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Dinosaur tracks were first reported from the coal-bearing clastic sequences of the Ross River Block in 1999 by members of a University of Alaska Museum field party, and track sites were confirmed by a joint Alaska-Yukon team in 2000. This fault-bounded sedimentary block is 3 kilometers west of Ross River, in the Yukon Territory. The discovery was followed by two years of field mapping and collection. This research has resulted in the documentation of 251 individual tracks at two separate but stratigraphically related sites, as well as a short (four-footprint) trackway at one of the sites. Six ichnogenera were identified. Ornithomimipus, Amblydactylus, and Gypsichnites were recognized at one site. At a stratigraphically higher site, four ichnogenera were documented including Tetrapodosaurus, Irenesauripus, Amblydactylus, and Columbosauripus. This ichno-assemblage is compared with those of Aptian to Cenomanian age from Alberta, British Columbia, and Alaska.

The discovery of unequivocal dinosaur evidence in a small structural inlier in the Tintina Trench that was previously assumed to be Eocene in age resulted in a restudy of the palynology and biostratigraphy of this coal-bearing sequence and the recent assignment of a middle Albian to early Cenomanian age to the upper part of the dinosaur-bearing interval.  相似文献   

Klimaszewski J  Godin B  Bourdon C 《ZooKeys》2012,(186):207-237
The aleocharine beetles of the Yukon Territory, Canada are reviewed based on material studied since the most recent survey of the territory in 2008. The present contribution recognizes a fauna of 125 species, of which 9 are new to science, 20 represent new territorial records and one represents a new Canadian record. Seventeen species are considered Holarctic, 6 introduced, and 2 species are of undetermined status (Holarctic or adventive). The Yukon fauna is classified in 32 genera and 8 tribes. The new species are: 1) Acrotona horwoodae Klimaszewski & Godin, sp. n.; 2) Atheta (Microdota) microelytrata Klimaszewski & Godin, sp. n.; 3) Atheta (Microdota) riparia Klimaszewski & Godin, sp. n.; 4) Atheta (Datomicra) whitehorsensis Klimaszewski & Godin, sp. n.; 5) Ocyusa yukonensis Klimaszewski & Godin, sp. n.; 6) Philhygra pseudolarsoniKlimaszewski & Godin, sp. n.; 7) Philhygra terrestris Klimaszewski & Godin, sp. n.; 8) Boreophilia davidgei Klimaszewski & Godin, sp. n.; and 9) Boreophilia herschelensis Klimaszewski & Godin, sp. n.  相似文献   

This study is based on the analysis of the chorological spectra from 19 vegetation types obtained from a numerical classification of ca. 400 phytosociological relevés taken during a vegetation survey in the Yukon Territory (NW Canada).All vegetation types are well characterized in terms of their chorological features. This allowed an ecological-historical interpretation of the vegetation in the study area. The distribution of the various chorological categories within the vegetation types is strongly correlated with the main environmental influences, whose action led to the present floristical and vegetational characteristics of the area, such as glaciation, fire, permafrost and water availability.The results show how the phytosociological approach constitutes an effective methodological tool for clarifying the phytogeographical aspects in the historical-ecological interpretation of a large area.Nomenclature follows Hultén (1968), otherwise author names are specified.The field work was completed in the summer of 1978. We are grateful to Dr W. Stanek, Canadian Forestry Service, for coordination of the survey and for soil data, and to Prof. L. Orlóci for organization. Partial financial support was received from the Italian C.N.R.  相似文献   

