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Paracoccus denitrificans is able to grow on the C1 compounds methanol and methylamine. These compounds are oxidized to formaldehyde which is subsequently oxidized via formate to carbon dioxide. Biomass is produced by carbon dioxide fixation via the ribulose biphosphate pathway. The first oxidation reaction is catalyzed by the enzymes methanol dehydrogenase and methylamine dehydrogenase, respectively. Both enzymes contain two different subunits in an 22 configuration. The genes encoding the subunits of methanol dehydrogenase (moxF andmoxI) have been isolated and sequenced. They are located in one operon together with two other genes (moxJ andmoxG) in the gene ordermoxFJGI. The function of themoxJ gene product is not yet known.MoxG codes for a cytochromec 551i , which functions as the electron acceptor of methanol dehydrogenase. Both methanol dehydrogenase and methylamine dehydrogenase contain PQQ as a cofactor. These so-called quinoproteins are able to catalyze redox reactions by one-electron steps. The reaction mechanism of this oxidation will be described. Electrons from the oxidation reaction are donated to the electron transport chain at the level of cytochromec. P. denitrificans is able to synthesize at least 10 differentc-type cytochromes. Five could be detected in the periplasm and five have been found in the cytoplasmic membrane. The membrane-bound cytochromec 1 and cytochromec 552 and the periplasmic-located cytochromec 550 are present under all tested growth conditions. The cytochromesc 551i andc 553i , present in the periplasm, are only induced in cells grown on methanol, methylamine, or choline. The otherc-type cytochromes are mainly detected either under oxygen limited conditions or under anaerobic conditions with nitrate as electron acceptor or under both conditions. An overview including the induction pattern of allP. denitrificans c-type cytochromes will be given. The genes encoding cytochromec 1, cytochromec 550, cytochromec 551i , and cytochromec 553i have been isolated and sequenced. By using site-directed mutagenesis these genes were mutated in the genome. The mutants thus obtained were used to study electron transport during growth on C1 compounds. This electron transport has also been studied by determining electron transfer rates inin vitro experiments. The exact pathways, however, are not yet fully understood. Electrons from methanol dehydrogenase are donated to cytochromec 551i . Further electron transport is either via cytochromec 550 or cytochromec 553i to cytochromeaa 3. However, direct electron transport from cytochromec 551i to the terminal oxidase might be possible as well. Electrons from methylamine dehydrogenase are donated to amicyanin and then via cytochromec 550 to cytochromeaa 3, but other routes are used also.P. denitrificans is studied by several groups by using a genetic approach. Several genes have already been cloned and sequenced and a lot of mutants have been isolated. The development of a host/vector system and several techniques for mutation induction that are used inP. denitrificans genetics will be described.  相似文献   

Two pathways serve for assimilation of ammonia inParacoccus denitrificans. Glutamate dehydrogenase (NADP+) catalyzes the assimilation at a high NH4 + concentration. If nitrate serves as the nitrogen source, glutamate is synthesized by glutamate-ammonia ligase and glutamate synthase (NADPH). At a very low NH4 + concentration, all three enzymes are synthesized simultaneously. No direct relationship exists between glutamate dehydrogenase (NADP+) and glutamate-ammonia ligase inP. denitrificans, while the glutamate synthase (NADPH) activity changes in parallel with that of the latter enzyme. Ammonia does not influence the induction or repression of glutamate dehydrogenase (NADP+). The inner concentration of metabolites indicates a possible repression of glutamate dehydrogenase (NADP+) by the high concentration of glutamine or its metabolic products as in the case when NH4 + is formed by assimilative nitrate reduction. No direct effect of the intermediates of nitrate assimilation on the synthesis of glutamate dehydrogenase (NADP+) was observed.  相似文献   

Depending on the growth conditionsParacoccus denitrificans synthesizes two different carriers mediating uptake of methylamine. When used as a nitrogen source, methylamine is transported via a NH 4 + carrier, and its transport is inhibited by NH 4 + but not by ethylamine. When used as a carbon source, methylamine is transported by a specific alkylamine carrier, and its transport is inhibited by ethylamine but not by NH 4 + . The NH 4 + carrier is under nitrogen control, the alkylamine carrier under carbon control.Abbreviations MA Methylamine - FCCP p-trifluormethoxycarbonylcyanide-phenylhydrazone  相似文献   

The region downstream from the methanol dehydrogase (MDH) structural gene has been cloned and sequenced. MDH promoter activity have been studied by using a broad-host-range promoter probe vector.  相似文献   

