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The isolated upper marginal zone from the initial stage ofCynops gastrulation is not yet determined to form the dorsal axis mesoderm: notochord and muscle. In this experiment, we will indicate where the dorsal mesoderm-inducing activity is localized in the very early gastrula, and what is an important event for specification of the dorsal axis mesoderm during gastrulation. Recombination experiments showed that dorsal mesoderm-inducing activity was localized definitively in the endodermal epithelium (EE) of the lower marginal zone, with a dorso-ventral gradient; and the EE itself differentiated into endodermal tissues, mainly pharyngeal endoderm. Nevertheless, when dorsal EE alone was transplanted into the ventral region, a secondary axis with dorsal mesoderm was barely formed. However, when dorsal EE was transplanted with the bottle cells which by themselves were incapable of mesoderm induction, a second axis with well-developed dorsal mesoderm was observed. When the animal half with the lower marginal zone was rotated 180° and recombined with the vegetal half, most of the rotated embryos formed only one dorsal axis at the primary blastopore side. The present results suggest that there are at least two essential processes in dorsal axis formation: mesoderm induction of the upper marginal zone by endodermal epithelium of the lower marginal zone, and dorsalization of the upper dorsal marginal zone evoked during involution.  相似文献   



To date, the earliest stage at which the orientation of the anterior-posterior axis in the mouse embryo is distinguishable by asymmetric gene expression is shortly after E5.5. At E5.5, prospective anterior markers are expressed at the distal tip of the embryo, whereas prospective posterior markers are expressed more proximally, close to the boundary with the extraembryonic region.  相似文献   

The prospective fate of cells in the primitive streak was examined at early, mid and late stages of mouse gastrula development to determine the order of allocation of primitive streak cells to the mesoderm of the extraembryonic membranes and to the fetal tissues. At the early-streak stage, primitive streak cells contribute predominantly to tissues of the extraembryonic mesoderm as previously found. However, a surprising observation is that the erythropoietic precursors of the yolk sac emerge earlier than the bulk of the vitelline endothelium, which is formed continuously throughout gastrula development. This may suggest that the erythropoietic and the endothelial cell lineages may arise independently of one another. Furthermore, the extraembryonic mesoderm that is localized to the anterior and chorionic side of the yolk sac is recruited ahead of that destined for the posterior and amnionic side. For the mesodermal derivatives in the embryo, those destined for the rostral structures such as heart and forebrain mesoderm ingress through the primitive streak early during a narrow window of development. They are then followed by those for the rest of the cranial mesoderm and lastly the paraxial and lateral mesoderm of the trunk. Results of this study, which represent snapshots of the types of precursor cells in the primitive streak, have provided a better delineation of the timing of allocation of the various mesodermal lineages to specific compartments in the extraembryonic membranes and different locations in the embryonic anteroposterior axis.  相似文献   

Orthotopic grafts of [3H]thymidine-labelled cells have been used to demonstrate differences in the normal fate of tissue located adjacent to and in different regions of the primitive streak of 8th day mouse embryos developing in vitro. The posterior streak produces predominantly extraembryonic mesoderm, while the middle portion gives rise to lateral mesoderm and the anterior region generates mostly paraxial mesoderm, gut and notochord. Embryonic ectoderm adjacent to the anterior part of the streak contributes mainly to paraxial mesoderm and neurectoderm. This pattern of colonization is similar to the fate map constructed in primitive-streak-stage chick embryos. Similar grafts between early-somite-stage (9th day) embryos have established that the older primitive streak continues to generate embryonic mesoderm and endoderm, but ceases to make a substantial contribution to extraembryonic mesoderm. Orthotopic grafts and specific labelling of ectodermal cells with wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to colloidal gold (WGA-Au) have been used to analyse the recruitment of cells into the paraxial mesoderm of 8th and 9th day embryos. The continuous addition of primitive-streak-derived cells to the paraxial mesoderm is confirmed and the distribution of labelled cells along the craniocaudal sequence of somites is consistent with some cell mixing occurring within the presomitic mesoderm.  相似文献   

