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Mitochondria autophagy (mitophagy) is the process of selective degradation of mitochondria that has an important role in mitochondrial quality control. To gain insight into the molecular mechanism of mitophagy, we screened a yeast knockout library for strains that are defective in mitophagy. We found 32 strains that showed a complete or partial block of mitophagy. One of the genes identified, YLR356W, is required for mitophagy, but not for macroautophagy or other types of selective autophagy. The deletion of YLR356W partially inhibits mitophagy during starvation, whereas there is almost complete inhibition at post-log phase. Accordingly, we hypothesize that Ylr356w is required to detect or present aged or dysfunctional mitochondria when cells reach the post-log phase.  相似文献   

Our current work on a vacuolar membrane proton ATPase in the yeastSaccharomyces cerevisiae has revealed that it is a third type of H+-translocating ATPase in the organism. A three-subunit ATPase, which has been purified to near homogeneity from vacuolar membrane vesicles, shares with the native, membrane-bound enzyme common enzymological properties of substrate specificities and inhibitor sensitivities and are clearly distinct from two established types of proton ATPase, the mitochondrial F0F1-type ATP synthase and the plasma membrane E1E2-type H+-ATPase. The vacuolar membrane H+-ATPase is composed of three major subunits, subunita (M r =67 kDa),b (57kDa), andc (20 kDa). Subunita is the catalytic site and subunitc functions as a channel for proton translocation in the enzyme complex. The function of subunitb has not yet been identified. The functional molecular masses of the H+-ATPase under two kinetic conditions have been determined to be 0.9–1.1×105 daltons for single-cycle hydrolysis of ATP and 4.1–5.3×105 daltons for multicycle hydrolysis of ATP, respectively.N,N-Dicyclohexylcarbodiimide does not inhibit the former reaction but strongly inhibits the latter reaction. The kinetics of single-cycle hydrolysis of ATP indicates the formation of an enzyme-ATP complex and subsequent hydrolysis of the bound ATP to ADP and Pi at a 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazolesensitive catalytic site. Cloning of structural genes for the three subunits of the H+-ATPase (VMA1, VMA2, andVMA3) and their nucleotide sequence determination have been accomplished, which provide greater advantages for molecular biological studies on the structure-function relationship and biogenesis of the enzyme complex. Bioenergetic aspects of the vacuole as a main, acidic compartment ensuring ionic homeostasis in the cytosol have been described.Abbreviations CCCP carbonyl cyanidem-chlorophenyl hydrazone - DCCD N,N-dicyclohexylcarbondiimide - DES diethylstilbestrol - DIDS 4,4-diisothiocyano-2,2-stilbene disulfonic acid - NBD-Cl 7-chloro-4-nitrobenzo-2-oxa-1,3-diazole - Pi inorganic phosphate - SDS sodium dodecylsulfate - SF6847 3,5-di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxybenzylidenemalononitrile - SITS 4-acetamide-4-isothiocyanatostilbene-2,2-disulfonic acid - ZW3-14 N-tetradecyl-N,N-dimethyl-3-ammonio-1-propanesulfonate  相似文献   

The subunit architecture of the yeast vacuolar ATPase (V-ATPase) was analyzed by single particle transmission electron microscopy and electrospray ionization (ESI) tandem mass spectrometry. A three-dimensional model of the intact V-ATPase was calculated from two-dimensional projections of the complex at a resolution of 25 angstroms. Images of yeast V-ATPase decorated with monoclonal antibodies against subunits A, E, and G position subunit A within the pseudo-hexagonal arrangement in the V1, the N terminus of subunit G in the V1-V0 interface, and the C terminus of subunit E at the top of the V1 domain. ESI tandem mass spectrometry of yeast V1-ATPase showed that subunits E and G are most easily lost in collision-induced dissociation, consistent with a peripheral location of the subunits. An atomic model of the yeast V-ATPase was generated by fitting of the available x-ray crystal structures into the electron microscopy-derived electron density map. The resulting atomic model of the yeast vacuolar ATPase serves as a framework to help understand the role the peripheral stalk subunits are playing in the regulation of the ATP hydrolysis driven proton pumping activity of the vacuolar ATPase.  相似文献   

