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Overfeeding in ducks is questioned because forced introduction of food into the animal and metabolic overload may induce damage to health and discomfort. In this context, the objective of our experiment was to measure the impact of dietary strategy on the progression of animal status evaluated through 28 health and behavioural indicators in ducks reared for fatty liver production. To do this, 320 ducks were forced-fed twice a day from 70 to 90 days of age including 10 days of overfeeding (87 to 96 days). They were divided into two groups differing in the feeding strategy during overfeeding period: a moderate feed intake (MI, an average of 376 g of maize flour per meal, n = 160 ducks) or at high feed intake (HI, 414 g/meal, n = 160 ducks). We evaluated 28 indicators related to Good feeding (n = 3), Good housing (n = 4), Good health (n = 10) and Appropriate behaviour (n = 11) principles, taken from the European Welfare Quality Consortium® at four stages: before overfeeding (BEF; 80 days), at the beginning (88 days), the middle (MID; 92 days) or the end of overfeeding (END; 96 days). Animals were slaughtered at 93 and 97 days to measure fatty liver weight at MID and END stages (n = 80 per group). The results showed that dietary strategy influenced the fatty liver weight at MID (+23% in HI v. MI group; P < 0;05) and END stage (+23%; P < 0.05). Assessment stage influenced 13 of the 28 indicators measured. Among these 13 indicators, (i) BEF differed from END stage for 7 indicators and (ii) the dietary strategy degraded all the indicators chosen to evaluate the Good feeding (2/2) principle, but had no effect on the indicators related to the Good health (0/4) principle while (iii) most of the indicators that evaluated Good housing (2/3) and Appropriate behaviour (2/4) principles were affected by an interaction between both factors. Our results suggest that (i) duck fattening status, including the fatty liver weight, and several welfare indicators progressed during the fatty liver production process; and (ii) feeding strategy influenced or even interacted with this progression.  相似文献   

Our main objectives were to determine the genes involved in the establishment of hepatic steatosis in three genotypes of palmipeds. To respond to this question, we have compared Muscovy ducks, Pekin ducks and their crossbreed the mule duck fed ad libitum or overfed. We have shown a hepatic overexpression of fatty acid synthase (FAS) and di-acyl glycerol acyl transferase 2 (DGAT2) in overfed individuals, where DGAT2 seemed to be more regulated. This increase in lipogenesis genes is associated with a decrease of lipoprotein formation in Muscovy and mule ducks, especially apolipoprotein B (ApoB) and Microsomal Triglyceride Transfer Protein (MTTP), leading to lipid accumulation in liver. In Pekin ducks, MTTP expression is upregulated suggesting a better hepatic lipids exportation. Regarding lipids re-uptake, fatty acid-binding protein 4 and very-low-density-lipoprotein receptor are overexpressed in liver of mule ducks at the end of the overfeeding period. This phenomenon puts light on a mechanism unknown until today. In fact, mule can incorporate more lipids in liver than the two other genotypes leading to an intensified hepatic steatosis. To conclude, our results confirmed the genotype variability to overfeeding. Furthermore, similar observations are already described in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in human, and ask if ducks could be an animal model to study hepatic triglyceride accumulation.  相似文献   

When overfed at their maximum (intensive overfeeding) or at only 80% (moderate overfeeding) of food intake capacity, Mule ducks developed strong liver steatosis, whereas Pekin ducks showed very marked extrahepatic fattening. During overfeeding, evolution of plasma glucose and triacylglycerol concentrations suggested a very strong increase in the hepatic lipogenesis as well as genotype- and diet-independent lipoprotein secretion. In contrast, lipoprotein-lipase activity was dependent on alimentary status (the intensive overfeeding induces the highest activities), and Pekin ducks showed higher lipoprotein-lipase activity than Mule ducks, which could favor extrahepatic fattening to the detriment of hepatic steatosis. In Pekin ducks, plasma pancreatic hormone concentrations are related to diet levels and blood sugar. With similar food intake, Mule ducks (moderately overfed) showed global blood insulin lower than that of Pekin ducks (intensively overfed) despite similar blood sugar levels, suggesting a trend towards reduced pancreas response to glucose in Mule ducks. This may result from their lower lipoprotein-lipase activity as previously shown in these two ducks overfed at only 60% of their maximal food intake capacity (unpublished results). These results suggest that high plasma insulin concentrations may be necessary to induce an optimum lipoprotein-lipase activity in overfed ducks.  相似文献   

