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Recovering evidence of past human activities enables us to recreate behaviour where direct observations are missing. Here, we apply archaeological methods to further investigate cultural transmission processes in percussive tool use among neighbouring chimpanzee communities in the Taï National Park, Côte d''Ivoire, West Africa. Differences in the selection of nut-cracking tools between neighbouring groups are maintained over time, despite frequent female transfer, which leads to persistent cultural diversity between chimpanzee groups. Through the recovery of used tools in the suggested natal territory of immigrants, we have been able to reconstruct the tool material selection of females prior to migration. In combination with direct observations of tool selection of local residents and immigrants after migration, we uncovered temporal changes in tool selection for immigrating females. After controlling for ecological differences between territories of immigrants and residents our data suggest that immigrants abandoned their previous tool preference and adopted the pattern of their new community, despite previous personal proficiency of the same foraging task. Our study adds to the growing body of knowledge on the importance of conformist tendencies in animals.  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology - Did the anatomical and locomotor specializations of primates evolve in response to requirements of locomotion and foraging on thin branches? Laboratory...  相似文献   

Glycophorin A, B, and E genes were derived from a common ancestral gene and this gene family appeared during primate evolution, probably between orangutan and gorilla divergences. Based on the study of genomic structures of these human glycophorins and the genetic and immunological study of primate glycophorins, we hypothesize that chimpanzee and gorilla glycophorin B could possess a longer extracellular region and carry a stronger N blood group antigenicity compared with that of the human.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the morphological traits of primates were assumed to be adaptations to an arboreal way of life. However, Cartmill [1972] pointed out that a number of morphological traits characteristic of primates are not found in many other arboreal mammals. He contends that orbital convergence and grasping extremities indicate that the initial divergence of primates involved visual predation on insects in the lower canopy and undergrowth of the tropical forest. However, recent research on nocturnal primates does not support the visually-oriented predation theory. Although insects were most likely important components of the diets of the earliest euprimates, it is argued here that visual predation was not the major impetus for the evolution of the adaptive traits of primates. Recent paleobotanical research has yielded evidence that a major evolutionary event occurred during the Eocene, involving the angiosperms and their dispersal agents. As a result of long-term diffuse coevolutionary interactions with flowering plants, modern primates, bats, and plant-feeding birds all first arose around the Paleocene-Eocene boundary and became the major seed dispersers of modern tropical flora during the Eocene. Thus, it is suggested here that the multitude of resources available on the terminal branches of the newly evolved angiosperm, rain forest trees led to the morphological adaptations of primates of modern aspect.  相似文献   

The pelvis performs two major functions for terrestrial mammals. It provides somewhat rigid support for muscles engaged in locomotion and, for females, it serves as the birth canal. The result for many species, and especially for encephalized primates, is an ‘obstetric dilemma’ whereby the neonate often has to negotiate a tight squeeze in order to be born. On top of what was probably a baseline of challenging birth, locomotor changes in the evolution of bipedalism in the human lineage resulted in an even more complex birth process. Negotiation of the bipedal pelvis requires a series of rotations, the end of which has the infant emerging from the birth canal facing the opposite direction from the mother. This pattern, strikingly different from what is typically seen in monkeys and apes, places a premium on having assistance at delivery. Recently reported observations of births in monkeys and apes are used to compare the process in human and non-human primates, highlighting similarities and differences. These include presentation (face, occiput anterior or posterior), internal and external rotation, use of the hands by mothers and infants, reliance on assistance, and the developmental state of the neonate.  相似文献   

The didelphid Caluromys shows evolutionary convergence towards prosimians in having a relatively large brain, large eyes, small litters, slow development, and agile locomotion. The selection pressures that favored the emergence of primate-like traits in Caluromys from a generalized didelphid ancestor may be analogous to the selection pressures favoring the initial divergence of primates from a primitive nonprimate ancestor, and thus Caluromys provides an independent test of the arboreal hypothesis (Smith: Annual Report of the Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution 1912:553–572, 1913), the visual predation hypothesis (Cartmill: The Functional and Evolutionary Biology of Primates, pp. 97–122, 1972), and the angiosperm exploitation hypothesis (Sussman: American Journal of Primatology, in press) of primate origins. Quantitative data on free-ranging C. derbianus in Costa Rica demonstrate that it is highly arboreal, uses visually directed predation to capture arthropod prey, and makes extensive use of terminal branch foraging, where it feeds on small angiosperm products. These observations are consistent with predictions from each model of primate origins, thus suggesting that the hypotheses are not mutually exclusive but are interdependent. The initial divergence of primates probably involved exploitation of the rich angiosperm products and associated insects found in fine terminal branches; visually directed predation may have evolved as an efficient method of insect capture in the terminal branch milieu.  相似文献   

