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Mitochondrial genome fragments were examined in all species of the genus Capra (Bovidae, Artiodactyla). Phylogenetic analysis was carried out using 59 cytochrome b gene sequences (392 bp), and 22 sequences of the mtDNA variable fragment (402 bp). In the control region, two unique deletions were revealed. One of the deletions was found only in Capra cylindricornis (17 bp), while another one grouped C. caucasica with C. aegagrus (1 bp). The group of Caucasian wild goats splits into two clades, and furthermore, the sequences of C. caucasica demonstrate remarkable similarity to the sequences of C. aegagrus, while C. cylindricornis seems to have evolved independently for a long period of time. It was demonstrated that C. pyrenaica and C. ibex were extremely close to one another. Capra sibirica formed an outer group relative to the other species, and according to our data, was the most ancient species of the genus. On the contrary, genetic distance separating C. falconeri (the most independent species of the genus related to its morphology) from the other species is small.  相似文献   

Portions of the 12S and 16S mitochondrial ribosomal genes for 16 species representing nine tribes in the mammal family Bovidae were compared with six previously published orthologous sequences. Phylogenetic analysis of variable nucleotide positions under different constraints and weighting schemes revealed no robust groupings among tribes. Consensus trees support previous hypotheses of monophyly for four clades, including the traditional subfamily Bovinae. However, the basal diversification of bovid tribes, which was largely unresolved by morphological, immunodiffusion, allozyme, and protein sequence data, remains unresolved with the addition of DNA sequence data. The intractability of this systematic problem is consistent with a rapid radiation of the major bovid groups. Several analyses of our data show that monophyly of the Bovidae, which was weakly supported by previous morphological and molecular work, is questionable.  相似文献   

The systematics of the genus Capra remain controversial in spite of studies conducted using morphology, mtDNA, and allozymes. Here, we assess the evolutionary history of Capra (i) using phylogenetic analysis of two nuclear genes located on the Y-chromosome and (ii) previously published and new cytochrome b sequences. For the Y-chromosome phylogeny, we sequenced segments from the amelogenin (AMELY) and zinc finger (ZFY) genes from all of the eight wild taxa and from domestic goats (Capra hircus). Phylogenetic analysis of the Y-chromosome data revealed two well-defined clades. The domestic goat (C. hircus), the bezoar (Capra aegagrus), and the markhor (C. falconeri) belong to one clade (ML bootstrap value [BP]: 98%), suggesting that domestic goats originated from one or both of these wild species. The second clade (ML BP: 92%) is comprised of all the other wild species. Horn morphology is generally concordant with the Y-chromosome phylogeny. The mtDNA data also revealed two well-defined clades. However, the species in each clade are different from those inferred from the Y-chromosome data. To explain the discordance between Y-chromosome and mtDNA phylogenies, several hypotheses are considered. We suggest that a plausible scenario involves mtDNA introgression between ancestral taxa before the relatively recent colonization of Western Europe, the Caucasus Mountains, and East Africa by Capra populations.  相似文献   

The relationships of eight extant species of sea eagles (genus Haliaeetus ) and some potentially related Accipitrid genera were investigated. A phylogenetic hypothesis is developed based on morphological characters and allozyme data, which is then contrasted with a reconstruction based on 1071 nucleotides of mitochondrial DNA (cytochrome b and part of one tRNA gene). Phylogenies derived from the three data sets are largely congruent, although several aspects are supported by only one kind of evidence (but not contradicted by the others). Only with regard to the position of south-east Asian H. leucogaster and its closely related sister species H. sanfordi was there conflict between allozyme and mtDNA data. The position of H. pelagicus relative to H. leucoryphus or H. albicilla/leucocephalus could not be resolved with the mtDNA sequence data, suggesting that some speciation events occurred in relatively quick succession during the early Pliocene or late Miocene periods. Available evidence suggests that extant sea eagles originated at tropical latitudes, the northernmost species appearing most derived.  相似文献   

A male Wild goat, Capra aegagrus Erxleben, 1777, is here described, which was obtained in Oman and is now in the gardens of the Zoological Society of London. It is the first known occurrence of the species in peninsular Arabia. The characters of the three species of subfam. Caprinae known to occur in the region are compared.  相似文献   

