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Triple resonance HN(COCA)NH pulse sequences for correlating 1H(i), 15N(i),1H(i-1), and 15N(i-1) spins that utilize overlapping coherence transfer periods provide increased sensitivityrelative to pulse sequences that utilize sequential coherence transfer periods. Although theoverlapping sequence elements reduce the overall duration of the pulse sequences, theprincipal benefit derives from a reduction in the number of 180° pulses. Two versions of thetechnique are presented: a 3D (H)N(COCA)NH experiment that correlates 15N(i),1H(i-1), and 15N(i-1) spins, and a 3D HN(COCA)NH experiment that correlates 1H(i), 15N(i),1H(i-1), and 15N(i-1) spins by simultaneously encoding the 1H(i) and 15N(i) chemical shiftsduring the t1 evolution period. The methods are demonstrated on a 13C/15N-enriched sampleof the protein ubiquitin and are easily adapted for application to 2H/13C/15N-enrichedproteins.  相似文献   

Significant resolution improvement in 13C,13C-TOCSY spectra of uniformly deuterated and 13C, 15N-labeled protein and 13C,15N-labeled RNA samples is achieved by introduction of multiple-band-selective 13C-homodecoupling applied simultaneously with 1H- or 2H- and 15N-decoupling at all stages of multidimensional experiments including signal acquisition period. The application of single, double or triple band-selective 13C-decoupling in 2D-[13C,13C]-TOCSY experiments during acquisition strongly simplifies the homonuclear splitting pattern. The technical aspects of complex multiple-band homonuclear decoupling and hardware requirements are discussed. The use of this technique (i) facilitates the resonance assignment process as it reduces signal overlap in homonuclear 13C-spectra and (ii) possibly improves the signal-to-noise ratio through multiplet collapse. It can be applied in any 13C-detected experiment.  相似文献   

A new method for backbone resonance assignment suitable for large proteins with the natural 1H isotope content is proposed based on a combination of the most sensitive TROSY-type triple-resonance experiments. These techniques include TROSY-HNCO, 13C-detected 3D multiple-quantum HACACO and the newly developed 3D TROSY multiple-quantum-HN(CA)HA and 4D TROSY multiple-quantum-HACANH experiments. The favorable relaxation properties of the multiple-quantum coherences, signal detection using the 13C antiphase coherences, and the use of TROSY optimize the performance of the proposed set of experiments for application to large protonated proteins. The method is demonstrated with the 44 kDa uniformly 15N,13C-labeled and fractionally (35%) deuterated trimeric B. Subtilis Chorismate Mutase and is suitable for proteins with large correlation times but a relatively small number of residues, such as membrane proteins embedded in micelles or oligomeric proteins.  相似文献   

Chemical shift assignment of methyl-containing residues is essential in protein NMR spectroscopy, as these residues are abundant in protein interiors and provide the vast majority of long-range NOE connectivities for structure determination. These residues also constitute an integral part of hydrophobic cavities, the surroundings for many enzymatic reactions. Here we present a powerful strategy for the assignment of methyl-containing residues in a uniformly 13C/15N double labeled protein sample. The approach is based on novel four-dimensional HCCmHm-TOCSY experiments, two of them utilizing gradient selection and sensitivity enhancement in all three indirectly detected dimensions. Regardless of the number of dimensions, the proposed experiments can be executed using only one transient per FID, providing outstanding resolution and sensitivity. A complete assignment of the 51 methyl-containing residues in the 16 kDa Mus musculus coactosin was accomplished using a four-dimensional HCCmHm-TOCSY spectrum recorded in 16 hours.  相似文献   

Resonance assignment is necessary for the comprehensive structure determination of insoluble proteins by solid-state NMR spectroscopy. While various 2D and 3D correlation techniques involving 13C and 15N spins have been developed for this purpose, 1H chemical shift has not been exploited sufficiently. We demonstrate the combination of the regular 1H-13C heteronuclear correlation (HETCOR) experiment and a dipolar filtered HETCOR technique to obtain better resolved 1H chemical shift spectra. The dipolar filtered experiment, MELODI-HETCOR, simplifies the 1H spectra by suppressing the directly bonded C-H correlation peaks and retaining only the medium- and long-range cross peaks. We apply this MELODI-HETCOR technique to several amino acids and proteins with various isotopic labeling patterns. The enhanced 1H chemical shift resolution allows the assignment of overlapping H and H resonances in Ser, identifies the 1H chemical shift differences between neutral and cationic imidazole rings of His, and permits the assignment of residues with side chain nitrogen atoms in ubiquitin. The potential utility of this dipolar filtered HETCOR technique to resonance assignment of extensively labeled proteins is discussed.  相似文献   