The length of the baculum (os penis) was measured in 74 adult males representing 46 primate species. These data, and a review of previously published measurements, indicate that variation in baculum length among primates is related to taxonomic and behavioral differences. Thus, many New World monkeys have shorter bacula, relative to body weight, than Old World monkeys. The baculum is shorter in colobine monkeys than in cercopithecines. Among the great apes, reduction of the baculum is more pronounced in Pan and Gorilla than in Pongo. Very long bacula are found in some nocturnal prosimians (eg, Lorisidae) and also in Macaca arctoides. A comparison of baculum length relative to body weight was made in 34 species for which detailed information on copulatory behavi or was available. The presence of an elongated baculum was shown to correlate with copulatory patterns involving prolonged intromission and/or the maintenance of intromission during the postejaculatory interval (eg, Galago crassicaudatus, Loris tardigradus, M, arctoides). The evolutionary significance of these observations is discussed and it is suggeted that similar copulatory patterns may occur in species with elongated bacula (eg, Daubentonia, Perodicticus) for which behavioral data are lacking at present. The same hypothesis also applies to an extinct adapid primate which possessed a very large baculum.  相似文献   

Variations in penile morphology among galago species are pronounced and complex. Comparative studies of galagos and other primate species show that elongation of the baculum (os penis)is associated with copulatory patterns involving a prolonged period of intromission. The enlarged penile “spines” of male galagos may be important in maintaining a genital “lock” during copulation. In primate species where females mate with a number of partners, sexual selection may have favored the rapid evolution of such features of penile morphology and masculine copulatory behavior. It is suggested that evolution of complex penile morphologies in galagos has been influenced by sexual selection and that such morphological variations are extremely useful in taxonomic studies.  相似文献   

Cultural attraction theory (CAT) is a research agenda the purpose of which is to develop causal explanations of cultural phenomena. CAT is also an evolutionary approach to culture, in the sense that it treats culture as a population of items of different types, with the frequency of tokens of those types changing over time. Now more than 20 years old, CAT has made many positive contributions, theoretical and empirical, to the naturalization of the social sciences. In consequence of this growing impact, CAT has, in recent years, been the subject of critical discussion. Here, we review and respond to these critiques. In so doing, we also provide a clear and concise introduction to CAT. We give clear characterizations of CAT's key theoretical notions, and we outline how these notions are derived from consideration of the natural character of cultural phenomena (Box 1 ). This naturalistic quality distinguishes CAT from other evolutionary approaches to culture.  相似文献   

Darwin-inspired population thinking suggests approaching culture as a population of items of different types, whose relative frequencies may change over time. Three nested subtypes of populational models can be distinguished: evolutionary, selectional and replicative. Substantial progress has been made in the study of cultural evolution by modelling it within the selectional frame. This progress has involved idealizing away from phenomena that may be critical to an adequate understanding of culture and cultural evolution, particularly the constructive aspect of the mechanisms of cultural transmission. Taking these aspects into account, we describe cultural evolution in terms of cultural attraction, which is populational and evolutionary, but only selectional under certain circumstances. As such, in order to model cultural evolution, we must not simply adjust existing replicative or selectional models but we should rather generalize them, so that, just as replicator-based selection is one form that Darwinian selection can take, selection itself is one of several different forms that attraction can take. We present an elementary formalization of the idea of cultural attraction.  相似文献   

In this article, I argue that human social behavior is a product of the coevolution of human biology and culture. While critical of attempts by anthropologists to explain cultural practices as if they were independent of the ability of individual human beings to survive and reproduce, I am also leery of attempts by biologists to explain the consistencies between neo-Darwinian theory and cultural behavior as the result of natural selection for that behavior. Instead, I propose that both biological and cultural attributes of human beings result to a large degree from the selective retention of traits that enhance the inclusive fitnesses of individuals in their environments. Aspects of human biology and culture may be adaptive in the same sense despite differences between the mechanisms of selection and regardless of their relative importance in the evolution of a trait. The old idea that organic and cultural evolution are complementary can thus be used to provide new explanations for why people do what they do.This article was prepared from remarks I presented at the Smithsonian Conference on Human Biogeography in April 1974. Help with phenotypic costs came from an NSF Pre-doctoral Fellowship and the University of Michigan Society of Fellows.  相似文献   

