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The Rho sub-family of GTPases, comprising Rho, Rac and Cdc42. regulates many biological processes, including morphogenesis, cell polarity, migration, the cell cycle and gene expression. It is important to develop genetic approaches to allow the dissection, in vivo, of the mechanisms of GTPase regulation and signal transmission, and their biological consequences. In this regard, wing development in Drosophila melanogaster is an excellent model system. To investigate the functions of the Drosophila Cdc42 GTPase (Dcdc42), we generated phenotypes during wing development, by expression of the dominant-negative N17 and L89 mutants of Dcdc42. We have identified roles for Dcdc42 in wing growth, and in cell fate choice during the development of the wing veins and the peripheral nervous system. Reduction of Dcdc42 signalling following over-expression of Dcdc42N17 resulted in a broader but more diffuse domain characterised by wing-margin sensory bristles. This was correlated with a broadened stripe of wingless expression along the dorsal-ventral boundary of third-instar wing imaginal discs. Together with genetic interactions with loss- and gain-of-function Notch alleles, these data support a role for wild-type Dcdc42 as a negative regulator of Notch signalling.  相似文献   

Fes/Fer non-receptor tyrosine kinases regulate cell adhesion and cytoskeletal reorganisation through the modification of adherens junctions. Unregulated Fes/Fer kinase activity has been shown to lead to tumours in vivo. Here, we show that Drosophila Fer localises to adherens junctions in the dorsal epidermis and regulates a major morphological event, dorsal closure. Mutations in Src42A cause defects in dorsal closure similar to those seen in dfer mutant embryos. Furthermore, Src42A mutations enhance the dfer mutant phenotype, suggesting that Src42A and DFer act in the same cellular process. We show that DFer is required for the formation of the actin cable in leading edge cells and for normal rates of dorsal closure. We have isolated a gain-of-function mutation in dfer (dfergof) that expresses an N-terminally fused form of the protein, similar to oncogenic forms of vertebrate Fer. dfergof blocks dorsal closure and causes axon misrouting. We find that in dfer loss-of-function mutants beta-catenin is hypophosphorylated, whereas in dfergof beta-catenin is hyperphosphorylated. Phosphorylated beta-catenin is removed from adherens junctions and degraded, thus implicating DFer in the regulation of adherens junctions.  相似文献   

There is emerging evidence that microtubules in nondividing cells can be employed to remodel the intracellular space. Here, we demonstrate an essential role for microtubules in dorsal closure, which occurs toward the end of Drosophila melanogaster embryogenesis. Dorsal closure is a morphogenetic process similar to wound healing, whereby a gap in the epithelium is closed through the coordinated action of different cell types. Surprisingly, this complex process requires microtubule function exclusively in epithelial cells and only for the last step, the zippering, which seals the gap. Preceding zippering, the epithelial microtubules reorganize to attain an unusual spatial distribution, which we describe with subcellular resolution in the intact, living organism. We provide a clearly defined example where cells of a developing organism transiently reorganize their microtubules to fulfill a specialized morphogenetic task.  相似文献   

RhoGTPases are negatively regulated by GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs). Here we demonstrate that Drosophila RotundRacGAP is active in vitro on Drac1 and Dcdc42 but not Drho1. Similarly, in yeast, RotundRacGAP interacts specifically with Drac1 and Dcdc42, as well as with their activated V12 forms, showing a particularly strong interaction with Dcdc42V12. In the fly, lowering RotundRacGAP dosage specifically modifies eye defects induced by expressing Drac1 or Dcdc42 but not Drho1, confirming that Drac1 and Dcdc42 are indeed in vivo targets of RotundRacGAP. Furthermore, embryonic-directed expression of either RotundRacGAP, or dominant negative Drac1N17, transgenes induces similar defects in dorsal closure and inhibits Drac1-dependent cytoskeleton assembly at the leading edge. Expression of truncated forms of RotundRacGAP shows that the GAP domain of RotundRacGAP is essential for its function. Unexpectedly, transgenes encoding Drac1N17, Dcdc42N17, or RotundRacGAP do not affect the c-Jun N-terminal kinase-dependent gene expression of decapentaplegic and puckered, indicating that another Drac1-independent signal redundantly activates this pathway. Finally, in a situation where Drac1 is constitutively activated, RotundRacGAP greatly reduces the ectopic expression of decapentaplegic, possibly by negatively regulating Dcdc42.  相似文献   

