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We tested the hypothesis that skull shape within the genus Mus may vary with geographic location by assessing the extent and spatial distribution of phenotypic skull variation within and among two wild mouse species, M. macedonicus and M. cypriacus, using traditional and geometric morphometrics including a rather novel application of sliding semilandmarks. Shape was shown to be significantly correlated both with longitude and latitude in M. macedonicus, yet the correlation between morphometric and geographic distances was not significant, and morphometric differences between Asian and European populations were not higher than those within the particular continents. The phylogenetic signal was found to be stronger in dental characters than in cranial ones, however, overall concordance between the pattern of morphometric variation and the presumed history of M. macedonicus was rather weak. In both species, the dorsal and ventral sides of the skull were shown to covary in many aspects though there were also some differences between them, making the functional interpretation of these differences difficult. Discrimination between M. cypriacus and M. macedonicus as well as discrimination between two M. macedonicus subspecies was highly reliable using both traditional and geometric morphometric tools to analyze skull measurements.  相似文献   

Despite extensive zoogeographical and taxonomical studies in the subgenus Mus, several issues still remain unresolved. In this context, the distribution area of the mound-building mouse, Mus spicilegus, remains undetermined at the southernmost parts of the species’ range, possibly due to low population densities and seasonal character of mound building. The new records from Greece, presented here, significantly expand the knowledge on Mus spicilegus distribution but also reveal eastern Greek populations which are genetically differentiated from all the other Greek and European ones. These results support an additional colonization route to eastern Greece as part of the migration and expansion process of the mound building mouse in Europe.  相似文献   

In this study, we used faecal analysis to determine the diet of the alpine mouse Apodemus alpicola in the field for the first time. This species consumes mainly insects in spring and fruits and seeds of small herbaceous dicotyledons in summer and autumn. Compared to the two congeneric species A. flavicollis and A. sylvaticus, which also occur in the Alps, the diet of A. alpicola is rich in contrasts, with a very pronounced difference between spring and summer. The absence of tree seeds also suggests a mostly terrestrial behaviour. We explain these facts by the specificity of the habitat of A. alpicola: the extreme weather conditions produce great seasonal changes in the vegetation, and the rocky ground favours the adaptation to rock climbing rather than to arboreal living.


Nahrungszusammensetzung bei der Alpenwaldmaus Apodemus alpicola in den Schweizer AlpenDie Nahrungszusammensetzung der Alpenwaldmaus Apodemus alpicola wurde erstmals an Wildfängen und anhand von Kotanalysen qualitativ und quantitativ untersucht. Die Alpenwaldmaus konsumierte im Frühjahr hauptsächlich Insekten, im Sommer und Herbst Früchte und Samen kleiner Dicotyledonen der Krautschicht. Verglichen mit der Gelbhalsmaus A. flavicollis und der Waldmaus A. sylvaticus, die ebenfalls in den Alpen vorkommen, ist die Nahrungspalette von A. alpicola kontrastreicher, mit größeren Unterschieden zwischen Frühjahrs- und Sommerkost. Wir erklären dies durch extreme Klimabedingungen, die zu ausgeprägten jahreszeitlichen Änderungen in der Vegetation führen. Das Fehlen von Baumsamen läßt auf ein vorwiegend terrestrisches Futtersuchverhalten schließen. Große Hinterfüße und langer Schwanz sind offenbar Anpassungen ans Felsklettern und nicht an arboricoles Verhalten.  相似文献   

The black-tailed tree rat, Thallomys nigricauda, is one of the few arboreal rodents inhabiting the southern African savannahs. During three field campaigns in 2001 and 2002 we collected data on the biology and ecology of T. nigricauda in the Thornveld savannah of the Molopo Nature Reserve (NW Province, South Africa). T. nigricauda lives a solitarily lifestyle in the Molopo Nature Reserve. Diet analyses shows that they are folivorous, specializing on leaves of Acacia mellifera and Acacia luederitzii. Male and female animals have a similar body size (≈80 g). Mean age at weaning was 30 days and mean litter size at this age was 1.8. Monthly survival rates varied between 0.25 and 0.86. Density was estimated to be 0.5–1 individual ha−1. Overall, our results show that the basic ecological characteristics of this arboreal rodent are fairly similar to other rodent species.  相似文献   

