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Changes in the structure of the digestive gland cells of Venus's-flytrap during the digestive process have been studied with light and electron microscopy. Large vacuolar lipid-protein inclusions break up and become smaller; however, they never completely disappear during the entire 7-10-day cycle. Dictyosomes in the resting digestive gland are associated with small, inconspicuous vesicles, whereas during the digestive cycle two types of prominent vesicles are observed on the peripheral tubules. Changes in plastid fine structure are complex and involve the disappearance of lipid globules and the tubular complex, followed by the formation of microtubules on the thylakoids and cisternae on the outer plastid membrane. Mitochondrial fine structure changes from the small cristae and light matrix of the resting state to large cristae and a very dense matrix representative of a change to a state where phosphorylation is tightly coupled to electron transport. Pronounced changes which occur in the cell envelope (cell wall and membrane taken together) are apparently associated with secretion of the digestive fluid. Numerous other changes are observed such as polysome formation, multivesicular body formation, mitochondria division, and changes which can be attributed in general to elevated cell activity.  相似文献   

Fine structural details of the cells and processes of the hydranenous system are reported in this paper. Ganglion cells aresmall bipolar or multipolar cells situated above the muscularprocesses of epitheliomusiular cells. An elaborate Colgi apparatusconsisting of parallel lamellae and small and large vesiclesis present in these cells. Some cells are poor in ribosomeswhile others contain numerous free ribosomes. In the ribosome-richcells, small membranous microtubules originating from the nuclearenvelope extend into the cytoplasm and neurites. The neuritesalso contain vesicles and mitochondria and terminate at thebases of cnidoblasts and on the muscular processes of epitheliomuscularcells. Specialized synapses were not observed. A second cell type contains many membrane-bounded dense granules,1000 A in diameter, and these are considered to be neurosecretorycells. Neurosecretory granules on cnidoblasts and epitheliomuscularcells. Sensory cells are small elongated cells originate inthe Golgi apparatus and are abundant in neurites which alsoterminate situated between the apical surfaces of epithelialand digestive cells. These cells are characterized by an apicalspecialization which appears to be a modified cilium. Neurosensorycells were also observed. The intimate connection of the nervoussystem with cnidoblasts suggests a role in nematocyst discharge.The finding of neurosecretory material supports the hypothesisthat the neural control of regeneration in hydra is regulatedby material released at nerve endings.  相似文献   

The ampullate silk gland of the spider, Araneus sericatus, produces the silk fiber for the scaffolding of the web. The fine structure of the various parts of the gland is described. The distal portion of the duct consist of a tube of epithelial cells which appear to secrete a substance which forms the tunica intima of the duct wall. At the proximal end of the duct there is a region of secretory cells. The epithelium of the sac portion contains five morphologically distinct types of granules. The bulk of the synthesis of silk occurs in the tail of the gland, and in this region only a single type of secretory droplet is seen in the epithelium. Protein synthesis can be stimulated by the injection of 1 mg/kg acetylcholine into the body fluids. 10 min after injection, much of the protein stored in the cytoplasm of the epithelial cells has been secreted into the lumen. 20 min after stimulation, the ergastoplasmic sacs form large whorls in the cytoplasm. Protein, similar in electron-opacity to protein found in the lumen, begins to form in that portion of the cytoplasm which is enclosed by the whorls. The limiting membrane of these droplets is formed by ergastoplasmic membranes which lose their ribosomes. No Golgi material has been found in these cells. Protein appears to be manufactured in the cytoplasm of the tail cells in a form which is ready for secretion.  相似文献   

神经再生过程中神经组织的红外光谱分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用傅里叶变换红外光谱仪分析了坐骨神经损伤后L4-6脊髓节段腹角区域红外光谱变化,观察结果表明,损伤后8小时至3天以及10天损伤侧显示磷酸二酯在团vasPO2-和vsPO2-的1240cm-1和1080cm-1谱线明显增强;而且损伤后10天1080cm-1谱线增强幅度较大。提示损伤引发了神经组织核酸(DN和RNA)合成的增加。显示酰胺Ⅰ(amideⅠ)的1652cm-1谱线于损伤后3天增强,而1天和10天减弱,揭示损伤引起的神经元蛋白质含量和结构的变化是非常复杂的。  相似文献   

