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ABSTRACT.   Although radiotelemetry is useful for monitoring nest attendance and the foraging ranges and distribution of breeding birds, attachment of transmitters may affect reproductive behavior. In 2003, we captured 25 adult Tufted Puffins ( Fratercula cirrhata ) at two colonies in Chiniak Bay, Kodiak Island, Alaska, and fitted them with subcutaneously anchored radiotransmitters (<1.2% of body mass). We determined the presence of radio-marked birds at each study site using automated, remote radiotelemetry systems, and compared rates of nestling growth, fledging mass, and fledging success for chicks with and without (control group) a radio-marked parent. Although most radio-marked adults continued to attend nests after capture and attachment of transmitters, nestlings with a radio-marked parent had lower mean growth rates (6.9 g/d vs. 14.4 g/d) and fledging success (33% vs. 84%) than control chicks. These results suggest that colony attendance by adult puffins fitted with transmitters declined sharply or completely and this led to high nestling mortality. Given the negative effects of transmitters on Tufted Puffins in our study and in other studies of alcids, we suggest delaying the attachment of transmitters until well after the brooding period. In addition, we recommend pilot studies be undertaken to distinguish the possible effects of capture and handling from those of actually carrying the device.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Reduced chick survival has been implicated in declines of greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus) populations. Because monitoring survival of unmarked sage-grouse chicks is difficult, radiotelemetry may be an effective technique to estimate survival rates, identify causes of mortality, and collect ecological data. Previous studies have used subcutaneous implants to attach radiotransmitters to hatchlings of several species of birds with precocial young. Previous researchers who used subcutaneous implants in free-ranging populations removed chicks from the capture location and implanted transmitters at an alternate site. Because logistics precluded removing newly hatched greater sage-grouse chicks from the field, we evaluated a method for implanting transmitters at capture locations. We captured 288 chicks from 52 broods and monitored 286 radiomarked chicks daily for 28 days following capture during May and June 2001–2002. Two (>1%) chicks died during surgery and we did not radiomark them. At the end of the monitoring period, 26 chicks were alive and 212 were dead. Most (98%, 207/212) radiomarked chick mortality occurred < 21 days posthatch and predation (82%, 174/212) was the primary cause of death. Necropsies of 22 radiomarked chicks did not indicate inflammation or infection from implants, and they were not implicated in the death of any chicks. Fate of 48 chicks was unknown because of transmitter loss (n = 16), radio failure (n = 29), and brood mixing (n = 3). Overall, the 28-day chick survival rate was 0.220 (SE = 0.028). We found that mortalities related to the implant procedure and transmitter loss were similar to rates reported by previous researchers who removed chicks from capture sites and implanted transmitters at an alternate location. Subcutaneous implants may be a useful method for attaching transmitters to newly hatched sage-grouse chicks to estimate survival rates, identify causes of mortality, and collect ecological data.  相似文献   

The quality of day old chicks is crucial for profitable broiler production, but a difficult trait to define. In research, both qualitative and quantitative measures are used with variable predictive value for subsequent performance. In hatchery practice, chick quality is judged on a binomial scale, as chicks are divided into first grade (Q1-saleable) and second grade (Q2) chicks right after hatch. Incidences and reasons for classifying chicks as Q2, and potential of these chicks for survival and post-hatch performance have hardly been investigated, but may provide information for flock performance. We conducted an experiment to investigate (1) the quality of a broiler flock and the relation with post-hatch flock performance based on a qualitative score (Pasgar©score) of Q1 chicks and based on the incidence of Q2 chicks and (2) the reasons for classifying chicks as Q2, and the potential of these chicks for survival and post-hatch growth. The performance was followed of Q1 and Q2 chicks obtained from two breeder flocks that hatched in two different hatching systems (a traditional hatcher or a combined hatching and brooding system, named Patio). Eggs were incubated until embryo day 18, when they were transferred to one of the two hatching systems. At embryo day 21/post-hatch day 0, all chicks from the hatcher (including Q2 chicks) were brought to Patio, where the hatchery manager marked the Q2 chicks from both flocks and hatching systems and registered apparent reasons for classifying these chicks as Q2. Chick quality was assessed of 100 Q1 chicks from each flock and hatching system. Weights of all chicks were determined at days 0, 7, 21 and 42. There were no correlations between mean Pasgar©score and post-hatch growth or mortality, and suboptimal navel quality was the only quality trait associated with lower post-hatch growth. Growth was clearly affected by breeder flock and hatching system, which could not be linked to mean Pasgar©score or incidence of Q2 chicks. Q2 chicks showed lower post-hatch growth compared to Q1 chicks but effects on flock performance at slaughter weight were limited because early mortality in Q2 chicks was high (62.50% at 7 days). We concluded that chick qualitative scores and the incidence of Q2 chicks may be informative for the quality of incubation, but are not predictive for post-hatch flock performance. Culling Q2 chicks after hatch is well-founded in terms of both animal welfare and profitability.  相似文献   