We have isolated parcas (pcs) in a screen to identify novel regulators of muscle morphogenesis. Pcs is expressed in the ovary and oocyte during oogenesis and again in the embryo, specifically in the developing mesoderm, throughout muscle development. pcs is first required in the ovary during oogenesis for patterning and segmentation of the early Drosophila embryo due primarily to its role in the regulation of Oskar (Osk) levels. In addition to the general patterning defects observed in embryos lacking maternal contribution of pcs, these embryos show defects in Wingless (Wg) expression, causing losses of Wg-dependent cell types within the affected segment. pcs activity is required again later during embryogenesis in the developing mesoderm for muscle development. Loss and gain of function studies demonstrate that pcs is necessary at distinct times for muscle specification and morphogenesis. Pcs is predicted to be a novel regulator of non-receptor tyrosine kinase (NRTK) signaling. We have identified one target of Pcs regulation, the Drosophila Tec kinase Btk29A. While Btk29A appears to be regulated by Pcs during its early role in patterning and segmentation, it does not appear to be a major target of Pcs regulation during muscle development. We propose that Pcs fulfils its distinct roles during development by the regulation of multiple NRTKs.  相似文献   

We have previously reported (Petruzzelli, L., Herrera, R., Garcia, R., and Rosen, O. M. (1985) Cancer Cells 3, 115-121) that adult Drosophila melanogaster contain a specific, high-affinity insulin-binding protein. Insulin-dependent protein tyrosine kinase activity has now been identified in Drosophila. Activity first appears at 6-12 h of embryogenesis, increases during the 12-18-h period and falls to low levels in the adult. 125I-insulin was cross-linked specifically and with high affinity to a protein (Mr = 135,000) throughout embryogenesis and in the adult. However, during the 6-12- and 12-18-h periods of embryogenesis when insulin-dependent protein tyrosine kinase activity is expressed, another protein (Mr = 100,000) becomes cross-linked to 125I-insulin. Crosslinking to both proteins was competitively inhibited by the addition of 100 nM insulin. We conclude that the insulin-binding and insulin-dependent protein tyrosine kinase activities of the mammalian insulin receptor are conserved in Drosophila. However, the insulin-dependent protein tyrosine kinase activity of the receptor is detected only during specific times in embryogenesis.  相似文献   

ACK1 is a nonreceptor tyrosine kinase that associates specifically with Cdc42. Relatively few ACK1 substrates and interacting proteins have been identified. In this study, we demonstrated that ACK1 phosphorylates the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP), a Cdc42 effector that plays an important role in the formation of new actin filaments. ACK1 and WASP interact in intact cells, and overexpression of ACK1 promotes WASP phosphorylation. Phosphorylation of WASP in vitro was enhanced by the addition of Cdc42 or phosphatidylinositol 4,5-biphosphate, presumably due to release of the autoinhibitory interactions in WASP. Surprisingly, when we mapped the sites of WASP phosphorylation, we found that ACK1 possesses significant serine kinase activity toward WASP (directed at Ser-242), as well as tyrosine kinase activity directed at Tyr-256. A serine peptide derived from the Ser-242 WASP phosphorylation site is also a substrate for ACK1. ACK1 expressed in bacteria retained its serine kinase activity, eliminating the possibility of contamination with a copurifying kinase. Serine phosphorylation of WASP enhanced the ability of WASP to stimulate actin polymerization in mammalian cell lysates. Thus, the tyrosine kinase ACK1 acts as a dual specificity kinase toward this substrate. In contrast to other dual specificity kinases that more closely resemble Ser/Thr kinases, ACK1 is a tyrosine kinase with an active site that can accommodate both types of hydroxyamino acids in substrates.  相似文献   

ACK [activated Cdc42 (cell division cycle 42)-associated tyrosine kinase; also called TNK2 (tyrosine kinase, non-receptor, 2)] is activated in response to multiple cellular signals, including cell adhesion, growth factor receptors and heterotrimeric G-protein-coupled receptor signalling. However, the molecular mechanism underlying activation of ACK remains largely unclear. In the present study, we demonstrated that interaction of the SH3 (Src homology 3) domain with the EBD [EGFR (epidermal growth factor receptor)-binding domain] in ACK1 forms an auto-inhibition of the kinase activity. Release of this auto-inhibition is a key step for activation of ACK1. Mutation of the SH3 domain caused activation of ACK1, independent of cell adhesion, suggesting that cell adhesion-mediated activation of ACK1 is through releasing the auto-inhibition. A region at the N-terminus of ACK1 (Leu10-Leu14) is essential for cell adhesion-mediated activation. In the activation of ACK1 by EGFR signalling, Grb2 (growth-factor-receptor-bound protein 2) mediates the interaction of ACK1 with EGFR through binding to the EBD and activates ACK1 by releasing the auto-inhibition. Furthermore, we found that mutation of Ser445 to proline caused constitutive activation of ACK1. Taken together, our studies have revealed a novel molecular mechanism underlying activation of ACK1.  相似文献   

