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L S Lasater  D C Eichler 《Biochemistry》1984,23(19):4367-4373
A single-strand-specific, nucleolar exoribonuclease from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells has been isolated and purified free from other nucleases. The exonuclease degraded single-stranded RNA processively from either a 5'-hydroxyl or a 5'-phosphorylated end and released 5'-mononucleotides. The enzyme digested single-strand poly(C), poly(U), and poly(A) equally well but did not degrade duplex poly(C).poly(I) or poly(A).poly(U). Less than 0.2% of duplex DNA or 1.5% of heat-denatured DNA was degraded under the conditions which resulted in greater than 26% degradation of RNA. The ribonuclease required Mg2+ (0.2 mM) for optimum activity and was inhibited by ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid but not by human placental RNase inhibitor. The native enzyme had a Stokes radius of 42 A and a sedimentation coefficient (S20,w) of 4.3 S. From these values, an apparent molecular weight of 76 000 was derived by using the Svedberg equation. The localization and unique mode of degradation suggest a role for the 5'----3' exoribonuclease in ribosomal RNA processing.  相似文献   

HVJ(Sendai virus)-induced fusion of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells was found to be stimulated by treatments which increase the intracellular level of cyclic AMP. This stimulation was optimal at an external concentration of Ca++ of about 0.5 mM. During the process of cell fusion, the intracellular concentration of cyclic AMP was increased with a maximum at 2 min after the initiation of the fusion reaction.Evidence is also presented which suggests that the increase of the cyclic nucleotide is a part of control mechanism of HVJ-induced fusion of eukariotic cells. Thus, this cyclic AMP-stimulated process could be one of the step(s) requiring ATP and Ca++, both of which are necessary for the overall fusion process of the tumor cells.  相似文献   

Native vesicles isolated from Ehrlich ascites tumor cells accumulate glutamine by means of Na+-dependent transport systems; thiocyanate seems to be the more effective anion. The apparent affinity constant for the process was 0.38 mM. The Arrhenius plot gave an apparent activation energy of 12.3 kJ/mol. The structural analogs of glutamine, acivicin (2.5 mM) and azaserine (2.5 mM), inhibited the net uptake by 67 and 70%, respectively. The sulfhydryl reagents mersalyl, PCMBS, NEM, and DTNB also inhibited net uptake, suggesting that sulfhydryl groups may be involved in the activity of the carrier protein. A strong inhibition was detected when the vesicles were incubated in the presence of alanine, cysteine, or serine; in addition, histidine, but not glutamate or leucine, had a negative effect on glutamine transport.  相似文献   

The fatty acyl group composition of Ehrlich ascites tumor cell plasma membranes was modified by feeding the tumor-bearing mice diets rich in either coconut or sunflower oil. When coconut oil was fed, the oleate content of the membrane phospholipids was elevated and the linoleate content reduced. The opposite occurred when sunflower oil was fed. Qualitatively similar changes were observed in the plasma membrane phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine and mixed phosphatidylserine plus phosphatidylinositol fractions. These diets also produced differences in the sphingomyelin fraction, particularly in the palmitic and nervonic acid contents. Unexpectedly, the saturated fatty acid content of the plasma membrane phospholipids was somewhat greater when the highly polyunsaturated sunflower oil was fed. The small quantities of neutral lipids contained in the plasma membrane exhibited changes in acyl group composition similar to those observed in the phospholipids. These fatty acyl group changes were not accompanied by any alteration in the cholesterol or phospholipid contents of the plasma membranes. Therefore, the lipid alterations produced in this experimental model system are confined to the membrane acyl groups.  相似文献   

Most mammalian neoplasms have a defect in ether lipid content manifested by the presence of abnormally large quantities of 0-alkyl glyceryl ethers, in contrast to normal tissues in which the alk-1-enyl structure predominates. These lipids are for the most part structural. The manner in which tumor cell plasma membranes differ from normal may be important, and it has been hitherto unclear whether or not the 0-alkyl lipid abnormality of neoplasms includes the plasma membrane. The present investigation reveals that 0-alkyl lipids are present in the membranes of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells isolated by several different methods. The amount of 0-alkyl lipid, on a weight basis, represents 1-3 percent of the total phospholipids and 1-4 percent of the total aliphatic lipid. These quantities are the same as or greater than the amount of 0-alkyl lipid found in microsomes, mitochondria, and whole cell homogenate. As is generally the case for intact neoplastic tissues, the quantity of 0-alkyl lipids of Ehrlich ascites tumor plasma membrane is greater than the amount of alk-1-enyl lipids.  相似文献   

