3mol·L-1的La3+和Sm3+溶液均能改善月季切花体内的水分平衡,增加切花鲜重和维持花径大小,减少花瓣溶质外渗,维持细胞膜结构的稳定性,降低呼吸速率,使切花瓶插寿命延长2 ̄3d。  相似文献   

采后GA3处理对番茄后熟生理的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验采用两种不同浓度GA3处理采后番茄果实,研究GA3对番茄后熟生理的影响。结果表明:不同浓度GA3处理均可有效抑制番茄膜透性增加,降低膜脂过氧化产物丙二醛(MDA)含量,降低超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化物酶(POD)活性,从而有效延缓番茄果实后熟衰老,且40mg/kg GA3较20mg/kg GA3处理效果好。GA3对番茄CAT活性无明显作用。  相似文献   

用不同浓度ZnCl2溶液处理月季切花,以0.01%浓度保鲜效果最好,能延长切花瓶插寿命3d;同时,ZnCl2处理可使月季切花花枝硬挺,提高观赏价值。  相似文献   

光对GA3大麦叶段叶绿素含量的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
郎杰 《植物研究》1996,16(2):224-227
用GA3处理大麦叶段,在黑暗条件下对叶绿素含量下降无影响,而在光照下有保绿效果。本文就这一现象进行了试验分析,其结果是光的作用在于降低叶内ABA含量,从而减缓叶段内ABA对GA3的拮抗作用。  相似文献   

Higher concentrations of growth retardants, ancymidol and AMO-1718,were required to suppress root growth than hypocotyl growthin lettuce seedlings. Gibberellic acid (GA3) counteracted theeffect of these growth retardants, but complete recovery ofroot growth was obtained only in a narrow range of growth retardantconcentrations. A much lower concentration of GA3 (1 nM) wasneeded for recovery of root growth from ancymidol suppressionthan that for hypocotyl growth (100 (µM). GA3 synergisticallypromoted root growth at moderate concentrations (10–100nM) with either ancymidol or AMO-1618. Ancymidol not only suppressed root elongation but also causedthickening of the elongation zone of the root, actions whichGA3 completely canceled. Microscopic observation showed theseeffects were mainly due to the lateral expansion and shorteningof epidermal and cortical cells. Growth kinetics of roots recorded by a computer-regulated rhizometerindicated that the lag times of both growth suppression by ancymidoland growth recovery by GA3 were about 4 h. -Naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) did not counteract ancymidol suppressionof root and hypocotyl growth. These results support the concept that gibberellins play anindispensable role in root elongation at an extremely lowerconcentration than in hypocotyl elongation. (Received January 7, 1987; Accepted May 14, 1987)  相似文献   

植物生长延缓剂对盆栽月季生长发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用不同质量浓度的3种植物生长延缓剂多效唑(PP333)、矮壮素(CCC)、缩节胺(DPC),运用叶喷和灌根两种处理方式,通过测定植株的形态指标(株高、节间长、叶片长与宽、花枝长、花梗长、花径及初花期等)和生理生化指标(叶绿素含量、光合速率、蒸腾速率、叶片酶活性及可溶性糖含量等),研究3种药剂对盆栽月季‘世纪之春’生长发育的影响。结果表明:(1)不同药剂的使用浓度和方式对盆栽月季的形态和生理指标有不同程度的影响,适宜浓度和方式处理能缩短植株节间长度来降低株高,使株型饱满,开花正常,提高观赏价值;同时可以增加叶片叶绿素含量,提高光合效率,增加叶片超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化物酶活性及可溶性糖含量,对改善盆栽月季观赏品质有重要影响;(2)叶面喷洒700mg.kg-1 PP333和灌根300mg.kg-1 PP333的调控效果最好,喷洒1 200mg.kg-1CCC和300mg.kg-1 DPC效果次之,均能达到有效降低株高和提高观赏效果的目的。  相似文献   