Primordial germ cells in the mouse embryo during gastrulation   总被引:45,自引:0,他引:45  
With the aid of a whole-mount technique, we have detected a small cluster of alkaline phosphatase (ALP)-positive cells in whole mounts of mid-primitive-streak-stage embryos, 7-7 1/4 days post coitum (dpc). Within the cluster, about 8 cells contain a small cytoplasmic spot, intensely stained for ALP activity and possibly associated with an active Golgi complex. The cluster lies just posterior to the definitive primitive streak in the extraembryonic mesoderm, separated from the embryo by the amniotic fold. Towards the end of gastrulation, the number of cells containing the ALP-positive spot rises to between 50 and 80. Thereafter the number of cells in the extraembryonic cluster declines, and similar cells start to be seen in the mesoderm of the primitive streak and then in the endoderm. At 8 dpc, about 125 ALP-stained cells are found, mainly in the hindgut endoderm and also at the base of the allantois, their appearance and location at this stage agreeing closely with previous reports on primordial germ cells (PGCs). Embryos from which the cluster area has been removed at the 7-day stage are devoid of PGCs after culture for 48 h, whereas the excised tissue is rich in PGCs. We argue that the cells in the cluster are indeed primordial germ cells, at a stage significantly earlier than any reported previously. This would indicate that the PGC lineage in the mouse is set aside at least as early as 7 dpc, possibly as one of the first 'mesodermal' cell types to emerge, and that its differentiation, as expressed by ALP activity, is gradual.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It is generally assumed that the migration of anterior visceral endoderm (AVE) cells from a distal to a proximal position at embryonic day (E)5.5 breaks the radial symmetry of the mouse embryo, marks anterior, and conditions the formation of the primitive streak on the opposite side at E6.5. Transverse sections of a gastrulating mouse embryo fit within the outline of an ellipse, with the primitive streak positioned at one end of its long axis. How the establishment of anterior-posterior (AP) polarity relates to the morphology of the postimplantation embryo is, however, unclear. RESULTS: Transverse sections of prestreak E6.0 embryos also reveal an elliptical outline, but the AP axis, defined by molecular markers, tends to be perpendicular to the long axis of the ellipse. Subsequently, the relative orientations of the AP axis and of the long axis change so that when gastrulation begins, they are closer to being parallel, albeit not exactly aligned. As a result, most embryos briefly lose their bilateral symmetry when the primitive streak starts forming in the epiblast. CONCLUSIONS: The change in the orientation of the AP axis is only apparent and results from a dramatic remodeling of the whole epiblast, in which cell migrations take no part. These results reveal a level of regulation and plasticity so far unsuspected in the mouse gastrula.  相似文献   

The diverse morphologies among vertebrate species stems from the evolution of a basic body plan that is constituted by a spatially organized ensemble of tissue lineage progenitors. At gastrulation, this body plan is established through a coordinated morphogenetic process and the delineation of tissue lineages that are driven by the activity of the genome. To explore the molecular mechanisms, in a comprehensive context, it is imperative to glean an understanding of the region-and population-specific genetic activity underpinning this fundamental developmental process. In this review, we outline the recent progress and the future directions in studies of genome activity for the regulation of mouse embryogenesis at gastrulation.  相似文献   

The effect of ultraviolet (uv) light on embryonic development was examined in the ascidian Styela clava. uv irradiation (3.0 x 10(-3) J mm-2) of the entire surface of fertilized eggs during ooplasmic segregation prevented gastrulation, sensory cell induction, and embryonic axis formation. The uv-irradiated embryos completed ooplasmic segregation and cleaved normally, but vegetal blastomeres did not invaginate at the beginning of gastrulation, sensory cells in the larval brain did not develop tyrosinase or melanin pigment, and the larval tail did not develop. Endoderm, epidermis, and muscle cells differentiated in the uv-irradiated embryos, however, as evidenced by expression of endodermal alkaline phosphatase (AP), an epidermal-specific antigen, and alpha-actin, myosin heavy chain, and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in muscle cells. Higher doses of uv light (6.0-9.0 x 10(-3) J mm-2) suppressed expression of the epidermal antigen and muscle cell markers, whereas the development of endodermal AP was insensitive. Irradiation at various times between fertilization and the 16-cell stage revealed that gastrulation, sensory cell differentiation, and axis formation are sensitive to uv light only during ooplasmic segregation. Irradiation of restricted regions of the zygote during ooplasmic segregation showed that the uv-sensitive components are localized in the vegetal hemisphere. The absorption characteristics of the uv-sensitive components suggest that they are nucleic acids. The results show that uv-sensitive components that specify gastrulation, sensory cell induction, and embryonic axis formation are localized in the vegetal hemisphere of Styela eggs.  相似文献   

Wnt proteins form a family of secreted glycoproteins that are involved in different developmental processes such as differentiation, proliferation, cell migration and cell polarity. To exert its function, Wnt proteins activate different intracellular signaling cascades. Whereas the canonical, Wnt/beta-catenin pathway is well characterized, less is known about the function of non-canonical Wnt pathways in vertebrates. I here summarize recent findings implicating important roles for Wnt/Ca(2+) and Wnt/JNK signaling during different aspects of early Xenopus laevis development, namely axis formation and gastrulation movements.  相似文献   

