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Campylobacter agar, nutrient medium intended for the isolation of bacteria of the genus Campylobacter from clinical material, has been developed. The composition of the medium includes sprat hydrolysate, aerotolerant additive (ferric sulfate--oxide, sodium pyruvate, sodium pyrosulfite), sodium glutaminate, agar. The selective properties of the medium are ensured by introducing the mixture of antibiotics consisting of polymyxin B, rifampicin, amphotericin B, ristomycin. The balanced composition of Campylobacter agar ensures the aerotolerance of Campylobacter organisms and gives the optimal conditions for their growth when the inoculated material is cultivated in the atmosphere made up of the mixture of three gases (5% of oxygen, 10% of carbon dioxide, 85% of nitrogen), as well as under the conditions of a "candle vessel". The medium suppresses the development of the associative microflora diluted 10(-1). As shown in the trial of the quality of Campylobacter agar by the inoculation of material taken from patients with acute enteric infections, agricultural animals and monkeys, the medium has pronounced selective, properties with regard to extraneous microflora, while ensuring the isolation of Campylobacter on the level of the control medium.  相似文献   

A new nutrient medium for isolation and cultivation of the causative agents of enteric yersiniosis and pseudotuberculosis was found to have advantages over Endo medium in its differentiating and inhibiting properties. This medium permitted the easy differentiation of Yersinia pseudotuberculosis from Y. enterocolitica, as well as from Escherichia coli, Shigella flexneri, Klebsiella pneumoniae, K. rhinoscleromatis, Hafnia, Enterobacter and Citrobacter by color; from Proteus inconstans by swarming. In addition, weakly swarming of P. vulgaris differed by their light bluish color and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, by the brilliance and size of colonies. Endo medium could be used only for differentiation of E. coli from lactose-negative Yersinia colonies, Klebsiella (by mucous growth) and, to a certain extent, all Proteus species (by swarming). The medium under test and the control medium inhibited the growth of Staphylococcus aureus. In contrast to Endo medium, the medium under test partially inhibited the growth of K. rhinoscleromatis and the swarming of P. inconstans. The new medium is now introduced into practice.  相似文献   

A selective dried medium for the isolation of B. cereus from clinical material and foodstuffs has been developed. The medium has high selective properties which ensure the isolation of B. cereus from microbial association in pure culture, thus making it possible to accelerate further identification of the microorganisms.  相似文献   

A dried differential nutrient medium for the isolation of V. cholerae has been developed. The medium is sufficiently sensitive, has pronounced differentiating properties and greatly inhibits the appearance of microbial associations. During the cultivation of V. cholerae with the use of this medium the cultural, morphological and agglutination properties of the initial strains are retained.  相似文献   

Selective Helicobacter agar containing the selective supplement and blood, adding ex tempore, for the isolation and cultivation of H. pylori was developed. The Helicobacter agar was studied with the use of 5 newly isolated H. pylori strains, 13 bacterial associated cultures, as well as 21 inoculated biopsy specimens of the gastric and duodenal mucosa of patients with peptic ulcer. The study revealed that Helicobacter agar ensured the growth of H. pylori and their isolation from clinical material. The positive results after the inoculation of the specimens of biopsy material on Helicobacter agar and control media was 85%. In addition, the study of Helicobacter agar showed that it also exhibited pronounced selective properties with respect to bacterial associations, not inhibiting the growth of Helicobacter organisms and retaining their main biological properties. It is possible to recommend Helicobacter agar for use in laboratory practice in diagnosing Helicobacter-associated diseases.  相似文献   

The comparative study of different protein bases has shown that the combined base containing animal blood hydrolysate (amino peptide) and acidic casein hydrolysate, moderately cleaved, in the proportion 1:1 is a good source of nitrogen and ensures the intensive growth of streptococci. As determined by the study of the physiological parameters and growth of streptococci, the presence of fodder yeast extract, glutamine, glucose and phosphates in media containing blood hydrolysate and casein hydrolysate has been found to render a stimulating effect on the growth and multiplication of these organisms. The data thus obtained have been used as the basis for developing the formula of a dried culture medium, capable of ensuring the growth of streptococci without blood or serum added and not inferior in its quality to Todd-Hewitt Broth manufactured by Oxoid Ltd. (Great Britain) and Difco Laboratories (USA). The physico-chemical and physiological characteristics of the proposed medium have been determined. The use of the new dried culture medium in medical practice will make it possible to improve the microbiological diagnosis of streptococcal infections.  相似文献   

