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A total of 4352 patients were admitted to a prospective'' randomised multicentre trial comparing the prophylactic efficacy of dextran 70 and low-dose heparin against fatal pulmonary embolism after elective operations for general, orthopaedic, urological, and gynaecological conditions. Out of 3984 patients correctly admitted, 1993 were allocated to receive dextran 70 and 1991 to receive low-dose heparin. Withdrawal of prophylaxis because of bleeding or technical difficulties occurred more often in the heparin group, but allergic reactions were more common in the dextran group. Of the 75 patients who died within 30 days after operation, 38 had been given dextran and 37 low-dose heparin. Necropsy was performed in 33 and 32 of these cases respectively. In six patients in each group pulmonary embolism was the sole or a contributory cause of death. Of these, five patients in the dextran group and two in the heparin group had received a full course of prophylaxis. There was no statistically significant difference between the two treatment groups in the incidence of fatal pulmonary embolism after a full course of prophylaxis.  相似文献   

External pneumatic compression of the foot is being used more and more to increase the venous blood flow in the lower limbs and thus reduce the risk of postoperative deep venous thrombosis. We have investigated the efficacy of the foot pump pneumatic compression device (A-V Impulse, Novamedix, Andover, England) in 10 healthy subjects and in 10 patients undergoing total hip arthroplasty. The velocity of venous blood flow in the common femoral artery was measured in the horizontal, Trendelenburg (head-down, foot-up) and reverse Trendelenburg (head-up and foot-down) positions using a duplex ultrasound unit (Sonoline Elegra, Siemens, Erlangen, Germany) with a 5 MHz linear array probe. Application of the foot pump produced an increase in venous blood flow velocity in all healthy subjects and in all patients. In healthy subjects the mean increase in the horizontal position was 31.18% (SD = 15.86%), and in the Trendelenburg position 20.72 (SD = 15.69%) (right limb). In the reverse Trendelenburg position, the foot pump produced a mean increase of 94.08% (SD = 55.00%). The difference is statistically significant (p < 0.005). In patients with a total hip arthroplasty, the mean increase in the horizontal position was 28.67% (SD = 9.95%), and in the Trendelenburg position 20.34% (SD = 17.85%) (operated limb). In the reverse Trendelenburg, the foot pump produced a mean increase of 91.55% (SD = 42.38%). The difference is statistically significant (p < 0.005). There was no noteworthy difference in results between the controls and patients. Pneumatic compression devices designed to reduce venous stasis are effective in decreasing the rate of deep venous thrombosis after surgery on the lower limb. The results of the present study show that the efficiency of the foot pump in increasing venous return is improved by adopting the reverse Trendelenburg position. This may increase its thromboprophylactic effect.  相似文献   

Three side-chain analogues of cholecalciferol (vitamin D3) modified at C-25, namely 25-fluorocholecalciferol, 24-dehydrocholecalciferol and 25-dehydrocholecalciferol, conceived as potential inhibitors of the cholecalciferol 25-hydroxylase have been prepared and tested in the rat. These compounds markedly diminish conversion in vivo of cholecalciferol into 25-hydroxycholecalciferol, but are not antagonists of vitamin D action, because they themselves possess significant biological activity in vivo. Each compound is capable of stimulating the intestinal transport of calcium and the mobilization of calcium from bone in vitamin D-deficient rats. Biological responses equivalent to those generated by a physiological dose of cholecalciferol (0.05 microgram) are produced, however, only when the analogues are administered at high doses (5-50 microgram). The biological activity of 24-dehydrocholecalciferol and 25-dehydrocholecalciferol is shown to result from conversion, in vivo, to the natural hormone, 1 alpha,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol, whereas 25-fluorocholecalciferol is metabolically activated in the rat by hydroxylation to 1 alpha-hydroxy-25-fluorocholecalciferol. This latter conversion is the first reported example of the 1 alpha-hydroxylation of a vitamin D compound lacking the 25-hydroxy group.  相似文献   

Seven general surgical units co-operated in a clinical trial of dextran 70 and pneumatic calf compression alone and in combination in the preventing of 125I-fibrinogen-detectable deep vein thrombosis in 305 patients. Both dextran regimens were significantly more effective than pneumatic compression alone. Pulmonary embolism was diagnosed in 14 patients, but there was no significant difference in incidence among the three treatment groups. In patients receiving dextran there was no greater median operative blood loss but there was a significantly greater incidence of postoperative bleeding complications.  相似文献   

Currently, clinicians have to make decisions about how to manage pulmonary embolism on the basis of imperfect tests and assessment of odds. Management protocols that inevitably result in large numbers of patients being referred for angiography are unhelpful. Management decisions based on assessment of odds and investigation of leg veins will inevitably result in some patients who have survived a pulmonary embolus being left untreated. Current evidence suggests that for most patients this is probably not important, the clear exception being those patients with underlying cardiorespiratory disease.  相似文献   

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