Reversible phenotypic switching can be caused by a number of different mechanisms including epigenetic inheritance systems and DNA-based contingency loci. Previous work has shown that reversible switching systems may be favored by natural selection. Many switches can be characterized as "on/off" where the "off" state constitutes a temporary and reversible loss of function. Loss-of-function phenotypes corresponding to the "off" state can be produced in many different ways, all yielding identical fitness in the short term. In the long term, however, a switch-induced loss of function can be reversed, whereas many loss-of-function mutations, especially deletions, cannot. We refer to these loss-of-function mutations as "irreversible mimics" of the reversible switch. Here, we develop a model in which a reversible switch evolves in the presence of both irreversible mimics and metapopulation structure. We calculate that when the rate of appearance of irreversible mimics exceeds the migration rate, the evolved reversible switching rate will exceed the bet-hedging rate predicted by panmictic models.  相似文献   

An examination of the topographic distribution of lipofuscin pigment granules with the light and electron microscope revealed either smaller and randomly "dispersed" or larger and more complex "clustered" pigment configurations in the cytoplasm of neurons in the dorsal ganglia and ventral spinal cord of 24-month old male mice. Qualitative comparisons revealed no major differences in shape, size, complexity, density, orientation, and cytologic distribution of the pigment bodies in motor and sensory neurons. In general, when the pigment granules were quite numerous within the 2 types of cells, they were smaller in size (~lµ), had a dense homogeneous matrix with few bands or lamellae, and were uniformly distributed throughout the cytoplasm. In contrast, when the pigment configurations were less in number, they were usually larger in size (~3µ), had a more complex internal banded structure, and appeared more localized within the cell. Examination of the bands revealed a repeating pattern of ~70 A. The bands appeared to fuse, forming hexagonal arrays of linear densities intersecting at an angle of approximately 120° in some regions of the pigment bodies. Structural similarities suggested that the striated membranous bands may be composed of phospholipids.  相似文献   

Bitemporal intracerebral injections of puromycin in mice suppress indefinitely expression of memory of avoidance-discrimination learning. Ultrastructural studies of the entorhinal cortex of puromycin-treated mice revealed the following: (a) Abnormalities were not observed in presynaptic terminals and synaptic clefts; many postsynaptic dendrites or somas contained swollen mitochondria. (b) Dispersion of polyribosomes into single units or condensation of ribosomes into irregular aggregates with loss of "distinctiveness" was noted in a few neurons 7–27 hr after puromycin treatment. (c) Cytoplasmic aggregates of granular or amorphous material were frequently noted within otherwise normal neuronal perikarya. (d) Mitochondria in many neuronal perikarya and dendrites were swollen. Mitochondria in axons, presynaptic terminals, and glial cells were unaltered. The relationships between these lesions and the effect of puromycin on protein synthesis and memory are examined. It is suggested that the disaggregation of polysomes is too limited to explain the effect of puromycin on memory. Special emphasis is given to the swelling of mitochondria. The possible mechanisms and the significance of this lesion are discussed.  相似文献   

Changes at the level of cell fine structure have been studied during lens regeneration in the toad, Xenopus laevis, where cornea gives rise to the new lens. The transformation of these cells may be divided into three phases. (1) In the cornea, flattened cells become cuboidal and rough endoplasmic reticulum increases in amount. (2) In the new lens vesicle, cisternae of the rough ER break down into vesicles, smooth-walled vesicles and free ribosomes increase in number, and mitochondria can become enlarged and irregular, then centrally attenuated. Rudimentary cilia form. (3) As new lens fibers form, ribosomes become very numerous and low density fibrous elements and dense clumps appear in the cytoplasm. These phases are accompanied by marked nucleolar changes. The changes during the 3rd phase are similar to changes in the lens during normal development. The first two phases show an unexpected morphological complexity.  相似文献   

1. In the heads of maturing sperm of a locust the chromatin becomes arranged in a highly regular manner so as to produce many parallel lines about 60 A thick in longitudinal section and contiguous polygons in transverse section. 2. This configuration appears after fixation in osmium tetroxide, formaldehyde, or acetic acid; intermediate stages in its development are illustrated. 3. These electron micrographs are interpreted to mean that, during sperm maturation, the chromatin becomes formed into sheets and then into tubes running parallel with the long axis. 4. In the mature sperm head we have been unable so far to detect this structure. This may be because the chromatin becomes so compact during the shrinkage of the nucleus which occurs during formation of the mature sperm.  相似文献   

