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Invasive wild pigs (Sus scrofa), also called feral swine or wild hogs, are recognized as among the most destructive invasive species in the world. Throughout the United States, invasive wild pigs have expanded rapidly over the past 40 years with populations now established in 38 states. Of the estimated 6.9 million wild pigs distributed throughout the United States, Texas supports approximately 40% of the population and similarly bears disproportionate ecological and economic costs. Genetic analyses are an effective tool for understanding invasion pathways and tracking dispersal of invasive species such as wild pigs and have been used recently in California and Florida, USA, which have similarly long-established populations and high densities of wild pigs. Our goals were to use molecular approaches to elucidate invasion and migration processes shaping wild pig populations throughout Texas, compare our results with patterns of genetic structure observed in California and Florida, and provide insights for effective management of this invasive species. We used a high-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array to evaluate population genetic structure. Genetic clusters of wild pigs throughout Texas demonstrate 2 distinct patterns: weakly resolved, spatially dispersed clusters and well-resolved, spatially localized clusters. The disparity in patterns of genetic structure suggests disparate processes are differentially shaping wild pig populations in various localities throughout the state. Our results differed from the patterns of genetic structure observed in California and Florida, which were characterized by localized genetic clusters. These differences suggest distinct biological and perhaps anthropogenic processes are shaping genetic structure in Texas. Further, these disparities demonstrate the need for location-specific management strategies for controlling wild pig populations and mitigating associated ecological and economic costs. © 2021 The Wildlife Society. This article has been contributed to by US Government employees and their work is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Abundance of Rio Grande wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo intermedia) has declined in the southeastern Edwards Plateau (EP) of Texas, USA, whereas abundance has remained stable in the northwestern EP. Invertebrates are a critical protein source for poults < 6 weeks posthatch. We collected invertebrates at brood and paired locations in both the stable and declining regions. Our objective was to determine if differences in invertebrate abundance existed in regions typified by declining versus stable Rio Grande wild turkey abundance. We found no difference in invertebrate abundance between brood or paired locations within regions, but invertebrate abundance, whether measured as dry mass or frequency, was greater in the stable region. Decreased invertebrate abundance may have contributed to the decline in Rio Grande wild turkey abundance in the southeastern Edwards Plateau.  相似文献   

Abstract: Although previous research and theory has suggested that wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) populations may be subject to some form of density dependence, there has been no effort to estimate and incorporate a density-dependence parameter into wild turkey population models. To estimate a functional relationship for density dependence in wild turkey, we analyzed a set of harvest-index time series from 11 state wildlife agencies. We tested for lagged correlations between annual harvest indices using partial autocorrelation analysis. We assessed the ability of the density-dependent theta-Ricker model to explain harvest indices over time relative to exponential or random walk growth models. We tested the homogeneity of the density-dependence parameter estimates (θ) from 3 different harvest indices (spring harvest no. reported harvest/effort, survey harvest/effort) and calculated a weighted average based on each estimate's variance and its estimated covariance with the other indices. To estimate the potential bias in parameter estimates from measurement error, we conducted a simulation study using the theta-Ricker with known values and lognormally distributed measurement error. Partial autocorrelation function analysis indicated that harvest indices were significantly correlated only with their value at the previous time step. The theta-Ricker model performed better than the exponential growth or random walk models for all 3 indices. Simulation of known parameters and measurement error indicated a strong positive upward bias in the density-dependent parameter estimate, with increasing measurement error. The average density-dependence estimate, corrected for measurement error ranged 0.25 ≤ θC ≤ 0.49, depending on the amount of measurement error and assumed spring harvest rate. We infer that density dependence is nonlinear in wild turkey, where growth rates are maximized at 39-42% of carrying capacity. The annual yield produced by density-dependent population growth will tend to be less than that caused by extrinsic environmental factors. This study indicates that both density-dependent and density-independent processes are important to wild turkey population growth, and we make initial suggestions on incorporating both into harvest management strategies.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Bait-delivered pharmaceuticals, increasingly used to manage populations of wild boar (Sus scrofa) and feral pigs, may be ingested by nontarget species. Species-specificity could be achieved through a delivery system. We designed the BOSTM (Boar-Operated-System) as a device to deliver baits to wild pigs. The BOSTM consists of a metal pole onto which a round perforated base is attached. A metal cone with a wide rim slides up and down the pole and fully encloses the base onto which the baits are placed. We conducted a pilot, captive trial and found that captive wild boar fed from the BOSTM either directly, by lifting the cone, or indirectly, by feeding once another animal had lifted the cone. Thus, we tested whether free-living wild boar fed from the BOSTM and whether the BOSTM could prevent bait uptake by nontarget species. We observed that free-living wild boar fed regularly from the BOSTM and that the device successfully prevented bait uptake by nontarget species. The BOSTM should be trialed more extensively to confirm its effectiveness and species-specificity to distribute pharmaceuticals to wild suids. If successful, the BOSTM could be used to deliver vaccines in disease control programs as well as contraceptives to manage overabundant populations of wild suids.  相似文献   