Fennoscandian alpine tundra habitats support large numbers of breeding waders, but relatively little is known about their breeding ecology despite the fact that this habitat is threatened by climate change. We studied habitat selection, diet and prey availability of European (Eurasian) Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria chicks at the Vindelfjällen Nature Reserve, Ammarnäs, Sweden. Information from 22 chicks tracked using radio‐transmitters was analysed. By analysing 149 faecal samples, four main prey taxa were identified, Coleoptera (40%), Bibionidae (31%), Hymenoptera (13%) and Tipulidae (10%). We found that chicks switched from feeding on Tipulidae to feeding on Bibionidae as they grew, and that this switch coincided with a shift from the use of the habitat where Tipulidae were abundant (alpine meadow/heathland) to the use of the habitat were Bibionidae were abundant (Willow shrub). Although chicks track food availability to some extent, the link between prey availability and habitat use was not perfect, indicating that additional factors other than food abundance, such as shelter from predators, determine habitat selection. Bibionidae are an important prey for Golden Plover chicks as it is the only prey group that has a late summer flush in abundance, in contrast to the general decline of total arthropod biomass during the chick‐rearing period. However, Bibionidae imagoes only occurred in 2011 and were virtually absent in 2013, which relates to the species’ ecology with 2‐ to 5‐year cycles in mass occurrence. Extreme annual variation in an essential food source such as Bibionidae imagoes might have an important effect on the condition and survival of Golden Plover chicks, an important subject for future studies. The foraging conditions for Golden Plover chicks in Fennoscandia appear to be different to those in the UK, where the chicks rely mainly on a Tipulidae flush only.  相似文献   

The relationship between growth and age‐specific telomere length, as a proxy of somatic state, is increasingly investigated, but observed patterns vary and a predictive framework is lacking. We outline expectations based on the assumption that telomere maintenance is costly and argue that individual heterogeneity in resource acquisition is predicted to lead to positive covariance between growth and telomere length. However, canalization of resource allocation to the trait with a larger effect on fitness, rendering that trait relatively invariant, can cause the absence of covariance. In a case study of common tern (Sterna hirundo) chicks, in which hatching order is the main determinant of variation in resource acquisition within broods, we find that body mass, but not telomere length or attrition, varies with hatching order. Moreover, body mass and growth positively predict survival to fledging, whereas telomere length and attrition do not. Using a novel statistical method to quantify standardized variance in plasticity, we estimate between‐individual variation in telomere attrition to be only 12% of that of growth. Consistent with the relative invariance of telomere attrition, we find no correlation between age‐specific body mass or growth and telomere attrition. We suggest that common tern chicks prioritize investment in long‐term somatic state (as indicated by canalization of telomere maintenance) over immediate survival benefits of growth as part of an efficient brood reduction strategy that benefits the parents. As such, interspecific variation in the growth–telomere length relationship may be explained by the extent to which parents benefit from rapid mortality of excess offspring.  相似文献   

Capsule Great Bittern breeding phenology can be estimated from egg and chick biometrics.

Aims To estimate egg or chick ages in order to back-calculate egg-laying dates.