Reciprocal signals from embryonic and extra-embryonic tissues pattern the embryo in proximal-distal (PD) and anterior-posterior (AP) fashion. Here we have analyzed three gene trap mutations of Sall4, of which one (Sall4-1a) led to a hypomorphic and recessive phenotype, demonstrating that Sall4-1a has yet undescribed extra-embryonic and embryonic functions in regulating PD and AP axis formation. In Sall4-1a mutants the self-maintaining autoregulatory interaction between Bmp4, Nodal and Wnt, which determines the PD axis was disrupted because of defects in the extra-embryonic visceral endoderm. More severely, two distinct Sall4 gene-trap mutants (Sall4-1a,b), resembling null mutants, failed to initiate Bmp4 expression in the extra-embryonic ectoderm and Nodal in the epiblast and were therefore unable to initiate PD axis formation. Tetraploid rescue underlined the extra-embryonic nature of the Sall4-1a phenotype and revealed a further embryonic function in Wnt/beta-catenin signaling to elongate the AP axis during gastrulation. This observation was supported through genetic interaction with beta-catenin mutants, since compound heterozygous mutants recapitulated the defects of Wnt3a mutants in posterior development.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: When the anterior-posterior axis of the mouse embryo becomes explicit at gastrulation, it is almost perpendicular to the long uterine axis. This led to the belief that the uterus could play a key role in positioning this future body axis. RESULTS: Here, we demonstrate that when the anterior-posterior axis first emerges it does not respect the axes of the uterus but, rather, the morphology of the embryo. Unexpectedly, the emerging anterior-posterior axis is initially aligned not with the long, but the short axis of the embryo. Then whether the embryo develops in vitro or in utero, the anterior-posterior axis becomes aligned with the long axis of embryo just prior to gastrulation. Of three mechanisms that could account for this apparent shift in anterior-posterior axis orientation-cell migration, spatial change of gene expression, or change in embryo shape-lineage tracing studies favor a shape change accompanied by restriction of the expression domain of anterior markers. This property of the embryo must be modulated by interactions with the uterus as ultimately the anterior-posterior and long axes of the embryo align with the left-right uterine axis. CONCLUSIONS: The emerging anterior-posterior axis relates to embryo morphology rather than that of the uterus. The apparent shift in its orientation to align with the long embryonic axis and with the uterus is associated with a change in embryo shape and a refinement of anterior gene expression pattern. This suggests an interdependence between anterior-posterior gene expression, the shape of the embryo, and the uterus.  相似文献   

Summary The morphology of the cortex of the amphibian egg is discussed, with special reference to the hyaline membrane.The physical properties of the cortex are reviewed, especially those evidenced by the wound healing reaction. The participation of the hyaline membrane in this process is particularly emphasized.An analysis of the activation processes normally associated with fertilization indicates that they may be accounted for by three cortical contractions, two radially symmetrical, with center at the animal pole, and one asymmetrical (or bilaterally symmetrical) originating at the point of sperm entrance. The contractions may be spatially correlated with three wounds normally afflicted on the cortex, viz., the expulsion of the polar bodies and penetration of the sperm. The first cortical contraction leads to separation between egg surface and vitelline membrane, and consequently to rotation of orientation, the second leads to formation of the perivitelline space, and the third to grey crescent formation.The mechanisms of blastula formation and of volume regulation are finally discussed. The strong adhesion between the cells and the hyaline membrane are of special importance in the former process. The hydrostatic pressure exerted through the cortex tension of the individual cells is suggested to account for the transport of water against the osmotic pressure difference from cells to blastocoele. The tension in the hyaline membrane developing in the late blastula and early gastrula is suggested to control the volume of the embryo.  相似文献   

Early sequential expression of mouse Hox genes is essential for their later function. Analysis of the relationship between early Hox gene expression and the laying down of anterior to posterior structures during and after gastrulation is therefore crucial for understanding the ontogenesis of Hox-mediated axial patterning. Using explants from gastrulation stage embryos, we show that the ability to express 3' and 5' Hox genes develops sequentially in the primitive streak region, from posterior to anterior as the streak extends, about 12 hours earlier than overt Hox expression. The ability to express autonomously the earliest Hox gene, Hoxb1, is present in the posterior streak region at the onset of gastrulation, but not in the anterior region at this stage. However, the posterior region can induce Hoxb1 expression in these anterior region cells. We conclude that tissues are primed to express Hox genes early in gastrulation, concomitant with primitive streak formation and extension, and that Hox gene inducibility is transferred by cell to cell signalling. Axial structures that will later express Hox genes are generated in the node region in the period that Hox expression domains arrive there and continue to spread rostrally. However, lineage analysis showed that definitive Hox codes are not fixed at the node, but must be acquired later and anterior to the node in the neurectoderm, and independently in the mesoderm. We conclude that the rostral progression of Hox gene expression must be modulated by gene regulatory influences from early on in the posterior streak, until the time cells have acquired their stable positions along the axis well anterior to the node.  相似文献   

