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In the cactophilic species Drosphila buzzatii, it is feasible to infer the action of natural selection by simultaneously sampling different life history stages in the field. During four years of research, samples of mating and non-mating adults and pupae were taken from a natural population. The main adult fitness components, i.e., mating success, longevity, and fecundity, were recorded in relation to body size, as measured by thorax length. The age of flies was estimated by observing the developmental stage of the reproductive system. Our data showed that larger flies can outlive and outmate small flies, and that mating success is related to age. An estimate of the fitness function showed a linear increase of mating success with increasing thorax length. There was no assortative mating for this trait. We advance the hypothesis that mating success is related to the rate of encounter and courtship time through general activity, which in turn may be related to body size. A positive phenotypic correlation between thorax length and ovariole number, which is related to fecundity, was found in females emerged from wild pupae. Neither the phenotypic nor the genetic (additive) correlations between these two traits were statistically different from zero in laboratory reared females. The genetic consequences of the observed phenotypic selection on body size are discussed.  相似文献   

Size-related phenotypic variation among second-chromosome karyotypes inDrosophila buzzatii was examined in an Argentinian natural population. For all measured traits (thorax and wing length; wing, head and face width), this inversion polymorphism exhibited a significant and (additive) linear contribution to the phenotypic variance in newly emerged wild flies. The results suggest that only overall body size, and not body shape, is affected. as no karyotypic variation was found for any trait when the effects of differences in within-karyotype size were removed with Burnaby's method. Likewise, in an experiment of longevity selection in the wild, variation in chromosomal frequencies was verified in the direction predicted on the basis of: (i) previous studies on longevity selection for body size in the wild and (ii) the pattern of chromosomal effects we observed on size. The direction of such selection is consistent with a pattern of antagonistic selection detected in previous studies on the inversion polymorphism.  相似文献   

J. S. F. Barker 《Genetica》1994,92(3):165-175
Sequential electrophoresis, using three different buffer systems on cellulose acetate gels, was used to characterize the allelic variation for esterase-2 in two populations of D. buzzatii in Australia that are separated by 550 km. Twenty-five alleles were detected, of which nine were unique to one population, eight unique to the other, and only eight were common to both populations. Allele frequencies within each population were significantly different between the two major chromosome sequences (standard and j inversion), and for each chromosome sequence allele frequencies were significantly different between populations. Observed allelic frequency distributions were not significantly different from those predicted for selective neutrality using the homozygosity test statistic. However, estimates of the effective sizes of the populations derived from their observed differentiation, together with the history of the species in Australia, provide support for some form of balancing selection affecting at least some of the alleles.  相似文献   

The evolutionary history of Drosophila buzzatii   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Introgression of a chromosome segment from Drosophila serido into the genome of its sibling D. buzzatii brought about the release of mutator potential in the hybrids. Mutator activity was determined by examining the frequency of new chromosomal rearrangements, that appeared only in the progeny of hybrid individuals. Mutation frequency was 30 times greater in the progeny of hybrid males than in that of hybrid females. There was a remarkable influence of the D. buzzatii genetic background on the frequency of production of these new rearrangements. The appearance of a new rearrangement did not depend on the genotype of the larva that bore it, but only on that of its hybrid progenitor. Among the new rearrangements there were inversions, translocations, and duplications. The number of translocations was significantly lower than that of inversions or duplications; this last type was the most frequently recorded. The distribution of the aberrations among the four major autosomes seemed to be homogeneous, although the total number of breakpoints was significantly greater in chromosome 4 than in the others. No rearrangement was found on the X chromosome. Breakpoints within three of the four affected autosomes were not randomly distributed.  相似文献   