Methods Bittern nests were searched for in six French and three Belarussian sites between 1999 and 2004. Eggs and chicks were measured at each visit. By using a subsample of nests with known egg-laying (or hatching) dates, regression equations are determined using egg density and tarsus length in order to estimate, respectively, egg and chick ages. Additionally in Belarus, the ‘water test’ was used to estimate the incubation stage of the clutch.

Results A total of 141 Bittern nests were found. Egg density decreased linearly from 1.063 at laying to 0.915 the day before hatching. A regression equation therefore allows estimation of egg age from its density. A scale was also constructed to estimate egg age from its position in water, and the accuracy of the two methods is compared. Chick growth rates were similar between the two countries. Before the age of 25 days, chicks are best aged by tarsus length compared to other measurements (weight, bill length). No data were available after that age because chicks were no longer found on nests.

Conclusions Egg-laying date can be estimated to within ±3 days using egg density, and to within ±5 days, using the ‘water test’. Tarsus length can be used until the age of 25 days to age chicks to within ±2 days. These simple measurements provide efficient and accurate methods to record the breeding calendar of this endangered species.  相似文献   

I developed a modified leg harness for mounting radiotelemetry transmitters to small birds, which includes a weak link that allows telemetry equipment to be shed. Over 4 years, I mounted 62 transmitters on 49 Tuamotu kingfishers (Todiramphus gambieri) using weak-link harnesses. Kingfishers retained 86% of transmitters for the duration of monitoring periods (23–66 days) whereas 22 of 23 transmitters were shed from birds resighted after 6–15 months. Apparent mortality was no higher for radio-marked birds than for birds without transmitters. The weak-link harness is an improvement to existing transmitter attachment techniques and provides a useful, effective, and ethical means of studying bird movements. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

From ~35 days of age fast growing meat chickens spend extended periods sitting or lying and less time standing. In a fast-feathering parent line lower early incubation temperatures which delayed chick hatch time, improved bone ash and extended their standing time. This incubation study assessed the consequences of incubation temperatures, hatch time and chick management at hatch/take off on femoral bone ash (BA) in Cobb 500 meat chickens. Embryos were incubated under either Control (between 37.8°C and 38.2°C egg shell temperature (EST)) or a Slow start (from 37.2°C at sett (the start of incubation), reaching 37.8°C EST at day 13 incubation), temperatures. Hatched chicks were identified at 492 h (20.5 days of incubation – classified as early (E)) or, between >492 and ⩽516 h (>20.5 and ⩽21.5 days of incubation – classified as late (L)), from setting. The E hatch chicks were allocated across three post-hatch treatments; treatment 1: E hatch chicks that were sampled E at 492 h from setting; treatment 2: E hatch chicks that were fed for a further 24 h in a floorpen before being sampled L at 516 h from setting; treatment 3: E hatch chicks that spent a further 24 h in the incubator before being sampled L at 516 h from setting. All L hatch chicks formed one treatment group which was sampled L at 516 h (i.e. L hatch chicks sampled L). It is not possible to sample L hatching chicks E hence this treatment is absent from the experimental design. Slow start incubation resulted in a higher total hatch percentage with a greater proportion of chicks hatching L, compared with the Control incubation. The L hatching chicks had significantly higher BA than the E hatching chicks. Of the E hatching chicks, those sampled both E and L had significantly lower BA than E hatching chicks fed for 24 h before L sampling. The E hatch, fed and sampled L chicks had the numerically highest BA, which was not significantly different from the BA of the L hatching chicks sampled L These results demonstrate that BA at hatch can be improved, either by extending the incubation period through a Slow start incubation profile, inducing L hatch, or alternatively, via the prompt provision of feed to E hatching chicks.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of a new technique to fix satellite transmitters on the feeding behavior and chick body growth of the Cory's shearwater (Calonectris diomedea). Transmitters did not significantly affect the breeding bird's body mass or diving performance. However, on average, pairs with ≥1 adult equipped with a transmitter brought a lighter meal (54.8 ± 18.9 g) to nestlings than did control birds or the same pair with the transmitter removed (77.4 ± 8.3 g) leading to a decreased chick body growth. However at fledging, chicks in control and treatment groups had similar body mass whether parents were equipped with a PTT or not. Our method of transmitter attachment could therefore be an appropriate alternative for studying the ecology of procellariiforms weighing <1 kg given that birds are fitted with transmitters for <2 weeks and restricted to 1 parent only. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