Fibronectin expression was studied and found not to be present during the shedding process of stage VII chick embryos which indicates that fibronectin is not relevant during the implementation of the gravity-determined process of symmetrization. Fibronectin was detected, however, at the later stage XIII just prior to streak formation as a thin fluorescent sheet on the epiblastic side facing the hypoblast suggesting that it might be involved in the specific interactions that occur between epiblast and hypoblast and that lead to axis formation. Cultures of either epiblastic or hypoblastic chick cells indicate that both types of cells are capable of autonomous expression of fibronectin under in vitro conditions.  相似文献   

The influence of cell division order on the establishment of the embryonic-abembryonic axis (EA axis) of the mouse embryo was investigated. Aggregate embryos were constructed in which a labelled cell (or pair of cells) was combined with a group of unlabelled cells all of which were up to one cell cycle earlier or later in their progress through development to the blastocyst stage. The aggregates were cultured first to the nascent blastocyst stage and then to the expanded blastocyst stage. The positions of the progeny of the labelled cells in relation to the nascent blastocoel and to the orientation of the embryonic-abembryonic axis were recorded. It was concluded that cell division order does influence the establishment of the EA axis, early dividing cells tending to be associated with the nascent blastocoel and the site of the nascent blastocoel tending to mark the site of the abembryonic pole. However, the influence of division order was diminished by a requirement for intercellular cooperation during blastocoel formation and by a counteracting influence of division order arising from its effects on the allocation of cells to the inner cell mass.  相似文献   

Y T Ip  K Maggert    M Levine 《The EMBO journal》1994,13(24):5826-5834

Induction of gastrulation in the chick embryo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Interaction between the epiblast and the primary hypoblast in chick blastula results in induction of the primitive streak (PS) in the epiblast. Alpha-amanitin, a specific inhibitor of poly A-containing RNA synthesis, inhibits formation of the definitive PS. This inhibition is associated with qualitative changes in the pattern of protein synthesis in the hypoblast but not in the epiblast. The protein pattern of the component areas of the epiblast shows increase in some polypeptides after treatment with alpha-amanitin. By contrast, alpha-amanitin resulted in a decrease in synthesis of several polypeptides, which are either undetectable or weakly present in the hypoblast. The alpha-amanitin-sensitive translational products of the embryonic genome that are observed in the hypoblast may have specific functions in the control of PS induction and stabilization.  相似文献   

Extracellular serine protease cascades have evolved in vertebrates and invertebrates to mediate rapid, local reactions to physiological or pathological cues. The serine protease cascade that triggers the Toll signaling pathway in Drosophila embryogenesis shares several organizational characteristics with those involved in mammalian complement and blood clotting. One of the hallmarks of such cascades is their regulation by serine protease inhibitors (serpins). Serpins act as suicide substrates and are cleaved by their target protease, forming an essentially irreversible 1:1 complex. The biological importance of serpins is highlighted by serpin dysfunction diseases, such as thrombosis caused by a deficiency in antithrombin. Here, we describe how a serpin controls the serine protease cascade, leading to Toll pathway activation. Female flies deficient in Serpin-27A produce embryos that lack dorsal-ventral polarity and show uniform high levels of Toll signaling. Since this serpin has been recently shown to restrain an immune reaction in the blood of Drosophila, it demonstrates that proteolysis can be regulated by the same serpin in different biological contexts.  相似文献   

Ooplasmic segregation is of great importance in the development of Annelida. The mechanisms of this process are very diverse in different groups of polychaetes, oligochaetes, and leeches (Fernandezet al., 1998). Ooplasmic segregation inNereis virens is connected with the first meiotic spindle formation and animal-vegetative axis appearance. Spherical polyaxial symmetry of the oocyte transforms into radial stratified symmetry in the course of ooplasmic segregation. There are two main steps of ooplasmic segregation inNereis virens. The first step begins after the cortical reaction when the central clear cytoplasm reaches the surface of the oocyte. The movement of the cytoplasm is sensitive to nocodazole, colchicine, and cytochalasin B and appears to be mediated by microtubules and, partly, by microfilaments. The second step is not sensitive to the microtubule inhibitors and is mediated mainly by actin filaments. Ooplasmic segregation inNereis virens may be considered as a primitive form of ooplasmic segregation in Annelida.  相似文献   

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