In North America, wild pigs (Sus scrofa; feral pigs, feral swine, wild boars) are a widespread exotic species capable of creating large-scale biotic and abiotic landscape perturbations. Quantification of wild pig environmental effects has been particularly problematic in northern climates, where they occur only recently as localized populations at low densities. Between 2016 and 2017, we assessed short-term (within ~2 yrs of disturbance) effects of a low-density wild pig population on forest features in the central Lower Peninsula of Michigan, USA. We identified 16 8-ha sites using global positioning system locations from 7 radio-collared wild pigs for sampling. Within each site, we conducted fine-scale assessments at 81 plots and quantified potential disturbance by wild pigs. We defined disturbance as exposure of overturned soil, often resulting from rooting behavior by wild pigs. We quantified ground cover of plants within paired 1-m2 frames at each plot, determined effects to tree regeneration using point-centered quarter sampling, and collected soil cores from each plot. We observed less percent ground cover of native herbaceous plants and lower species diversity, particularly for plants with a coefficient of conservatism ≥5, in plots disturbed by wild pigs. We did not observe an increase in colonization of exotic plants following disturbance, though the observed prevalence of exotic plants was low. Wild pigs did not select for tree species when rooting, and we did not detect any differences in regeneration of light- and heavy-seeded tree species between disturbed or undisturbed plots. Magnesium and ammonium content in soils were lower in disturbed plots, suggesting soil disturbance accelerated leaching of macronutrients, potentially altering nitrogen transformation. Our study suggested that disturbances by wild pigs, even at low densities, alters short-term native herbaceous plant diversity and soil chemistry. Thus, small-scale exclusion of wild pigs from vulnerable and rare plant communities may be warranted. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Abstract: Wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) broods spend the first several days of life on the ground until poult flight capabilities are attained. This is a critical period of wild turkey life history, with poult survival ranging from 12% to 52%. We measured vegetation in plots used by Rio Grande wild turkey (M. g. intermedia) preflight broods at 4 sites in southwest Kansas and the Texas Panhandle, USA, to determine microhabitat selection for ground roosting and to determine if microhabitat was related to poult survival. Hens selected ground-roost locations with more visual obstruction from multiple observation heights than random sites. Plots surrounding ground roosts had 1) greater visual obstruction; 2) increased tree decay; 3) higher percent grass, shrub, litter, and forb cover; and 4) lower percent bare ground cover than random sites. Grass, shrubs, and downed trees appeared to provide desired cover for ground-roosting broods. Poult survival increased with age of poult, size of brood, and density of shrubs 1–2 m tall. Plots used by broods <10 days old with above average survival contained more visual obstruction and shrubs than plots used by broods 10–16 days old with above average survival, signifying a shift in habitat use by successful broods as poults attain flight abilities. Density of shrubs 1–2 m tall in brood-use areas appears to be important for poult survival to 16 days of age on southern Great Plains rangeland habitats. Ground-level vegetative cover appears to be a significant factor in preflight poult survival. Provisions of ground-level vegetative cover should be considered during wild turkey brooding periods where increased poult survival is desired.  相似文献   