A synthetic brassinosteroid, 22,23(S,S)-homobrassinolide (hBR),was examined for its interaction with IAA and GA3 in the elongationof hypocotyl sections of light-grown cucumber (Cucumis salivusL. cv. Aonagajibai) seedlings. hBR alone was less active thanIAA. Its optimal concentration was around 10 µM and thelowest effective concentration between 10 and 100 µM,which is more than 100 times higher than that of brassinolide.hBR was more active in sections from younger seedlings. Itsgrowth-promoting effect was negated or greatly reduced by inhibitorsof auxin-induced elongation such as p-chlorophenoxyisobutyricacid and kinetin. hBR acted synergistically with IAA and 2,4-Dbut not with GA3 showing only an additive effect. Sequentialtreatment of sections with hBR and then with IAA also resultedin synergistic enhancement of auxininduced elongation, but whenthe order of treatment was reversed, hBR was inactive. The synergisticeffect was obtained with 1 h pretreatment with hBR and couldbe reduced by subsequent washing with water. There was no sequentialinteraction between hBR and GA3. The synergistic pretreatmenteffects of hBR and GA3 were simply additive to each other. Amembrane-bound ATPase inhibitor, dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, inhibitedthe hBR-induced elongation, but did not affect GA3-induced elongation.The findings led to the conclusion that brassinosteroids enhanceauxin action and possess growth-promoting activity which isindependent of that of gibberellin. (Received November 9, 1984; Accepted February 18, 1985)  相似文献   

表油菜素内酯对月季切花衰老的影响   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
0.5mg·L~(-1)表油菜素内酯明显缓解水分对月季切花的胁迫,促进切花体内水分平衡的改善和还原糖含量的增加,抑制花瓣溶质外渗,从而延缓切花衰老。  相似文献   

6-BA、GA3调控春石斛花芽分化的效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
调查了春石斛假鳞茎封顶和增粗的生长情况,并以不同浓度6-BA、GA3溶液进行灌根处理,观测其对花芽分化的效应。结果表明,假鳞茎的增粗阶段在9月15日至10月10日,经过约50 d增粗生长,假鳞茎粗度迅速增加。其间,6-BA、6-BA+GA3处理对春石斛花芽分化有促进作用。3种6-BA浓度作用效果明显,最佳为400 mg/L;6-BA添加低浓度GA3,对花芽分化有增效作用,其中以6-BA 200 mg/L添加GA3 50 mg/L效果最佳。GA3作用效果不稳定,浓度为25 mg/L时叶片脱落不明显,高于50 mg/L则叶片大量脱落。  相似文献   

Actinomycin D inhibited the elongation of epicotyl segmentsfrom azuki bean seedlings that was induced by simultaneous treatmentwith IAA and GA3. The drug also inhibited the elongation ofthe segments that was caused by IAA alone when it was appliedtogether with IAA. When the segments were pretreated with GA3and then incubated with IAA, GA3 promoted the elongation causedby IAA and brought about a predominance of transverse corticalmicrotubules (MTs) in the epidermal cells of the segments. Thechange in the arrangement of MTs caused by pretreatment withGA3 was evident 1 h after the start of subsequent incubationwith IAA when the effect of pretreatment with GA3 on the elongationhad not yet become apparent. Pretreatment with GA3 did not causeany change in the arrangement of MTs when GA3-pretreated segmentswere not incubated subsequently with IAA. Although actinomycinD applied before treatment with IAA did not inhibit the IAA-inducedelongation, the drug diminished the promotion of the elongationcaused by pretreatment with GA3 and prevented GA3 from bringingabout a predominance of transverse MTs when the drug was appliedduring the pretreatment with GA3. GA3-induced synthesis of mRNA seems to be involved in the promotionby GA3 of IAA-induced elongation and in the GA3-induced rearrangementof cortical MTs. (Received June 15, 1993; Accepted August 16, 1993)  相似文献   

拟南芥幼苗用1-萘氨甲酰苯甲酸(NPA)、IAA和GA3处理后测定根的伸长和向重力性弯曲的结果表明,低浓度(0.001μmol·L-1)IAA和(0.01~1μmol·L-1)GA3促进根的伸长和向重力性弯曲,高浓度(0.01~10μmol·L-1)IAA和(10~100μmol·L-1)GA3的则相反。NPA在总体上是抑制根的伸长和向重力性弯曲,但低浓度(0.4μmol·L-1)的NPA有促进根伸长的趋势。低浓度的IAA和GA3均拮抗NPA对根伸长的影响,且低浓度的GA3对根伸长的促进作用并不依赖IAA。  相似文献   

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