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Sex differences in growth were studied in a longitudinal study of 39 boys and 31 girls for sitting height. Individual growth patterns were determined by means of Preece Baines model 1. The results showed no significant bias in the fits of height and sitting height in boys and girls. Girls fits were significantly better than those of the boys for both height and sitting height. Univariate analysis by means of Mann-Whitney test showed significant sex differences for all function and biological parameters of height and sitting height excepted for s1 parameter (the rate constant controlling pubertal velocity). Linear discriminant analysis revealed that the strongest sex differences for the timing and size parameters at adolescent. Peak velocity at adolescent was slightly less discriminating between the two sexes and velocity at take-off showed the least sex difference. These trends were similar for height and sitting height. Decomposition of sex differences in adult size showed that the major contributor to adult the sex differences is the effect of the later onset of the adolescent growth spurt in boys than in girls. Sex differences in adult phenotypes of height and sitting height are to a slightly lesser extent due to the greater adolescent gain in boys while prepubertal sex differences are almost negligible.  相似文献   

Males and females often age at different rates resulting in longevity 'gender gaps', where one sex outlives the other. Why the sexes have different lifespans is an age-old question, still fiercely debated today. One cellular process related to lifespan, which is known to differ according to sex, is the rate at which the protective telomere chromosome caps are lost. In humans, men have shorter lifespans and greater telomere shortening. This has led to speculation in the medical literature that sex-specific telomere shortening is one cause of sex-specific mortality. However, telomere shortening may be a cause for and/or a consequence of the processes that govern survival, and to infer general principles from single-taxon studies may be misleading. Here, we review recent work on telomeres in a variety of animal taxa, including those with reverse sexual lifespan dimorphism (i.e., where males live longer), to establish whether sex-specific survival is generally associated with sex differences in telomere dynamics. By doing this, we attempt to tease apart the potential underlying causes for sex differences in telomere lengths in humans and highlight targets for future research across all taxa.  相似文献   

Olga Jordi 《Bird Study》2016,63(2):273-278
Capsule: Chick growth rates was sex-dependent in an Atlantic Yellow-legged Gull Larus michahellis population.

Aims: To describe the growth rate of Yellow-legged Gull chicks and sex-associated variations, and obtain a discriminant function to sex them using morphological data.

Methods: Fifty-two Yellow-legged Gull chicks from a colony in northern Iberia were measured for body mass, head and bill length, tarsus length and three other bill-length associated variables, from the hatching date up to the age of 36 days. Birds were sexed using DNA analysis.

Results: Using logistic models, chick growth rates was observed to be similar between the sexes, while the asymptote was higher among males for the majority of the variables. Discriminant analyses showed that the variable head+bill was very reliable to predict the sex of >80% of chicks at an early developmental stage, and 100% of chicks if combined with tarsus length and two more bill-length associated variables at the age of 35 days.

Conclusions: This is the first study using a discriminant analysis to sex Yellow-legged Gull chicks, and also the first to describe the growth function for the species. The growth rate varied between sexes because males showed higher asymptote values within the growth function.  相似文献   

为了解蛇鮈雌雄间是否存在显著的外部形态差异及雌性个体生殖力情况, 在繁殖期对嘉陵江下游(合川江段)共76尾蛇鮈样本的两性异形、性比及雌性个体生殖力进行分析.结果表明: 嘉陵江下游蛇鮈繁殖群体的性比接近1∶1,且蛇鮈两性的体型大小相同,但局部特征(如头部和躯干部等)呈现出显著的两性异形,如成体雄性蛇鮈的头部、胸鳍和腹鳍均较雌性蛇鮈大,而躯干部的体宽、体高和躯干长则是雌性蛇鮈大于雄性蛇鮈,这可能是性选择长期作用的结果.主成分分析显示,前3个主成分的累积贡献率达75.2%,但雌雄个体间形态特征相互重叠,无法将两者截然分开;利用判别函数对蛇鮈性别进行回判,综合判别准确率为92.1%.蛇鮈雌性个体绝对生殖力在979~19979粒;且与体长和去内脏体质量均呈显著正相关.同历史资料相比,本研究中嘉陵江蛇鮈的生殖力增大显著,这可能是蛇鮈对种群资源量下降和水环境变化主动适应的结果.  相似文献   