In birds, egg size affects chick growth and survival and it is an important component of reproductive success. The shiny cowbird Molothrus bonariensis is an extreme generalist brood parasite that uses hosts with a wide range of body masses. Survival of cowbird chicks decreases with host body mass, as competition for food with nestmates is more intense in large than in small hosts. We studied variation in shiny cowbird egg size and chick growth in two hosts that differ markedly in body size: the chalk‐browed mockingbird Mimus saturninus (70–75 g), and the house wren Troglodytes aedon (12–13 g). We analyzed: 1) if females parasitizing mockingbirds lay larger eggs than those parasitizing wrens, and 2) the association between egg size and chick growth. We experimentally controlled for time of parasitism and number of host chicks and evaluated growth rate of male and female parasite chicks. Shiny cowbirds parasitizing mockingbird nests laid larger eggs than those parasitizing wren nests. Chick body mass after hatching was positively associated with egg size until chicks were five days of age, but there was no association between egg size and growth rate, or asymptotic mass. There were no sexual differences in egg size or body mass at the time of hatching, but growth rate was higher in males than in females leading to sexual dimorphism in asymptotic mass. Differences in egg size between hosts and the effect of egg size on body mass after hatching support the hypothesis that different females are specialized in the use of hosts that differ in body mass.  相似文献   

The mortality of Sandwich tern Sterna sandvicensis chicks held in enclosures was studied in colonies on Griend, in the Dutch Wadden Sea, from 1992 to 1999, and on Hirsholm, in the Danish Kattegat, in 1997. Survival of chicks until fledging was 73% for chicks hatching from first-laid eggs or single-egg clutches and 59–64% for partially hatched two-egg clutches, whereas 6% of second hatchlings survived until fledging. Less than 2% of all two-chick broods actually fledged two chicks. Because 18% of the two-egg clutches only hatched one egg, 7% of fledglings of two-egg clutches originated from a second-laid egg. In nests where both eggs hatched, the number of chicks was usually reduced soon after hatching. Within five days of hatching more than 50% of the second hatchlings died of starvation or were preyed upon. It seems that overproduction commonly occurs in Sandwich terns and that investment in a surplus egg mainly serves as an insurance mechanism. On Griend and Hirsholm, chick productivity of two-egg clutches was somewhat higher than for one-egg clutches. Undernourishment was an important cause of death, either directly by starvation or by selective predation of chicks in poor condition. This, in combination with earlier, studies suggests that Sandwich tern parents on Griend are exposed to severe food stress.  相似文献   

Intraclutch egg size variation may non‐adaptively result from nutritional/energetic constraints acting on laying females or may reflect adaptive differential investment in offspring in relation to laying/hatching order. This variation may contribute to size hierarchies among siblings already established due to hatching asynchrony, and resultant competitive asymmetries often lead to starvation of the weakest nestling within a brood. The costs in terms of chick mortality can be high. However, the extent to which this mortality is egg size‐mediated remains unclear, especially in relation to hatching asynchrony which may operate concomitantly. I assessed effects of egg size and hatching asynchrony on nestling development and survival of Herring Gulls (Larus argentatus), where the smaller size and later hatching of c‐eggs may represent a brood‐reduction strategy. To analyze variation in egg size, I recorded the laying order and laying date of 870 eggs in 290 three‐egg clutches over a 3‐yr period (2010–2012). I measured hatchlings and monitored growth and survival of 130 chicks from enclosed nests in 2011 and 2012. The negative effect of laying date (β = ?0.18 ± SE 0.06, P = 0.002) on c‐egg size possibly reflected the fact that late breeders were either low quality or inexperienced females. The mass, size, and condition of hatchling Herring Gulls were positively related to egg size (all P < 0.0001). C‐chicks suffered from increased mortality risk during the first 12 d, identified as the brood‐reduction period in my study population. Although intraclutch variation in egg size was not directly related to patterns of chick mortality, I found that smaller relative egg size interactively increased differences in relative body condition of nestlings, primarily brought about by the degree of hatching asynchrony during this brood‐reduction period. Thus, the value of relatively small c‐eggs in Herring Gulls may lie in reinforcing brood reduction through effects on nestling body condition. A reproductive strategy Herring Gulls might have adopted to maintain a three‐egg clutch, but that also enables them to adjust the number of chicks they rear relative to the prevailing environmental conditions and to their own condition during the nestling stage.  相似文献   