大麦浆片结构及其在开花过程中的变化   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
浆片由表皮、基本组织和维管束三部分组成。表皮上不具气孔,细胞外壁角质化。维管束为有限外韧型,呈散生状分布。浆片中管束数与其所含导管数因品种(系)而异,可育系多于不育系。大维管束由数个导管、筛管及伴胞和维管束薄壁细胞组成,且其维管束薄壁细胞壁厚、核大、质浓,线粒体丰富,中、小维管束一般不含导管。  相似文献   

本实验观察了发热家兔脑脊液(CSF)和血浆中精氨酸加压素(AVP)含量的变化及禁水对家兔内毒素(ET)发热效应的影响。实验结果表明:1.隔区注射AVP可明显抑制家兔ET性发热效应;2.发热组家兔CSF和血浆中AVP含量较正常组明显降低;3.禁水可明显对抗家兔ET性发热效应,其抗热作用与CSF和血浆中AVP含量升高有关;4.禁水也可使正常家兔体温水平下移。上述实验结果提示,AVP可能是家兔体内一种内源性退热物质,同时在正常体温调节中也可能发挥一定的作用。  相似文献   

The fine structural changes occurring in the columnar absorbing cells of the intestinal epithelium during metamorphosis of the bullfrog, Rana catesbeiana, have been examined by phase contrast and electron microscopy. Tissue samples taken just posterior to the entrance of the hepatopancreatic duct were fixed in veronal acetate-buffered osmium tetroxide and embedded in methacrylate. Under the action of the metamorphic stimulus (thyroid hormone), specific and characteristic responses were given by differentiated larval cells and undifferentiated basal cells within the same epithelium. The functional larval cells underwent degenerative changes and were retained for a time within the metamorphosing epithelium. Dense bodies appeared and increased in number in association with the loss of normal cell structure. Because of their morphology and time of formation, these bodies have been tentatively identified as lysosomes. Early in metamorphosis the basal cells did not change, but they subsequently proliferated to form a new cell layer beneath the remaining degenerating cells that lined the lumen. After the dying cells were sloughed into the gut, the new epithelium differentiated to form the adult tissue. The columnar epithelial cells of the mature animal differed in their fine structural organization from their larval precursors. Therefore, their adult configuration was molded by the action of the metamorphic stimulus.  相似文献   

(1) The chemical composition of the CNS (separated into cerebrum, cerebellum, brain stem and spinal cord) was determined in sheep during foetal and post-natal development and in adults. (2) The spinal cord differed from the remainder of the CNS in growing more after the period studied (50-day-old foetuses to 5-week-old lambs) than before it. This was largely attributable to lipid accumulation. (3) Chemical growth (accumulation of DNA, protein and lipid) proceeded linearly in spinal cord, logarithmically in cerebrum and cerebellum while in brain stem growth was described by a sigmoid function. (4) Fat-free dry matter, protein, total lipid, cholesterol and phospholipid concentrations increased progressively in all parts of the CNS but DNA concentrations changed little. In the cerebrum alone there was an increase in DNA concentration during maturation suggesting an increased cell population. Cholesterol was present predominantly in the free form but esters were detected in foetal tissues from 70 up to 120 days gestation. (5) Cerebroside, the characteristic lipid of myelin, increased in concentration soon after 85 days of gestation, up to which point very low values were recorded, the rate varying according to the region of the CNS examined. Rates of increase in total regional cerebroside content were used to identify periods of myelination and the results suggest that there are two periods of peak activity, one about 20 days before birth and the other at 10-20 days after birth. (6) The composition of lipids added during the two phases of myelination and during maturation were characteristically different. In the spinal cord, lipid analyses best reflect changes in myelin composition.  相似文献   

Modifications of some membranal enzymatic activities in rabbit brain edema induced by cold injury were studied. The edema was characterized by the tissue H2O content and the K+/Na+ ratio. Comparison of the respiratory rate of isolated mitochondria in the state 3 and 4 and the ADP/O ratio suggested an alteration in the ATP synthesis mechanism. The oligomycin sensitive ATPase activity was severely reduced in mitochondria isolated from edematous cells. The alteration of the ouabain sensitive Na+-K+-ATPase was first qualitative in the sense where the response of the ATPase to the K+/Na+ ratio was modified. A loss of the total activity was then observed. Intravenous injection of CDP choline induced a regression of the edema, a restoration of the sensitivity of the mitochondrial ATPase towards oligomycin and a restoration of the sensitivity of the Na+-K+-ATPase to the K+/Na+ ratio. These results suggest that the reversible damages of the cells induced by cold injury were due to a disorder at the protein-lipid interaction level.  相似文献   