Sex differences in behaviour as an indirect consequence of mating system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A considerable literature has been devoted to documenting differences between the sexes. However, relatively little attention has hitherto been directed towards those differences that arise as an indirect consequence of mating system even though they can have profound implications for the daily lives of the animals involved. In this review we focus on differences in the non-reproductive behaviour of fish and relate these to sexual dimorphism in size and morphology, and to variance in fitness between the sexes. In line with our expectation, differences in distributional ecology, schooling, aggression, predator avoidance and foraging are exaggerated in sexually dimorphic species and polygamous mating systems. Nonetheless, the behaviour of males and females may also differ in sexually monomorphic and monogamous species. We conclude by highlighting promising directions for further research.  相似文献   

In this work we studied the morphology of an invasive population of American mink Mustela vison in Catalonia, Mediterranean Spain. Body weight, body length, tail length, hindfoot length and ear length were measured for four age–sex classes: subadult male (n = 17), subadult female (n = 16), adult male (n = 36) and adult female (n = 10). A General Linear Mixed Model was used to test the effect of year, sex, age and age–sex interaction, on each parameter. The morphological results differed from those of other introduced populations because of their different origin and their adaptation to different environments. Differences in sex and age were found, pointing to sexual dimorphism both in adults and subadults. The degree of dimorphism was lower than that of other populations, probably because of a lack of trophic niche separation between male and female mink because in the study area only small prey animals were available.  相似文献   

Studying sexual dimorphism facilitates better understanding of the general intersexual divergence of the same species and gives insights into the impact of selective forces on each sex. The sexual dimorphism in anuran external morphology or limb muscles has been well studied in reproductive context, but less so outside the breeding season. Herein, the intersexual differences in 12 external morphological characteristics, 11 forelimb and 12 hindlimb muscles of Hylarana guentheri during non-breeding season were investigated. We found that the males possessed significantly greater head width and tympanum diameter, while the females had significantly larger body size and head length; there was no sexual differences in the examined limb muscles, except for the mass of flexor carpi radialis. The larger body size means greater fertility for the females, and the longer head may be related to the allometry and reduce resource competition. For the males, the wider head is likely correlated with prey size and male–male competition, and also, the larger tympanum and heavier flexor carpi radialis probably aid the productive success. This study provides the comprehensive morphological accounts about the sexual differences of H. guentheri during non-breeding season, which will contribute to clarify the sex-specific resource allocation and reproductive strategies of anurans.  相似文献   

The skeletal sample from Grotta dell’Uzzo, Sicily (2 adult females and 5 adult males) was compared to a number of more representative population samples from Western Europe and the Mediterranean Basin. The majority of these were from Italian pre- and protohistoric sites. The research protocol analyzed skeletal indicators of labour activity and sexual division of labour (body size and proportions, sexual dimorphism, limb lateralization, bone robustness, the development of muscular attachments, accessory articular facets, signs of muscular hyperfunction). Sexual dimorphism and limb lateralization showed some regular patterns of possible general significance in all the samples examined here. A general pattern of gracilization and de-specialization of physical activity is observed in the Mesolithic as compared to the Upper Palaeolithic samples. The main features of the Mesolithic samples are: a reduction of body size and bone robustness, a lower degree of sexual dimorphism and limb bone asymmetry, a reduction of the mechanical stress on the lower limbs indicated by less pronounced muscular attachments and reduced talar flattening. This trend is reversed towards the Neolithic period. The main features of these variations are discussed in relation to economic and environmental changes. The Uzzo sample fits well into the general picture of the Western European Mesolithic, although showing some intermediate features between the Mesolithic and the Neolithic samples. This paper is dedicated to the memory of the late Roland Menk, who made significant contribution to our understanding of the Mesolithic transition.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphisms in weaponry and aggression are common in species in which one sex (usually males) competes for access to mates or resources necessary for reproduction – sexually dimorphic weaponry and aggression, in other words, are frequently the result of intrasexual selection. In snapping shrimp, the major chela (snapping claw) can be a deadly weapon, and males of many species have larger chelae than females, a pattern readily interpreted as resulting from intrasexual selection. Thus, males might be expected to show more sex‐specific aggression than females, and be more aggressive overall. We tested these predictions in two species of snapping shrimp in a territorial defense context. Neither of these predictions was supported: in both species, females, but not males, engaged in sex‐specific aggression and females were more aggressive than males overall. These contrasting sexual dimorphisms – larger weaponry in males but higher aggression in females – highlight the importance of considering the function of weaponry and aggression in contexts other than direct competitions over mates. In addition, species differences in the degree of sexual dimorphism in chela size were due to differences in female, not male, chela size, and the species with greater sexual dimorphism in weaponry was significantly less aggressive overall; also, while paired and solitary males did not differ in residual chela size, for the species with greater sexual dimorphism, females carrying embryos had smaller residual chela sizes. These results suggest that understanding the sexual dimorphisms in weaponry and aggression in snapping shrimp requires understanding the relative costs and benefits of both in females as well as males.  相似文献   