Behavioral and movement ecology of broods are among the most poorly understood aspects of wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo) reproductive ecology. Recent declines in wild turkey productivity throughout the southeastern United States necessitate comprehensive evaluations of brood ecology across multiple spatial scales. We captured and marked 408 female wild turkeys with global positioning system (GPS)-transmitters across 9 pine (Pinus spp.)-dominated study sites in the southeastern United States during 2014–2019. We evaluated various aspects of the behavioral and movement ecology of 94 brood-rearing females until brood failure or 28 days after hatch (i.e., when poults are classified as juveniles). We found that 34 (36.2%) females had broods (≥1 poult) survive to 28 days after hatch. Broods moved >500 m away from nest sites the day after hatching, and then moved progressively farther away from nest sites over time. Daily movements increased markedly the first 3 days after hatching, and broods moved >1,000 m/day on average thereafter. Females roosted broods an average of 202 m away from nest sites the first night after hatching, but distances between consecutive ground or tree roosts were variable thereafter. Daily core areas increased from 0.8 ha the day of hatch to 4.6 ha by day 28, and range sizes increased from 6.9 ha to 27.9 ha by day 28. Broods tended to consistently select open land cover types, whereas selection for other land cover types varied temporally after hatch day. Broods spent 89% of their time foraging. Predicted daily survival for broods decreased rapidly with increasing distance moved during the initial 3 days after hatching and showed less variation during the subsequent 2 weeks post-hatch. Our findings parallel previous researchers noting that the most critical period for brood survival is the first week after hatch day. Previous researchers have attempted to identify vegetative communities used by broods under the assumption that these communities are a primary factor influencing brood success; however, our results suggest that brood survival is influenced by behavioral decisions related to movements during early brooding periods. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

Abstract: We evaluated brood sex ratio (BSR) variation in Rio Grande wild turkeys (RGWT; Meleagris gallopavo intermedia) in the Edwards Plateau and South Texas Plains of Texas, USA, during 2005-2006. Offspring sex was determined from DNA extracted from tissue biopsies of embryos from unhatched eggs or vascular tissue from eggshells of hatched and depredated eggs. Sex ratio across all eggs was 56.3% male (135/240; X21 = 3.75, P = 0.053). We found that mean population growth rate based on a population simulation with BSR at unity averaged 1.02 (range = 0.924-1.058), whereas it declined to 0.978 (range = 0.816-1.037) using BSR estimates from our study. Although our statistical analyses did not detect BSRs different from unity in BSR, our simulation modeling demonstrated that BSR variation caused biologically significant differences in mean population growth rates. Even though the biological mechanism controlling primary sex ratio remains unknown, our estimates of BSR should allow managers to more reliably predict population dynamics insuring viable RGWT populations across Texas.  相似文献   

Abstract: There is interest in expanding eastern wild turkey (Meleagris gallopavo silvestris) populations north of their current range. We hypothesized that winter survival and food availability are primary determinants in setting the northern extent of wild turkey distribution. To test our hypothesis, we translocated wild turkey females north of their present range into central Minnesota, USA, and compared survival in areas with supplemental food in the form of corn food plots versus areas with no supplemental food. During 2 winters with below-average snow, winter survival was higher for females with supplemental food. In one winter with above-average snow depths, survival was extremely low even with supplemental food. Supplemental food could augment survival during mild winters if wildlife managers arrange with farmers to, annually, retain standing corn near roosting habitat, but food plots may only partially offset effects of deep snow. Managers should critically evaluate northern habitats, long-term costs of sustained feeding, and potential outcomes of concentrating animals and introducing wild animals into new ecosystems. Winter survival may delimit the northern range of wild turkeys, though annual survival rates may also be important and need further research.  相似文献   

Abstract: The southeastern portion of the Edwards Plateau of Texas, historically a stronghold of Rio Grande wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo intermedia), has seen a decline in turkey numbers since the 1970s. Because adult and juvenile survival are key parameters affecting turkey population dynamics, we used radiotagged individuals to compare Rio Grande wild turkey survival in areas of suspected decline versus stable portions of the Edwards Plateau during 2001–2003. Reproductive period (breeding or nonbreeding) had an impact on survival, but differences in age, sex, or region did not influence survival. Model averaged estimates of monthly survival were 0.97 (SE = 0.005) for nonbreeding periods and 0.96 (SE = 0.007) for breeding periods. Our results indicate juvenile and adult survival in the declining areas was similar to survival in the stable areas of the Edwards Plateau. This suggests causes of the decline might be associated with differences during other life-history stages, such as nest success or poult survival, although we cannot rule out the possibility juvenile or adult survival contributed to the decline in the past. This situation demonstrates why wildlife managers should be cognizant of the implications of initiating long-term monitoring programs after changes in population status occur, rather than initiating them in expectation of such changes.  相似文献   