Karyotyping and several molecular methods have allowed successful identification of two morphologically similar wide-ranging Western Palearctic species, the yellow-necked field mouse Apodemus flavicollis (Melchior, 1934) and the long-tailed wood mouse A. sylvaticus (Linnaeus, 1758), but reliable species diagnosis on the basis of morphometric characters is particularly problematic. Although they are easily morphologically distinguishable in Central and Northern Europe, this is not the case in southern parts of their distribution areas. Despite that, we have successfully discriminated A. flavicollis and A. sylvaticus from Serbia (Southern Europe) using geometric and traditional morphometric methods on a data set for ventral crania of specimens previously genotyped by the Inter Simple Sequence Repeat-PCR (ISSR-PCR). Discrimination power of applied approaches was more or less similar. The majority of our results were consistent with those obtained for specimens collected across the Czech Republic (Central Europe). Morphological differences observed herein, as well as those already reported between A. flavicollis and A. sylvaticus from the central and northern parts of their distribution areas, could be the outcome of their biology, i.e. ecological discrepancies, different assumed evolutionary scenarios considering biogeography, phylogeny, history and ontogeny.  相似文献   

We studied the ability of Akodon azarae (Rodentia, Muridae) to return to their preferred habitat, when released at a perpendicular distance (25, 50 or 75 m) from the edge towards the cropfield, and a parallel distance (100 m) away from the site of first capture within the edge habitat. Return success was estimated as the proportion of animals recovered in edges. The recapture rate between the field and the border was significantly higher than the recapture rate estimated according to successive captures in the border. Successful returns did not decrease significantly with increasing release distance, but animals released at 50 m from edges were less successful in returning to borders than the other release-distance groups. Although the median time taken to the first recapture in edges did not differ among the release-distance groups, rodents released at 25 m and 50 m returned to edges faster than those released at 75 m. A. azarae showed both a successful return to the edge and a trend to return to the home range area. We conclude that A. azarae can return to edges from cropfields at distances that are larger than those they usually travel, allowing the use of fields when they present good conditions for reproduction and survival. Successful return is probably the result of direct movements rather than random wandering.  相似文献   

The influence of age, gender and sexual activity on both hepatic levels of some trace elements (Fe, Cu, Zn, Mn, Se) and the activities of glutathione-S-transferase (GST) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) was investigated in Wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus) and Algerian mice (Mus spretus). Animals were taken from a riverside community of an unpolluted area of central Portugal. Adult A. sylvaticus presented the highest hepatic mean concentrations of Cu and Mn, whereas adult M. spretus had the highest Fe concentration in the liver. Moreover, an influence of age on the contents of Fe, Zn, and Mn has been observed in A. sylvaticus, whereas in M. spretus an influence of gender and sexual activity was only detected on Zn levels. In contrast, enzyme activities were not influenced by the studied variables, despite a tendency for an increase in SOD activity in sexually active M. spretus. GST activity was species dependent, whereas SOD activity was similar between species. These findings were analyzed regarding the relationship of both essential trace elements and the two antioxidant enzymes with physiological and metabolic pathways related to life cycles in the two species of mice. Results enhanced the understanding of A. sylvaticus and M. spretus as biological models, allowing their future use as bioindicators of environmental toxicity.  相似文献   

表型可塑性是指同一基因型在不同环境条件下而产生多种不同表现型的反应能力。哺乳动物头骨形态的变化是在进化过程中出现的重要表型特征之一。云南省地势西高东低、海拔变化剧烈、是古北界寒带物种南迁,中南半岛热带物种北移的交汇地,自然环境的地带性和非地带性变化明显,栖息在该地区的动物为了适应多样的环境,可能出现不同的表型分化。高山姬鼠(Apodemus chevrieri)为我国特有种,主要分布在中国西南的横断山及其附近地区,是研究表型与生态适应之间关系的理想物种。为研究在云南特殊生态环境下物种的微进化,采用几何形态学的方法测量云南不同地区高山姬鼠头骨形态的变异,采用线粒体细胞色素b(Cytochrome b,Cyt b)基因和线粒体控制区(Mitochondrial control region,D-loop)探讨基因型的变化。结果显示:昆明种群与横断山种群(中甸、剑川、丽江)间发生了明显的形态变异和遗传分化,高山姬鼠头骨背面和腹面,横断山种群和滇中昆明种群很少重叠,这两个种群变异较大;但头骨的侧面和下颌侧面变异不明显。因此,分布于云南地区的高山姬鼠可能正处于生态物种形成的早期阶段。  相似文献   