New insights for the systematic and evolution of the wild sheep are provided by molecular phylogenies inferred from Maximum parsimony, Bayesian, Maximum likelihood, and Neighbor-Joining methods. The phylogeny of the wild sheep was based on cytochrome b sequences of 290 samples representative of most of the sub-species described in the genus Ovis. The result was confirmed by a combined tree based on cytochrome b and nuclear sequences for 79 Ovis samples representative of the robust clades established with mitochondrial data. Urial and mouflon, which are either considered as a single or two separate species, form two monophyletic groups (O. orientalis and O. vignei). Their hybrids appear in one or the other group, independently from their geographic origin. The European mouflon O. musimon is clearly in the O. orientalis clade. The others species, O. dalli, O. canadensis, O. nivicola, and O. ammon are monophyletic. The results support an Asiatic origin of the genus Ovis, followed by a migration to North America through North-Eastern Asia and the Bering Strait and a diversification of the genus in Eurasia less than 3 million years ago. Our results show that the evolution of the genus Ovis is a striking example of successive speciation events occurring along the migration routes propagating from the ancestral area.  相似文献   

Restriction site mapping of mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) with 16 restriction endonucleases was used to examine the phylogenetic relationships of Ochotona cansus, O. huangensis, O. thibetana, O. curzoniae and O. erythrotis. A 1-kb length variation between 0. erythrotis of subgenus Pika and other four species of subgenus Ochotona was observed, which may be a useful genetic marker for identifying the two subgenera. The phylogenetic tree constructed using PAUP based on 61 phylogenetically informative sites suggests that O. aythrotis diverged first, followed by O. cansus, while O. atrzoniae and O. huangensis are sister taxa related to O. thibetana. The results indicate that both O. cansus and O. huangensis should be treated as independent species. If the base substitution rate of pikas mtDNA was 2% per million years, then the divergence time of the two subgenera, Pika and Ochotona, is about 8.8 Ma ago of late Miocence, middle Bao-dian of Chinese mammalian age, and the divergence of the four species in subgenus  相似文献   

G- and C-banded karyotypes of four species of the genus Kobus were compared using the standard karyotype of Bos taurus. Chromosomal complements were 2n = 50-54 in K. ellipsiprymnus, 2n = 50 in K. kob, 2n = 48 in K. leche, and 2n = 52 in K. megaceros. The number of autosomal arms in all karyotypes was 58. Fifteen autosomal pairs were conserved among these four species, including the 1;19 and 2;25 centric fusions, and autosomal differences involved eight centric fusion rearrangements. Five centric fusions were each unique to a particular taxon: 3;10 (K. leche), 3;11 and 6;29 (K. kob), and 5;17 and 7;11 (K. ellipsiprymnus). The 4;7 fusion occurred in K. leche and K. megaceros, whereas the 5;13 fusion occurred in K. kob and K. leche; the 6;18 fusion was found in three species but was absent in K. kob. Differences between the X chromosomes of the four Kobus species were attributed to heterochromatic additions or deletions, and Y-chromosome differences may have been the result of pericentric inversion. G-banded karyotypes of putative K. l. leche and K. l. kafuensis appeared identical, as did C-banded karyotypes of the two subspecies. Karyotypes of K. e. ellipsiprymnus and K. e. defassa differed as a result of the 6;18 centric fusion, which was polymorphic in K. e. defassa, and the 7;11 centric fusion, which was polymorphic in K. e. ellipsiprymnus but absent in K. e. defassa. Several centric fusions were related by monobrachial chain-IV complexes; however, records of hybridization indicate that reproductive isolation between at least certain species of Kobus is incomplete. Karyotypic differences between K. ellipsiprymnus (including K. e. ellipsiprymnus and K. e. defassa), K. kob, K. leche, and K. megaceros support the validity of these taxa, as well as the need to manage them as separate populations.  相似文献   

王江  方盛国 《兽类学报》2005,25(2):105-114
原羚属物种在羚羊亚科中的分类地位尚存在很多争议。本文测定了原羚属的黄羊和藏原羚细胞色素b基因全序列(1140bp),并与牛科其它属31个种的同源序列进行比较,对其碱基组成变异情况及核苷酸序列差异进行了分析。基于细胞色素b基因全序列,用简约法(MP)、邻接法(NJ)和似然法(ML)构建了系统进化树。结果表明:黄羊和藏原羚的序列差异为3.78%,颠换数目近乎为0,其突变远未饱和;原羚属内黄羊和藏原羚为不同种,单系发生;原羚属与赛加羚羊属、犬羚属及跳羚属等并系发生,原羚属隶属于羚羊亚科,应为独立属;羚羊亚科组成属间多为并系起源。根据序列差异值2%/百万年的细胞色素6分子钟,推测黄羊和藏原羚分歧时间大约为1~2百万年;原羚属与羚羊亚科其它属分歧时间大约在5.7~8百万年。  相似文献   

