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Shamina NV 《Protoplasma》2012,249(1):43-51
According to our data, the arrest of univalents in bouquet arrangement is a widespread meiotic feature in cereal haploids and allohaploids (wide hybrids F1). We have analyzed 83 different genotypes of cereal haploids and allohaploids with visualization of the cytoskeleton and found a bouquet arrest in 45 of them (in 30% to 100% pollen mother cells (PMCs)). The meiotic plant cell division in 26 various genotypes with a zygotene bouquet arrest was analyzed in detail. In three of them in PMCs, a very specific monopolar conic-shaped figure at early prometaphase is formed. This monopolar figure consists of mono-oriented univalents and their kinetochore fibers converging in pointed pole. Such figures are never observed at wild-type prometaphase or in asynaptic meiosis in the variants without a bouquet arrest. Later at prometaphase, the bipolar central spindle fibers join in this monopolar figure, and a bipolar spindle with all univalents connected to one pole is formed. As a result of monopolar chromosome segregation at anaphase and normal cytokinesis at telophase, a dyad with one member carrying a restitution nucleus and the other enucleated is formed. However, such phenotype has only three genotypes among 26 analyzed with a bouquet arrest. In the remaining 23 haploids and allohaploids, the course of prometaphase was altered after the conic monopolar figure formation. In these variants, the completely formed conic monopolar figure was disintegrated into a chaotic network of spindle fibers and univalents acquired a random orientation. This arrangement looks like a mid-prometaphase in the wild-type meiosis. At late prometaphase, a bipolar spindle is formed with the univalents distributed more or less equally between two poles, similar to the phenotypes without a bouquet arrest. The product of cell division is a dyad with aneuploid members. Thus, the spindle abnormality—monopolar chromosome orientation—is corrected. In some cells the correction of the prometaphase monopolus occurs by means of its splitting into two half-spindles and their rotation along the future division axis.  相似文献   

The distribution of preformed ("old") histone octamers between the two arms of DNA replication forks was analyzed in simian virus 40(SV40)-infected cells following treatment with cycloheximide to prevent nucleosome assembly from nascent histones. Viral chromatin synthesized in the presence of cycloheximide was shown to be deficient in nucleosomes. Replicating SV40 DNA (wild-type 800 and capsid assembly mutant, tsB11) was radiolabeled in either intact cells or nuclear extracts supplemented with cytosol. Nascent nucleosomal monomers were then released by extensive digestion of isolated nuclei, nuclear extracts or isolated viral chromosomes with micrococcal nuclease. The labeled nucleosomal DNA was purified and found to hybridize to both strands of SV40 DNA restriction fragments taken from each side of the origin of DNA replication, whereas Okazaki fragments hybridized only to the strand representing the retrograde DNA template. In addition, isolated, replicating SV40 chromosomes were digested with two strand-specific exonucleases that excised nascent DNA from either the forward or the retrograde side of replication forks. Pretreatment of cells with cycloheximide did not result in an excess of prenucleosomal DNA on either side of replication forks, but did increase the amount of internucleosomal DNA. These data are consistent with a dispersive model for nucleosome segregation in which "old" histone octamers are distributed to both arms of DNA replication forks.  相似文献   

Upon recovery from nocodazole treatment, microtubules from cultured epithelial cells exhibit unusual properties: they re-grow as fast as any highly dynamic microtubule, but they are also protected against disassembly when challenged with nocodazole like the stable microtubules of steady-state cells. Exploring the mechanism that underlies this protection, we found that it was sensitive to ATP treatment and that it involved conventional kinesin. Kinesin localized at the growing end or along nascent microtubules. Its inhibition using a dominant-negative construct for cargo binding, or by micro-injecting an anti-kinesin heavy chain antibody that impairs motor activity, resulted in the partial or total loss of microtubule protection. Finally, in an ex vivo elongation assay, we found that kinesin also participates in the control of microtubule re-growth. Altogether, our findings suggest that kinesin is involved in an early microtubule protection process that is linked to the control of their dynamics during their early growth phase.  相似文献   