In recent years, there have been increasing efforts to understand effects of prescribed fire on population dynamics of wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo; turkeys) in pine (Pinus spp.) forests. Although distribution of turkeys is not limited to pine forests, these forests provide nesting and brood-rearing habitat throughout the southeastern United States. Previous studies have investigated direct (e.g., nest loss to fire) and indirect (e.g., nest- and brood-site selection) effects of prescribed fire, but little is known about how turkeys are influenced by the spatial scale and shape of prescribed fire. We constructed an individual-based model (IBM) with landscapes of 2 burn unit shapes and 17 spatial scales. We used telemetry data obtained from global positioning system-marked female turkeys to replicate movement behaviors of turkeys within the model. We hypothesized that use of units burned during the current year (<1 yr) would decrease as scale of fires increased, and that shape of burn units would influence use by turkeys. Spatial scale most influenced turkey use; the greatest use was in burned stands of approximately 23 ha in size, whereas least use was associated with burned stands >1,269 ha. At a spatial scale of 23 ha, the daily percent use of rectangular burn units was 7% greater than square-shaped burn units. Likewise, daily percent use of rectangular burn units was 34% greater than square-shaped burn units at a spatial scale of 1,269 ha. When burn units were rectangular-shaped, daily percent use decreased by 48% as the spatial extent of the fires increased from 23 ha to 203 ha. Likewise, when burn units were square-shaped, turkey use decreased by 49% as spatial extent of fires increased from 23 ha to 203 ha. Our findings suggest the importance of managing forested landscapes with prescribed fires not exceeding approximately 200 ha if wild turkeys are a management concern. © 2020 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

We examined retention of butt-end aluminum leg bands on Rio Grande wild turkeys (Meleagris gallopavo intermedia) captured in Texas and Kansas, USA, 2000–2009. We examined 187 recaptured or harvested radiotagged wild turkeys to determine band retention and modeled band retention with Program MARK. We did not detect differences in band retention among age and gender classes or that band retention probability was time dependent. We estimated monthly probability of band retention was 0.990 (SE = 0.002). Band retention probability was 0.971 (SE = 0.006) at 3 months post-banding and 0.864 (SE = 0.028) at 15 months post-banding. Butt-end aluminum leg band retention was not 100% for wild turkeys marked during our work; however, our band retention rates were 3.7–5.7 times greater than described previously. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

For areas at risk for African swine fever (ASF) introduction from neighboring regions, it is important for epidemic control to know how wild boar (Sus scrofa) dispersion dynamics could be used to combat the spread of ASF. In this regard, long-term information based on population genetic data makes an important contribution. We selected our study area as Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany, because it had a high density of wild boars and was threatened by ASF via infected wild boars from neighboring Belgium. On an area of around 20,000 km2, we collected almost 1,200 blood samples from 22 wild boar hunting grounds. The study area included a network of potential barriers to movement, including roads and rivers. We assessed genetic differentiation based on microsatellite data. We used 2 spatial (Bayesian Analysis of Population Structure [BAPS] and TESS) and 1 non-spatial (STRUCTURE) Bayesian model-based approaches to analyze the data. Each of the algorithms detected 4 clusters with different cluster compositions in different areas and identified the highest degrees of differentiation between hunting grounds east and west of the Rhine River, between Pfalz and Eifel-Hunsrück, and to a lesser degree between Westerwald and Taunus and between Eifel and Hunsrück. Thus, genetic evidence suggests barriers of different strength that might be helpful in a setup of complex and expensive measures against the spread of animal diseases such as ASF. The described approach could also provide valuable information for other threatened regions to contain ASF. © 2021 The Authors. The Journal of Wildlife Management published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

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