Gobiocerus mongolicus Sokolov, 1952, Turcocerus kekemaidengensis Ye Jie et al., 1999; and Hypsodontus sp. were recorded in Miocene deposits of the Valley of Lakes (MN4-MN8) and Oioceros atropatenes (Rodler et Weithofer, 1890) occurred in the Mio-Pliocene (MN11-MN20) of northwestern Mongolia. Gobiocerus, Turcocerus, and Hypsodontus represent the same evolutionary lineage. Thus, Caprinae existed in Central Asia in the Early Miocene. They diverged from the Bovidae at the Oligocene-Miocene boundary. The presence of early bovids in this region suggests that this group could have appeared in Central Asia.  相似文献   

Relationships among members representing each of the three subgenera of the Middle American rodent genus Orthogeomys (Rodentia: Geomyidae) were studied by comparing DNA sequence data from two regions of the mitochondrial genome. Results from 527 bp from the 16 S rDNA region and a 402-bp fragment of the cytochrome b gene indicate that the three subgenera are well differentiated genetically, with the subgenus Orthogeomys being distantly related to Macrogeomys and Heterogeomys, and Macrogeomys appearing as the most derived. Within the subgenus Macrogeomys, O. heterodus and O. cherriei form a distinct clade, as do O. dariensis and O. cavator. As with previous protein-electrophoretic studies, the placement of O. underwoodi could not be determined definitively within the subgenus Macrogeomys. We interpret our inability to determine phylogenetic relationships among these three clades as evidence for a rapid phyletic radiation within this subgenus. Sequence divergence estimates indicate that the Macrogeomys radiation took place following the time of completion of the Panamanian land bridge (1.9-2.9 mya). Additionally, the near identity of sequences of a newly described species, O. thaeleri, with those of O. dariensis (percentage sequence divergence = 0.3%) suggests that the two may be conspecific.  相似文献   

Traditional classification in the genus Capra is based mainly on horn morphology. However, previous investigations based on allozyme data are not consistent with this classification. We thus reexamined the evolutionary history of the genus by analyzing mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variation. We collected bone samples from museums or dead animals found in the field. Thirty-four individuals were successfully sequenced for a portion of the mtDNA cytochrome b gene and control region (500 bp in total). We obtained a star-like phylogeny supporting a rapid radiation of the genus. In accordance with traditional classification, mtDNA data support the presence of two clades in the Caucasus and the hypothesis of a domestication event in the Fertile Crescent. However, in conflict with morphology, we found that C. aegagrus and C. ibex are polyphyletic species, and we propose a new scenario for Capra immigration into Europe.  相似文献   

Fossil remains of Late Miocene (Baode, NMU10-NMU11) horse antelopes from Tuva (Russia) are described, including Tragoreas sp., Protoryx tuvaensis sp. nov. from the Taralyk Cher locality and Quirliqnoria sp. from the Kholu locality. A new species, Protoryx tuvaensis Dmitrieva et Serdyuk, is described. These taxa compose a Late Miocene antelope assemblage of a new eastern geographical point (Russia, Tuva, Baode, NMU10-MN11).  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analysis of the tribe Bovini (Mammalia: Artiodactyla)   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A matrix of 57 (mainly cranial) characters and 32 taxa of fossil and Recent Bovini (buffaloes, bison and cattle) has been analysed using the parsimony program HENNIG86. Among the best established results are the exclusion of Parabos , polyphyly of Leptobos , monophyly of the Bos sensu lato + buffaloes group (a clade including all Recent Bovini), probable monophyly of the Bubalina and Syncerina, and the close relationship between bison and yak. Some other interesting questions raised include the apparent absence of a close link between Pliocene African bovines (except "Leptobos" syrticus ) and later African buffaloes, and the possible monophyly of Pelorovis oldowayensis+Bos sensu lato .  相似文献   

