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Allophycocyanin (APC) is a minor component of phycobiliproteins in cyanobacteria and red algae. This paper describes a simple and inexpensive extracting method for isolating APC from Spirulina (Arthrospira) platensis with high efficiency. The crude phycobiliprotein extract was pretreated by ammonium sulfate fractionation. Then, by adding hydroxylapatite into crude phycobiliprotein extract dissolved in 20 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.0), APC was selectively adsorbed by hydroxylapatite but C-phycocyanin (C-PC) was not. The hydroxylapatite was collected and APC was extracted from the crude phycobiliprotein extract. Then, the enriched APC was washed off from the hydroxylapatite using 100 mM phosphate buffer (pH 7.0). In this simple extracting method it was easy to remove C-PC and isolate APC in large amounts. The absorbance ratio A 650/A 280 of extracted APC reached 2.0. The recovery yield was 70%, representing 4.61 mg · g−1 wet weight. The extracted APC could be further purified by a simple anion-exchange chromatography with a pH gradient from 5.6 to 4.0. The absorbance ratio A 650/A 280 of the purified APC reached 5.0, and the overall recovery yield was 43%, representing 2.83 mg · g−1 wet weight. Its purity was confirmed by native polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and sodium dodecyl sulfate-PAGE.  相似文献   

The predatory copepod Acanthocyclops americanus is commonly found in shallow ponds and lakes in Mexico. We tested the survivorship and reproduction-related variables of this copepod, isolated from Lake Huetzalin (Xochimilco, Mexico City), on four mixed diets comprising two algal concentrations (0.8 × 106 and 1.6 × 106 cells ml−1 of Scenedesmus acutus) and two rotifer densities (1 and 8 ind. ml−1 of Brachionus havanaensis). Survivorship patterns of naupliar and adult stages of A. americanus were evaluated at 24 ± 1°C. The demography experiments were initiated with five females and five males (1:1 ratio, 5th copepodites) into each of the 16 test [= 4 diet combinations × 4 replicates (cohorts)] jars containing 50 ml medium and with one of the chosen algal-rotifer diets. Data on the survival of naupliar and copepodites (up to V) showed a high death rate (80%) in A. americanus by the time nauplii reached the adult stage. The duration of developmental time for nauplii and the copepodite V (C-V) was about 28 days by which time A. americanus became adults. Food combination had a significant effect on both survival and duration of the naupliar and C-V but not on the development time in C-I, C-II, C-III, and C-IV. Naupliar stages showed highest life expectancy at low food levels (rotifers or alga). Adult male and female copepods showed better survival under higher availability of rotifers in the medium, while higher algal density resulted in steep mortality during the first days. Average adult lifespan and life expectancy of A. americanus varied from 19 to 23 days, depending on the diet combination. Age-specific reproductive output (m x ) of female A. americanus showed low reproduction (<10 offspring per female on any given day) when raised on low rotifer density, regardless of the algal concentration. On the other hand, enhanced offspring production (average of about 50 nauplii per female) was recorded when the rotifer density was higher (i.e., 8 ind. ml−1). Gross and net reproductive rates varied from 48 to 438 and 27 to 318 offspring per female, respectively. In general, higher availability of rotifers in the medium resulted in higher (8–10 times as compared to those in low rotifer density) gross and net reproductive rates. There was no significant difference in the generation time (13–14 days) in relation to the diet combination. The rate of population increase (r) (range: 0.29–0.69 per day) increased with greater abundance of B. havanaensis in the medium. Thus, our study showed that inclusion of animal protein in the diet is necessary for high population growth rates of A. americanus.  相似文献   

Following a re-examination of the material treated under Barleria brevispina (Fiori) Hedrén in the recent Flora of Somalia account of the Acanthaceae, it is concluded that two distinct species are involved and Barleria compacta Malombe & I. Darbysh. is described here from north-eastern Somalia. Its affinities and conservation status are discussed.  相似文献   

The salt tolerance of two representatives of genus Spirulina (Arthrospira) Spirulina platensis and Spirulina maxima has been investigated. They both are the wide-spread objects of photobiotechnology and it has been shown that the content of 5–15 % sea-water in medium has not caused the decreasing of biomass yield more than 15–20% as compared with control. The further decreasing of biomass was proportionate to sea-water content in medium. The investigation of reactivity of native (intravital) exometabolites secreted into cultural medium has showed that the sea-water content influence the oxidative activity (OA) of exometabolites and hour’s rhythmics.  相似文献   

Columba livia is an important reservoir and carrier of Cryptococcus neoformans, Cryptococcus uniguttulatus, Cryptococcus laurentii and Cryptococcus albidus. Upper digestive tract of this species is also known as a habitat for Cryptococcus neoformans. Given the increasing clinical interest of this microorganism, 331 swabs from crop and 174 dropping samples from pigeon lofts in Grand Canary Island have been studied. The obtained results show an extensive presence samples 81 positive (24.47%) of Cryptococcus spp. in analysed crops: 32 (9.66%) for C. neoformans, 24 (7.2%) for C. uniguttulatus, 23 (6.9%) for C. albidus and 2 (0.6%) for C. laurentii. In the same way, Cryptococcus spp was also isolated in 82 (47.13%), dropping samples: C. neoformans in 59 (33.9%), C. uniguttulatus, in 9 (5.17%), C. laurentii in 8 (4.59%) and C. albidus in 6 (3.44%) of the investigated samples, respectively. The cryptococcosis produced by species of cryptococci other than C. neoformans has become more important during the last decade, supporting the study on the role of pigeon in the epidemiology of this disease.  相似文献   