Bott, K. F. (The University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill.), and R. Davidoff-Abelson. Altered sporulation and respiratory patterns in mutants of Bacillus subtilis induced by acridine orange. J. Bacteriol. 92:229-240. 1966.-The addition of acridine orange to vegetative cultures of Bacillus subtilis induces the formation of sporulation mutants at a frequency of 20% or greater. These mutants are grouped into seven categories which reflect their different morphological properties. They are altered in their vegetative metabolism, as indicated by abnormal growth on synthetic media. Sporulation of these mutants is impaired at several levels, all of which are stable upon repeated subculturing. The initial stages of sporulation which require no increased metabolic activity (proteolytic enzyme activity and antibiotic production) are functional in all strains, but glucose dehydrogenase activity, an enzyme associated with early synthetic functions in spore synthesis, is significantly reduced. Reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide oxidase is slightly depressed. It is suggested that acridine orange interacts with a cellular constituent controlling respiration and consequently prevents an increased metabolic activity that may be associated with normal spore synthesis.  相似文献   

Carotenoid pigments and photokilling by acridine orange.   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

AIMS: The present work aimed to improve the production of penicillin G acylase (PGA) and reduce the beta-lactamase activity through acridine orange (AO) induced mutation in Escherichia coli. METHODS AND RESULTS: Three wild E. coli strains BDCS-N-FMu10, BDCS-N-S21 and BDCS-N-W50, producing both the enzymes PGA and beta-lactamase were treated by AO. Minimum inhibitory concentration of AO was 10 microg ml(-1) and it was noted that bacterial growth was gradually suppressed by increasing the concentration of AO from 10 to 100 microg ml(-1). The highest concentration that gave permissible growth rate was 50 microg ml(-1). The isolated survivals were screened on the bases of PGA and beta-lactamase activities. Among the retained mutants, the occurrence of beta-lactamase deficient ones (91%) was significantly higher than penicillin acylase deficient ones (27%). CONCLUSIONS: In seven of the mutants, PGA activity was enhanced with considerable decrease in beta-lactamase activity. One of the mutant strains (BDCS-N-M36) exhibited very negligible expression of beta-lactamase activity and twofold increase in PGA activity [12.7 mg 6-amino-penicillanic acid (6-APA) h(-1) mg(-1) wet cells] compared with that in the wild-type strain (6.3 mg 6-APA h(-1) mg(-1) wet cells). SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The treatment of E. coli cells with AO resulted in mutants with enhanced production of PGA and inactivation of beta-lactamase. These mutants could be used for industrial production of PGA.  相似文献   

K Ueda  T Komano 《Nucleic acids research》1984,12(17):6673-6683
Mitomycin C reduced with sodium borohydride induced the DNA damage at deoxyguanosines preferentially in dinucleotide sequence G-T. The DNA damage produced strand breaks when subsequently heated. The DNA damage scarcely occurred when the end-labeled DNA was preincubated with ethidium bromide or actinomycin D before the addition of mitomycin C and the reducing agent. Fully reduced mitomycin C did not induce the DNA damage. The mitomycin C-inducing DNA damage seems to require the intercalation of the partially reduced mitomycin C of short life time, probably semiquinone radical, between DNA base pairs. The inhibitory effects of sodium chloride and radical scavengers suggested that the requirement of the covalent bond formation of mitomycin C to DNA and the involvement of oxygen radicals in the DNA damage. 7-N-(p-hydroxyphenyl)mitomycin C, which is reported to show a higher antitumor activity and a lower toxicity than mitomycin C, was readily reduced with dithiothreitol and induced the sequence-specific DNA damage, whereas mitomycin C was not.  相似文献   

The ciliate Tetrahymena vorax is normally insensitive to light. However, after uptake of acridine orange, blue light evokes instant backward swimming. The dye accumulates mainly in posterior vacuoles, with half-maximal uptake after 1 min. Illumination for 10 s induced a depolarisation of approximately 15 mV lasting less than 2 s, followed by a sustained hyperpolarisation of approximately 20 mV. Deciliated cells displayed a similar response. The hyperpolarisation was linked to reduced membrane resistance, showed a reversal potential of approximately -55 mV and was blocked by 1 mmol l(-1) TEA. The rate of rise of electrically evoked Ca(2+)-spikes was reduced during the hyperpolarisation, which is compatible with elevated cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration. This suggests that the hyperpolarisation may be caused by activation of Ca(2+)-sensitive K(+) channels. The depolarisation was abolished in Ca(2+)-free medium, whereas the hyperpolarisation was unaffected. Illumination for 2 s, or prolonged stimulation restricted to the anterior part of the cell, induced depolarisation only. Illumination of the posterior part caused delayed hyperpolarisation with no preceding depolarisation. We conclude that the induced backward swimming is associated with Ca(2+) influx through anterior channels, while Ca(2+) released from intracellular stores activates K(+) channels responsible for the delayed hyperpolarisation.  相似文献   

