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Using dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) combined with coarse grained molecular dynamics (CGMD) approaches, we developed a multiscale deformable platelet model to accurately describe the molecular-scale intra-platelet constituents and biomechanical properties of platelets in blood flow. Our model includes the platelet bilayer membrane, cytoplasm and an elaborate elastic cytoskeleton. Correlating numerical simulations with published in-vitro experiments, we validated the biorheology of the cytoplasm, the elastic response of membrane to external stresses, and the stiffness of the cytoskeleton actin filaments, resulting in an accurate representation of the molecular-level biomechanical microstructures of platelets. This enabled us to study the mechanotransduction process of the hemodynamic stresses acting onto the platelet membrane and transmitted to these intracellular constituents. The platelets constituents continuously deform in response to the flow induced stresses. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first molecular-scale platelet model that can be used to accurately predict platelets activation mechanism leading to thrombus formation in prosthetic cardiovascular devices and in vascular disease processes. This model can be further employed to study the effects of novel therapeutic approaches of modulating platelet properties to enhance their shear resistance via mechanotransduction pathways.  相似文献   

Tumor angiogenesis is the process by which new blood vessels are formed and enhance the oxygenation and growth of tumors. As angiogenesis is recognized as being a critical event in cancer development, considerable efforts have been made to identify inhibitors of this process. Cytostatic treatments that target the molecular events of the angiogenesis process have been developed, and have met with some success. However, it is usually difficult to preclinically assess the effectiveness of targeted therapies, and apparently promising compounds sometimes fail in clinical trials.We have developed a multiscale mathematical model of angiogenesis and tumor growth. At the molecular level, the model focuses on molecular competition between pro- and anti-angiogenic substances modeled on the basis of pharmacological laws. At the tissue scale, the model uses partial differential equations to describe the spatio-temporal changes in cancer cells during three stages of the cell cycle, as well as those of the endothelial cells that constitute the blood vessel walls.This model is used to qualitatively assess how efficient endostatin gene therapy is. Endostatin is an anti-angiogenic endogenous substance. The gene therapy entails overexpressing endostatin in the tumor and in the surrounding tissue. Simulations show that there is a critical treatment dose below which increasing the duration of treatment leads to a loss of efficacy.This theoretical model may be useful to evaluate the efficacy of therapies targeting angiogenesis, and could therefore contribute to designing prospective clinical trials.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of the stress induced during avascular tumour growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper a mathematical model is developed to describe the effect of nonuniform growth on the mechanical stress experienced by cells within an avascular tumour. The constitutive law combines the stress-strain relation of linear elasticity with a growth term that is derived by analogy with thermal expansion. To accommodate the continuous nature of the growth process, the law relates the rate of change of the stress tensor to the rate of change of the strain (rather than relating the stress to the strain directly). By studying three model problems which differ in detail, certain characteristic features are identified. First, cells near the tumour boundary, where nutrient levels and cell proliferation rates are high, are under compression. By contrast, cells towards the centre of the tumour, where nutrient levels are low and cell death dominant, are under tension. The implications of these results and possible model developments are also discussed. Received: 15 November 1999 / Published online: 5 May 2000  相似文献   


Mathematical modeling of biological processes is widely used to enhance quantitative understanding of bio-medical phenomena. This quantitative knowledge can be applied in both clinical and experimental settings. Recently, many investigators began studying mathematical models of tumor response to radiation therapy. We developed a simple mathematical model to simulate the growth of tumor volume and its response to a single fraction of high dose irradiation. The modelling study may provide clinicians important insights on radiation therapy strategies through identification of biological factors significantly influencing the treatment effectiveness.


We made several key assumptions of the model. Tumor volume is composed of proliferating (or dividing) cancer cells and non-dividing (or dead) cells. Tumor growth rate (or tumor volume doubling time) is proportional to the ratio of the volumes of tumor vasculature and the tumor. The vascular volume grows slower than the tumor by introducing the vascular growth retardation factor, θ. Upon irradiation, the proliferating cells gradually die over a fixed time period after irradiation. Dead cells are cleared away with cell clearance time. The model was applied to simulate pre-treatment growth and post-treatment radiation response of rat rhabdomyosarcoma tumors and metastatic brain tumors of five patients who were treated with Gamma Knife stereotactic radiosurgery (GKSRS).