The nutrient media developed in the USSR and CSR for the isolation of campylobacteria are multi-purpose as they enable the isolation of campylobacteria not only from material derived from patients with acute intestinal infection, but also from the internal organs of healthy and diseased animals and poultry as well as from a variety of objects in the environment.  相似文献   

A medium containing lincomycin (3 μg/ml), cycloheximide (100 μg/ml) and chloral hydrate (0–1 %) was superior to all others examined for the isolation of 'Haemophilus somnus' from material contaminated with Proteus species.  相似文献   

The present study was aimed at modifying the original formulation of Commercial Eugon agar (CEA) to develop a new H. pylori growth medium. Initial studies were carried out to determine the number of H. pylori colonies recovered on in-house H. pylori agar (IHPA), IHPA without l -cysteine and sodium sulfite (IHPA-NC), IHPA without l -cysteine (IHPA-C), IHPA without sodium sulfite (IHPA-N) and CEA as the control. Significant differences ( P <0.001) in the number of colonies recovered were observed between IHPA-N, IHPA-NC and IHPA-C. Incorporation of sodium sulfite decreased the number of colonies recovered, indicating that sodium sulfite was inhibitory to H. pylori growth. Removal of l -cysteine reduced the number of colonies recovered, suggesting that l -cysteine is necessary for the growth of H. pylori . In the subsequent study, incorporation of K2HPO4 further increased the number of colonies recovered compared with IHPA-N ( P <0.001), and 0.25% (w/v) of K2HPO4 yielded the highest numbers of colonies ( P ≤0.04). Finally, thirty other H. pylori clinical isolates were evaluated for their growth in the IHPAP-N, a new medium consisting of 1.5% (w/v) pepticase, 0.5% (w/v) peptone, 0.4% (w/v) sodium chloride, 0.03% (w/v) l -cysteine, 0.55% (w/v) dextrose, 0.25% (w/v) K2HPO4 and 1.5% (w/v) agar. The number of colonies recovered in IHPAP-N was significantly ( P <0.005) higher than that of CEA. IHPAP-N with 0.25% K2HPO4 and without sodium sulfite were adequate solid media for the growth of H. pylori .  相似文献   

A new dried diagnostic medium for the isolation of C. diphtheriae has been developed on the basis of aminopeptide. This new aminopeptide-based medium compares favorably with Buchin's medium in its growth and inhibitory properties.  相似文献   

Helicobacter pylori has been isolated from the human stomach with media containing only minimal selective agents. However, current research on the transmission and sources of infection requires more selective media due to the higher numbers of contaminants in environmental, oral, and fecal samples. The objective of this study was to develop and evaluate detection techniques that are sufficiently selective to isolate H. pylori from potential animal and food sources. Since H. pylori survives in the acidic environment of the stomach, low pH with added urea was studied as a potential selective combination. H. pylori grew fairly well on H. pylori Special Peptone plating medium supplemented with 10 mM urea at pH 4. 5, but this pH did not sufficiently inhibit the growth of contaminants. Various antibiotic combinations were then compared, and a combination consisting of 10 mg of vancomycin per liter, 5 mg of amphotericin B per liter, 10 mg of cefsulodin per liter, 62,000 IU of polymyxin B sulfate per liter, 40 mg of trimethoprim per liter, and 20 mg of sulfamethoxazole per liter proved to be highly selective but still allowed robust colonies of H. pylori to grow. This medium was highly selective for recovering H. pylori from cattle and beef samples, and it is possible that it could be used to enhance the recovery of this bacterium from human and environmental samples, which may be contaminated with large numbers of competing microorganisms.  相似文献   