An effect of electrostatic fields on the chromosomes of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells exposed in vivo has been demonstrated. Cells exposed to horizontal electrostatic fields for two weeks had almost a threefold increase in the percentage of abnormal chromosomes when compared to control cells or cells exposed to vertical electrostatic fields for the same period. Extended exposure times of 4--15 weeks resulted in the disappearance of the aberrant chromosomes. It is suggested that the effected cells were incapable of cellular replication resulting eventually in their disappearance via cell death.  相似文献   

The fatty acyl group composition of Ehrlich ascites tumor cell plasma membranes was modified by feeding the tumor-bearing mice diets rich in either coconut or sunflower oil. When coconut oil was fed, the oleate content of the membrane phospholipids was elevated and the linoleate content reduced. The opposite occurred when sunflower oil was fed. Qualitatively similar changes were observed in the plasma membrane phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidylcholine and mixed phosphatidylserine plus phosphatidylinositol fractions. These diets also produced differences in the sphingomyelin fraction, particularly in the palmitic and nervonic acid contents. Unexpectedly, the saturated fatty acid content of the plasma membrane phospholipids was somewhat greater when the highly polyunsaturated sunflower oil was fed. The small quantities of neutral lipids contained in the plasma membrane exhibited changes in acyl group composition similar to those observed in the phospholipids. These fatty acyl group changes were not accompanied by any alteration in the cholesterol or phospholipid contents of the plasma membranes. Therefore, the lipid alterations produced in this experimental model system are confined to the membrane acyl groups.  相似文献   

1. Growth and viability of in vitro cultured Ehrlich ascites tumor cells are not significantly impaired by exogenous creatine up to 40mM. Retardation of cell growth by higher concentrations depends on cell density. 2. Ehrlich cells grown in the presence of high concentrations of creatine accumulate creatine phosphate to high levels (up to 23 nmol/10(6) cells in the presence of 40mM creatine). 3. A nearly complete interruption of glycolytic ATP production or inhibition of the oxidative ATP synthesis reduces the maximal creatine to about 40-50% of controls. 4. Studies on the intracellular distribution of creatine kinase have shown, that the enzyme is only associated with the mitochondrial fraction. Titration of isolated mitochondria with digitonin revealed that the activity is located in the inter-membrane space and partly bound to the outer site of the inner membrane. 5. By growth of Ehrlich cells in creatine-free medium it is possible to obtain "creatine phosphate-depleted" cells (creatine phosphate less than 10% of controls). The growth of creatine phosphate-depleted cells as compared to controls is significantly reduced under energetic stress situations. The protein synthesis of these cells after an energetic stress (lack of glucose and oxygen) is significantly reduced as compared to creatine phosphate containing cells. 6. It is concluded that in these cells creatine kinase/creatine phosphate is a thermodynamic buffer system and not part of an energy shuttle as is postulated for muscle cells.  相似文献   

Edwin E. Gordon  Jay Bernstein 《BBA》1970,205(3):464-472
Ultrastructural changes in the mitochondria of intact Ehrlich ascites tumor cells were observed after stimulation by valinomycin of the energy-dependent transport of K+ into mitochondria. The mitochondria in cells taken directly from the animal displayed an orthodox configuration. After repeated washings of the cells, the mitochondria were converted to the ‘condensed’ or ‘aggregated’ state. The addition of valinomycin resulted in a transformation of mitochondria from the condensed to orthodox and markedly swollen forms. Alterations in cell size, O2 uptake, and K+ content accompanied the changes in mitochondrial morphology.  相似文献   

3',5'-CAMP concentration in rat parotid gland slices indubated in vitro for 12-14 hours was measured by radioimmunoassay. Clices for determination of cyclic nucleotide concentrations were taken at 10-minute intervals over a period of 2 hours. All slices used in a specific experiment originated from a single gland. Rhythmic changes in 3',5'-cAMP concentration in the rat parotid gland were found. The period of these changes (20-50 min) was similar to that of fluctuations in other parameters, such as dry weight, the rate of protein synthesis and ornithine decarboxylase activity, described for the same system elsewhere.  相似文献   

Hyperthermic treatment at 43 degrees C suppressed the growth of Ehrlich ascites tumor (EAT) cells in vitro. Incubation of EAT cells at 43 degrees C for as little as 1.5 h totally abolished the transplantability of the tumor. At the same time, the rate of cellular glucose uptake, the density of glucose transporter on the cells as well as the extent of thymidine, uridine and leucine incorporation were significantly reduced.  相似文献   