The adaptive significance of the chromosomal polymorphism of Drosophila buzzati has been studied by means of fitness component analysis in an original population from Argentina. The results show evidence of selection acting through pupal viability, longevity (adult viability) and fecundity on the second chromosome polymorphism, and through pupal viability and virility on the fourth chromosome polymorphism. Changes in chromosomal inversion frequencies throughout the life-cycle suggested an endocyclic pattern of directional selection, which at first seems to be the only detectable mechanism responsible for the maintenance of the polymorphism. However, slow, long-term frequency changes cannot be ruled out. The way in which endocyclic selection acts on this population is different from that in a colonized population previously studied; that is, different fitness components are involved in the maintenance of chromosomal polymorphism. The possible factors that may explain these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Allozyme frequency data from natural populations of Drosophila buzzatii were analyzed for genotype-environment relationships. Allele frequency and heterozygosity at six loci polymorphic throughout eastern Australia and a number of environmental factors (both means and variabilities) were examined by a variety of multivariate techniques. Significant genotype-environment associations were found for five of the six loci, and after correcting for geographic location significant associations remained for Est-2 and Adh-1 gene frequencies and heterozygosities and for Pgm gene frequencies. The results are discussed in relation to selection and gene flow and provide the basis for laboratory studies to disentangle confounded effects of (1) environmental means and environmental variabilities and (2) allele frequency and heterozygosity, and thus to further test for and determine the nature of any natural selection at particular allozyme loci.This work was supported by a grant from the Australian Research Grants Committee to J. S. F. B.  相似文献   

Measures of genetic parental distances (GPD) based on microsatellite loci (D (2) and IR), have been suggested to be better correlated with fitness than individual heterozygosity (H), as they contain information about past events of inbreeding or admixture. We investigated if GPD increased with increasing genetic divergence between parental populations in Drosophila buzzatii and if the measures indicate past events of admixture. Further we evaluated the relationship between GPD, fitness and fluctuating asymmetry (FA) of size and shape. We investigated three populations of Drosophila buzzati, from Argentina, Europe and Australia. From these populations two intraspecific hybridisation lines were made; one between the Argentinean and European populations, which have been separated 200 years and one between the populations from Argentina and Australia, which have been separated 80 years. By doing this we obtained hybrid progeny having different levels of GPD. We found that D (2) and H can be used as indicators of admixture when comparing hybrid individuals with their parentals. IR was not informative. Our results does not exclude the presence of genetic fitness correlations (GFC) over individuals with a broad fitness range from populations in equilibrium, but we doubt the presence of GFC using GPD measures in admixed populations. Shape FA could be a relevant measure for fitness, however, only when comparing populations, not at individual level.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments, no consistent effect of adult experience, i.e., exposure to the naturally occurring yeasts, Candida sonorensisand Clavispora opuntiae,on oviposition choice or short-distance attraction in inbred lines of Drosophila buzzatiiwas found. The lack of consistent effect on oviposition choice was also found in one experiment in which the flies were starved and in another experiment in which choice was determined on 2 consecutive days.  相似文献   

Wild endangered populations can suffer fromadverse effects on fitness due to inbreedingand environmental stress. Often, both geneticand environmental stress factors may be presentin populations at the same time. Thereforeknowledge on the potential interactions betweenthese factors is important for the conservationof wild populations. When measuring fitness(e.g. survival and reproductive potential) ofindividuals in the laboratory, and in nature,inbreeding by environment interactions are nowbeing reported more often. The increased focuson environmental dependency of inbreedingdepression will therefore enable conservationbiologists to include this knowledge in themanagement of endangered populations in thewild. In this study, the effects ofenvironmental stress and inbreeding on fitnessare estimated in a laboratory population ofDrosophila buzzatii. Random- or full-sibmating were used to generate independentreplicate lines of four different inbreedinglevels (F = 0, F = 0.25, F = 0.50, F = 0.672)in four different environments. Theenvironments were thermal and dimethoate stressseparately and in combination, as well as anon-stressful control environment. Twoexperiments were carried out to measureproductivity (a multiplicative measure offecundity and viability) using a full factorialdesign. In the first experiment, productivitywas estimated for all lines and inbreedinglevels in the environment in which flies wereinbred and reared for several generations. Inthe second experiment, productivity of thelines reared in the control environment wastested in all four environments and for allinbreeding levels. Our results show asignificant effect of inbreeding andenvironmental stress on productivity in bothexperiments and the effect increased when flieswere exposed to novel environmental conditions.Productivity was not affected by theinteraction between inbreeding andenvironmental stress when flies were tested inthe environments in which they were reared,whereas there was a tendency towards a stressby inbreeding interaction when flies wereexposed to novel environments. The variance andthe coefficient of variation in productivitywere each affected by environmental stress andinbreeding, indicating that environmentalconditions as well as genetic background areimportant for variation in productivity.However, the two measures of variation oftenshowed opposite trends. The results obtained inthis study indicate that the environmentalconditions under which inbreeding occurs areimportant. This is relevant for the maintenanceand management of populations in captivity andin relation to reintroduction of endangeredspecies in nature.  相似文献   