Summary The marked binding of antibodies specific for 5-methylcytidine to the short arm of chromosome 15 distinguishes this chromosome from the other human acrocentrics. This method has been used to study over 60 individuals including 12 who did not have Down's syndrome, but who did have an extra G-group sized acrocentric chromosome. In six cases the extra chromosome did not show intensive binding of anti-5-methylcytidine. In the other six cases, the extra chromosome contained a 5-methylcytidine rich band at each end indicating that both ends were derived from chromosome 15 and contained centromeric heterochromatin normally present on the short arm of chromosome 15. The duplication of short arm material in the abnormal chromosomes was confirmed in all cases by quinacrine staining, nucleolar organizer (Ag-AS) staining or C-banding. In three cases, the abnormal chromosome appeared to arise from two different chromosomes 15. Several possible mechanisms for the production of the abnormal chromosome are discussed. The individuals with this abnormal chromosome all showed some degree of mental retardation, but few common physical findings.  相似文献   

We propose a new method for segregation of yeast artificial chromosomes (YACs) from endogenous yeast chromosomes with similar lengths. The method is based on recently developed PNA-assisted rare cleavage (PARC) of genomic DNA. We apply the PARC procedure to YAC-containing samples of yeast DNA in such a way that host chromosomes, which electrophoretically comigrate with the chosen YACs, are selectively digested while YACs remain intact. These data demonstrate that a pool of appropriate PNAs can be used as an efficient tool for the PARC-based isolation of intact purified YACs directly from the host cells.  相似文献   

The polarity of kinetochore microtubules was determined in a system for which kinetochore-initiated microtubule assembly has been demonstrated. Chinese hamster ovary cells were treated with 0.3 micrograms/ml colcemid for 8 h and then released from the block. Prior to recovery, microtubules were completely absent from the cells. The recovery was monitored using light and electron microscopy to establish that the cells progress through anaphase and that the kinetochore fibers are fully functional. Since early stages of recovery are characterized by short microtubule segments that terminate in the kinetochore fibrous corona rather than on the outer disk, microtubule polarity was determined at later stages of recovery when longer kinetochore bundles had formed, allowing us to establish unambiguously the spatial relationship between microtubules, kinetochores, and chromosomes. The cells were lysed in a detergent mixture containing bovine brain tubulin under conditions that allowed the formation of polarity-revealing hooks. 20 kinetochore bundles were assayed for microtubule polarity in either thick or thin serial sections. We found that 95% of the decorated kinetochore microtubules had the same polarity and that, according to the hook curvature, the plus ends of the microtubules were at the kinetochores. Hence, the polarity of kinetochore microtubules in Chinese hamster ovary cells recovering from a colcemid block is the same as in normal untreated cells. This result suggests that microtubule polarity is likely to be important for spindle function since kinetochore microtubules show the same polarity, regardless of the pattern of spindle formation.  相似文献   

J. Puro  S. Nokkala 《Chromosoma》1977,63(3):273-286
A new technique was developed for a light microscopic analysis of meiosis in Drosophila oocytes. — When the nuclear envelope breaks down the bivalents, till then compressed into a karyosome, separate in early prometaphase. The homologues remain associated by chiasmata except for the fourth chromosomes which are no longer associated. Non-homologous chromosomes regularly segregating from each other in genetic experiments are also unconnected after karyosome disintegration but during metaphase I the fourth chromosomes and the heterologous pairs coorient on the same arc of the spindle and move precociously towards opposite poles. Nondisjunction and other irregularities are not infrequent in oocytes having an uneven number of achiasmatic elements. The fourth chromosomes and the Xs or the large autosomes, when lacking chiasmata, may be involved in non-homologous segregation. In c3G homozygotes all chromosomes appear as univalents in prometaphase. Segregation is variable but the observations suggest the polar distribution of equal numbers of chromosomes in variable combinations irrespective of the size. — Coorientation of univalents may be accounted for if the centromeres, whether homologous or non-homologous, are associated in pairs during early meiotic prophase, and that in the karyosome these pairing relationships are preserved until spindle organization at the onset of prometaphase.  相似文献   