Many farmland‐breeding wader species have declined across Europe, probably due to reductions in reproductive output caused by high nest losses as a result of agriculture or predation, or low chick survival between hatching and fledging. Most studies have focused on nest failures, and the factors affecting post‐hatching survival of chicks are poorly known. In an experimental approach, we fenced parts of the arable foraging areas of Northern Lapwing Vanellus vanellus families to quantify chick survival simultaneously in the presence and absence of ground predators. Lapwing chicks were radiotagged to estimate survival probabilities by daily locations, applying multistate capture–recapture models. During the night, chick survival was considerably lower outside fenced plots than within. During the day, chick survival was higher than at night and did not differ between protected and unprotected plots. This suggests that nocturnal ground predators such as Red Foxes Vulpes vulpes were responsible for a significant proportion of chick mortality. Cumulative survival probability from hatching to fledging was 0.24 in chicks within fenced plots, but virtually zero in chicks outside fenced plots. In farmland, temporary electric fences can be effective in minimizing the impact of ground predators and offer a promising short‐term method to increase fledging success of precocial birds.  相似文献   

We studied the reproductive success of a wild Lesser Rhea population (Pterocnemia -Rhea- pennata pennata) during two reproductive seasons (2004/2005 and 2005/2006) in north-western Patagonia, Argentina. The parameters recorded included population and nest density, clutch size, hatching success, chick survival (up to 3 months of age) and percentage of chicks that reached the juvenile stage after the winter. We also estimated the percentage of males that attempted to nest and of those that were successful (those producing at least one chick), daily nest mortality rates (DNMR) at different stages of the nesting cycle and the probability that an egg that has been recently laid will produce a chick. On average, both years pooled, the density of this population of Lesser Rheas was 1.55 ± 0.2 individuals/km2 (SE), nest density was 0.17 ± 0.04 per km 2 , clutch size was 20.8 ± 6.4 eggs, hatching success was 74.4% ± 11.3, Mayfield’s probability of an egg that will produce a chick was 0.64, chick survival was 65.4% ± 14.5 and percentage of chicks that reached the juvenile stage was 26.3%. Nearly a quarter of Lesser Rhea males in the population attempted to nest during a breeding season, and the DNMR was significantly higher during the laying stage (most nest failures were due to anthropogenic disturbances related to livestock raising activities). Nesting success, hatching success, and chick survival of Lesser Rheas were higher than those of their most closely related species, the Greater Rhea (Rhea americana), whereas the percentage of chicks that reached the juvenile stage was similar due to high winter mortalities of chicks. We suggest that the increase in reproductive effort is a strategy of this species to overcome environmental constraints.  相似文献   

Capsule Timing of breeding influenced wing-length at fledging, and egg size may be an indicator of fledging weight and the amount of food received by chicks.

Aims To investigate chick growth, temporal patterns of chick food provisioning and the importance of indices of parental condition or quality, egg size and hatching date, to predict nestling body mass and wing-length at fledging, and compare breeding and chick feeding characteristics between colonies in the northeast Atlantic.

Methods A survey of Cory's Shearwater nests was carried out at Vila islet. A sample of 52 chicks, ringed and weighed at hatching, was selected to study chick growth and food provisioning.