A new mobergellan genus and species,Tateltella ranoculata, is described from the early Middle Cambrian (Agdzian Stage) of Morocco. The new taxon is characterized by only four pairs of muscle scars and is furthermore distinguished from other mobergellans by its strongly concave shape and its distally rising muscle scars. The individual specimens ofTateltella ranoculata distinctly vary in size and display different ontogenetic stages. Juvenile, intermediate, and adult stages can be distinguished by means of the development of the muscle scars that differ in Position relative to the apex, size, and distinctness between individual stages. The shell ofT. ranoculata is composed of a succession of thin phosphatic lamellae separated by interlamellar gaps, presumably originally filled by organic material. The interlamellar gaps may be divided by septum-like structures producing discrete cavities. The specimens are the youngest mobergellans known so far and correlation of their stratigraphic position suggests a correspondence with the lower part of the Amgan stage of the Siberian Platform. In addition, they are the first reported mobergellans from the present day continent Africa. Other mobergellan taxa and mobergellan-like species are briefly reviewed and the genusHippoklosma Missarzhevsky, previously assigned to the Mobergellidae, is excluded from the family due to its different shell structure. An evolutionary trend of reduction in the number of muscle scars from 14 in the early Early Cambrian to only eight in the early Middle Cambrian is apparent among mobergellans.   相似文献   

Relations between modern ostracode assemblages and environmental variables from lakes in the southwest Yukon and northern British Columbia were explored. A total of 29 freshwater species representing 8 genera were identified from the sediments of 36 lakes, with the number of species ranging between 3 and 8 per lake. Species widespread throughout the study area include Cyclocypris ampla, Candona candida, Cypria turneri, Cypria ophtalmica, and Candona protzi. The Mg/Ca ratio is an important factor determining the ostracode species composition of a lake. Species richness is at a maximum when the lake water has intermediate values of conductivity. Lakes in which one species clearly dominates the assemblage (‰>‰70% relative abundance) have water saturated with respect to CaCO3. Mg/Ca ratio, depth and Sr are the environmental factors that are most highly correlated with species distributions in this region.  相似文献   

Jan Bergström 《Ichnos》2013,20(1):3-13
In this attempt to synthesize present knowledge into a coherent story, the Cambrian explosion is interpreted to represent a true adaptive radiation, an event similar to Phanerozoic radiation events in principle but unique in its possibilities. A model of bilaterian evolution helps explain how this particular event involved the sudden initiation of major coelomate phyla. In many of these groups, preservable skeletons are part of the basic body plan. Biochemical‐sequence analyses indicate that acoelomates and pseudocoelomates branched off long before the coelomate radiation. The great differences between Vendian and Cambrian ichnofaunas, therefore, may be the result of a major shift in composition from Vendian acoelomate‐pseudocoelomate‐procoelomate faunas to Phanerozoic faunas dominated by new coelomate groups.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Hexaconularia , a Lower Cambrian small shelly fossil (SSF) that has been allied with conulariids and scyphozoan cnidarians, is redescribed and refigured. A salient feature of this monospecific genus is the presence of distinct apical and abapical regions. The apical region probably represents an embryonic shell that apparently lacked a basal attachment structure. Comparisons of this feature with the apical end of the smallest known conulariids and with conulariids terminating in an apical wall (schott) reveal substantial differences in structure and ornamentation. Differences in apical anatomy between conulariids and Arthrochites , possibly the nearest SSF relative of Hexaconularia , are also apparent. Comparisons of Hexaconularia with Punctatus , an SSF taxon showing distinct apical and abapical regions in both posthatching specimens and prehatching embryos, suggest that the early development of Hexaconularia was direct. These results have important implications for hypotheses of a conulariid/scyphozoan affinity for Hexaconularia and its possible SSF relatives, and they suggest that Hexaconularia -bearing strata may yield prehatching embryos of this genus.  相似文献   