Inversion polymorphisms in the second and fourth chromosomes of the cactophilic Drosophila buzzatti in the native distribution range of the species are described. Over 5,000 flies from 26 localities were scored revealing interesting geographic structuring of arrangement frequencies. Multiple regression and partial correlation approaches showed that the frequencies of second and fourth chromosome arrangements vary clinically along latitudinal and altitudinal gradients and to a lesser extent with longitude. Although many non selective explanations can account for this pattern, its resemblance to the clinal pattern described in recently established Australian populations of Drosophila buzzatii, strongly suggests a selective explanation. Additionally, the correlated variation observed between the frequencies of arrangements 2St on the second chromosome and 4St on the fourth suggests a pattern of interchromosomal association, which, when considering the vast area surveyed, might be explained as the result of epistatic interactions. The analysis of population structure revealed a significant regional pattern, concordant with previously described phytogeographic regions. F-statistics showed that the patterns of variation were different not only between the second and fourth chromosomes, but also between second chromosome arrangements, suggesting that selective differentiation might have contributed to population structure. Since D. buzzatii breeds and feeds on the decaying tissues of diverse cactus species present in different phytogeographic regions, it is difficult to distinguish the underlying causes of the geographic patterns observed. However, inversion heterozygosity is not correlated with the diversity of potential cactus hosts. The evidence presented suggests that differential selection may be the main cause for the population structure. It is also possible to conclude that the inversion polymorphism of D. buzzatti is flexible rather than rigid.  相似文献   

Soto I  Cortese M  Carreira V  Folguera G  Hasson E 《Genetica》2006,127(1-3):199-206
We assessed the indirect response of longevity in lines selected for wing length (WL) and developmental time (DT). Longevity in selection lines was compared to laboratory control lines and the offspring of recently collected females. Wild flies (W lines), flies from lines selected for fast development (F lines), and for fast development and large wing length (L lines) outlived control laboratory lines (C lines) and lines selected for fast development and short wing (S lines). The decline in longevity in S lines is in line with the idea that body size and longevity are correlated and may be the result of the fixation of alleles at loci affecting pleiotropically the two traits under selection and longevity. In addition, inbreeding and artificial selection affected the correlation between wing length and longevity that occurs in natural populations of Drosophila buzzatii, suggesting that correlations between traits are not a perdurable feature in a population.  相似文献   

Summary Are there underlying developmental and physiological properties of organisms that can be used to build a general theory of life history evolution? Much of the theoretical work on the evolution of life histories is based on the premise of negative developmental and genetic correlations among life history traits. If negative correlations do not exist as a general rule then no general theory taking them into account is possible. Negative genetic correlations among life history traits can come about by antagonistic pleiotropy. One cause of antagonistic pleiotropy is cost allocation trade-offs. Since cost allocation trade-offs are due to underlying physiological constraints they are expected to be common to closely related groups. A second form of antagonistic pleiotropy is specialization of genotypes to different niches. This type of antagonistic pleiotropy is expected to be specific to each population. We looked for trade-offs in life history traits of longevity and fecundity inDrosophila melanogaster. We used a half-sib mating design and raised the offspring at two temperatures, 19°C and 25°C. Correlations between longevity and fecundity showed some evidence of antagonistic pleiotropy at high temperature with no evidence of any trade-offs at low temperature. Correlations of early and late fecundity traits did show evidence of cost allocation trade-offs at both temperatures. Antagonistic pleiotropy was also found for cross-environmental correlations of fecundity traits. We conclude that, although life history trade-offs can not be generally assumed, they are frequently found among functionally related traits. Thus, we provide guidelines for the development of general theories of life history evolution.  相似文献   