We have investigated the effects of hypertension associated with diabetes mellitus on polyunsaturated fatty acid biosynthesis. For this purpose, two rat models for these pathologies have been established: a type 1 diabetic hypertensive model obtained by streptozotocin injection to spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR), followed or not by insulin treatment (experiment 1); a type 2 diabetic hypertensive model by feeding SHR with a fructose enriched diet (experiment 2). Liver gene expression of delta-6 desaturase (D6D), microsomal D6D activities and fatty acid composition of total lipids were estimated. In experiment 1, an increase of linoleic acid (18:2 n-6) level was observed in the streptozotocin group. D6D gene expression appeared depressed in both experimental groups. Insulin did not reverse the streptozotocin effect in SHR, as it does in insulin-dependent diabetic rats. In experiment 2, the results showed a decrease of 18:2 n-6 and of long chain products of desaturation in rats fed on fructose diet. Delta-6 n-3 desaturase activity was significantly increased, whereas gene expression tended to decrease. Feeding fructose induced a significant increase in delta-9 desaturated products, suggesting a stimulation of stearoyl-CoA desaturase. These changes in monounsaturated fatty acids strongly differ from those observed in the streptozotocin experiment, indicating that the effects on lipogenesis of hypertension linked to diabetes differ according to the type of diabetes. Then, these results indicate that the liver steatosis observed during genetic hypertension was reinforced by fructose feeding. All together, the present results showed that hypertension associated to type 1 or type 2 diabetes exacerbated the damage caused by diabetes or hypertension alone on liver lipid metabolism. The metabolic effects induced by fructose being very similar to those found in human NIDDM, SHR fed a fructose-rich diet appears to be an appropriate model for studying the consequences of the combination of hypertension and NIDDM in the metabolic syndrome diseases.  相似文献   

The kinetics of induction of cytosolic DT-diaphorase (NAD(P)H dehydrogenase-quinone, EC by benzo(a)pyrene (BP) in the liver of the 8-day-old rat has been studied. After a lag phase of 8 h, DT-diaphorase reaches its maximum activity in three waves, with plateau levels of activity between 15–18, 26–36, and 40 h after administration of BP, at 4, 15, and 26 times the basal activity, respectively. A lower degree of induction of DT-diaphorase could be observed in the kidney cortex of the young rat and in the liver of the adult rat. No induction was observed in the fetal liver and in the adult kidney cortex. Lead acetate treatment of the adult rat resulted in induction of DT-diaphorase by BP in the liver and in the kidney cortex. Induction could not be observed in the regenerating liver of the adult rat. Experiments with picolinic acid (PA)—as a G1 inhibitor—administered simultaneously or at different time intervals after BP administration resulted in an inhibition of induction, depending on the time of administration of picolinic acid. It is concluded that a mitotic cell cycle is necessary for DT-diaphorase induction by BP. Evidence is presented that BP acts in late G1. The kinetics of induction of aryl hydrocarbon hydroxylase (AHH) by BP in liver microsomes of the 8-day-old rat has been compared with the induction of cytosolic DT-diaphorase. The effect of PA on the induction of AHH has also been studied. In view of the differences in kinetics of induction and in the effects of PA, it is concluded that the induction of AHH and that of DT-diaphorase are dissociated. AHH induction may take place in all hepatocytes, in contrast to DT-diaphorase induction.  相似文献   

In the human, hepatic steatosis can be associated with an imbalance between synthesis, secretion and storage of hepatic lipids, and exhibits a genetic susceptibility. The effect of overfeeding on hepatic lipid channelling was investigated in two genotypes of ducks that differ in their susceptibility to fatty liver, i.e. the common duck, Anas platyrhynchos, and the Muscovy duck, Cairina moschata. Before overfeeeding, the Muscovy duck exhibited a lower subcutaneous adiposity and a higher muscular development, whereas hepatic composition was similar in both genotypes (>5% lipids and triglycerides accounting for 6–10% lipids). In the plasma lipoprotein profile, HDL predominated (5.5–7.8 g/l) over VLDL (0.09–0.25 g/l) and LDL (0.65–1.06 g/l). All lipid and lipoprotein concentrations were lower in the Muscovy duck. In response to overfeeding, the Muscovy duck exhibited a higher degree of hepatic steatosis (62 vs. 50% lipids), and a lower increase in adiposity and in the concentration of plasma triglycerides (6-fold vs. 10-fold) and VLDL (23-fold vs. 34-fold). Thus, certain genotypes may be more responsive to the dietary induction of fatty liver because of a less efficient channelling of hepatic lipids towards secretion into plasma and adipose storage, and the duck may represent a suitable model in which to study the development of hepatic steatosis and its pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Metabolic effects of dietary fructose   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
J Hallfrisch 《FASEB journal》1990,4(9):2652-2660
Fructose, a naturally occurring hexose, is a component of many fruits, vegetables, and sweeteners. Because of the introduction of high fructose corn sweeteners in 1967, the amount of free fructose in the diet of Americans has increased substantially in the last 20 years. Fructose is sweeter, more soluble, and less glucogenic than glucose or sucrose, so it has been recommended as a replacement for these sugars in the diets of diabetic and obese people. Although an acute dose of fructose causes smaller increases in glucose and insulin than a comparable dose of glucose, there are a number of changes after dietary adaptation that may reduce its desirability as a sugar replacement in certain segments of the population. Fructose is absorbed primarily in the jejunum and metabolized in the liver. When consumed in excess of dietary glucose, it may be malabsorbed. Fructose is more lipogenic than glucose or starches, and usually causes greater elevations in triglycerides and sometimes in cholesterol than other carbohydrates. Dietary fructose has resulted in increases in blood pressure, uric acid, and lactic acid. People who are hypertensive, hyperinsulinemic, hypertriglyceridemic, non-insulin-dependent diabetic, or postmenopausal are more susceptible to these adverse effects of dietary fructose than healthy young subjects. Although consumption of fructose as a component of fruits and vegetables is an unavoidable consequence of eating a healthy diet, added fructose seems to provide little advantage over other caloric sweetners and compares unfavorably to complex carbohydrates in susceptible segments of the population.  相似文献   

