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Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) C4 activity was observed in testis extracts of sex-reversed mice (Sxr) and in male sex accessory gland (seminal vesicle and prostate) extracts from C3H/He and C57BL/Go mice. These results reflect either (1) the presence of low concentrations of germinal cells in these tissues; or (2) the synthesis of LDH-C4 by somatic cells in Sxr testes and normal male sex accessory glands.  相似文献   

The uptake and retention of 1,2-3H-testosterone in accessory sex glands, muscle and liver of streptozotocin diabetic castrated male rats, insulin-treated diabetic castrated rats and non-diabetic castrated control rats were studied at various time intervals after an intravenous injection. Diabetes reduced the retention of 3H-testosterone in the prostate, the preputial gland and the epididymis. Exogenous insulin slightly increased the retention of 3H-testosterone in these tissues of diabetic rats. No significant differences in the radioactivity in the rectus abdominis muscle, the coagulating glands and the seminal vesicles were found between the various experimental groups. Ventral prostate homogenates obtained from diabetic and control rats were incubated with 3H-testosterone in vitro. The steroids were extracted and thin-layer chromatographs were scanned for radioactivity. In prostatic homogenates taken from diabetic rats, testosterone transformation to dihydrotestosterone was reduced. The results indicate that the impaired function and androgen retention of the accessory sex glands of diabetic male rats is at least partly due to the reduced formation of dihydrotestosterone from testosterone.  相似文献   

Recent immunohistochemical studies have shown that basal cells in human prostatic epithelium are not myoepithelial cells. Since in the literature the Dunning tumor, originally described as a rat prostate carcinoma derived from the dorsolateral prostate of a Copenhagen rat, was reported to have myoepithelial cells, a comparative immunohistochemical and ultrastructural study was performed in the H-, HIF- and AT3-lines of the Dunning tumor, the male accessory sex glands (ventral, dorsal, lateral prostate, coagulating gland, bulbourethral gland) and the mammary gland of both Copenhagen and Wistar rats. Mono- and polyclonal antibodies directed against intermediate filament proteins (cytokeratin, desmin, vimentin) and the contractile proteins (alpha-actin, muscle type specific myosin, tropomyosin) were used along with phalloidin decoration of F-actin. As in the human prostate, none of the rat prostate lobes in either strains did contain basal cells expressing cytokeratin along with alpha-actin, myosin and tropomyosin Cells representing fully differentiated myoepithelial cells, however, were present as anticipated in the mammary gland, the bulbourethral gland and the H-tumor line of the Dunning tumor. This finding is difficult to reconcile with the contention of a prostatic origin of the H-Dunning tumor. Further studies are required to classify the epithelial parental tissue in order to define the true origin of the H-Dunning tumor and the tumor lines derived thereof.  相似文献   

Summary Two male sex accessory glands of the mouse, seminal vesicle and coagulating gland, were compared with the aim of relating differences in the morphology of organelles to the kinetics of the secretory process. The epithelial cells of the two glands were assessed by morphometric analysis, cytochemical staining, and electron-microscopic autoradiography after administration of a labeled amino acid. The rough endoplasmic reticulum of the seminal vesicle comprised narrow parallel cisternae, while that of the coagulating gland was greatly distended and occupied a much larger percentage of the cytoplasmic volume. Radioactively labeled products were secreted much more rapidly in the seminal vesicle than in the coagulating gland. The primary point of difference in kinetics of intracellular transport between the two glands was in exit of material from the rough endoplasmic reticulum. The more rapid drainage of the rough endoplasmic reticulum may be related to its relatively greater membrane surface density and lesser internal volume. In contrast, similarities in size and cytochemical staining in the Golgi apparatus of the two glands were accompanied by similar kinetics of intracellular transport of secretory protein through this organelle.  相似文献   

Six variants of P12, a Kazal-type trypsin inhibitor in the secretion of male mouse accessory sexual glands, were made using single-site mutations including R19L, Y21V, D22G, R43G, K44S, and R45T, based on one-letter-code mutation of amino acids. The other two variants, Nd10 and Cd8, were made using the deletion of 10 and 8 residues from the N- and C-terminals, respectively. Their CD profiles revealed maintenance of the P12 conformation in the seven variants, excluding Cd8, which became unfolded. Only R19L entirely lost the ability while the other variants were as strong as P12 in inhibiting the trypsin digestion of N-benzoyl-Phe-Val-Arg 7-amido-4-methylcoumarin. The immunocytochemical results demonstrated that D22G and Cd8 failed to bind to sperm, Y21V very weakly did so, and the other variants retained their sperm-binding abilities. Concomitantly, the immunocytochemical stainability of each ligand was parallel to its inhibitory effect on 125I-P12-sperm binding, and a synthetic oligopeptide corresponding to residues 18-24 of P12 was able to inhibit P12-sperm binding. The data together concluded that R19 was essential for protease inhibition and D22 and/or Y21 mainly being responsible for the binding of P12 to sperm. The steric arrangement of R19, Y21, and D22 on the tertiary structure of P12 is discussed.  相似文献   