Dorsal closure is an essential stage of Drosophila development that is a model system for research in morphogenesis and biological physics. Dorsal closure involves an orchestrated interplay between gene expression and cell activities that produce shape changes, exert forces and mediate tissue dynamics. We investigate the dynamics of dorsal closure based on confocal microscopic measurements of cell shortening in living embryos. During the mid-stages of dorsal closure we find that there are fluctuations in the width of the leading edge cells but the time-averaged analysis of measurements indicate that there is essentially no net shortening of cells in the bulk of the leading edge, that contraction predominantly occurs at the canthi as part of the process for zipping together the two leading edges of epidermis and that the rate constant for zipping correlates with the rate of movement of the leading edges. We characterize emergent properties that regulate dorsal closure, i.e., a velocity governor and the coordination and synchronization of tissue dynamics.  相似文献   

ACK1 is a multidomain non-receptor tyrosine kinase that is an effector of the Cdc42 GTPase. Members of the ACK family have a unique domain ordering and are the only tyrosine kinases known to interact with Cdc42. In contrast with many protein kinases, ACK1 has only a modest increase in activity upon phosphorylation. We have solved the crystal structures of the human ACK1 kinase domain in both the unphosphorylated and phosphorylated states. Comparison of these structures reveals that ACK1 adopts an activated conformation independent of phosphorylation. Furthermore, the unphosphorylated activation loop is structured, and its conformation resembles that seen in activated tyrosine kinases. In addition to the apo structure, complexes are also presented with a non-hydrolyzable nucleotide analog (adenosine 5'-(beta,gamma-methylenetriphosphate)) and with the natural product debromohymenialdisine, a general inhibitor of many protein kinases. Analysis of these structures reveals a typical kinase fold, a pre-organization into the activated conformation, and an unusual substrate-binding cleft.  相似文献   

Ack1 is a non-receptor tyrosine kinase that is highly expressed in the adult central nervous system (CNS). Here, we studied the distribution of Ack1 mRNA throughout the development of mouse CNS. Expression was detected in all areas of the brain but especially high levels were observed in the neocortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum. Interestingly, expression levels were prominent in areas of proliferation such as the subventricular zone and areas that originate other structures such the pontine nucleus and the ganglionic eminence. During development, several areas showed an increase in Ack1 expression, especially the dentate gyrus and CA3 in the hippocampus, layer V in the neocortex, and the Purkinje cell layer in the cerebellum. These results demonstrate that this kinase is up-regulated during development and that it is expressed in proliferative areas and in migratory pathways in the developing brain.  相似文献   

The Drosophila Pelle kinase plays a key role in the evolutionarily conserved Toll signaling pathway, but the mechanism responsible for its activation has been unknown. We present in vivo and in vitro evidence establishing an important role for concentration-dependent autophosphorylation in the signaling process. We first show that Pelle phosphorylation can be detected transiently in early embryos, concomitant with activation of signaling. Importantly, Pelle phosphorylation is enhanced in a gain-of-function Toll mutant (Toll(10b)), but decreased by loss-of-function Toll alleles. Next we found that Pelle is phosphorylated in transfected Schneider L2 cells in a concentration-dependent manner such that significant modification is observed only at high Pelle concentrations, which coincide with levels required for phosphorylation and activation of the downstream target, Dorsal. Pelle phosphorylation is also enhanced in L2 cells co-expressing Toll(10b), and is dependent on Pelle kinase activity. In vitro kinase assays revealed that recombinant, autophosphorylated Pelle is far more active than unphosphorylated Pelle. Importantly, unphosphorylated Pelle becomes autophosphorylated, and activated, by incubation at high concentrations. We discuss these results in the context of Toll-like receptor mediated signaling in both flies and mammals.  相似文献   