To understand protein sorting and quality control in the secretory pathway, we have analyzed intracellular trafficking of the yeast plasma membrane ATPase, Pma1. Pma1 is ideal for such studies because it is a very abundant polytopic membrane protein, and its localization and activity at the plasma membrane are essential for cell viability and growth. We have tested whether the cytoplasmic amino- and carboxyl-terminal domains of Pma1 carry sorting information. As the sole copy of Pma1, mutants truncated at either NH2 or COOH termini are targeted at least partially to the plasma membrane and have catalytic activity to sustain cell viability. The mutants are also delivered to degradative pathways. Strikingly, NH2- and COOH-terminal Pma1 mutants are differentially recognized for degradation at distinct cellular locales. COOH-terminal mutants are recognized for destruction by endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation. By contrast, NH2-terminal mutants escape detection by endoplasmic reticulum-associated degradation entirely, and undergo endocytosis for vacuolar degradation after apparently normal cell surface targeting. Both NH2- and COOH-terminal mutants are conformationally abnormal, as revealed by increased sensitivity to tryptic cleavage, but are able to assemble to form oligomers. We propose that different quality control mechanisms may assess discrete domains of Pma1 rather than a global conformational state.  相似文献   

Finnigan GC  Ryan M  Stevens TH 《Genetics》2011,187(3):771-783
The function of the vacuolar H(+)-ATPase (V-ATPase) enzyme complex is to acidify organelles; this process is critical for a variety of cellular processes and has implications in human disease. There are five accessory proteins that assist in assembly of the membrane portion of the complex, the V(0) domain. To identify additional elements that affect V-ATPase assembly, trafficking, or enzyme activity, we performed a genome-wide enhancer screen in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae with two mutant assembly factor alleles, VMA21 with a dysfunctional ER retrieval motif (vma21QQ) and vma21QQ in combination with voa1Δ, a nonessential assembly factor. These alleles serve as sensitized genetic backgrounds that have reduced V-ATPase enzyme activity. Genes were identified from a variety of cellular pathways including a large number of trafficking-related components; we characterized two redundant gene pairs, HPH1/HPH2 and ORM1/ORM2. Both sets demonstrated synthetic growth defects in combination with the vma21QQ allele. A loss of either the HPH or ORM gene pairs alone did not result in a decrease in vacuolar acidification or defects in V-ATPase assembly. While the Hph proteins are not required for V-ATPase function, Orm1p and Orm2p are required for full V-ATPase enzyme function. Consistent with the documented role of the Orm proteins in sphingolipid regulation, we have found that inhibition of sphingolipid synthesis alleviates Orm-related growth defects.  相似文献   

Many bacterial pathogens promote infection and cause disease by directly injecting into host cells proteins that manipulate eukaryotic cellular processes. Identification of these translocated proteins is essential to understanding pathogenesis. Yet, their identification remains limited. This, in part, is due to their general sequence uniqueness, which confounds homology-based identification by comparative genomic methods. In addition, their absence often does not result in phenotypes in virulence assays limiting functional genetic screens. Translocated proteins have been observed to confer toxic phenotypes when expressed in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. This observation suggests that yeast growth inhibition can be used as an indicator of protein translocation in functional genomic screens. However, limited information is available regarding the behavior of non-translocated proteins in yeast. We developed a semi-automated quantitative assay to monitor the growth of hundreds of yeast strains in parallel. We observed that expression of half of the 19 Shigella translocated proteins tested but almost none of the 20 non-translocated Shigella proteins nor approximately 1,000 Francisella tularensis proteins significantly inhibited yeast growth. Not only does this study establish that yeast growth inhibition is a sensitive and specific indicator of translocated proteins, but we also identified a new substrate of the Shigella type III secretion system (TTSS), IpaJ, previously missed by other experimental approaches. In those cases where the mechanisms of action of the translocated proteins are known, significant yeast growth inhibition correlated with the targeting of conserved cellular processes. By providing positive rather than negative indication of activity our assay complements existing approaches for identification of translocated proteins. In addition, because this assay only requires genomic DNA it is particularly valuable for studying pathogens that are difficult to genetically manipulate or dangerous to culture.  相似文献   

A genomic view of yeast membrane transporters.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The yeast membrane transporters play crucial roles in functions as diverse as nutrient uptake, drug resistance, salt tolerance, control of cell volume, efflux of undesirable metabolites and sensing of extracellular nutrients. A significant fraction of the many transporters inventoried after sequencing of the yeast genome has been characterised by classical experimental approaches. Post-genomic analysis has allowed a more extensive characterisation of transporter categories less tractable by genetics, for instance of transporters of intracellular membranes or transporters encoded by multigene families and displaying overlapping substrate specificities. A complete view of the role of membrane transporters in the metabolism of yeast may not be far off.  相似文献   