SPARC is a matricellular protein, which, along with other extracellular matrix components including collagens, is commonly over-expressed in fibrotic diseases. The purpose of this study was to examine whether inhibition of SPARC can regulate collagen expression in vitro and in vivo, and subsequently attenuate fibrotic stimulation by bleomycin in mouse skin and lungs.  相似文献   

The saprophytic bacterium Burkholderia cepacia has been shown to play an active role as plant growth promoting bacteria (PGPB). In this study, the ability of cell-free culture medium (CFCM) of B. cepacia to improve early developmental stages of plants has been assessed on two agronomically important crops, maize (Zea mays) and rice (Oryza sativa). Treating maize and rice seeds for 45 min before germination significantly improved seed germination and consequent seedling growth. The effect of CFCM was confirmed by the increased biomass of the shoot and, mainly, the root systems of treated seedlings. Chromatographic characterization of the CFCM revealed that the spent culture medium of B. cepacia is a complex mix of different classes of metabolites including, among others, salicylic acid, indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and several unidentified phenolic compounds. Fractionation of the CFCM components revealed that the impressive development of the root system of CFCM-treated seedlings is due to the synergistic action of several groups of components rather than IAA alone. The data presented here suggest that a CFCM of B. cepacia can be used to improve crop germination.  相似文献   

Interaction of Bdellovibrio bacteriovorus 100NCJB with bacteria Campylobacter jejuni (strains 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5) and Helicobacter pylori, strain TX30a, was confirmed. The results indicate that lytic activity of bdellovibrios both in liquid media and cells attached to a surface was observed. The potential use of the antimicrobial activity of predatory bacteria for environmental bioprotection and public health is discussed.  相似文献   

Detailed research on the relative strength of the influence of parasitoids on hosts has contributed to the development of biological control techniques. Gryon philippinense (Ashmead) is a major egg parasitoid of the winter cherry bug, Acanthocoris sordidus (Thunberg). However, available data are insufficient to determine which egg parasitoids have the strongest effect on mortality of A. sordidus or why G. philippinense is the major egg parasitoid of A. sordidus. In this study, G. philippinense attained a much higher level of parasitism on A. sordidus eggs compared to four other parasitoid species. Mortality induced by G. philippinense on A. sordidus egg clusters occurred in an all-or-none manner, whereas mortality caused by the four other parasitoids occurred in a random manner. Compared to Ooencyrtus spp., G. philippinense required a significantly shorter time to parasitize an A. sordidus egg and also parasitized significantly more A. sordidus eggs within 24 h. These findings demonstrate that a short handling time allows G. philippinense to be the most significant egg parasitoid of A. sordidus.  相似文献   

Passiflora alata in vitro organogenesis was studied based on explant type, culture medium composition, and incubation conditions. The results indicated that the morphogenic process occurred more efficiently when hypocotyl segment-derived explants were cultured in media supplemented with cytokinin and AgNO3 incubated under a 16-h photoperiod. The shoot bud elongation and plant development were obtained by transferring the material to MSM culture medium supplemented with GA3 and incubated in flasks with vented lids. Histological analyses of the process revealed that the difficulties in obtaining plants could be related to the development of protuberances and leaf primordia structures, which did not contain shoot apical meristem. Roots developed easily by transferring elongated shoots to 1/2 MSM culture medium. Plant acclimatization occurred successfully, and somaclonal variation was not visually detected. The efficiency of this organogenesis protocol will be evaluated for genetic transformation of this species to obtain transgenic plants expressing genes that can influence the resistance to Cowpea aphid borne mosaic virus.  相似文献   

Phengaris (=Maculinea) arion is an endangered social parasite of Myrmica ants, and for a very long time was considered as specific to Myrmica sabuleti. Previous studies carried out in Poland suggested some discrepancies within this assumption, and therefore a much more intensive survey was undertaken. The host ant use of P. arion was studied at five sites in different types of biotopes in Poland, i.e. xerothermal grasslands where Thymus pulegioides was used as a larval food plant by the butterfly, and more or less sandy biotopes with Thymus serpyllum. Altogether nine Myrmica species were recorded, and considerable variation in species composition and density of nests was recorded. At four localities M. sabuleti proved to be the most common ant. A total of 529 Myrmica nests were examined, and only 20 of them contained larvae and pupae of P. arion. Host ants belonged to five different species, i.e. M. sabuleti, Myrmica scabrinodis, Myrmica schencki, Myrmica lobicornis and Myrmica hellenica. Only at one site (NE Poland) was a significant heterogeneity in parasitation rates among Myrmica species detected. M. lobicornis was the most often infested ant there, which may suggest local specialisation of the butterfly. Overall low parasitism rates may explain the vulnerability of P. arion in Central Europe but further studies are also necessary.  相似文献   

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