Development of novel Alicyclobacillus spp. isolation medium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
AIM: To develop a new isolation medium with higher recovery rates of Alicyclobacillus spp. METHODS AND RESULTS: SK agar was developed with optimized incubation temperature, pH, acidulant, Tween 80 concentration and divalent cation addition. Results indicate that detection of Alicyclobacillus spp. by SK agar was significantly higher (P > 0.05) than those obtained by K agar, orange serum agar, and potato dextrose agar. CONCLUSIONS: Current media used for Alicyclobacillus spp. isolation still resulted in high numbers of false negative products. The sensitivity of SK agar to Alicyclobacillus spp. allows detection of low numbers of Alicyclobacillus spp. and also provides a more higher isolation results compared with currently used media. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: SK agar will be useful to the fruit juice industry to obtain more accurate numbers of contaminant Alicyclobacillus spp. With this media, false negative samples can be reduced, and the likelihood of exported products being rejected can be greatly reduced.  相似文献   

R.H. DAVIES AND C. WRAY. 1996. A one-step test unit was developed which allowed migration of salmonellas to selective medium and indicated the presence of salmonella by motility inhibition using polyvalent flagella antiserum. Evaluation of the method using 1038 naturally contaminated samples led to identification of more contaminated samples than a standard method within 24 h as opposed to 96 h.  相似文献   

A culture medium for the isolation and cultivation of pneumococci, produced in a solid or liquid form and based on raw material unsuitable for use as foodstuff (human placenta), has been developed. The amino acid composition of the medium has been studied. The medium has been found to contain 19 amino acids, to be free from ballast serum proteins and blood, and to ensure the good growth of pneumococci isolated from pathological material, the formation of the normal capsule, as well as active biological properties. The medium has proved to create elective and selective conditions enhancing the effectiveness of investigations and simplifying the isolation of pneumococci in the microbiological examination of patients.  相似文献   

A new selective agar medium, ALOA, for the selective and differential isolation of Listeria monocytogenes has been evaluated. All stressed cultures of L. monocytogenes serovars tested grew on the medium as bluish colonies surrounded by a distinctive opaque halo and gave a productivity ratio of at least 0.95. Non-pathogenic Listeria sp. produced bluish colonies without a halo as was also the case for some enterococci and bacilli. Special attention must be paid to some Bacillus cereus strains and L. ivanovii since their colony appearance can be misleading. Only some unidentified listeria-like bacteria gave false-positive results. ALOA detected 4. 3% more positives from naturally contaminated dairy and meat samples compared with the ISO procedure when used with GenprobeTM or VidasTM for confirmation of presumptive colonies; 13.9% false negatives were found compared with 38.9% using PALCAM/Oxford. ALOA was also clearly superior to Oxford and PALCAM when samples containing both L. monocytogenes and L. innocua were examined. The introduction of ALOA in standard isolation procedures as an additional medium would enhance the detection ratio and reduce the time and cost of analysis for L. monocytogenes.  相似文献   

Existing media designed for selective isolation of clinically important members of the genus Yersinia were found to be unsatisfactory for the growth and isolation of Yersinia pestis. We report the development of a new selective agar medium (termed BIN) that supports the growth of Y. pestis. The development of the formulation of this medium was based on a fluorescence screening system designed for monitoring bacterial growth on semisolid media, using a green fluorescent protein-expressing strain. High-throughput combinatorial experiments can be conducted for the quantitative evaluation of the effect of different medium components on growth. Generation of fluorescence plots in this system, using microplates, allowed the quantitative evaluation of the growth rate of Y. pestis EV76 cultures in different agar compositions. The final BIN formulation is based on brain heart infusion agar, to which the selective agents irgasan, cholate salts, crystal violet, and nystatin were introduced. It was found that BIN agar is more efficient in supporting colony formation and recovery of Y. pestis than are the conventional semisolid media MacConkey agar and Yersinia-selective agar (cefsulodin-irgasan-novobiocin agar). The advantage of BIN over other media has been also demonstrated in recovering virulent Y. pestis from the mixed bacterial populations found in decaying carcasses of infected mice. The BIN medium is suggested as a selective medium for isolation and recovery of Y. pestis from various backgrounds.  相似文献   

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