The X-ray diffraction analysis, (13)C CP MAS NMR spectra and powder X-ray diffraction patterns were obtained for selected methyl glycosides: alpha- and beta-d-lyxopyranosides (1, 2), alpha- and beta-l-arabinopyranosides (3, 4), alpha- and beta-d-xylopyranosides (5, 6) and beta-d-ribopyranoside (7) and the results were confirmed by GIAO DFT calculations of shielding constants. In X-ray diffraction analysis of 1 and 2, a characteristic shortening and lengthening of selected bonds was observed in molecules of 1 due to anomeric effect and, in crystal lattice of 1 and 2, hydrogen bonds of different patterns were present. Also, an additional intramolecular hydrogen bond with the participation of ring oxygen atom was observed in 1. The observed differences in chemical shifts between solid state and solution come from conformational effects and formation of various intermolecular hydrogen bonds. The changes in chemical shifts originating from intermolecular hydrogen bonds were smaller in magnitude than conformational effects. Furthermore, the powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) performed for 4, 5 and 7 revealed that 7 existed as a mixture of two polymorphs, and one of them probably consisted of two non-equivalent molecules.  相似文献   

Two triple resonance experiments, HNN and HN(C)N, are presented which correlate HN and 15N resonances sequentially along the polypeptide chain of a doubly (13C, 15N) labeled protein. These incorporate several improvements over the previously published sequences for a similar purpose and have several novel features. The spectral characteristics enable direct identification of certain triplets of residues, which provide many starting points for the sequential assignment procedure. The experiments are sensitive and their utility has been demonstrated with a 22 kDa protein under unfolding conditions where most of the standard triple resonance experiments such as HNCA, CBCANH etc. have limited success because of poor amide, C and C chemical shift dispersions.  相似文献   

Triple-resonance two-dimensional H6/H5(C4N)H and C6/C5(C4N)H experiments are described that provide through-bond H6/H5 or C6/C5 to imino/amino correlations in pyrimidine bases in 13C,15N-labeled RNA. The experiments simultaneously transfer H6/H5 magnetization by an INEPT step to the C6/C5 nuclei and by homonuclear CC- and heteronuclear CN-TOCSY steps via the intervening C4 nucleus to the N3/N4 nuclei and then by a reverse INEPT step to the imino/amino hydrogens. The sensitivity of these experiments is high as demonstrated using a 30-nucleotide pyrimidine rich RNA at a concentration of 0.9 mM at temperatures of 10°C and 25°C. This indicates the general applicability of the experiments and the possibility to obtain correlations for imino resonances in non-canonical regions of the target RNA.  相似文献   

High-resolution heteronuclear NMR correlation experiments and strategies are proposed for the assignment of fully13 C/15N-labelled polypeptides in the solid state. By the combination of intra-residue and inter-residue13 C-15N correlation experiments with13 C-13C spin-diffusion studies, it becomes feasible to partially assign backbone and side-chain resonances in solid proteins. The performance of sequences using 15N instead of13 C detection is evaluated regarding sensitivity and resolution for a labelled dipeptide (L-Val-L-Phe). The techniques are used for a partial assignment of the 15N and 13C resonances in human ubiquitin.  相似文献   

We recently introduced a new line of reduced-dimensionality experiments making constructive use of axial peak magnetization, which has so far been suppressed as an undesirable artifact in multidimensional NMR spectra [Szyperski, T., Braun, D., Banecki, B. and Wüthrich, K. (1996) J. Am. Chem. Soc., 118, 8146–8147]. The peaks arising from the axial magnetization are located at the center of the doublets resulting from projection. Here we describe the use of such projected four-dimensional (4D) triple resonance experiments for the efficient sequential resonance assignment of 15N/13C-labeled proteins. A 3D / /(CO)NHN experiment is recorded either in conjunction with 3D HNN< > or with the newly presented 3D HNN scheme. The first combination yields sequential assignments based on the measurement of13 C chemical shifts and provides a complete 1H, 13C and 15N resonance assignment of polypeptide backbone and CHn moieties. When employing the second combination, 13C=O chemical shifts are not measured, but the sequential assignment relies on both 13C and1 H chemical shifts. The assignment is performed in a semi-automatic fashion using the program XEASY in conjunction with the newly implemented program SPSCAN. This program package offers routines for the facile mutual interconversion of single-quantum and zero/double-quantum frequencies detected in conventional and reduced-dimensionality spectra, respectively. In particular, SPSCAN comprises a peak picking routine tailored to cope with the distinct peak patterns of projected NMR experiments performed with simultaneous acquisition of central peaks. Data were acquired at 13 °C for the N-terminal 63-residue polypeptide fragment of the 434 repressor. Analysis of these spectra, which are representative for proteins of about 15 kDa when working at commonly used temperatures around 30 °C , demonstrates the efficiency of our approach for the assignment of medium-sized15 N/13C doubly labeled proteins.  相似文献   

This study explored the utility of1H and13C magnetic resonance spectroscopy to study a standard synaptosomally enriched fraction (P2 pellet) made from rat cerebrum. The preparations contained high concentrations of N-acetylaspartate and -aminobutyric acid and low concentrations of glutamine, indicating that they were in fact rich in neuronal cytosol. The metabolic competence of the preparation was assessed by quantitative measurements of its ability to convert [1-13C]glucose into lactate, glutamate, aspartate, and other metabolites under well oxygenated conditions in 30 minutes. The minimum mean glycolytic rate was 0.8 mM glucose/min and the flow through the tricarboxylic acid cycle was equivalent to 0.2 mM glucose/min.Abbreviations ppm parts per million (chemical shift scale) - NMR nuclear magnetic resonance - GABA -aminobutyric acid - PBS phosphate-buffered normal saline solution - TSP 3-trimethylsilylpropionate During the performance of these studies Dr. A.P. Burlina was on leave from Instituto di Clinica delle Malattie Nervose e Mentali, University of Padua, Padua, Italy.  相似文献   