Limited aeration of cell suspension in growth medium was used to study the kinetics of formation of nitrite reductase and nitrous-oxide reductase and their physiological electron donor, cytochromec-550, during the anaerobic adaptation ofParacoccus denitrificans. The crucial step in the regulation of synthesis of these components is the repressive effect of oxygen while nitrogenous acceptors (NO3 , NO2 , N2O) probably play no role as inducers. The time course of the enzyme activites was analogous (after a lag phase a sharp increase with a maximum after 3 h) and differed from the kinetics of synthesis of cytochromec-550 (gradual rise throughout the 8-h experiment).  相似文献   

The induction of micronuclei in peripheral blood from mitomycin C (MMC)-treated mice was examined using a supravital acridine orange staining method. Male ICR mice were intraperitoneally given MMC at a single dose of 0.25, 0.5, 1, or 2 mg/kg. Blood was sampled from the tail 24, 48, 72, and 96 h after treatment, and the frequency of micronucleated reticulocytes (MNRETs) was examined. The induction of MNRETs peaked at 48 h after treatment with MMC; there was a clear, dose-related increase in MNRETs. In a multiple-treatment study, mice were treated with 4 consecutive daily injections of MMC at a dose of 0.13, 0.25, 0.5, or 1 mg/kg. The frequency of MNRETs increased markedly 24 h after the second treatment as compared with the first treatment, and did not change significantly until 24 h after the fourth treatment. The frequency of MNRETs decreased to approximately control values 96 h after the last treatment. In addition, a slight but statistically significant increase in the number of micronucleated normochromatic erythrocytes in peripheral blood was detected by means of Giemsa staining 7 days after the last treatment. These results confirm the usefulness of the supravital acridine orange staining method to evaluate micronucleus induction in mouse peripheral blood.  相似文献   

Preparations and protein chemical characterizations performed with cytochromec oxidase (E.C. from the purple bacteriumParacoccus denitrificans are reviewed. The simplest catalytically competent complex of the enzyme consists of two subunits of 62012 and 27999 Da. The theoretical hemea/protein ratio of the purified enzyme is 22.0 nmol/mg. The amino acid sequences of both proteins are compared with examples of subunits I and II of mitochondrial terminal oxidases from the main kingdoms of eukaryotes. The significance of the emerging conserved features such as membrane penetration patterns, invariant residues, stoichiometry, and sites of prosthetic groups are discussed. TheParacoccus enzyme represents the only prokaryotic oxidase detailed so far, which is directly related to the mitochondrial oxidases by common ancestry in the growing O2 atmosphere.  相似文献   

Summary The addition of various nucleosides to the aqueous AO solution brings about the red shift of the absorption band of AO monomer and the enhancement of the AO fluorescence emission. These phenomena are attributable to the formation of a kind of molecular complex between AO monomer and nucleoside.The absorption and fluorescence characteristics and their thermal behaviours enable us to determine the association constant and the binding energy. The binding energy of AO with purines is larger than that with pyrimidines, and the association constant between AO and the deoxyribonucleoside is larger than that between AO and the ribonucleoside. For the molecular complexes dealt with, the face-to-face arrangement of AO and nucleoside, linking of AO with sugar by hydrogen bridge, may be more preferential than the side-by-side arrangement with the direct linkage between AO and nucleic acid base by hydrogen bonding. The Van der Waals-London interactions may be one of the essential factors for the binding in these molecular complexes.The association constant and the binding energy for AO-DNA and -RNA systems were also determined. The magnitude of these quantities seems to reflect the difference in the structure of these nucleic acids. The rather open structure of RNA compared with DNA is in favour of affinity with AO and gives the larger association constant than that for AO-DNA. The binding energy is somewhat larger for AO-DNA complex than for AO-RNA complex, probably due to the structural difference of the base arrangement; the stacked base pairs for DNA and the stacked bases for RNA.This may explain the selective degradation [12] of guanine photo-sensitized by dyes either in the free state or when incorporated to DNA or RNA, as discussed elsewhere.  相似文献   

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