In the present study we report on the histotopographical distribution of carbohydrate-binding proteins in the prostate and seminal vesicle of sexually mature NMRI mice using a panel of fluorescein-isothiocyanate labelled neoglycoproteins and asialoglycoproteins. Additionally, biochemical analysis using affinity chromatography and SDS-gel electrophoresis was performed to purify and characterize the respective proteins from the tissue. Our histochemical results clearly demonstrate the presence of endogenous receptors for the carbohydrate part of glycoconjugates in both glands. In the prostate a distinct staining was seen after incubation with melibiose-BSA-FTC, glucuronic acid-BSA-FTC and asialofetuin-FTC (only in the ventral prostate). In the epithelium of the seminal vesicle a weak staining occurred after incubation with asialofetuin-FTC and maltose-FTC. In the stroma of both accessory sex glands a distinct binding of several (neo)glycoproteins specific for beta-galactoside-binding proteins was observed which could be attributed to a beta-galactoside-binding lectin. Indeed biochemical analysis ascertained presence of such a histochemically detectable activity. We assume that the carbohydrate-binding proteins of the stroma, which were obviously linked to the elastic fibers, could play a role in the organisation of the extracellular matrix in the interstitium of the glands.  相似文献   

Summary In the present study we report on the histotopographical distribution of carbohydrate-binding proteins in the prostate and seminal vesicle of sexually mature NMRI mice using a panel of fluorescein-isothiocyanate labelled neoglycoproteins and asialoglycoproteins. Additionally, biochemical analysis using affinity chromatography and SDS-gel electrophoresis was performed to purify and characterize the respective proteins from the tissue. Our histochemical results clearly demonstrate the presence of endogenous receptors for the carbohydrate part of glycoconjugates in both glands. In the prostate a distinct staining was seen after incubation with melibiose-BSA-FTC, glucuronic acid-BSA-FTC and asialofetuin-FTC (only in the ventral prostate). In the epithelium of the seminal vesicle a weak staining occurred after incubation with asialofetuin-FTC and maltose-FTC. In the stroma of both accessory sex glands a distinct binding of several (neo)glycoproteins specific for -galactoside-binding proteins was observed which could be attributed to a -galactoside-binding lectin. Indeed biochemical analysis ascertained presence of such a histochemically detectable activity. We assume that the carbohydrate-binding proteins of the stroma, which were obviously linked to the elastic fibers, could play a role in the organisation of the extracellular matrix in the interstitium of the glands.  相似文献   

The main source of citric acid in the accessory sex glands of the musk shrew (Suncus murinus) was the prostate and fructose was abundantly produced by the ampullary glands.  相似文献   

The occurrence and possible functions of mucosal immunity in the male urogenital tract have not been extensively investigated. In this study we used immunolabeling to localize secretory component (SC) and immunoglobulin (Ig) A in the urogenital tract of the male mouse. SC was located in the ventral prostate, while SC and IgA plasma cells were both detected in the urethral glands in the pelvic and bulbous portions of the urethra. SC and IgA were not observed elsewhere in the urogenital tract. We also examined the ventral prostate and urethral glands of sham-castrated, oil-treated castrated, and testosterone-treated castrated mice. There was a striking reduction in the size of the ventral prostate and urethral glands in oil-treated castrates compared to the other two groups, based on gross and histological morphology. Morphometric analysis showed that the cell and nuclear sizes of the urethral gland acinar cells were reduced after castration and restored to normal size by testosterone treatment. Androgen receptors (AR) were localized in the nuclei of urethral gland cells by immunocytochemistry using anti-AR antibodies. Labeling of SC and IgA plasma cells was similar in the urethral glands and ventral prostates of sham- and testosterone-treated castrates, but was reduced or absent at these sites in oil-treated castrates. These studies show that the ventral prostate and urethral glands may be sites for secretory immunity in the male murine urogenital tract, and that the urethral glands are targets for testosterone.  相似文献   

The synaptic and recombinational behavior of the sex chromosomes in male laboratory mice carrying the Y* rearrangement was analyzed by light and electron microscopy. Examination of zygotene and pachytene X-Y* configurations revealed a surprising paucity of the staggered pairing configuration predicted from the distal position of the X pseudoautosomal region and the subcentromeric position of the Y* pseudoautosomal region. When paired at pachynema, the X and Y* chromosomes usually assumed configurations similar to those of typical sex bivalents from normal male laboratory mice. The X and Y* chromosomes were present as univalents in more than half of the early- and mid-pachytene nuclei, presumably as a result of steric difficulties associated with homologous alignment of the pseudoautosomal regions. When paired at diakinesis and metaphase I, the X and Y* chromosomes exhibited an asymmetrical chiasmatic association indicative of recombination within the staggered synaptic configuration. Both pairing disruption and recombinational failure apparently contribute to diakinesis/metaphase I sex-chromosome univalency, as most cells at these stages possessed X and Y* univalents lacking evidence of prior recombination. Recombinant X or Y* chromosomes were detected in all metaphase II complements examined, thus substantiating the hypothesis that X-Y recombination is a prerequisite for the normal progression of male meiosis.  相似文献   