Results Hatching success (51%) was much lower than fledging success (87%). Both hatching date and egg size contributed to explain wing-length at fledging, but hatching date, which was negatively correlated with wing-length at fledging, had the most important contribution (22%). There was some indication that egg size may explain variation in fledging weight and the amount of food received by chicks. Food delivery and feeding frequency of chicks varied throughout the chick development stage and three phases were distinguished: (1) 0–29 days, the highest feeding frequency values and a linear increase in food delivery; (2) 30–69 days, an oscillation in food delivery and medium feeding frequencies; (3) 70–90+ days, a sharp decrease in both food delivery and feeding frequency.

Conclusion Variation in food availability did not seem sufficient to override the overall importance of indices of parental quality in determining reproductive measures and chick provisioning. Breeding and feeding characteristics were similar between colonies in the northeast Atlantic, with variability in chick provisioning higher further south.  相似文献   

As a consequence of habitat loss, breeding in man-made habitats has become increasingly common for many coastal breeding bird species. While artificial sites provide valuable substitutes, they may also be more attractive, and importantly, differ in quality from natural sites. Therefore, information on habitat specific breeding success and their potential for supporting stable populations are needed. We compared little tern (Sternula albifrons) breeding success (nest and hatching success) between natural habitat (sandy beaches) and artificial port habitat at Bothnian Bay, Finland from 2006 to 2011. We further reviewed published estimates on pre-fledging and adult survival for little terns and least terns (Sternula antillarum), and used these ranges to estimate plausible parameter spaces for population growth rates given our estimates of breeding success. Nest success was among the highest reported for little terns in the artificial habitat (82 %) while being lower in the natural habitat (58 %). This difference may have resulted from differences in colony sizes and levels of disturbance. Hatching success did not differ significantly, but the percentage of successful nests containing unhatched eggs was twice as high in the natural habitat. The parameter spaces for population growth rates indicated that the artificial habitat has good potential to sustain stable populations (66 % positive growth rate) while for the natural habitat this potential was lower (37 % positive growth rate). While our results suggest that artificial habitats can be very productive breeding sites for habitat deprived tern populations, management should concentrate on improving both habitats with emphasis on natural sites.  相似文献   

Adoption seeking by semi-precocial chicks of some bird species can be adaptive since it provides an alternative tactic to permit poorly cared-for young to survive despite their neglectful parents' behaviour. Moreover, own-nest desertion may enhance inclusive fitness of fugitive chicks by increasing survival prospects of siblings. On the other hand, adoption by breeding adults can be detrimental to foster parents' fitness if they invest resources in promoting survival of others' offspring at the expense of their own. In this study we report on the proximate causes and survival consequences of adoption seeking by chicks, and on the presumed costs of adoption sustained by foster parents in two colonial, ground-nesting tern species: the little tern (Sterna albifrons) and the common tern (Sterna hirundo). Adoptions were frequent in little tern and, notably, in common tern colonies. Chicks that deserted their original brood were poorly fed compared with resident chicks, but crowding in the brood and age rank relative to nest companions did not influence the chances of desertion. Deserting their original brood was risky for little tern chicks since stray chicks experienced higher mortality than resident ones. Common tern chicks deserted their original nest significantly more often than little tern chicks. Adoptees of both species benefited by the same survival prospects as resident chicks. A negative correlation existed between the proportion of food given to strange chicks and seasonal fitness or chick survival rate of breeding pairs. This was not predictable because: (1) foster parents could have increased their parental efforts, thus ensuring the same survival prospects to their own chicks, and (2) chicks of foster parents could have been, in turn, adopted thus obliterating the negative fitness effects of adoption. The sexes were identical with respect to their proneness to provide food to strange chicks. We suggest that adoption seeking by little and common tern chicks has evolved as an alternative tactic that is pursued to counter the effects of poor parental care. Adoption behaviour seems maladaptive since it is accompanied by a reduction in seasonal fitness in both species. Possible alternative explanations for nest desertion and adoption behaviour are also discussed.  相似文献   