1. Dietary excess histidine caused an increase in the total activity of fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase, and a decrease in 6-phosphofructokinase in the liver. 2. The hepatic concentrations of free histidine and lysine were higher in rats fed a histidine-excess diet. 3. The addition of histidine, lysine or arginine to the assay mixture for fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase resulted in a significant increase in its activity. The 6-phosphofructokinase activity in the liver was not enhanced by the addition of histidine to the assay mixture.  相似文献   

Egg incubation of mule ducks, mainly used for fatty liver production, is one of the critical phases in this sector. Based on hatching rate, the best incubation parameters have already been well described for poultry, but the literature on ducks is lacking. In this study, we tested different incubation conditions by varying two important factors, temperature and relative humidity, in mule ducks. These variations were applied at different periods during embryogenesis in order to measure the impact of environmental disturbances on different zootechnical performances. The temperature was increased by 1.5 °C (16 h/24) and the relative humidity was set up to 65%, during 10 days. Six 10-day developmental windows were tested, from embryonic day 9 to embryonic day 14. Our results are in line with previous reports showing that increasing incubation temperature, even when relative humidity is adjusted, can have a negative impact on duck embryonic mortality up to 24.5% for the condition E10-E20 (P < 10?5). However, the hatchability can be maintained at the level of the control groups when these modifications are applied on the latest windows (from the 11th embryonic day). Sex ratio, hatching BW, and internal temperature are also sensitive to these incubation changes, and their modification could have a major impact on later zootechnical performance. These results should contribute to the development or embryonic temperature programming approaches, especially for the fatty liver production industry.  相似文献   

Fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase activity in liver of rats fed a zinc deficient diet was decreased to 60% of that in zinc adequate controls. Activity in the zinc deprived rats was not restored to control values by in vitro addition of EDTA. When a physiological dose of zinc was tube fed to the depleted rats, activity increased approximately 150% within 0.5 hr of the dose, and by 1 hr plateaued to a level seen in zinc adequate controls. A significant transient decrease in activity occurred following an intraperitoneal zinc load. This is reversible by in vitro addition of EDTA. These results suggest that rat liver fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase activity is highly sensitive to zinc in vivo as has been demonstrated in vitro.  相似文献   

To assess the role of monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1/CCL2) in the development of fatty liver, we have used LDLr−/− mice as an animal model of high-fat, high-cholesterol diet-induced liver steatosis. The rapid dietary induction of hepatic mRNA MCP-1 expression was paralleled by a concomitant increase in plasma MCP-1 that was strongly associated with the degree of liver steatosis. Hepatocytes showed an intense immunoreactivity for MCP-1 that was mainly located surrounding the hepatic lipid droplets. The intake of cholesterol also increased the concentration of MCP-1 in liver homogenates. This was accompanied by a differential expression of members of the PPAR family. Additionally, complete MCP-1 deficiency prevents the development of liver steatosis in LDLr−/− mice and partial deficiency is accompanied by a certain protective effect. Our data also suggest that MCP-1 may be important in the regulation of hepatic insulin resistance and may represent a link between inflammation and metabolic diseases. We conclude that dietary cholesterol upregulation of hepatic MCP-1 may help to understand the role of circulating MCP-1 in conditions where liver derangements are clinically important and in the association of liver steatosis with the metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

Isotope-trapping experiments with mental-free rabbit liver fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase have shown that enzyme-bound D-fructose 1,6-bisphosphate completely dissociates prior to enzyme turnover initiated by Mn2+ as the catalytic metal. The exchange rate of the binary enzyme-D-fructose 1,6-bisphosphate complex with the substrate pool is, therefore, more rapid than its conversion to products, suggesting that structural Mn2+ is necessary for productive substarate binding. Rapid-quench isotope-trapping experiments confirm the requirement for structural Mn2+ ions for productive binding to occur. These experiments also show that an ordered formation of the enzyme-Mn2+ s-D-fructose 1,6-bisphosphate ternary complex which features metal-ion addition prior to substrate constitutes a catalytically competent pathway in the mechanism of fructose 1,6-bisphosphatase and that all four subunits are active in a single turnover event.  相似文献   

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