H. U. Lütolf 《Genetica》1972,43(3):431-442
Analysis of crossos between genetically marked stocks of Drosophila melanogaster showed, that the compound-3 chromosomes C(3L)RM and C(3R)RM segregate preterentially in female meiosis, and the following two types of eggs are formed predominantly: C(3L)RM; 0 and 0; C(3R)RM. In male meiosis segregation is almost random and four types of sperm are formed: 1. C(3L)RM; C(3R)RM, 2. 0; 0, 3. C(3L)RM; 0, 4. 0; C(3R)RM. The frequencies of these sperm types vary with the genotypes tested. In the stock C(3L)RM, st; C(3R)RM, p p, males produce 76.8% type 1 and 2, and 23.2% type 3 and 4; males of the stock C(3L)RM, ri; C(3R)RM, sr form 63.2% type 1 and 2, and 36.8% type 3 and 4.The segregational behaviour of compound-3 chromosomes found in female meiosis is expected according to the distributive pairing hypothesis. In the male however, where there is no distributive pairing, the stock-specific segregation of compound-3 chromosomes may be due to the presence of small homologous chromosome segments near the centromere which influence chromosome distribution.  相似文献   

Additional or B chromosomes not belonging to the regular karyotype of a species are found in many animal and plant groups. They form a highly heterogeneous group with respect to their morphology and behaviour both in mitosis and meiosis. Achiasmatic mechanisms that ensure the segregation of a B chromosome from another B chromosome or from an A chromosome are reviewed. An achiasmatic mechanism characterized by the "distance pairing" of segregating univalents at metaphase I was found to be responsible for the preferential segregation of B chromosome univalents in Hemerobius marginatus L. (Neuroptera), and a mechanism characterized by the "touch and go pairing" of segregating univalents was responsible for the highly regular segregation of a B chromosome and the X chromosome in Rhinocola aceris (L.) (Psylloidea, Homoptera). The latter mechanism resulted in the integration of a B chromosome to the A chromosome set as a Y chromosome in a psyllid species Cacopsylla peregrina (Frst.). Furthermore, B chromosomes can disturb the regular segregation of the achiasmatic X and Y chromosomes resulting in the formation of X0/XY polymorphism in a population, which might precede the loss of the Y chromosome. The absence of observations on accurately functioning achiasmatic segregation mechanisms in grasshoppers (Orthoptera) was attributed to the X and B chromosomes, which re-orient one or several times during metaphase I. Apparently, these re-orientations mask any achiasmatic segregation mechanism that might operate during meiotic prophase in these insects.  相似文献   

Two distinct chromosome architectures are prevalent among eukaryotes: monocentric, in which localized centromeres restrict kinetochore assembly to a single chromosomal site, and holocentric, in which diffuse kinetochores form along the entire chromosome length. During mitosis, both chromosome types use specialized chromatin, containing the histone H3 variant CENP-A, to direct kinetochore assembly. For the segregation of recombined homologous chromosomes during meiosis, monocentricity is thought to be crucial for limiting spindle-based forces to one side of a crossover and to prevent recombined chromatids from being simultaneously pulled towards both spindle poles. The mechanisms that allow holocentric chromosomes to avert this fate remain uncharacterized. Here, we show that markedly different mechanisms segregate holocentric chromosomes during meiosis and mitosis in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Immediately prior to oocyte meiotic segregation, outer-kinetochore proteins were recruited to cup-like structures on the chromosome surface via a mechanism that is independent of CENP-A. In striking contrast to mitosis, both oocyte meiotic divisions proceeded normally following depletion of either CENP-A or the closely associated centromeric protein CENP-C. These findings highlight a pronounced difference between the segregation of holocentric chromosomes during meiosis and mitosis and demonstrate the potential to uncouple assembly of outer-kinetochore proteins from CENP-A chromatin.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybrids and backcrossed organisms generally suffer from reduced viability and/or fertility. To identify and genetically map these defects, we introgressed regions of the Drosophila sechellia genome into the D. simulans genome. A female-biased sex ratio was observed in 24 of the 221 recombinant inbred lines, and subsequent tests attributed the skew to failure of Y-bearing sperm to fertilize the eggs. Apparently these introgressed lines fail to suppress a normally silent meiotic drive system. Using molecular markers we mapped two regions of the Drosophila genome that appear to exhibit differences between D. simulans and D. sechellia in their regulation of sex chromosome segregation distortion. The data indicate that the sex ratio phenotype results from an epistatic interaction between at least two factors. We discuss whether this observation is relevant to the meiotic drive theory of hybrid male sterility.  相似文献   

