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phiC31 integrase-based gene delivery has been developed. However, the expression of integrated transgenes is often suppressed by a negative position effect. To improve this system, we constructed a new phiC31 integrase-based expression vector that contains attB, an expression unit placed in reverse orientation with two sea urchin-derived Ars-insulators to avoid position effects. In vitro and in vivo transfection experiments revealed that this new system produces higher levels of transgene expression as well as continued gene expression. Thus, the present gene delivery system will facilitate reverse genetics-based molecular biological studies.  相似文献   

Transgenic hairy root cultures of Catharanthus roseus were established with a glucocorticoid-inducible promoter controlling the expression of green fluorescent protein (GFP), and GFP expression was characterized. The inducible system shows a tightly controlled, reversible, and dosage-dependent response to the glucocorticoid dexamethasone in C. roseus hairy roots. Full induction was noted after 12-18 h in the mature regions of the root tips and after 6 h in the meristem tissue. Upon removal of the inducing agent, GFP expression declined to undetectable levels in the mature tissues after 24 h and in the meristem after 48 h. Although no dosage-dependent response was noted in the meristem region, such a response was apparent in the mature region of the tip and verified by quantitative GFP analysis. The inducible promoter system allowed quantitative control of GFP expression between 0.01 and 10 microM dexamethasone with saturation occurring at higher levels. Using GFP as a model system allowed demonstration of the ability to control temporal and quantitative gene expression with the glucocorticoid-inducible promoter in transgenic C. roseus hairy roots.  相似文献   

Efforts to engineer Catharanthus roseus hairy roots to produce commercially significant amounts of valuable compounds, such as the terpenoid indole alkaloids vinblastine and vincristine, require the development of tools to study the effects of overexpressing key metabolic and regulatory genes. The use of inducible promoters allows researchers to control the timing and level of expression of genes of interest. In addition, use of inducible promoters allows researchers to use a single transgenic line as both the control and experimental line, minimizing the problems associated with clonal variation. We have previously characterized the use of a glucocorticoid-inducible promoter system to study the effects of gene overexpression within the terpenoid indole alkaloid pathway on metabolite production. Here the feasibility of using an ethanol-inducible promoter within C. roseus hairy roots is reported. This ethanol-inducible promoter is highly sensitive to ethanol concentration with a concentration of 0.005% ethanol causing a 6-fold increase in CAT reporter activity after 24 h of induction. The ethanol-inducible CAT activity increased 24-fold over a 72-h induction period with 0.5% ethanol.  相似文献   

Although the introduction of foreign genes into Arabidopsis has become routine, the production of transgenic Arabidopsis plants still requires several months. A transgene expression system (TES) has been developed that allows characterization of gene expression patterns and the effects of foreign genes in the Arabidopsis root in 2–4 weeks. The method is based on regeneration of stably transformed roots directly from callus tissue. TES has been used to study the expression of the SCARECROW gene, which is involved in establishing radial patterning in the root. The 2.5 kb region directly upstream of the SCARECROW coding region was found to be sufficient to confer cell-type specific expression. Furthermore, this promoter is active in the scr mutant background, indicating that factors essential for cell-type specific expression are present even in the absence of correct radial patterning. Finally, TES was used to demonstrate that the SCARECROW gene under control of this promoter complements the root organization defect of the scr mutant. These experiments demonstrate the utility of the TES system for studying gene expression in roots in wild-type and mutant backgrounds and for molecular complementation of root mutant phenotypes. It is possible that the method will also be applicable to other organs.  相似文献   

Guo  Jingsong  Wang  Sibo  Wang  Guixin  Lu  Runfeng  Wang  Yuxin  Guo  Yushuang  Ji  Wei 《Molecular biology reports》2020,47(5):3475-3484
Molecular Biology Reports - Small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO) participates in post-translational modification of various target proteins. SUMOylation is an important molecular regulatory...  相似文献   