DFak56 is a novel Drosophila melanogaster focal adhesion kinase   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The mammalian focal adhesion kinase (FAK) family of nonreceptor protein-tyrosine kinases have been implicated in controlling a multitude of cellular responses to the engagement of cell surface integrins and G protein-coupled receptors. We describe here a Drosophila melanogaster FAK homologue, DFak56, which maps to band 56D on the right arm of the second chromosome. Full-length DFak56 cDNA encodes a phosphoprotein of 140 kDa, which shares strong sequence similarity not only with mammalian p125(FAK) but also with the more recently described mammalian Pyk2 (also known as CAKbeta, RAFTK, FAK2, and CADTK) FAK family member. DFak56 has intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity and is phosphorylated on tyrosine in vivo. As is the case for FAK, tyrosine phosphorylation of DFak56 is increased upon plating Drosophila embryo cells on extracellular matrix proteins. In situ hybridization and immunofluorescence staining analysis showed that DFak56 is ubiquitously expressed with particularly high levels within the developing central nervous system. We utilized the UAS-GAL4 expression system to express DFak56 and analyze its function in vivo. Overexpression of DFak56 in the wing imaginal disc results in wing blistering in adults, a phenotype also observed with both position-specific integrin loss of function and position-specific integrin overexpression. Our results imply a role for DFak56 in adhesion-dependent signaling pathways in vivo during D. melanogaster development.  相似文献   

The polo gene of Drosophila melanogaster is the founding member of the polo-like kinase family which is conserved among eukaryotes. POLO has been implicated in the organisation and function of the mitotic apparatus. Furthermore, POLO has been shown to be required for normal spermatogenesis. To characterize further the role of POLO in spermatogenesis, polo mutants were analysed by immunostaining with specific antibodies and phase contrast microscopy. Immunofluorescence shows that POLO localises to the centrosomes, the centromere/kinetochore and the spindle midzone. The meiotic phenotype of various mutant allelic combinations was also studied in detail. Observation of mutant live testes indicates cytological abnormalities in all meiotic cell types, including variable DNA content and multipolar spindles. Primary spermatocytes in polo mutant testes contain an abnormal DNA content, suggesting failure of chromosome segregation during gonial division. Immunostaining of polo mutant cells with α-tubulin shows several abnormalities of the meiotic spindle, including a significantly reduced central spindle. Our results suggest that polo has multiple functions during spermatogenesis. Received: 5 August 1998; in revised form: 3 September 1998 / Accepted: 3 September, 1998  相似文献   

《Cellular signalling》2014,26(12):3016-3026
Notch signaling pathway unravels a fundamental cellular communication system that plays an elemental role in development. It is evident from different studies that the outcome of Notch signaling depends on signal strength, timing, cell type, and cellular context. Since Notch signaling affects a spectrum of cellular activity at various developmental stages by reorganizing itself in more than one way to produce different intensities in the signaling output, it is important to understand the context dependent complexity of Notch signaling and different routes of its regulation. We identified, TRAF6 (Drosophila homolog of mammalian TRAF6) as an interacting partner of Notch intracellular domain (Notch-ICD). TRAF6 genetically interacts with Notch pathway components in trans-heterozygous combinations. Immunocytochemical analysis shows that TRAF6 co-localizes with Notch in Drosophila third instar larval tissues. Our genetic interaction data suggests that the loss-of-function of TRAF6 leads to the rescue of previously identified Kurtz–Deltex mediated wing notching phenotype and enhances Notch protein survival. Co-expression of TRAF6 and Deltex results in depletion of Notch in the larval wing discs and down-regulates Notch targets, Wingless and Cut. Taken together, our results suggest that TRAF6 may function as a negative regulator of Notch signaling.  相似文献   

Lu X  Li Y 《Developmental biology》1999,208(1):233-243
The Src family of nonreceptor tyrosine kinases has been implicated in many signal transduction pathways. However, due to a possible functional redundancy in vertebrates, there is no genetic loss-of-function evidence that any individual Src family member has a crucial role for receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) signaling. Here we show that an extragenic suppressor of Raf, Su(Raf)1, encodes a Drosophila Src family gene Src42A. Characterization of Src42A mutations shows that Src42A acts independent of Ras1 and that it is, unexpectedly, a negative regulator of RTK signaling. Our study provides the first evidence that Src42A defines a negative regulatory pathway parallel to Ras1 in the RTK signaling cascade. A possible model for Src42A function is discussed.  相似文献   

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