The abundant evidence that Homo sapiens evolved in Africa within the past 200,000 years, and dispersed across the world only within the past 100,000 years, provides us with a strong framework in which to consider the evolution of human diversity. While there is evidence that the human capacity for culture has a deeper history, going beyond the origin of the hominin clade, the tendency for humans to form cultures as part of being distinct communities and populations changed markedly with the evolution of H. sapiens. In this paper, we investigate 'cultures' as opposed to 'culture', and the question of how and why, compared to biological diversity, human communities and populations are so culturally diverse. We consider the way in which the diversity of human cultures has developed since 100,000 years ago, and how its rate was subject to environmental factors. We argue that the causes of this diversity lie in the distribution of resources and the way in which human communities reproduce over several generations, leading to fissioning of kin groups. We discuss the consequences of boundary formation through culture in their broader ecological and evolutionary contexts.  相似文献   

In some applications clustering problems in stochastic processes arise when the experimenter wants to improve the insight into the structure of the observed system by lumping its states into clusters. As measure of goodness of a cluster solution we choose the rate of predictability of the forthcoming events which can be quantified by means of the entropy of the lumped process. The entropy in turn can be estimated by making use of a Shannon-McMillan-type theorem. We will establish some asymptotic results for the estimate of entropy in the case where the underlying stochastic process is a Markov chain. Our main tool will be a representation of functions of Markov chains which is due to Blackwell (1957). The method proposed here is applied to data on communication processes in monkeys. The object of our analysis will be to find a subgroup structure in the animal group.  相似文献   


Archaeological and ethnohistorical evidence suggests a link between a population''s size and structure, and the diversity or sophistication of its toolkits or technologies. Addressing these patterns, several evolutionary models predict that both the size and social interconnectedness of populations can contribute to the complexity of its cultural repertoire. Some models also predict that a sudden loss of sociality or of population will result in subsequent losses of useful skills/technologies. Here, we test these predictions with two experiments that permit learners to access either one or five models (teachers). Experiment 1 demonstrates that naive participants who could observe five models, integrate this information and generate increasingly effective skills (using an image editing tool) over 10 laboratory generations, whereas those with access to only one model show no improvement. Experiment 2, which began with a generation of trained experts, shows how learners with access to only one model lose skills (in knot-tying) more rapidly than those with access to five models. In the final generation of both experiments, all participants with access to five models demonstrate superior skills to those with access to only one model. These results support theoretical predictions linking sociality to cumulative cultural evolution.  相似文献   

Previous work on mathematical models of cultural evolution has mainly focused on the diffusion of simple cultural elements. However, a characteristic feature of human cultural evolution is the seemingly limitless appearance of new and increasingly complex cultural elements. Here, we develop a general modelling framework to study such cumulative processes, in which we assume that the appearance and disappearance of cultural elements are stochastic events that depend on the current state of culture. Five scenarios are explored: evolution of independent cultural elements, stepwise modification of elements, differentiation or combination of elements and systems of cultural elements. As one application of our framework, we study the evolution of cultural diversity (in time as well as between groups).  相似文献   

Background. Recent studies suggest that impure islets (islets which have not been isolated from exocrine tissue and other parts of the pancreas) have great potential for successful transplantation. The evidence that supports this view includes findings that embedded islets (islets surrounded by exocrine tissue) undergo less apoptosis, peripancreatic lymph nodes prevent recurrence of IDDM (insulin dependent diabetes mellitus), and that islet yields and insulin content decrease during the purification process. Improved protocols have also been developed to prevent allorejection of impure islets. Despite these promising results, the storage of impure islets remains difficult, and was a method sought to decrease storage losses. Methods. Storage methods of impure human and non-human primate islets were compared, using either culture media or University of Wisconsin solution (UW). The effects of trypsin inhibition using Pefabloc (Roche Molecular Biochemicals, Indianapolis, IN) during storage period were also examined. Results. Low temperature and inhibition of trypsin activity during storage of impure islets improved both islet yield and viability. It was found that using UW solution and trypsin inhibition allowed perfect preservation of viable impure islets up to 48h. A functional assay by glucose stimulation test showed these impure islet responded to glucose stimulation after 24h. Conclusion. The benefits of storing impure islets using UW solution and Pefabloc at low temperature have been established. This improved method of preserving impure islets makes this model of transplantation even more viable.  相似文献   

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