Theenhanced cauliflower mosaic virus 35S (dCaMV) promoter and the potatoLhca3.St.1 promoter were evaluated for their expressionabilities in chrysanthemum. The promoters were fused to the-glucuronidase(GUS) reporter gene with and without flanking matrix-associated regions (MARs).They were transferred into chrysanthemum viaAgrobacterium-mediated transformation. The quantitativeevaluation of GUS activity in a total of 127 independently derivedtransformantsestablished that in chrysanthemum the Lhca3.St.1 promoterwas 175 fold more active in the leaves than the dCaMV promoter was. The latterwas as poor in expression as the single CaMV promoter. The use of suchCaMV-based promoters in the genetic engineering of chrysanthemum should bediscouraged when high levels of transgene expression are desired. No clearinfluence of the presence of MARs was observed on the variability of GUS geneexpression, in contrast to earlier studies in tobacco. This may indicate apossible plant species dependent activity of MAR elements.Lhca3.St.1 promoter-driven GUS activity was relativelyhigher in the stem of chrysanthemum and proved stable over extensive timeperiods. Therefore this potato promoter is attractive to obtain high expressionlevels in chrysanthemum.  相似文献   

Kowolik CM  Hu J  Yee JK 《Journal of virology》2001,75(10):4641-4648
Vectors derived from murine leukemia virus (MLV) have been used in many human gene therapy clinical trials. However, insertion of the locus control regions (LCRs) derived from the beta-globin gene locus or the CD2 gene into MLV vectors frequently led to vector rearrangement. Since the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) sequence diverges significantly from the MLV sequence, we tested whether the LCR sequence is more stable in the context of an HIV vector. Clones derived from human fibrosarcoma line HT1080 cells transduced with an HIV vector containing the T-cell-specific CD2 LCR exhibit the same wide range of transgene expression as clones lacking the LCR. In contrast, Jurkat and primary T-cell clones derived from the transduction of the LCR-containing vector show, on average, a three- to fourfold increase in transgene expression relative to that of the control vector. This is consistent with previous observations that the CD2 LCR contains a T-cell-specific enhancer. In addition, the clones derived from the LCR-containing vector have a much lower clonal variation in transgene expression than those derived from the control vector. We also demonstrate that the level of transgene expression is proportional to the vector copy number. These results suggest that the human CD2 LCR sequence is compatible with HIV vector sequences and confers enhanced integration site-independent and copy number-dependent expression of the transgene. Thus, HIV vectors may represent the ideal vehicle to deliver genes controlled by various cis-acting elements such as LCRs.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of agitation and aeration on the growth of carrot hairy roots were investigated. When hydrodynamic stress index was above 0.001 cm/s, the growth rate of hairy roots decreased sharply. When volumetric O2 transfer coefficient was high, the specific growth rate was also high. However, the specific growth rate approached the maximum value when the volumetric O2 transfer coefficient was over 4 h–1 . It is therefore necessary to maintain low hydrodynamic stress and high volumetric oxygen transfer for high density culture of hairy roots. By considering hydrodynamic stress and oxygen transfer, a novel bioreactor type was suggested for hairy roots cultivation.This research was supported in part by the Genetic Engineering Research Fund Korean Ministry of Education  相似文献   

The promoter of the potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) SK2 gene, encoding a pistil-specific basic endochitinase, was cloned. Various fragments of the SK2-promoter, from 1 kb down to 0.23 kb in length, were fused to the GUS reporter gene. Chimaeric SK2 promoter-GUS fusion constructs were transformed into potato by Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation. The SK2-GUS transgenic potato plants exhibited a highly specific GUS activity in the pistil. Expression in the pistil was shown to be developmentally regulated. In addition to the GUS activity in pistils, transgenic plants also showed a much weaker ectopic expression in anthers. In other tissues no systematic expression was detectable. All SK2 promoter fragments analysed conferred pistil-specific expression without significant qualitative or quantitative differences, demonstrating that the regulatory elements mediating this expression pattern are located within a 230 bp SK2 promoter fragment. The SK2 promoter may be used to engineer high levels of expression in pistils of transgenic plants.  相似文献   