By selecting appropriate model parameters, we showed the temporal variation of the tumors for both the rat experiment and the clinical GKSRS cases could be easily replicated by the simple model. Additionally, the application of our model to the GKSRS cases showed that the α-value, which is an indicator of radiation sensitivity in the LQ model, and the value of θ could be predictors of the post-treatment volume change.


The proposed model was successful in representing both the animal experimental data and the clinically observed tumor volume changes. We showed that the model can be used to find the potential biological parameters, which may be able to predict the treatment outcome. However, there is a large statistical uncertainty of the result due to the small sample size. Therefore, a future clinical study with a larger number of patients is needed to confirm the finding.


A mathematical model for describing the cancer growth dynamics in response to anticancer agents administration in xenograft models is discussed. The model consists of a system of ordinary differential equations involving five parameters (three for describing the untreated growth and two for describing the drug action). Tumor growth in untreated animals is modelled by an exponential growth followed by a linear growth. In treated animals, tumor growth rate is decreased by an additional factor proportional to both drug concentration and proliferating cells. The mathematical analysis conducted in this paper highlights several interesting properties of this tumor growth model. It suggests also effective strategies to design in vivo experiments in animals with potential saving of time and resources. For example, the drug concentration threshold for the tumor eradication, the delay between drug administration and tumor regression, and a time index that measures the efficacy of a treatment are derived and discussed. The model has already been employed in several drug discovery projects. Its application on a data set coming from one of these projects is discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

The optimal fluid administration protocol for critically ill perioperative patients is hard to estimate due to the lack of tools to directly measure the patient fluid status. This results in the suboptimal clinical outcome of interventions. Previously developed predictive mathematical models focus on describing the fluid exchange over time but they lack clinical applicability, since they do not allow prediction of clinically measurable indices. The aim of this study is to make a first step towards a model predictive clinical decision support system for fluid administration, by extending the current fluid exchange models with a regulated cardiovascular circulation, to allow prediction of these indices. The parameters of the model were tuned to correctly reproduce experimentally measured changes in arterial pressure and heart rate, observed during infusion of normal saline in healthy volunteers. With the resulting tuned model, a different experiment including blood loss and infusion could be reproduced as well. These results show the potential of using this model as a basis for a decision support tool in a clinical setting.  相似文献   

The role of cartilage canals is to transport nutrients and biological factors that cause the appearance of the secondary ossification centre (SOC). The SOC appears in the centre of the epiphysis of long bones. The canal development is a complex interaction between mechanical and biological factors that guide its expansion into the centre of the epiphysis. This article introduces the ‘Hypothesis on the growth of cartilage canals’. Here, we have considered that the development of these canals is an essential event for the appearance of SOC. Moreover, it is also considered to be important for the transport of molecular factors (RUNX2 and MMP9) at the ends of such canals. Once the canals are merged in the centre of the epiphysis, these factors are released causing hypertrophy of adjacent cells. This RUNX2 and MMP9 release occurs due to the action of mechanical loads that supports the epiphysis. In order to test this hypothesis, we use a hybrid approach using the finite element method to simulate the mechanical stresses present in the epiphysis and the cellular automata to simulate the expansion of the canals and the hypertrophy factors pathway. By using this hybrid approach, we have obtained as a result the spatial–temporal patterns for the growth of cartilage canals and hypertrophy factors within the epiphysis. The model is in qualitative agreement with experimental results previously reported by other authors. Thus, we conclude that this model may be used as a methodological basis to present a complete mathematical model of the processes involved in epiphyseal development.  相似文献   

Concurrent multiscale simulation strategies are required in computational biomechanics to study the interdependence between body scales. However, detailed finite element models rarely include muscle recruitment due to the computational burden of both the finite element method and the optimization strategies widely used to estimate muscle forces. The aim of this study was twofold: first, to develop a computationally efficient muscle force prediction strategy based on proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers to track gait and chair rise experimental joint motion with a finite element musculoskeletal model of the lower limb, including a deformable knee representation with 12 degrees of freedom; and, second, to demonstrate that the inclusion of joint-level deformability affects muscle force estimation by using two different knee models and comparing muscle forces between the two solutions. The PID control strategy tracked experimental hip, knee, and ankle flexion/extension with root mean square errors below 1°, and estimated muscle, contact and ligament forces in good agreement with previous results and electromyography signals. Differences up to 11% and 20% in the vasti and biceps femoris forces, respectively, were observed between the two knee models, which might be attributed to a combination of differing joint contact geometry, ligament behavior, joint kinematics, and muscle moment arms. The tracking strategy developed in this study addressed the inevitable tradeoff between computational cost and model detail in musculoskeletal simulations and can be used with finite element musculoskeletal models to efficiently estimate the interdependence between muscle forces and tissue deformation.  相似文献   