Efforts have been made to investigate the phylogeny of the family Bovidae; however, the relationships within this group still remain controversial. To further our understanding of the relationships, we sequenced the mitochondrial genome of the Himalayan goral, Naemorhedus goral, an IUCN Redlist near threatened conservation dependent species. Then we conducted molecular phylogenetic relationships of the Bovidae based on Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood methods. The results indicate that the basal divergence within the Bovidae is between the Bovinae and a strongly supported clade of the remaining Bovidae species. The two Neotragus species (the suni and pygmy antelope) clustered with the impala, Aepyceros melampus (Aepycerotinae), and together they formed the most basal of the non-Bovinae. All the genera of the Antilopinae clustered together except Neotragus, which suggested that the Antilopinae was a paraphyletic subfamily. The present study confirmed a close relationship between the genera Capricornis and Naemorhedus while supporting their designation as separate genera and suggested that the Capricornis-Naemorhedus-Ovibos clade (serows, gorals, and the muskox) should be placed in the Caprinae. Bison, Bos, and Tragelaphus (bison & cattle and kudus and nyalas) were paraphyletic. The very close relationship between Bison and Bos suggested that Bos and Bison should be integrated into a single Bos genus. Saiga and Pantholops (the Chiru or Tibetan Antelope), unique genera which have sometimes been lumped together, were placed in different groups: Saiga within the Antilopinae and Pantholops at the base of the Caprinae. Our results also supported a new taxonomy which places the three species of Hemitragus into three monospecific genera: the genus Hemitragus is restricted to the Himalayan tahr, and two new genera are created: Arabitragus for the Arabian tahr and Nilgiritragus for the Nilgiri tahr.  相似文献   

Abstract. Ischnoceran lice in genus Penenirmus are parasites of birds in orders Piciformes and Passeriformes. No comprehensive revision of this genus has been published, but a few host-based revisions have been done. Here we present a phylogenetic analysis of Penenirmus based on nuclear (elongation factor-1 alpha) and mitochondrial (cytochrome oxidase I) gene sequences. Sequences from portions of both these genes provide a well resolved tree that is relatively stable across methods of analysis and to bootstrap resampling. Some aspects of the Penenirmus phylogeny reflect the phylogeny of their avian hosts. We identified monophyly of a group of Penenirmus species occurring on Passeriformes as well as monophyly of a group containing species sometimes placed in a genus Picophilopterus . Species of Penenirmus occurring on Old World barbets fall in several positions at the base of the tree, suggesting that other lineages of Penenirmus may be derived from those occurring on Old World barbets.  相似文献   

Habitat selection, diet, and escape behaviour of grey goral ( Nemorhaedus goral bedfordi ) were studied in Majhatal Harsang Wildlife Sanctuary (MHWS) in the Indian Himalaya. Five trails covering a total length of 8.5 km were monitored in the morning hours for availability of habitat components and their use by goral. Habitat components quantified were: vegetation type, tree density, shrub understorey, shrub height, and slope angle. Diet composition of goral was determined through faecal analysis. Information on escape strategy was gathered by recording the escape areas used by disturbed animals.
Goral fed almost entirely on grass (92.2% in the cold season and 98.3% in the warm season). They preferred open vegetation communities with good grass cover and avoided shrub-rich patches, especially areas where the shrub height exceeded their shoulder height. Goral selected patches with fresh grass sprout and were partial to steep (>30°) slopes.
In the morning, goral avoided most forested vegetation types in the area owing to extensive understorey. However, there was high use of forest cover with little understorey 'for escape' (32%, n = 200). Other escape terrain used were cliffs (31%), open gullies (16%), and rocky areas (13%).  相似文献   

The genus Cheilosia is one of the most diverse and speciose genera of Syrphidae (Diptera). The phylogenetic relationships of the hoverfly genus Cheilosia was investigated for the first time using molecular data. The mitochondrial protein-coding gene cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) was chosen for sequencing; 1341 characters were obtained for 24 ingroup taxa and these were analyzed with parsimony. The monophyly of the genus Cheilosia was well supported. Current taxonomic division of Cheilosia into two subgenera (sg. Nigrocheilosia and sg. Neocheilosia) and most nonformalized species groups based on morphology were supported by the monophyletic groups identified in the molecular analysis. The phylogenetic informativeness of COI in resolving the subtribal relationships within the tribe Cheilosiini remains ambiguous.  相似文献   

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