We present a new 23‐site network of white spruce ring‐width chronologies near boreal treeline in Old Crow Flats, Yukon Territory, Canada. Most chronologies span the last 300 years and some reach the mid‐16th century. The chronologies exhibit coherent growth patterns before the 1930s. However, since the 1930s, they diverge in trend and exhibit one of two contrasting, but well‐replicated patterns we call Group 1 and Group 2. Over the instrumental period (1930–2007) Group 1 sites were inversely correlated with previous‐year July temperatures while Group 2 sites were positively correlated with growth‐year June temperatures. At the broader northwestern North America (NWNA) scale, we find that the Group 1 and Group 2 patterns are common to a number of white spruce chronologies, which we call NWNA 1 and NWNA 2 chronologies. The NWNA 1 and NWNA 2 chronologies also share a single coherent growth pattern prior to their divergence (ca. 1950s). Comparison of the NWNA 1/NWNA 2 chronologies against gridded 20th‐century temperatures for NWNA and reconstructed northern hemisphere summer temperatures (ad 1300–2000) indicates that all sites responded positively to temperature prior to the mid‐20th century (at least back to ad 1300), but that some changed to a negative response (NWNA 1) while others maintained a positive response (NWNA 2). The spatial extent of divergence implies a large‐scale forcing. As the divergence appears to be restricted to the 20th century, we suggest that the temperature response shift represents a moisture stress caused by an anomalously warm, dry 20th‐century climate in NWNA, as indicated by paleoclimatic records. However, because some sites do not diverge and are located within a few kilometres of divergent sites, we speculate that site‐level factors have been important in determining the susceptibility of sites to the large‐scale drivers of divergence.  相似文献   

An ichnofauna consisting of 18 ichnospecies (one of them new) in 14 ichnogenera are described for the first time from the Middle Jurassic Ridang Formation in Sajia County, South Tibet. The ichnofauna can be subdivided into two ichnoassemblages in ascending stratigraphic order: the Palaeophycus–Megagrapton ichnoassemblage in the lower and middle parts of the Ridang Formation, followed by the CosmorhapheNereites–Paleodictyon ichnoassemblage in the upper Ridang Formation. Overall, the trace fossils occur in a middle–distal turbidite fan sequence, as evidenced by both sedimentological analysis and the composition of the trace fossils. Several subenvironments of the middle–distal fan system have been recognized on the basis of the spatial distribution of the trace fossils. Typically, the channel-fill deposits in the middle part of the turbidite fan lack trace fossils, the interchannel and upper channel-fill (levee) subenvironments of the middle turbidite fan contain abundant facies-crossing trace fossils, in contrast to the distal part of the turbidite fan where deep-water trace fossils are dominant. The ichnofauna is similar to typical flysch ichnofaunas from Europe and North America in characteristics, and is interpreted to represent a typical deep-sea Nereites ichnofacies. The presence of these deep-sea trace fossils therefore would suggest that a continental slope environment existed in southern Tibet during the Middle Jurassic and the study area was located in a slope-abyssal plain setting.  相似文献   

The Montagne Noire (southern France) possesses one of the most complete Cambrian successions in the western peri-Gondwana margin and might provide a good stratigraphic reference for both regional charts and international correlations. However, to date, the lower Cambrian succession of the northern Montagne Noire has been supposed to be devoid of biostratigraphically significant fossils. The complex tectonostratigraphic framework of the area (a range divided into Axial Zone, northern and southern Montagne Noire) exacerbated problems related to regional correlations and palaeogeographic reconstructions. As a result, the chronostratigraphic context of the lower Cambrian of northern Montagne Noire is still uncertain and stratigraphic reports have broadly relied on putative lithostratigraphic correlations with the southern Montagne Noire. The purpose of this study is to characterise, for the first time, the fossil record of carbonate beds and lenses of the northern Montagne Noire occurring at the top of the siliciclastic-dominated Marcory Formation, in order to provide regional bio- and chronostratigraphic constraints on lower Cambrian strata. Moreover, this study is aimed at improving international chronostratigraphic correlation. Carbonate beds and lenses cropping out along the Orque Cliff, in the Mélagues thrust slice, were investigated. They yielded a faunal assemblage constituted of molluscs (Igorella cf. ungulata and Igorella moncereti n. sp.), hyoliths (Conotheca brevica), chancelloriids (Archiasterella cf. pentactina and Allonnia sp.) and tommotiids (Lapworthella rete). L. rete is recorded in upper Meishucunian (Cambrian Stage 3) strata of the Yangtze Platform (South China) where it is used as index fossil of the Cambrian Stage 3 Sinosachites flabelliformisTannuolina zhangwentangi Assemblage Zone. Therefore, the presence of this tommotiid provides evidence that the studied carbonate beds and lenses are Cambrian Age 3 (Atdabanian according to the Siberian chart). The upper part of the Marcory Formation in the Mélagues slice, dated as Cambrian Stage 3, might represent a lateral equivalent of the mixed (carbonate-siliciclastic) Pardailhan Formation defined in the southern Montagne Noire.  相似文献   