A comparative methodological study was made of the fine structure of apical cortical cells in excised radicles from cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L. var M-8) seeds. Radicles from dry seed had 12% moisture content and were prepared for electron microscopy using several different techniques. These included different methods of chemical fixation or freeze-fracture and etching of unfixed tissue for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and cryofracturing of fixed and dehydrated radicles for scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Cortical cells had a similar appearance regardless of the method used in tissue preparation. Cell walls had a pronounced waviness which was particularly evident in SEM images of cells lining the elongated intercellular air spaces. The plasma membrane (PM) delimited the cytoplasm of each cell as an intact unit membrane. Single layers of tightly-packed lipid bodies (LB) were apposed to the PM and protein bodies (PB). Distension of cells, membranous organelles and LB was observed in radicles fixed by immersion in aqueous solutions, suggesting that a certain amount of hydration occurred during fixation. This interpretation was supported by the compact appearance of cells and organelles in tissue prepared by freeze-etch or vapor fixation. We conclude that freeze-fracture and etching of unfixed tissue provided the best information for cell morphology and structure of membranes and organelles in dry tissue. Complementary data on the fine details of nuclei and cytoplasmic organelles were best observed with TEM of fixed tissue. These data when viewed collectively indicate the advantage of using several techniques to obtain analogous and complementary information essential for establishing a baseline level of information on the fine structure of cells in dry tissue.  相似文献   

The behavior of the nucleolus during mitosis was studied by electron microscopy in neuroblast cells of the grasshopper embryo, Chortophaga viridifasciata. Living neuroblast cells were observed in the light microscope, and their mitotic stages were identified and recorded. The cells were fixed and embedded; alternate thick and thin sections were made for light and electron microscopy. The interphase nucleolus consists of two fine structural components arranged in separate zones. Concentrations of 150 A granules form a dense peripheral zone, while the central regions are composed of a homogeneous background substance. Observations show that nucleolar dissolution in prophase occurs in two steps with a preliminary loss of the background substance followed by a dispersal of the granules. Nucleolar material reappears at anaphase as small clumps or layers at the chromosome surfaces. These later form into definite bodies, which disappear as the nucleolus grows in telophase. Evidence suggests both a collecting and a synthesizing role for the nucleolus-associated chromatin. The final, mature nucleolar form is produced by a rearrangement of the fine structural components and an increase in their mass.  相似文献   

Chloroplast ontogeny has been examined in 42-day etiolated triploid aspen callus (Populus tremuloides Michx.) subjected to two different light conditions. White and low-intensity red illumination showed little differences in their stimulatory effects on plastid development, the red light-irradiated plastids developing only slightly more slowly. Asynchronous plastid development was noted in both lighting systems. Etioplasts contained an interconnected tubular net, phytoferritin aggregates, electron-transparent vesicles which seem to invaginate from the inner plastid membrane, membrane-bound homogeneous spheroids and starch grains. Irradiation caused various morphological changes within the proplastids; the tubular complex became transformed into the more ordered prolamellar body-like structure from which radiated membrane-bound sacs filled with electron-dense material. These sacs, characterized as thylakoid precursors, were transformed into a thylakoidal system typical of mature chloroplasts. This ontogenetic scheme represents an additional pathway for the development of photosynthetic lamellae. Other light-induced changes in the developing plastid include disappearance of phytoferritin particles and homogeneous spheroids, decrease in starch content, and appearance of osmiophilic droplets.  相似文献   

练庆林  倪国坛 《生理学报》1993,45(2):182-185
本研究目的在于探讨大鼠氧惊厥时,纹状体和下丘脑内亮-脑啡肽(L-Enk)含量的变化。实验中将32只雄性大鼠随机分为4组:常压空气组、高压常氧氮组、高压氧未惊厥组和高压氧惊厥组。用放射免疫法测定了纹状体和下丘脑内L-Enk含量。结果显示,在高压氧环境中暴露的大鼠纹状体和下丘脑内L-Enk含量明显高于常压空气组和高压常氧氮组;且增高到一定水平时发生惊厥。实验结果提示,动物惊厥与纹状体和下丘脑中L-Enk含量的增加呈正相关,而与高压氧环境及加减压方式无显著关系。  相似文献   

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