We have used a lipophilic styryl dye, N-(3-triethylammoniumpropyl)-4- (p-diethylaminophenyl-hexatrienyl) pyridinium dibromide (FM 4-64), as a vital stain to follow bulk membrane-internalization and transport to the vacuole in yeast. After treatment for 60 min at 30 degrees C, FM 4- 64 stained the vacuole membrane (ring staining pattern). FM 4-64 did not appear to reach the vacuole by passive diffusion because at 0 degree C it exclusively stained the plasma membrane (PM). The PM staining decreased after warming cells to 25 degrees C and small punctate structures became apparent in the cytoplasm within 5-10 min. After an additional 20-40 min, the PM and cytoplasmic punctate staining disappeared concomitant with staining of the vacuolar membrane. Under steady state conditions, FM 4-64 staining was specific for vacuolar membranes; other membrane structures were not stained. The dye served as a sensitive reporter of vacuolar dynamics, detecting such events as segregation structure formation during mitosis, vacuole fission/fusion events, and vacuolar morphology in different classes of vacuolar protein sorting (vps) mutants. A particularly striking pattern was observed in class E mutants (e.g., vps27) where 500-700 nm organelles (presumptive prevacuolar compartments) were intensely stained with FM 4- 64 while the vacuole membrane was weakly fluorescent. Internalization of FM 4-64 at 15 degrees C delayed vacuolar labeling and trapped FM 4- 64 in cytoplasmic intermediates between the PM and the vacuole. The intermediate structures in the cytoplasm are likely to be endosomes as their staining was temperature, time, and energy dependent. Interestingly, unlike Lucifer yellow uptake, vacuolar labeling by FM 4- 64 was not blocked in sec18, sec14, end3, and end4 mutants, but was blocked in sec1 mutant cells. Finally, using permeabilized yeast spheroplasts to reconstitute FM 4-64 transport, we found that delivery of FM 4-64 from the endosome-like intermediate compartment (labeled at 15 degrees C) to the vacuole was ATP and cytosol dependent. Thus, we show that FM 4-64 is a new vital stain for the vacuolar membrane, a marker for endocytic intermediates, and a fluor for detecting endosome to vacuole membrane transport in vitro.  相似文献   