The Puncoviscana Formation (s.l.) comprises a few thousand meters of mainly low-grade metamorphosed sedimentary rocks. These are dominated by mudstones, slates, and sandstones cropping out extensively in the Eastern Cordillera of NW Argentina. The formation is known by its ichnofossils, that include a variety of ichnotaxa such as Asaphoidichnus, Cochlichnus, Didymaulichnus, Dimorphichnus, Diplichnites, Glockerichnus, Helminthoidichnites, Helminthopsis, Monomorphichnus, Nereites, Oldhamia, Planolites, Protichnites, Protopaleodictyon, Protovirgularia and Treptichnus, among the most remarkable ones. The record of recurrent wrinkle structures and palimpsest ripples suggest the presence of microbial matgrounds and biofilms in different localities of NW Argentina. These have been regarded in the literature as important elements of paleoenvironments during the Vendian-Tommotian transition. Three associations have been recognized within the unit. These are the Beltanelliformis, Nereites and Oldhamia, associations, characterized by a distinct spatial distribution. They appear in NW Argentina as elongated bands (NE-SW general direction), representing different temporal steps in the Precambrian-Cambrian transition of the region.We describe an ichnoassociation represented by Helminthopsis isp., Treptichnus cf. aequalternus Schlirf, Monomorphichnus isp., comparable to an enigmatic “annelid tube” regarded as Sphenotallus? sp., and several undifferentiated microbial structures for one locality of “Beltanelliformis association” at La Higuera outcrops (Province of Tucumán). The early-referred association is included in highly folded heterolithic facies, characterized by a alternate succession of greenish-grayish fine/mid sandstones and slates. All new data on the biostratigraphy of the Precambrian-Cambrian transition in NW Argentina, contribute to a better understanding of sequences, and to the evolution of the Early Paleozoic basins of the South American margin.  相似文献   

The Sácaras Formation (Albian, Lower Cretaceous) of the Serra Gelada succession (Prebetic of Alicante), southeast Spain, comprises carbonate‐rich, upwards thickening parasequences in which many types of trace fossils have been identified. The present study focuses on two types of tubular trace fossil characterized by features of their external coating. The first type is represented by a shell‐covered, structured trace fossil, up to 4?cm in diameter and 40?cm in length, built horizontally, from rectilinear (type 1) to gently curved (type 2), which envelopes an unstructured pipe of grey silty sediment. The coating is characterized by imbricated, flat particles, mainly orbitolinid foraminifers and other planar bioclasts, forming thin concentric layers; in cross section the bioclasts produce a typical plumed structure. This trace fossil represents a new ichnogenus and ichnospecies, here named Ereipichnus geladensis. Particle arrangement of the external coating is similar to that of terebelloid tubes, but Ereipichnus is a horizontal trace fossil, whereas structured worm tubes are vertical. The second type is a grain‐coated trace fossil, tubular in shape, with a simple internal structure. The coating is often reddish with respect to the neighbouring dark grey sediment and shows a slightly coarser‐grained texture, which envelopes the internal muddy pipe. This type, which yielded echinoids, was produced by irregular or heart‐shaped sea‐urchins (spatangoids) and is attributed to Scolicia or Cardioichnus. Facies analysis of the Serra Gelada succession with Ereipichnus and Scolicia or Cardioichnus locally shows other types of branched trace fossils (primarily represented by different forms of Thalassinoides) and bioturbation is developed in tiers, increasing upwards in abundance and diversity.  相似文献   

In this paper we present the effects of different tracemakers on the redistribution of calcareous nannofossils throughout the K-Pg boundary at the Bidart section (SW France), along with their consequences for our knowledge of the K-Pg boundary event. Danian calcareous nannofossil assemblages are present in Maastrichtian samples due to infiltration into dark trace fossil infillings proceeding from the earliest Paleogene. This is evidenced by the appearance of abundant paleogene calcareous nannofossils just below the K-Pg boundary, showing the relevance of the trace fossil infillings in the context of the K-Pg boundary event.  相似文献   