In this investigation we studied whether mouse blastocoele formation is sensitive to colcemid, an anti-microtubular drug. Morulae on the verge of cavitating were observed by phase contrast microscopy before, during and after exposure to colcemid. Control morulae contained many refractile vesicles, which were initially dispersed and which subsequently became aligned under contiguous cell borders. Then vesicles diminished in number and were replaced by refractile furrows delineating contiguous cell borders, with cavitation following shortly thereafter. In 90% of morulate treated with colcemid (0.01 μg/ml), vesicle alignment, furrow formation and cavitation were prevented. This effect of colcemid was still reversible in 50% of morulate treated with colcemid for 12 h and then returned to control medium. When the effect of colcemid treatment on cell number was compared with that on cavitation, we found that (1) both the incidence of cavitation and cell number per blastocyst were dependent on the length of colcemid treatment; and (2) cavitation was more sensitive to colcemid treatment performed at the morula stage than at earlier stages of development, whereas cell number per blastocyst showed no stage-dependent sensitivity to colcemid treatment. These results are consistent with these inferences: (1) cavitation may involve intact microtubules; and (2) microtubules participating in cavitation may differ from microtubules participating in mitosis in sensitivity to colcemid.  相似文献   

The study of prokaryotic chromosome segregation has focused primarily on bacteria with single circular chromosomes. Little is known about segregation in bacteria with multipartite genomes. The human diarrhoeal pathogen Vibrio cholerae has two circular chromosomes of unequal sizes. Using static and time-lapse fluorescence microscopy, we visualized the localization and segregation of the origins of replication of the V. cholerae chromosomes. In all stages of the cell cycle, the two origins localized to distinct subcellular locations. In newborn cells, the origin of chromosome I (oriCIvc) was located near the cell pole while the origin of chromosome II (oriCIIvc) was at the cell centre. Segregation of oriCIvc occurred asymmetrically from a polar position, with one duplicated origin traversing the length of the cell towards the opposite pole and the other remaining relatively fixed. In contrast, oriCIIvc segregated later in the cell cycle than oriCIvc and the two duplicated oriCIIvc regions repositioned to the new cell centres. DAPI staining of the nucleoid demonstrated that both origin regions were localized to the edge of the visible nucleoid and that oriCIvc foci were often associated with specific nucleoid substructures. The differences in localization and timing of segregation of oriCIvc and oriCIIvc suggest that distinct mechanisms govern the segregation of the two V. cholerae chromosomes.  相似文献   

Quinacrine fluorescence of variant and abnormal human Y chromosomes   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Quinacrine fluorescence has been used to examine variant and abnormal human Y chromosomes, at interphase and mitosis. The length difference in variant Y chromosomes has been shown to involve the highly fluorescent segment only. Eight abnormalities of the Y chromosome have been positively identified, two isochromosomes of the long arms of the Y, five pericentric inversions, and a dicentric Y chromosome with two long arms. Contributory evidence for two further abnormalities, a ring Y and a dicentric with two short arms, is also given.  相似文献   

High recovery of large molecular weight DNA from sorted maize chromosomes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
High recovery of large molecular weight DNA from single types of sorted chromosomes is a requirement for the construction of partially digested chromosome-specific libraries. We have developed a simple procedure, based on salting out, for rapidly obtaining large quantities of chromosomal DNA from flow-sorted chromosomes in maize. DNA isolated from sorted frozen chromosomes was of good quality, over 120 kb in size, and suitable for restriction enzyme analysis and construction of phage libraries.  相似文献   

Hoechst 33258 fluorescent staining can be coupled with G-banding to identify the chromosomal contribution of each parent in mouse-rabbit hybridomas. A fast and essentially complete segregation of rabbit chromosomes is obtained in these cells. The rabbit X chromosome is preferentially maintained in media imposing HGPRT activity for cell growth. Mouse-rabbit hybridomas, some of which secrete rabbit immunoglobulin chains, should be a convenient material for the identification of chromosomes governing rabbit Ig chain synthesis.  相似文献   

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