Wilson TE 《Genetics》2002,162(2):677-688
We recently described a yeast assay suitable for genetic screening in which simple religation nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ) and single-strand annealing (SSA) compete for repair of an I-SceI-created double-strand break. Here, the required allele has been introduced into an array of 4781 MATa deletion mutants and each strain screened individually. Two mutants (rad52 and srs2) showed a clear increase in the NHEJ/SSA ratio due to preferential impairment of SSA, but no mutant increased the absolute frequency of NHEJ significantly above the wild-type level. Seven mutants showed a decreased NHEJ/SSA ratio due to frank loss of NHEJ, which corresponded to all known structural/catalytic NHEJ components (yku70, yku80, dnl4, lif1, rad50, mre11, and xrs2); no new mutants in this category were identified. A clearly separable and surprisingly large set of 16 other mutants showed partial defects in NHEJ. Further examination of these revealed that NEJ1 can entirely account for the mating-type regulation of NHEJ, but that this regulatory role was distinct from the postdiauxic/stationary-phase induction of NHEJ that was deficient in other mutants (especially doa1, fyv6, and mck1). These results are discussed in the context of the minimal set of required proteins and regulatory inputs for NHEJ.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1996,135(6):1485-1500
A complete understanding of the molecular mechanisms of endocytosis requires the discovery and characterization of the protein machinery that mediates this aspect of membrane trafficking. A novel genetic screen was used to identify yeast mutants defective in internalization of bulk lipid. The fluorescent lipophilic styryl dye FM4-64 was used in conjunction with FACS to enrich for yeast mutants that exhibit internalization defects. Detailed characterization of two of these mutants, dim1-1 and dim2-1, revealed defects in the endocytic pathway. Like other yeast endocytosis mutants, the temperature-sensitive dim mutant were unable to endocytose FM4-64 or radiolabeled alpha-factor as efficiently as wild-type cells. In addition, double mutants with either dim1-delta or dim2-1 and the endocytosis mutants end4-1 or act1-1 displayed synthetic growth defects, indicating that the DIM gene products function in a common or parallel endocytic pathway. Complementation cloning of the DIM genes revealed identity of DIM1 to SHE4 and DIM2 to PAN1. Pan1p shares homology with the mammalian clathrin adaptor-associated protein, eps15. Both proteins contain multiple EH (eps15 homology) domains, a motif proposed to mediate protein-protein interactions. Phalloidin labeling of filamentous actin revealed profound defects in the actin cytoskeleton in both dim mutants. EM analysis revealed that the dim mutants accumulate vesicles and tubulo-vesicular structures reminiscent of mammalian early endosomes. In addition, the accumulation of novel plasma membrane invaginations where endocytosis is likely to occur were visualized in the mutants by electron microscopy using cationized ferritin as a marker for the endocytic pathway. This new screening strategy demonstrates a role for She4p and Pan1p in endocytosis, and provides a new general method for the identification of additional endocytosis mutants.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic vacuolar ATPase (V-ATPase) is regulated by a reversible dissociation mechanism that involves breaking and reforming of protein-protein interactions at the interface of the V(1)-ATPase and V(o)-proton channel domains. We found previously that the head domain of the single copy C subunit (C(head)) binds one subunit EG heterodimer with high affinity (Oot, R.A. and Wilkens, S. (2010) J. Biol. Chem. 285, 24654-24664). Here we generated a water-soluble construct of the N-terminal domain of the V(o) "a" subunit composed of amino acid residues 104-372 (a(NT(104-372))). Analytical gel filtration chromatography and sedimentation velocity analysis revealed that a(NT(104-372)) undergoes reversible dimerization in a concentration-dependent manner. A low-resolution molecular envelope was calculated for the a(NT(104-372)) dimer using small angle x-ray scattering data. Isothermal titration calorimetry experiments revealed that a(NT(104-372)) binds the C(foot) and EG heterodimer with dissociation constants of 22 and 33 μM, respectively. We speculate that the spatial closeness of the a(NT), C(foot), and EG binding sites in the intact V-ATPase results in a high-avidity interaction that is able to resist the torque of rotational catalysis, and that reversible enzyme dissociation is initiated by breaking either the a(NT(104-372))-C(foot) or a(NT(104-372))-EG interaction by an as-yet unknown signaling mechanism.  相似文献   

To investigate the biogenesis of the yeast vacuole, we have sought novel marker proteins localized to the vacuolar membrane. Glycoproteins were prepared from vacuolar membrane vesicles by concanavalin A-Sepharose column chromatography and used to raise monoclonal antibodies. The antibodies obtained recognize several vacuolar proteins that have N-linked oligosaccharide chains. A set of the antibodies reacts with a vacuolar glycoprotein with a major molecular species of 72 kDa (vgp72), which appears to associate peripherally with the vacuolar membrane. The biosynthesis of vgp72 has been examined in detail by pulse-chase experiments and by analyses using various secretory mutants (sec18, sec7, and sec1) and a vacuolar protease mutant (pep4). vgp72 first appears in the endoplasmic reticulum as a 74-kDa species and is quickly modified in the Golgi apparatus to two distinct species: a 79-kDa form, and a heterogeneously glycosylated form (90-150 kDa). Subsequently, both species are proteolytically processed in the vacuole giving rise to a 72-kDa species as well as heavily glycosylated form. Thus, the biogenesis of vgp72 utilizes the early part of the secretory pathway as is the case of vacuolar soluble enzymes. A unique feature is that two species that are different in the extent of glycosylation appear to follow the same destination to the vacuolar membrane.  相似文献   

Little is known about the regulation of ion transport across the inner mitochondrial membrane in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. To approach this problem, we devised a screening procedure for facilitating the identification of proteins involved in mitochondrial ion homeostasis. Taking advantage of the growth inhibition of yeast cells by electroneutral K(+)/H(+) ionophore nigericin, we screened for genetic mutations that would render cells tolerant to this drug when grown on a nonfermentable carbon source and identified several candidate genes including MDM31, MDM32, NDI1, YMR088C (VBA1), CSR2, RSA1, YLR024C, and YNL136W (EAF7). Direct examination of intact cells by electron microscopy indicated that mutants lacking MDM31 and/or MDM32 genes contain dramatically enlarged, spherical mitochondria and that these morphological abnormalities can be alleviated by nigericin. Mitochondria isolated from the Deltamdm31 and Deltamdm32 mutants exhibited limited swelling in an isotonic solution of potassium acetate even in the presence of an exogenous K(+)/H(+) antiport. In addition, growth of the mutants was inhibited on ethanol-containing media in the presence of high concentrations of salts (KCl, NaCl, or MgSO(4)) and their mitochondria exhibited two- (Deltamdm31 and Deltamdm32) to threefold (Deltamdm31Deltamdm32) elevation in magnesium content. Taken together, these data indicate that Mdm31p and Mdm32p control mitochondrial morphology through regulation of mitochondrial cation homeostasis and the maintenance of proper matrix osmolarity.  相似文献   