Biomass figures are compared for common native vertebrate species and common non‐native vertebrate species (including fish, amphibian, reptile, bird and mammal species) across the Northern Territory, an area of ostensibly, largely unmodified natural system. The total biomass of the considered non‐native species very substantially surpasses that of the common native vertebrate species considered; hence, the perception that this is a largely intact natural system is, to some extent, an illusion. This preponderance of biomass of non‐native species may help explain the increasing evidence of ecosystem stress and decline of native species. An integrity index based on the relative biomass of native and non‐native species may provide insight into the status and trends of ecological systems across different regions.  相似文献   

An uppermost Permian-Lower Triassic biota of brachiopods, conodonts, algae and foraminifers from the Pamucak and Kokarkuyu formations at Çürük Da? (Antalya, Turkey) is here described. The brachiopods belong to two different assemblages: a lower assemblage, early Wuchiapingian in age, with Spinomarginifera cf. S. helica, Spinomarginifera cf. S. iranica, Alatorthotetina sp. ind., Orthothetina sp. ind., Ombonia antalyensis nov. sp. and few specimens of Pennospiriferinoidea; an upper assemblage, Changhsingian in age, comprising S. cf. S. iranica, Spinomarginifera cf. S. spinosocostata, Spinomarginifera sp. ind. and Orthothetina sp. ind., characteristic taxa of the low diversity survival brachiopod faunas of latest Permian age (Survival Fauna 1). The occurrence of the conodont Hindeodus cf. praeparvus above the brachiopod fauna confirms its Changhsingian age. The oolitic grainstones at the top of the Pamucak Formation contain Permocalculus sp., Macroporella cf. apachena, species of Hemigordius and Palaeozoic Lagenida. Coarse calcite fibrous cements pervade the oo-bioclastic grainstones, suggesting early marine cementation. The base of the Kokarkuyu Formation is characterized by the disaster forms Earlandia amplimuralis and “Cornuspira” mahajeri, gastropods and ostracods. The conodont Isarcicella lobata has been recovered 31 m above the base of the Kokarkuyu Formation, indicating the occurrence of the second Triassic conodont zone above the parvus biozone and below the staeschei biozone. The faunal content at the transition of the Pamucak and Kokarkuyu formations records the biotic survival in the aftermath of the end-Permian extinction. Facies evolution from lower energy inner platform wackestones and packstones to higher energy open platform oolitic grainstones indicates a transgression at the top of the Pamucak Formation, which continues into the Lower Triassic Kokarkuyu Formation.  相似文献   

The issue of the status of the Northwest Passage has ebbed and flowed in U.S.-Canada relations for decades, but the effect of global warming in the Arctic has moved this issue from the largely academic and legalistic realms to the forefront of bilateral (and international) relations. Intimately linked to Canadian nationalism, U.S. adherence to the doctrine of freedom of the seas, and to politics in both nations, the opposing positions held by the two states can no longer afford to be implacably held. Rather, it is time to put pride and politics aside and return to the “special relationship” between Canada and the United States in order to effect meaningful and mutually beneficial continental security.  相似文献   

Drawing on a unique survey experiment in the 2011 Canadian Election Study data set, this paper examines the ways in which racial cues influence attitudes towards redistributive policy. While work in the USA points to a strong racialization of welfare attitudes, little research explores the ways in which racial cues may structure attitudes about welfare elsewhere. In the Canadian context, Aboriginal peoples have faced both historic persecution and continue to face severe discrimination. They also experience much higher levels of poverty than other groups in Canada. Our results examine the effect that (hypothetical) Aboriginal recipients have on public support for social assistance. Results suggest that respondents' support for redistribution is lower when recipients are Aboriginal rather than white. As we have seen in the USA, then, support for welfare is related to racialized perceptions about those who benefit from social assistance.  相似文献   

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