Nucleotide variation was studied in a 1.1 kb section of the coding region of an Esterase gene (Est-A) that maps in the center of the segments rearranged by polymorphic inversions in the cactophilic Drosophila buzzatii. We examine 30 homozygous second-chromosome lines differing in gene arrangement and three D. koepferae isofemale lines as outgroups. Our data show that Est-A is a highly polymorphic gene at both synonymous and replacement sites. Significant departures from homogeneity in the distribution of the ratio of silent polymorphism to divergence predicted by the neutral theory reveals a local excess of silent polymorphism. This is consistent with the presence of two apparent narrow peaks of elevated silent polymorphism surrounding nonconservative amino acid substitutions. These polymorphisms as well as others at synonymous and nonsynonymous sites are shared with D. koepferae. We suggest that the presence of shared nucleotide polymorphisms is probably due to interspecific gene flow and/or balancing selection acting on replacement variants and/or to a decreased probability of loss of ancestral polymorphisms caused by linkage to an adaptive inversion polymorphism. Recurrent mutation and persistence of neutral ancestral polymorphisms cannot, however, be ruled out. The analysis of the distribution of nucleotide variation among the three chromosomal arrangements sampled reveals that derived arrangements (J and JZ(3)) are less polymorphic than the ancestral ST, and that the widely distributed ST and J arrangements are genetically differentiated. However, a significant number of polymorphisms are shared between arrangements, suggesting frequent exchange either from gene conversion or from double crossovers in heterokaryotypes. Finally, our present results in combination with data of sequence variation at the breakpoints of inversion J suggest that this old gene arrangement has risen in frequency in relatively recent times.  相似文献   

A genomic comparison of Drosophila melanogaster and Drosophila pseudoobscura provides a unique opportunity to investigate factors involved in sequence divergence. The chromosomal arrangements of these species include an autosomal segment in D. melanogaster which is homologous to part of the X chromosome in D. pseudoobscura. Using orthologues to calculate rates of nonsynonymous (dN) substitutions, we found genes on the X chromosome to be significantly more diverged than those on the autosomes, but it is not true for segment 3L-XR which is autosomal in D. melanogaster (3L) and X-linked in D. pseudoobscura (XR). We also found that the median dN values for genes having reproductive functions in either the male, the female, or both sexes are higher than those for sequences without reproductive function and even higher for sequences involved in male-specific function. These estimates of divergence for male sex-related sequences are most likely underestimates, as the very rapidly evolving reproductive genes would tend to lose homology sooner and thus not be included in the comparison of orthologues. We also noticed a high proportion of male reproductive genes among the othologous genes with the highest rates of dN. Reproductive genes with and without an orthologue in D. pseudoobscura were compared among D. melanogaster, D. simulans, and D. yakuba and it was found that there were in fact higher rates of divergence in the group without a D. pseudoobscura orthologue. These results, from widely separated taxa, bolster the thesis that sexual system genes experience accelerated rates of change in comparison to nonsexual genes in evolution and speciation. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. Willie J. Swanson]  相似文献   

Summary Body size in Drosophila is known to be closely related to a number of traits with important life history consequences, such as fecundity, dispersal ability and mating success. We examine the quantitative genetic basis of body size in three populations of the cactophilic species Drosophila buzzatii, which inhabit climatically different areas of Australia. Flies were reared individually to eliminate any common environmental component in a full-sib design with families split between two temperatures (18° and 25 °C). The means of several size measures differ significantly among populations while the genetic correlations among these traits generally do not differ, either among populations from different natural environments or between the different laboratory temperatures. This stability of correlation structure is necessary if laboratory estimates of genetic correlations are to have any connection with the expression of genetic variation in the field. The amount of variance due to genotype-by-environment interactions (family x temperature of development) varied among populations, apparently in parallel with the magnitudes of seasonal and diurnal variation in temperature experienced by the different populations. A coastal population, inhabiting a relatively thermally benign environment, showed no interaction, while two inland populations, inhabiting thermally more extreme areas, showed interaction. This interaction term is a measure of the amount of genetic variation in the degree of phenotypic plasticity of body size in response to temperature of development. Thus the inland flies vary in their ability to attain a given body size at a particular temperature while the coastal flies do not. This phenotypic plasticity is shown to be due primarily to differences among genotypes in the amount of response to the change in temperature. A possible selective basis for the maintenance of genetic variation for the levels of phenotypic plasticity is proposed.  相似文献   