The annual reproductive cycle of the male little brown bat, in contrast to seasonal reproductive patterns of other mammals, is differentiated by an asynchronous recrudescence of the testis and the accessory reproductive glands. Spermatogenesis occurs during the summer, whereas fully stimulated accessory organs, stored epididymal spermatozoa, and sexual behavior are expressed later during a mating period that extends, albeit interrupted by hibernation, from late summer until early spring. To investigate whether changes in high affinity androgen-binding activity in the circulation are related to the delayed renewal of the accessory organs, plasma sex steroid-binding protein (SBP) and total testosterone (T) levels were measured throughout the year. From these data and determinations of association constants for T binding to SBP and albumin at both hibernating (4 degrees C) and active (40 degrees C) temperatures, estimates of the unbound ("free") and albumin-bound T fractions were made and correlated with changes in the accessory reproductive organs. Plasma SBP concentrations (mean +/- SEM) exhibited wide seasonal fluctuations: they were baseline in May (10 +/- 2 nM) following spring arousal, increased dramatically in June (184 +/- 24 nM), and reached peak levels in early July (262 +/- 29 nM), where they remained until August. In late August they began to fall (104 +/- 23 nM) and then returned to baseline during the hibernation period (October-April). Although total T levels were also elevated in June, it appeared that the unbound ("free") and the unbound plus albumin-bound T fractions did not increase until late July. Since the accessory gland weights did not begin to increase until late July as well, it was concluded that increases in the unbound and albumin-bound T fractions may be an important factor in the recrudescence of the accessories and that increased SBP activity in early summer may play a role in the regression and delayed renewal of these organs. However, what factor(s) maintain the accessory glands, epididymal spermatozoa, and sexual behavior during the breeding and hibernation periods when all T fractions were low are, as yet, undetermined.  相似文献   

Relative weight of adrenals, thymus, hypophysis and gonads was studied in female mice after 21 days after parturition and in intact males. One group of females was stressed during pregnancy, and another group was intact. All these animals were a progeny of the full diallele cross of 4 inbred mice strains (BALB/c, C3H/He, C57BL/6, AKR/J). On the basis of analysis of general and specific combining ability the conclusion is drawn that the relative weight of the endocrine glands is inherited additively in females of both experimental groups. However, it was found that the size of additive genetic variation for these characters in the population of females, which had been stressed during their pregnancy was larger, than in the control population. A significant role of non-additive genes in the determination of these characters was observed in males. The degree of hypertrophy of adrenals and lysis of thymus in stressed females corresponded to their emotional reactivity. Significant genotypic correlations between the weight of some endocrine glands, on one hand, and the emotional reactivity and the rate of sexual maturation, on the other hand, were found in both experimental groups of females. In the stressed group these correlations were higher.  相似文献   

N I Surkova  A M Malashenko 《Genetika》1977,13(9):1572-1578
The distribution of male mice of the BC1 generation was analysed with respect to the frequency of chromosome aberrations in bone marrow cells induced by thio-TEPA. The BC1 descendants were derived from the F1 of the cross (C3H X 101) X 101 and the F1 of the cross (CBA X B6) X B6. With respect to mutability the BC1 descendants of both types could be divided into two classes. The average frequencies of the cells with chromosome aberrations in the BC1 descendants of the 101 line were in the two classes 33.4 and 64.2 percent respectively. The corresponding values for the two classes of the BC1 descendants of the B6 line were 24 percent and 33.2 percent respectively. These data suggest that each of the lines studied has one recessive mutator gene. Preliminary symbols are proposed: mut-1 for the gene of the line 101/H and mut-2 for the gene of the line B6. The gene mut-2 is linked with the gene a (nonagouti) (Vth linkage group, chromosome 2).  相似文献   

The sex hormones, estradiol and testosterone, are able to modulate the status of spontaneous reactions of humoral immunity to type I collagen in ontogenesis of NZB x NZW (F1) females. Administration of estradiol to puber and unpuber females leads to a significant increase in the reactivity levels. The autoimmune status to type I collagen in NZB x NZW (F1) males is nonreactive to sex hormones influence. The results obtained corroborate the suggestion of the important role of sex hormones in formation of sex dimorphism and age variability to autoimmunity to type I collagen.  相似文献   

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