Alpha-spectrin is a membrane protein critical for the flexibility and stability of the erythrocyte. We are attempting to identify and characterize the molecular mechanisms controlling the erythroid-specific expression of the alpha-spectrin gene. Previously, we demonstrated that the core promoter of the human alpha-spectrin gene directed low levels of erythroid-specific expression only in the early stages of erythroid differentiation. We have now identified a region 3' of the core promoter that contains a DNase I hypersensitive site and directs high level, erythroid-specific expression in reporter gene/transfection assays. In vitro DNase I footprinting and electrophoretic mobility shift assays identified two functional GATA-1 sites in this region. Both GATA-1 sites were required for full activity, suggesting that elements binding to each site interact in a combinatorial manner. This region did not demonstrate enhancer activity in any orientation or position relative to either the alpha-spectrin core promoter or the thymidine kinase promoter in reporter gene assays. In vivo studies using chromatin immunoprecipitation assays demonstrated hyperacetylation of this region and occupancy by GATA-1 and CBP (cAMP-response element-binding protein (CREB)-binding protein). These results demonstrate that a region 3' of the alpha-spectrin core promoter contains a GATA-1-dependent positive regulatory element that is required in its proper genomic orientation. This is an excellent candidate region for mutations associated with decreased alpha-spectrin gene expression in patients with hereditary spherocytosis and hereditary pyropoikilocytosis.  相似文献   

Cao Y  Jiao R  Xia Y 《Biotechnology letters》2012,34(3):557-562
A glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase gene (gpd) promoter (PMagpd) was obtained from Metarhizium acridum and its active region analyzed by 5′-deletion strategy using β-glucuronidase (GUS) as a reporter. Sequence analysis revealed that typical regulatory elements of PMagpd were included in the 1.7 kb region upstream of the start codon of the Magpd gene. Deletion of the region from −1,691 bp to −1,463 bp, where the gpd box is harbored, did not significantly affect the PMagpd activity. Deletions of the regions upstream of −946 bp and upstream of −684 bp caused a major decrease of GUS activity. Compared with PgpdA (2.2 kb) in Aspergillus nidulans, PMagpd (1.4 kb) had a shorter sequence and significantly higher activity in M. acridum. This study provides an applicable promoter for over-expression of target genes in M. acridum.  相似文献   

The persistence of transgene expression has become a hallmark for adenovirus vector evaluation in vivo. Although not all therapeutic benefit in gene therapy is reliant on long-term transgene expression, it is assumed that the treatment of chronic diseases will require significant persistence of expression. To understand the mechanisms involved in transgene persistence, a number of adenovirus vectors were evaluated in vivo in different strains of mice. Interestingly, the rate of vector genome clearance was not altered by the complete deletion of early region 4 (E4) in our vectors. The GV11 (E1- E4-) vector genome cleared with a similar kinetic profile as the GV10 (E1-) vector genome in immunocompetent and immunocompromised mice. These results suggest that the majority of adenovirus vector genomes are eliminated from transduced tissue via a mechanism(s) independent of T-cell, B-cell, and NK cell immune mechanisms. While the levels of persistence of transgene expression in liver or lung transduced with GV10 and GV11 vectors expressing beta-galactosidase, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator, or secretory alkaline phosphatase were similar in immunocompetent mice, a marked difference was observed in immunocompromised animals. Levels of transgene expression initially from both GV10 and GV11 vectors were the same. However, GV11 transgene expression correlated with loss of vector genome, while GV10 transgene expression persisted at a high level. Coadministration and readministration of GV10 vectors showed that E4 provided in trans could activate transgene expression from the GV11 vector genome. While transgene expression activity per genome from the GV10 vector is clearly activated, expression from a cytomegalovirus promoter expression cassette in a GV11 vector appeared to be further inactivated as a function of time. Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying these expression effects will be important for developing persistent adenovirus vectors for chronic applications.  相似文献   

Cloning with tandem gene systems for high level gene expression.   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文

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