A new species of fossil Mus (Rodentia, Mammalia) is reported from the Late Pleistocene fluvio-lacustrine deposits of the Kumaun sector of Indian Himalaya. The fossiliferous horizon, medium-coarse grained sand lenses embedded in the massive carbonaceous mud, is exposed at locality Dulam and is Late Pleistocene (ca. 30 ka) in age. A new species, Mus dulamensis n. sp., is proposed. Characterized by strongly distorted and moderately elongated M1 (about 170% of M2 length) with prominent conules in front of the t2, higher magnitude of stephanodonty (between the t1 and t4 and between the t3 and t6), moderately reduced M3 (about 56% of M2 length) and stronger connection between the cusps, this species is distinct from all other species of the genus and is included in the “booduga group”. I suggest that M. dulamensis n. sp. is comparatively more derived than M. auctor, M. flynni, M. jacobsi and Mus sp. and it may have given rise to M. booduga or M. dunni. It is further suggested that presently living M. booduga and M. dunni are more specialized than Mus dulamensis n. sp.  相似文献   

为揭示影响高山姬鼠和中华姬鼠夏季空间分布的生态因素,采用样线法和样方取样法,于2009年6—8月在四川省唐家河国家级自然保护区内对两种姬鼠的生境选择进行了比较研究。结果表明:两种姬鼠主要利用坡度平缓,郁闭度、落叶层盖度、乔木胸径和高度较小,灌木、竹子和草本密度适中而草本盖度较大的生境;高山姬鼠频繁出现在海拔较低(1400 m左右)、草本植物较大(平均高度为16—30 cm)的生境中,而中华姬鼠频繁出现在海拔较高(1900 m左右)、草本植物较小(平均高度<15 cm)的生境中。此外,高山姬鼠频繁出现在竹林较矮(平均高度<1 m)、水源距离较近(<50 m)、植被演替阶段较低(小树林)的常绿-落叶阔叶混交林中,而中华姬鼠对这4种生态因子无明显的选择性。两种姬鼠在对生境的利用上虽具一定重叠性,但对诸多生境变量选择上的差异表明各自具有不同的生境利用模式。海拔、植被演替阶段、郁闭度和草本高度4个生境变量判别函数系数的绝对值明显大于其他变量,表明高山姬鼠和中华姬鼠在生境上的分割可能主要与这4个变量有关。生境利用模式的不同有助于两种姬鼠同域共存。  相似文献   

Two species of small rodents, Mastacomys fuscus and Rattus fuscipes, and one small dasyurid marsupial Antechinus swainsonii live sympatrically in the subalpine habitat of SE Australia. This paper describes the reproductive characteristics and ontogeny of M. fuscus, and shows that the three species have different reproductive strategies that, in part, are a reflection of their different phylogenies. Cold and snow in winter, and a short summer season, limit the length of time available for reproduction and development. The rodent species exhibit similar reproductive characteristics to those in alpine regions of Europe, North America and South Africa.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the usefulness of two mitochondrial genes (16S rRNA and cytochrome b) to solve taxonomical difficulties within the genus Hylomyscus and to infer its evolutionary history. Both genes proved to be suitable molecular markers for diagnosis of Hylomyscus species. Nevertheless the resolving powers of these two genes differ, and with both markers (either analyzed singly or in combination), some nodes remain unresolved. This is probably related to the fact that the species emerged during a rapid diversification event that occurred 2-6 Myr ago (4-5 Myr ago for most divergence events). Our molecular data support the recognition of an "aeta" group, while the "alleni" and "parvus" groups are not fully supported. Based on tree topology and genetic divergence, two taxa generally recognized as subspecies should be elevated at the species level (H. simus and H. cf kaimosae). H. stella populations exhibit ancient haplotype segregation that may represent currently unrecognized allopatric species. The existence of cryptic species within H. parvus is questioned. Finally, three potentially new species may occur in West Central Africa. The Congo and Oubangui Rivers, as well as the Volta and Niger Rivers and/or the Dahomey gap could have formed effective barriers to Hylomyscus species dispersal, favoring their speciation in allopatry. The pronounced shifts in African climate during the late Pliocene and Miocene, which resulted in major changes in the distribution and composition of the vegetation, could have promoted speciation within the genus (refuge theory). Future reports should focus on the geographic distribution of Hylomyscus species in order to get a better understanding of the evolutionary history of the genus.  相似文献   