The vacuolar ATPase integral membrane c-ring from Nephrops norvegicus occurs in paired complexes in a double membrane. Using cryo-electron microscopy and single particle image processing of 2D crystals, we have obtained a projection structure of the c-ring of N. norvegicus. The c-ring was found to be very flexible, most likely as a result of an expanded conformation of the c subunits. This structure may support a role for the vacuolar ATPase c-rings in membrane fusion.  相似文献   

A second-generation genomic screen for multiple sclerosis   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a debilitating neuroimmunological and neurodegenerative disorder. Despite substantial evidence for polygenic inheritance of the disease, the major histocompatibility complex is the only region that clearly and consistently demonstrates linkage and association in MS studies. The goal of this study was to identify additional chromosomal regions that harbor susceptibility genes for MS. With a panel of 390 microsatellite markers genotyped in 245 U.S. and French multiplex families (456 affected relative pairs), this is the largest genomic screen for MS conducted to date. Four regions met both of our primary criteria for further interest (heterogeneity LOD [HLOD] and Z scores >2.0): 1q (HLOD=2.17; Z=3.38), 6p (HLOD=4.21; Z=2.26), 9q (HLOD; Z=2.71), and 16p (HLOD=2.64; Z=2.05). Two additional regions met only the Z score criterion: 3q (Z=2.39) and 5q (Z=2.17). Further examination of the data by country (United States vs. France) identified one additional region demonstrating suggestive linkage in the U.S. subset (18p [HLOD=2.39]) and two additional regions generating suggestive linkage in the French subset (1p [HLOD=2.08] and 22q [HLOD=2.06]). Examination of the data by human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-DR2 stratification identified four additional regions demonstrating suggestive linkage: 2q (HLOD=3.09 in the U.S. DR2- families), 6q (HLOD=3.10 in the French DR2- families), 13q (HLOD=2.32 in all DR2+ families and HLOD=2.17 in the U.S. DR2+ families), and 16q (HLOD=2.32 in all DR2+ families and HLOD=2.13 in the U.S. DR2+ families). These data suggest several regions that warrant further investigation in the search for MS susceptibility genes.  相似文献   

Isolated vacuoles of Saccharomyces cerevisiae did not bind Concanavalin A (labelled with tritium or with a fluorescent dye) unless the vacuoles were rendered permeable and their inner membrane surface made accessible. Yeast protoplasts, on the other hand, bound large amounts of Concanavalin A on their surface, and the number of binding sites was not increased after a gentle lysis expected to expose also the inner surface of the plasmalemma. It is concluded that both the plasmalemma and the vacuolar membrane carry Concanavalin A binding sites exclusively on the surface opposite to the cytoplasmic matrix.Non-Standard Abbreviations ConA concanavalin A - MDPF 2-methoxy-2,4-diphenyl-3(2H)-furanone - -MM -methyl-D-mannopyranoside - Pipes piperazine-N,N-bis-2-ethanesulfonic acid - DNP potassium dinitrophenolate  相似文献   

Proteobacterium Escherichia coli strains harboring wide-transfer-range conjugative plasmids are able to transfer these plasmids to several yeast species. Whole plasmid DNA is mobilizable in the transkingdom conjugation phenomenon. Owing to the availability of various conjugative plasmids in bacteria, the horizontal DNA transfer has potential to occur between various bacteria and eukaryotes. In order to know host factor genes involved in such conjugation, we systematically tested the conjugability of strains among a yeast library comprising single-gene-knockout mutants in this study. This genome-wide screen identified 26 host chromosomal genes whose absence reduced the efficiency of the transkingdom conjugation. Among the 26 genes, 20 are responsible for vacuolar ATPase activity, while 5 genes (SHP1, CSG2, CCR4, NOT5, and HOF1) seem to play a role in maintaining the cell surface. Lack of either ZUO1 gene or SSZ1 gene, each of which encodes a component of the ribosome-associated cytoplasmic molecular chaperone, also strongly affected transkingdom conjugation.  相似文献   

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