Summary The fluorescence intensity of the dye 1,1-dipropyloxadicarbocyanine (DiOC3-(5)) has been measured in suspensions of Ehrlich ascites tumor cells in an attempt to monitor their membrane potential (V m ) under different ionic conditions, after treatment with cation ionophores and after hypotonic cell swelling. Calibration is performed with gramicidin in Na+-free K+/choline+ media, i.e., standard medium in which NaCl is replaced by KCl and cholineCl and where the sum of potassium and choline is kept constant at 155mm. Calibration by the valinomycin null point procedure described by Lariset al. (Laris, P.C., Pershadsingh, A., Johnstone, R.M., 1976,Biochim. Biophys. Acta 436:475–488) is shown to be valid only in the presence of the Cl-channel blocker indacrinone (MK196). Distribution of the lipophilic anion SCN as an indirect estimation of the membrane potential is found not to be applicable for the fast changes inV m reported in this paper. Incubation with DiOC3-(5) for 5 min is demenstrated to reduce the Cl permeability by 26±5% and the NO 3 permeability by 15±2%, while no significant effect of the probe could be demonstrated on the K+ permeability. Values forV m , corrected for the inhibitory effect of the dye on the anion conductance, are estimated at –61±1 mV in isotonic standard NaCl medium, –78±3 mV in isotonic Na+-free choline medium and –46±1 mV in isotonic NaNO3 medium. The cell membrane is depolarized by addition of the K+ channel inhibitor quinine and it is hyperpolarized when the cells are suspended in Na+-free choline medium, indicating thatV m is generated partly by potassium and partly by sodium diffusion. Ehrlich cells have previously been shown to be more permeable to nitrate than to chloride. Substituting NO 3 for all cellular and extracellular Cl leads to a depolarization of the membrane, demonstrating thatV m is also generated by the anions and that anions are above equilibrium. Taking the previously demonstrated single-file behavior of the K+ channels into consideration, the membrane conductances in Ehrlich cells are estimated at 10.4 S/cm2 for K+, 3.0 S/cm2 for Na+, 0.6 S/cm2 for Cl and 8.7 S/cm2 for NO 3 . Addition of the Ca2+-ionophore A23187 results in net loss of KCl and a hyperpolarization of the membrane, indicating that the K+ permeability exceeds the Cl permeability also after the addition of A23187. The K+ and Cl conductances in A23187-treated Ehrlich cells are estimated at 134 and 30 S/cm2, respectively. The membrane potential is depolarized in hypotonically swollen cells, confirming that the increase in the Cl permeability following hypotonic exposure exceeds the concommitant increase in the K+ permeability. In control experiments where the membrane potentialV m =E K =E Cl =E Na , it is demonstrated that cell volume changes has no significant effect on the fluorescence signal, apparently because of a large intracellular buffering capacity. The increase in the Cl conductances is 68-fold when cells are transferred to a medium with half the osmolarity of the standard medium, as estimated from the net Cl efflux and the change inV m . The concommitant increase in the K+ conductance, as estimated from the net K+ efflux, is only twofold.  相似文献   

Studies have been conducted on the movements of sodium and potassium into and out of the Ehrlich ascites tumor cell. Under steady state conditions, at 22 degrees C., in the absence of an exogenous source of glucose, the cell flux for both potassium and sodium averaged 0.8 microM10(7) cells/hr, or 3.0 pM/cm.(2)/sec. The cell can accumulate potassium and extrude sodium against electrochemical gradients for both ions. It is possible under the experimental conditions reported to separate the transport systems for these two ions. Thus, it has been shown that under conditions of low temperature with a diminished metabolism, net fluxes for the two ions are different. Also, following periods of 24 hours at 2 degrees C., an exogenous source of glucose enhances the accumulation of potassium sevenfold while sodium extrusion is uninfluenced by the presence of glucose. Similarly potassium exchange rates are temperature-dependent, with Q(10) values as high as 5, while exchange rates for sodium are temperature-insensitive, with Q(10) values of 1.2 to 1.6. Glycolysis has been eliminated as an energy source for the transport processes since these processes go on in the absence of an exogenous source of glucose. It is estimated that a maximum of 0.3 per cent of the energy derived from the total oxidative metabolism of glucose would be required to support independent transport of potassium and sodium.  相似文献   

Time-dependent frequency distribution of binucleate cells (BC) was studied in Ehrlich ascites tumor (EAT) growing in mice. In animals that received no further treatment, the number of BC increased slowly from 2.6% to 16.5% of total cells within 8 days. In animals that were treated with different doses of 5-fluorouracil (FU) we found clearly higher numbers of BC. The number of BC increased with tumor age. The increase observed after treatment was reached more quickly in animals that had received the highest FU dose. The final number of BC was also dependent on the age of the tumor at the time of FU injection.  相似文献   

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