Bilateral asymmetry in the limb bones of the chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is much debate in behavioral primatology on the existence of population-level handedness in chimpanzees. The presence or absence of functional laterality in great apes may shed light on the origins of human handedness and on the evolution of cerebral asymmetry. The plasticity of long bone diaphyses in response to mechanical loading allows the functional interpretation of differences in cross-sectional geometric. While left-right asymmetry in upper limb diaphyseal morphology is a known property in human populations, it remains relatively unexplored in apes. We studied bilateral asymmetry in 64 skeletons of wild-caught chimpanzee using the humerus, second metacarpal, and femur. The total subperiosteal area (TA) of the diaphyses was measured at 40% of maximum humeral length and at the midshaft of the metacarpals and femora using external silicone molds. Overall, the TA values of the left humeri were significantly greater than the right, indicating directional asymmetry. This effect was even greater when the magnitude of difference in TA between each pair of humeri was compared. The right second metacarpals showed a tendency toward greater area than did the left, but this did not reach statistical significance. The lack of asymmetry in the femur serves as a lower limb control, and suggests that the upper limb results are not a product of fluctuating asymmetry. These findings imply behavioral laterality in upper limb function in chimpanzees, and suggest a complementary relationship between precision and power.  相似文献   

The angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE)/Angiotensin II (Ang II) and angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2)/angiotensin-(1-7) (Ang-(1-7)) pathways are coexpressed in most tissues. The balance between these pathways determines, at least in part, whether tissue damage will occur in response to pathological stimuli. The present study tested the hypothesis that male sex and high blood pressure are associated with ACE/ACE2 imbalance in the lungs. Experiments were conducted in male and female Wistar rats and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs). Lung ACE and ACE2 gene expression was also evaluated in normotensive and hypertensive humans using the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project. Compared with Wistar rats and female SHRs, male SHRs displayed reduced lung ACE2 mRNA, ACE2 protein abundance and ACE2 activity, and increased Ang II concentration. Lung ACE mRNA levels were higher in male SHRs than in Wistar rats, whereas lung ACE protein abundance and activity were similar among the four groups of rats. Lung Ang-(1-7) concentration was higher in female than in male SHRs (89 ± 17 vs. 43 ± 2 pg/g, P<0.05). Lung ACE to ACE2 mRNA expression in hypertensive patients was significantly higher than that in normotensive subjects. Taken together, these results demonstrate that male hypertensive rats display imbalance between the ACE/Ang II and ACE2/Ang-(1-7) pathways in the lungs mainly attributable to ACE2 down-regulation. Further studies should be conducted to investigate whether this imbalance between ACE/ACE2 may promote and accelerate lung injury in respiratory infections, including coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).  相似文献   

I examined sex differences in diet and foraging behavior in two groups of white-faced capuchin monkeys (Cebus capucinus)in a tropical dry forest at Santa Rosa National Park, Costa Rica. I tested three hypotheses: sex differences in diet and foraging behavior are best explained by (1) sexual dimorphism, (2) the energy demands of pregnancy and lactation for females;and (3) avoidance of competition between the sexes. Sexual dimorphism offered the best explanation of sex differences in the diet and foraging behavior of C. capucinus,accurately predicting that males do more strenuous foraging activity, make less use of small foraging supports, and spend more time on or near the ground. Females spent more time foraging than males did but probably obtained a lower protein yield per unit foraging time. Females exploited more small and embedded invertebrates, while males ate more large invertebrates and vertebrate prey. Pregnant and lactating females spent more time resting and less time foraging than other females did, increasing their foraging return by focusing on foods requiring little handling. There was little evidence of competition avoidance between the sexes.  相似文献   