Summary Heteronuclear 2D (13C, 1H) and (15N, 1H) correlation spectra of (13C, 15N) fully enriched proteins can be acquired simultaneously with virtually no sensitivity loss or increase in artefact levels. Three pulse sequences are described, for 2D time-shared or TS-HSQC, 2D TS-HMQC and 2D TS-HSMQC spectra, respectively. Independent spectral widths can be sampled for both heteronuclei. The sequences can be greatly improved by combining them with field-gradient methods. By applying the sequences to 3D and 4D NMR spectroscopy, considerable time savings can be obtained. The method is demonstrated for the 18 kDa HU protein.Abbreviations HMQC heteronuclear multiple-quantum coherence spectroscopy - HSQC heteronuclear single-quantum coherence spectroscopy - HSMQC heteronuclear single- and multiple-quantum coherence spectroscopy - NOESY nuclear Overhauser enhancement spectroscopy  相似文献   

Summary A simple technique for identifying protein secondary structures through the analysis of backbone 13C chemical shifts is described. It is based on the Chemical-Shift Index [Wishart et al. (1992) Biochemistry, 31, 1647–1651] which was originally developed for the analysis of 1H chemical shifts. By extending the Chemical-Shift Index to include 13C, 13C and carbonyl 13C chemical shifts, it is now possible to use four independent chemical-shift measurements to identify and locate protein secondary structures. It is shown that by combining both 1H and 13C chemical-shift indices to produce a consensus estimate of secondary structure, it is possible to achieve a predictive accuracy in excess of 92%. This suggests that the secondary structure of peptides and proteins can be accurately obtained from 1H and 13C chemical shifts, without recourse to NOE measurements.Supplementary material is available in the form of a 10-page table (Table S1) describing the exact location of secondary structures in all 20 proteins as determined using the methods described in this paper. Requests for Table S1 should be directed to the authors.  相似文献   

Summary A 2D NMR experiment for assignment of backbone carbon resonances in small and medium-sized 15N-labelled proteins with 13C at natural abundance is presented. The experiment is a two-dimensional variant of the HNCO triple-resonance experiment and is demonstrated by application to a 6 kDa protein at relatively low concentration (2 mM) and temperature (30°C). The experiment is particularly suitable for assignment of carbonyl resonances.  相似文献   

Summary We recently proposed a novel 4D NMR strategy for the assignment of backbone nuclei in13C/15N-labelled proteins (Boucher et al., 1992). Intra-residue (and many sequential) assignments are obtained from a HCANNH experiment, whereas sequential assignments are based on a complementary HCA(CO)NNH experiment. We present here new constant time 4D HCANNH, HCA(CO)NNH and HNCAHA experiments that are more sensitive. Some of the data were presented at the 33rd ENC held at Asilomar, California, U.S.A., in April 1992.  相似文献   

Rotational frame nuclear Overhauser effect spectroscopy (ROESY) and (13)C NMR measurements were carried out to study the molecular interaction between maltodextrin, a digestive byproduct of starch, and an anionic surfactant. Significant differences in chemical shifts were observed when sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was introduced into the maltodextrin (DE 10) solutions. (13)C NMR measurement indicated that there were downfield shifts and broadening of peaks, especially in the region of 75-81 and 100-103 ppm, which were assigned to carbons 1 and 4 of the d-glucopyranose residues of maltodextrin, respectively. ROESY spectra indicated cross-peaks between the SDS and maltodextrin protons. These peaks can arise only in the case of the designated SDS protons and maltodextrin protons being less than 0.5 nm apart for a substantial period of time. The most intense cross-peaks are those between the central CH(2) protons of SDS near 1.2 ppm and the maltodextrin protons ranging from 3.5 to 3.9 ppm. The SDS-H3 CH(2) protons were resolved from the bulk of the SDS protons, with peaks and shoulders at 1.25 ppm, which indicated an especially strong interaction of the SDS hydrophobic tail with MD6 and some less intense interactions with MD2, 4, and 5.  相似文献   

An inclusion complex between imazalil (IMZ), a selected fungicide, and cyclomaltoheptaose (beta-cyclodextrin, betaCD) was obtained using supercritical fluid carbon dioxide. The best preparation conditions were determined, and the inclusion complex was investigated by means of 1H NMR spectroscopy in aqueous solution and 13C CPMAS NMR spectroscopy in the solid state. Information on the geometry of the betaCD/IMZ complex was obtained from ROESY spectroscopy, while the dynamics of the inclusion complex in the kilohertz range was obtained from the proton spin-lattice relaxation times in the rotating frame, T(1rho) (1H).  相似文献   

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