Patients with bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) are more likely to develop a calcific aortic stenosis (CAS), as well as a number of other ailments, as compared to their cohorts with normal tricuspid aortic valves (TAV). It is currently unknown whether the increase in risk of CAS is caused by the geometric differences between the tricuspid and bicuspid valves or whether the increase in risk is caused by the same underlying factors that produce the geometric difference. CAS progression is understood to be a multiscale process, mediated at the cell level. In this study, we employ multiscale finite-element simulations of the valves. We isolate the effect of one geometric factor, the number of cusps, in order to explore its effect on multiscale valve mechanics, particularly in relation to CAS. The BAV and TAV are modeled by a set of simulations describing the cell, tissue, and organ length scales. These simulations are linked across the length scales to create a coherent multiscale model. At each scale, the models are three-dimensional, dynamic, and incorporate accurate nonlinear constitutive models of the valve leaflet tissue. We compare results between the TAV and BAV at each length scale. At the cell-scale, our region of interest is the location where calcification develops, near the aortic-facing surface of the leaflet. Our simulations show the observed differences between the tricuspid and bicuspid valves at the organ scale: the bicuspid valve shows greater flexure in the solid phase and stronger jet formation in the fluid phase relative to the tricuspid. At the cell-scale, however, we show that the region of interest is shielded against strain by the wrinkling of the fibrosa. Thus, the cellular deformations are not significantly different between the TAV and BAV in the calcification-prone region. This result supports the assertion that the difference in calcification observed in the BAV versus TAV may be due primarily to factors other than the simple geometric difference between the two valves.  相似文献   

Colonies of Sclerotium rolfsii growing on solid medium showed a linear increase in radius simultaneously with exponential changes in colonial weight. The mathematical model developed by Koch (Koch, A.L. 1975. J. Gen. Microbiol. 89, 209216) to describe similar kinetics of mycelial growth was applied. Most of the parameters defined in the mentioned model were directly measured or calculated, except the values of K (maximum mycelium carrying capacity) and S (initial mycelial density) which were fitted to the experimental data of growth at 30°C and 23°C. The ratios K/S at 30°C and at 23°C were 18.8 and 1200 respectively, being consistent with two-dimensional growth. The model was predictive only during the exponential increase of the colony weight.  相似文献   