The plumage coloration in great tits (Parus major) is the subject of much behavioural and ecophysiological research, yet there is a lack of analyses of the natural colour variation and its mechanisms. We used reflectance spectrometry and high‐performance liquid chromatography to explore individual, sexual and age‐related variation in carotenoid coloration and pigmentation, paramount to the often presumed, but rarely substantiated, costs and ‘honesty’ of carotenoid displays. In adults, we found that sex was the strongest predictor of ‘brightness’ (higher in males) and of ‘hue’ (longer wavelength in females). There was no sex difference in ‘carotenoid chroma’ or carotenoid content of feathers which also was unrelated to adult age (1 or 2+ years) and condition. Similar patterns were revealed for nestlings. Regarding the biochemical ‘signal content’, ‘carotenoid chroma’, but not ‘hue’, was significantly related to the carotenoid content (lutein and zeaxanthin) of feathers. These results refute the previously assumed exaggeration of carotenoid pigmentation in male great tits, and question the condition‐dependence of carotenoid coloration in this species. However, the sexual dimorphism in total reflectance or ‘brightness’, most likely due to melanins rather than carotenoids, may have implications for signalling or other adaptive explanations that need to be explored. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 758–765.  相似文献   

Little is known regarding the physiological consequences of the behavioural and morphological differences that result from sexual selection in birds. Male and female Svalbard rock ptarmigans (Lagopus muta hyperborea) exhibit distinctive behavioural differences during the breeding season. In particular, males continuously compete for and defend territories in order to breed successfully, placing large demands on their locomotor system. Here, we demonstrate that male birds have improved locomotor performance compared with females, showing both a lower cost of locomotion (CoL) and a higher top speed. We propose that the observed sex differences in locomotor capability may be due to sexual selection for improved male performance. While the mechanisms underlying these energetic differences are unclear, future studies should be wary when pooling male and female data.  相似文献   

The relative numbers of trunk (body) and caudal (tail) vertebrae in snakes might be influenced by at least four processes: (1) natural selection for crawling speed, (2) fecundity selection for larger trunk size in females, (3) sexual selection for longer bodies or tails in males and/or (4) developmental constraints (if an increase in the number of body vertebrae requires a decrease in the number of tail vertebrae, or vice versa). These four hypotheses generate different predictions about the relationship between sex differences in the numbers of body vertebrae vs. tail vertebrae. I collated published data to test these predictions, both with raw data and using phylogenetically independent contrasts. Some snake lineages show a negative correlation between the magnitude of sex disparities in trunk vs. caudal vertebrae whereas other lineages show the reverse pattern, or no correlation. Thus, different selective pressures seem to have been important in different lineages. Vertebral numbers in snakes may offer a useful model system in which to explore the conflicts between natural, fecundity and sexual selection.  相似文献   

Sex differences in disease susceptibility are widespread, and these disparities are often compounded in cases where sexual dimorphism increases exposure risk to parasites for one sex more than the other. Studies rarely link sex differences in disease susceptibility to sex differences in infection avoidance behavior. Yet, understanding the intersection of hosts’ susceptibility to infection and infection avoidance behavior is essential to predicting infection risk variation. Here, we use the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster and a generalist entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium robertsii, which can be transmitted directly, indirectly, and post-mortem as a model host–pathogen system. We test whether the relationship between susceptibility to infection and pathogen avoidance behavior covaries with host sex. We first measured differences in resistance between male and female flies after three different types of exposure—direct, sexual, and environmental—to infectious fungal conidiospores. Then, we tested whether male and female flies differed in the likelihood of mating with infected partners and their avoidance of food patches with increased infection risk. Females were more susceptible to infection under all three exposure techniques. When confronted with an infectious partner, females mated sooner than males. However, when given a choice between an exposed partner and an unexposed partner, females take longer to begin copulating compared with males, though neither sex was more likely to choose the unexposed partner than expected by chance. Neither male nor females flies avoided food patches containing infectious conidiospores, though only females show an aversion to food sites containing an infectious fly corpse. These experiments suggest that sex differences in disease susceptibility may be counteracted via differential pathogen avoidance behavior, though the strength of avoidance behavior appears to vary across different contexts of infection risk.  相似文献   

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