Few investigators have studied the offspring sex ratios of monomorphic shorebirds because visually determining the sex of juveniles is not possible. We investigated the ontogeny of an observed male‐biased adult sex ratio in the federally endangered Great Lakes population of Piping Plovers (Charadrius melodus). We determined sex ratios at hatching, banding ( = 9.0 d old), and fledging (23 d old) to determine if the bias arises during the pre‐fledging period and, if so, at what stage. For three consecutive years (2012–2014), we used a molecular technique to determine the sex of 307 chicks and followed individuals to a stage where survival to fledging could be inferred. Within fully‐sexed broods at hatching, the average proportions of male chicks (2012–2014) were 0.47, 0.58, and 0.54, respectively. At banding, the sex ratio remained unbiased in 2012 (0.51), but was male‐biased in 2013 (0.59) and 2014 (0.57). Overall, the sex ratio did not differ significantly from parity at fledging in 2012, but did differ during 2013 (P = 0.01) and 2014 (P = 0.03). Using logistic regression models fit using Bayesian inference, we found strong support for a sex effect on chick survival to fledging age, with higher male than female survival (μmale = 0.83 [95% credible interval: 0.75–0.90]; μfemale = 0.71 [0.61–0.80]). These results suggest that the male‐biased adult sex ratio in Piping Plovers arises, in part, due to differential survival during the pre‐fledging period. This difference did not result from female chicks hatching later in the season or weighing less at banding than male chicks, factors that could potentially affect the likelihood of survival. Future investigations into possible behavioral‐ or weather‐related influences on sex‐specific survival are needed. Our results have important implications for (1) identifying management efforts needed to increase recruitment given female‐biased chick mortality, and (2) conducting population viability analyses, which frequently assume an unbiased fledgling sex ratio.  相似文献   

Order of birth has profound consequences on offspring across taxa during development and can have effects on individuals later in life. In birds, differential maternal allocation and investment in their progeny lead to variance in the environmental conditions that offspring experience during growth within the brood. In particular, laying and hatching order have been proposed to influence individual quality during the growing period, but little is known about the fitness consequences that these two factors have for offspring from a lifetime perspective. We explored the effect of laying and hatching order on post‐fledgling survival (measured as recruitment probability) and lifetime reproductive success (LRS) in Common Kestrels Falco tinnunculus, using a long‐term and individual‐based dataset. First‐hatched chicks showed higher survival probability and LRS than their siblings. This effect was not due to body condition of the individuals at adulthood, the quality of their mates or the reproductive outcome compared with later‐hatched individuals. Instead, first‐hatched chicks had a higher recruitment probability. This could be explained by the higher body condition attained by first‐hatched chicks at the end of the nesting period, perhaps due to an enhanced competitive advantage for food over their siblings at the time of hatching. Laying order, in contrast to hatching order, appeared to have little or no effect on LRS. Our results suggest that hatching order within siblings predicts fitness, and that better early‐life conditions during growth experienced by first‐hatched chicks improve first survival and then recruitment, resulting in an enhanced LRS.  相似文献   

American Woodcocks (Scolopax minor) are a high priority species of conservation need across most of their breeding range due to long‐term population declines. Survival of juveniles may be key to understanding these population declines, but there have been few direct estimates of juvenile woodcock survival rates, and no recent assessment of the possible effect of radio‐tagging on juvenile survival. In 2011 and 2012, we radio‐tagged 73 juvenile American Woodcocks in west‐central Minnesota and compared survival rates of radio‐tagged (N = 58) and non‐radio‐tagged (N = 82) juveniles during the period from hatching to fledging. We compared survival rates of juveniles with known fates and used logistic‐exposure models to assess the potential impact of radio‐transmitters on survival. We evaluated variables related to juvenile survival including age, hatch date, maximum and minimum temperature, precipitation, and year to assess the possible effects of radio‐transmitters. The best‐supported model of survival rate of juvenile American Woodcocks included the interaction of age and year and a negative effect of precipitation (β = ?0.76, 85% CI: ?1.08 to ?0.43), but did not include a negative effect of transmitters. Our results suggest that radio‐transmitters did not impact survival of juvenile American Woodcocks and that transmitters are a reliable tool for studying survival of juvenile American Woodcocks, and perhaps other precocial shorebirds.  相似文献   

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