Inversions are portions of a chromosome where the gene order is reversed relative to a standard reference orientation. Because of reduced levels of recombination in heterokaryotypes, inversions have a potentially important effect on patterns of nucleotide variability in those genomic regions close to, or included in, the inverted fragments. Here we report sequence variation at three anonymous regions (STSs) located at different positions in relation to second-chromosome inversion breakpoints in 29 isochromosomal lines derived from an Argentinean population of Drosophila buzzatii. In agreement with previous findings in Drosophila, gene flux (crossing over and/or gene conversion) between arrangements seems to appreciably increase as we approach the middle sections of inversion 2j, and patterns of nucleotide variability within, as well as genetic differentiation between chromosome arrangements, are comparable to those observed at the molecular marker outside the inverted fragments. On the other hand, nucleotide diversity near the proximal breakpoint of inversion 2j is reduced when contrasted with that found at the other regions, particularly in the case of derived inverted chromosomes. Using the data from the breakpoint, we estimate that the inversion polymorphism is approximately 1.63 N generations old, where N is the effective population size. An excess of low-frequency segregating polymorphisms is detected; mostly in the ancestral 2st arrangement and probably indicating a population expansion that predates the coalescent time of inversion 2j. Heterogeneity in mutation rates between the markers linked to the inversions may be sufficient to explain the different levels of nucleotide diversity observed. When considered in the context of other studies on patterns of variation relative to physical distance to inversion breakpoints, our data appear to be consistent with the conclusion that inversions are unlikely to be "long-lived" balanced polymorphisms.  相似文献   

Blows MW  Higgie M 《Genetica》2002,116(2-3):239-250
It is becoming increasingly apparent that at least some aspects of the evolution of mate recognition may be amenable to manipulation in evolutionary experiments. Quantitative genetic analyses that focus on the genetic consequences of evolutionary processes that result in mate recognition evolution may eventually provide an understanding of the genetic basis of the process of speciation. We review a series of experiments that have attempted to determine the genetic basis of the response to natural and sexual selection on mate recognition in the Drosophila serrata species complex. The genetic basis of mate recognition has been investigated at three levels: (1) between the species of D. serrata and D. birchii using interspecific hybrids, (2) between populations of D. serrata that are sympatric and allopatric with respect to D. birchii, and (3) within populations of D. serrata. These experiments suggest that it may be possible to use evolutionary experiments to observe important events such as the reinforcement of mate recognition, or the generation of the genetic associations that are central to many sexual selection models.  相似文献   

Selection experiments with Drosophila have revealed constraints on the simultaneous evolution of life history traits. However, the responses to selection reported by different research groups have not been consistent. Two possible reasons for these inconsistencies are (i) that different groups used different environments for their experiments and (ii) that the selection environments were not identical to the assay environments in which the life history traits were measured. We tested for the effect of the assay environment in life history experiments by measuring a set of Drosophila selection lines in laboratories working on life history evolution with Drosophila in Basel, Groningen, Irvine and London. The lines measured came from selection experiments from each of these laboratories. In each assay environment, we measured fecundity, longevity, development time and body size. The results show that fecundity measurements were particularly sensitive to the assay environment. Differences between assay and selection environment in the same laboratory or differences between assay environments between laboratories could have contributed to the differences in the published results. The other traits measured were less sensitive to the assay environment. However, for all traits there were cases where the measurements in one laboratory suggested that selection had an effect on the trait, whereas in other laboratories no such conclusion would have been drawn. Moreover, we provide good evidence for local adaptation in early fecundity for lines from two laboratories.  相似文献   

Chill‐coma recovery (CCR) is an important trait for thermal adaptation in insects. Multiple phenotypes could be affected by selection on CCR if the trait is genetically correlated with other adaptive traits. To test for heritable (co‐)variation in CCR, we examined direct and correlated responses to bi‐directional selection on CCR. Drosophila buzzatii Patterson & Wheeler (Diptera: Drosophilidae) was artificially selected for decreased and increased recovery time following exposure to 0 °C. After 18 selected generations, the selection response in CCR was significant but qualitatively asymmetric, with replicated lines for slow CCR showing the highest response. Knockdown resistance to high temperature was not affected by CCR selection. Starvation resistance in the adult fly showed no clear pattern of correlated responses to CCR selection. Selection on CCR had no impact on developmental time and body size. Chill‐coma recovery shows no apparent genetic trade‐offs with any of the multiple traits included in this study. These results are largely consistent with recent studies on clines in D. buzzatii, which showed that CCR is not across‐population correlated with other clinally varying traits of thermal adaptation. Cold adaptation may evolve toward increased cold resistance independent of upper thermal limits.  相似文献   

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