In this paper an advanced, clinically oriented multiscale cancer model of breast tumor response to chemotherapy is presented. The paradigm of early breast cancer treated by epirubicin according to a branch of an actual clinical trial (the Trial of Principle, TOP trial) has been addressed. The model, stemming from previous work of the In Silico Oncology Group, National Technical University of Athens, is characterized by several crucial new features, such as the explicit distinction of proliferating cells into stem cells of infinite mitotic potential and cells of limited proliferative capacity, an advanced generic cytokinetic model and an improved tumor constitution initialization technique. A sensitivity analysis regarding critical parameters of the model has revealed their effect on the behavior of the biological system. The favorable outcome of an initial step towards the clinical adaptation and validation of the simulation model, based on the use of anonymized data from the TOP clinical trial, is presented and discussed. Two real clinical cases from the TOP trial with variable molecular profile have been simulated. A realistic time course of the tumor diameter and a reduction in tumor size in agreement with the clinical data has been achieved for both cases by selection of reasonable model parameter values, thus demonstrating a possible adaptation process of the model to real clinical trial data. Available imaging, histological, molecular and treatment data are exploited by the model in order to strengthen patient individualization modeling. The expected use of the model following thorough clinical adaptation, optimization and validation is to simulate either several candidate treatment schemes for a particular patient and support the selection of the optimal one or to simulate the expected extent of tumor shrinkage for a given time instant and decide on the adequacy or not of the simulated scheme.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a ‘hypothesis about the growth pattern of the secondary ossification centre (SOC)’, whereby two phases are assumed. First, the formation of cartilage canals as an event essential for the development of the SOC. Second, once the canals are merged in the central zone of the epiphysis, molecular factors are released (primarily Runx2 and MMP9) spreading and causing hypertrophy of adjacent cells. In addition, there are two important molecular factors in the epiphysis: PTHrP and Ihh. The first one inhibits chondrocyte hypertrophy and the second helps the cell proliferation. Between these factors, there is negative feedback, which generates a highly localised and stable pattern over time. From a mathematical point of view, this pattern is similar to the patterns of Turing. The spread of Runx2 hypertrophies the cells from the centre to the periphery of the epiphysis until found with high levels of PTHrP to inhibit hypertrophy. This mechanism produces the epiphyseal bone-plate. Moreover, the hypertrophy is inhibited when the cells sense low shear stress and high pressure levels that maintain the articular cartilage structure. To test this hypothesis, we solve a system of coupled partial differential equations using the finite element method and we have obtained spatio-temporal patterns of the growth process of the SOC. The model is in qualitative agreement with experimental results previously reported by other authors. Thus, we conclude that this model can be used as a methodological basis to present a complete mathematical model of the whole epiphyseal development.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of tumor resistance to chemotherapy based on a stochastic process of change is presented. The probability of no resistant cells is utilized as a fundamental quantity of interest, and the effects of various therapeutic strategies on it are explored. Situations where one or two drugs are available are treated in detail and extrapolation made to the n-drug case. The situation where two drugs may not be given simultaneously is examined, and it is found that sequential alternation of drugs satisfies certain optimality criteria when both drugs are equally effective. From this it is inferred that the simultaneous administration of all available active agents is optimal where this is permissible.  相似文献   

In liquid culture, filamentous organisms often grow in the form of pellets. Growth result in an increase in radius, whereas shear forces result in release of hyphal fragments which act as centers for further pellet growth and development. A previously published model for pellet growth of filamentous microorganisms has been examined and is found to be unstable for certain parameter values. This instability has been identified as being due to inaccuracies in estimating the numbers of fragments which seed the pellet population. A revised model has been formulated, based on similar premises, but adopting a finite element approach. This considers the population of pellets to be distributed in a range of size classes. Growth results in movement to classes of increasing pellet size, while fragments enter the smallest size class, from which they grow to form further pellets. The revised model is stable and predicts changes in the distribution of pellet sizes within a population growing in liquid batch culture. It considers pellet growth and death, with fragmentation providing new centers of growth within the pellet population, and predicts the effects of shear forces on pellet growth and size distribution. Predictions of pellet size distributions are tested using previously published data on the growth of fungal pellets and further predictions are generated which are suitable for experimental testing using cultures of filamentous fungi or actinomycetes. (c) 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

《Free radical research》2013,47(4):487-502

Glutathione peroxidase (GPx) is a well-known seleno-enzyme that protects cells from oxidative stress (e.g., lipid peroxidation and oxidation of other cellular proteins and macromolecules), by catalyzing the reduction of harmful peroxides (e.g., hydrogen peroxide: H2O2) with reduced glutathione (GSH). However, the catalytic mechanism of GPx kinetics is not well characterized in terms of a mathematical model. We developed here a mechanistic mathematical model of GPx kinetics by considering a unified catalytic scheme and estimated the unknown model parameters based on different experimental data from the literature on the kinetics of the enzyme. The model predictions are consistent with the consensus that GPx operates via a ping-pong mechanism. The unified catalytic scheme proposed here for GPx kinetics clarifies various anomalies, such as what are the individual steps in the catalytic scheme by estimating their associated rate constant values and a plausible rationale for the contradicting experimental results. The developed model presents a unique opportunity to understand the effects of pH and product GSSG on the GPx activity under both physiological and pathophysiological conditions. Although model parameters related to the product GSSG were not identifiable due to lack of product-inhibition data, the preliminary model simulations with the assumed range of parameters show that the inhibition by the product GSSG is negligible, consistent with what is known in the literature. In addition, the model is able to simulate the bi-modal behavior of the GPx activity with respect to pH with the pH-range for maximal GPx activity decreasing significantly as the GSH levels decrease and H2O2 levels increase (characteristics of oxidative stress). The model provides a key component for an integrated model of H2O2 balance under normal and oxidative stress conditions.  相似文献   