张广才岭藏獾洞穴生境选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
李路云  杨会涛  滕丽微  刘振生 《生态学报》2015,35(14):4836-4842
2008年9月至2009年8月,在黑龙江省方正林业局新风林场,用不定宽样线法对藏獾洞穴生境选择进行研究,共记录了55组藏獾洞穴,藏獾洞口平均直径为(27.40±7.15)cm,洞深平均为(84.18±22.04)cm,倾角平均为(26.36±9.10)°,洞口总数=3.02个常用洞数+0.80个不常用洞数+0.56个废弃洞数。相对于对照样方而言,藏獾洞穴更偏爱选择位于郁闭度和植被盖度小,灌木密度大、距离近,乔木距离远,距水源和农田近、人为干扰距离远,坡度较缓的向阳中坡位的生境。资源选择函数模型为:logit(p)=246.980-1.059×植被盖度-0.703×距水源距离-1.403×坡度-45.005×坡向,模型的正确预测率为93.9%。  相似文献   

景宁玉兰是萌生能力很强的灌木树种,为了解不同生境下景宁玉兰萌枝形态及其生殖特征,选择了灌丛(SH)、黄山松林(PTF)、落叶阔叶林(DBF)、杉木林(CLF)和林缘(FE)等5种坡向一致的生境类型,通过典型样地调查,比较分析了5种不同生境下景宁玉兰萌枝数量、大小、高度、枝系、开花及结实等性状。结果表明:(1)景宁玉兰在黄山松林下的分布密度最高,但5种生境下景宁玉兰每丛的萌枝数量没有差异,每丛最大萌枝基径对每丛萌枝数有一定影响,但最大萌枝高度与每丛萌枝数没有关系。在所有调查的景宁玉兰居群中,大于2根以上萌枝的灌丛达82.5%,说明萌生更新在种群繁衍中发挥着重要作用。(2)在落叶阔叶林下的萌枝基径显著小于其他生境(P0.05),黄山松林下一级枝粗度和长度显著小于其他生境(P0.05);灌丛中的总分枝率和逐步分枝率最高,灌丛和林缘生境的逐步分枝率(SBR2:3)高于其他生境。(3)生殖萌枝基径(r=0.320,P0.05)和高度(r=0.349,P0.05)与花量均呈显著正相关关系。杉木林下景宁玉兰生殖萌枝的花量显著高于黄山松林、落叶阔叶林和林缘生境(P0.05)。虽然黄山松林下景宁玉兰萌枝开花率及开花萌枝比例最低,但其果实大小、单果种子粒数及每丛结实率却较高(P0.05),(4)景宁玉兰对环境变化极为敏感,生境类型和海拔对萌枝形态和生殖性状均有一定影响。研究表明,景宁玉兰萌生特征主要受其内在生物学特性所控制,而萌枝形态及生殖特征则与其所处环境条件更为密切。  相似文献   

植物对资源的投资和分配是生态学中的重要问题,它反映了植物应对环境变化时的生活史策略。选择青藏高原东缘同一海拔下的嵩草草甸(Kobresia sp.meadow)、金露梅灌丛(Potentilla fruticosa shrub meadow)以及草甸-灌丛交错带3种生境类型,并以3种生境下的湿生扁蕾(Gentianopsis paludosa)为对象,研究了其繁殖分配特征。结果发现:(1)在种群水平上,在生境从草甸经交错带到灌丛的变化中,湿生扁蕾个体大小和繁殖分配比例逐渐增加;3个种群湿生扁蕾的总花数目没有显著差异,但草甸生境湿生扁蕾的蕾期花数目显著高于灌丛生境,而果期花数目则显著低于灌丛生境;(2)在个体水平上,湿生扁蕾的繁殖绝对投入与个体大小显著正相关,且各种群植株都存在繁殖所需的个体大小阈值,而繁殖阈值在生境从草甸经交错带到灌丛的过渡中逐渐减小;湿生扁蕾的繁殖相对投入与个体大小负相关,但相关系数随着生境从草甸经交错带到灌丛的过渡中逐渐减小;各种群花数目与湿生扁蕾植株个体大小显著正相关。研究表明,湿生扁蕾的繁殖投资存在大小依赖效应,但生境差异会对其繁殖投资和生活史策略造成显著影响,而这种影响主要是由不同生境下自然条件的不同造成的。同时,资源分配也与湿生扁蕾的遗传特性和延迟自交的繁育系统特征有关。湿生扁蕾这种不同生境下个体大小依赖的繁殖投资差异是湿生扁蕾与其生境长期适应和进化(生境选择)的结果。  相似文献   

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