Introduction. A mathematical model of ovarian follicular growth is applied to the problem of predicting ovarian response in a superstimulation protocol. Methods. Fifty-four women enrolled in an ovarian superstimulation program of therapy for the amelioration of idiopathic infertility had their ovarian cycles synchronized by taking Demulen 30 for two weeks prior to the study. Daily ultrasonographic imaging, measurements of serum estradiol and doses of hMG began on day 5 after the patients stopped taking Demulen. The diameters of individual follicles were measured and followed daily. When the largest follicle attained a diameter of 19 mm, hCG was given to induce ovulation. Individual follicle growth data were fit to a mathematical model of ovarian follicle maturation and the resulting parameters were used to classify patients into low and high ovarian response groups. Results. The parameters computed from the mathematical model fit were found to be predictive of ovarian response with a sensitivity of 71% and a specificity of 70%. The parameters were also meaningful within the context of the original mathematical model and have value for determining how doses of hMG may be adjusted during the course therapy to increase the ovarian response in individuals. Conclusion. Mathematical modeling of ultrasonographically derived follicular growth data has significant potential for clinical application in ovarian superstimulation protocols. The method of fitting follicular growth data to a mathematical follicle maturation surface furthermore provides a straightforward approach for the characterization of ovarian follicular dynamics in general.  相似文献   

A mathematical model for pH patterns in the rhizospheres of growth zones   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In the classical model by Nye (1981), the main process for the change in pH across the rhizosphere is assumed to be diffusion. The classical model focuses on the non-growing part of the root and assumes that the distribution of ion fluxes along the root is spatially uniform. We consider the rhizosphere of the growth zone and take into account the root growth rate and spatially varying flux along the root surface. We present both analytical (dimensional analysis) and experimental (computational) evidence of the importance of taking into account the root growth rate. We describe a conceptual and mathematical model to analyse the pH field around the root tip over time. The model is used with published data to show that, for typical growth rates in sandy soil, the pH field becomes steady (independent of time) after 6 h. Dimensional analysis reveals that a version of the Péclet number, related to the quotient of root elongation rate and proton diffusivity, can be used to predict the extent of the rhizosphere and the time required for it to become steady. For Péclet numbers much greater than 1 (soils), the root influences soil pH for distances on the millimetre scale. In contrast, for Péclet numbers much less than one (agar, aqueous solution), the root influences substrate pH for radial distances on the scale of centimetres. We also present some evidence that agar-contact techniques to measure the soil pH may not be appropriate for measuring the millimetre-scale gradients in soil pH.  相似文献   

Adenosine pathway, including its generating enzyme (CD73) and its receptors represents a key target for cancer immunotherapy. Here we aimed to search for novel compounds able to co-target the CD73 and the A2A adenosine receptor (A2A AR) as dual-blockers of adenosine generation and activity. The design project was to combine in the same molecule the thiazolo[5,4-d]pyrimidine core, an essential pharmacophoric feature to block the A2A AR, with a benzenesulfonamide group which is a characteristic group of CD73 inhibitors. Most of the reported compounds resulted in inverse agonists of the human (h) A2A AR endowed with high affinity, selectivity and potency. However they were weak inhibitors of CD73 enzyme. Nevertheless, this study can be considered as a starting point to develop more active compounds.  相似文献   

The acute inflammatory response, triggered by a variety of biological or physical stresses on an organism, is a delicate system of checks and balances that, although aimed at promoting healing and restoring homeostasis, can result in undesired and occasionally lethal physiological responses. In this work, we derive a reduced conceptual model for the acute inflammatory response to infection, built up from consideration of direct interactions of fundamental effectors. We harness this model to explore the importance of dynamic anti-inflammation in promoting resolution of infection and homeostasis. Further, we offer a clinical correlation between model predictions and potential therapeutic interventions based on modulation of immunity by anti-inflammatory agents.  相似文献   

A conceptual mathematical model of the dynamics of fish and zooplankton (rotifer) populations of connected lakes Naroch and Myastro (Belarus) is built and examined with parameters based on field data. It is shown that community coupling and trophic interactions give rise to both regular and irregular oscillations in population numbers.  相似文献   

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